import os import inspect from pprint import pprint from itertools import product import math import numpy as n import sys import pickle from datetime import datetime from suppl.Structure import * from config import pkl_address import ROOT as R from ROOT import gStyle import parser gStyle.SetOptStat(False) #from ROOT import RooFit as RF def PklAlgebra(dataset_1, dataset_2,formula, variable, pkl_address=pkl_address): text_formula="_"+formula.replace("/","_over_").replace("*","_times_").replace("+","_plus_").replace("-","_minus_")+"_" code = parser.expr(formula).compile() with open(dataset_1, 'r') as basket: ds_1 = pickle.load(basket) with open(dataset_2, 'r') as basket: ds_2 = pickle.load(basket) tot_coll={} if ds_1.keys()!= ds_2.keys(): print "ERROR: Different binnings of datasets. Please use .pkls with collections, which have the same time binning" return False for run_bin in ds_1.keys(): if ds_1[run_bin]['data'].keys()!=ds_2[run_bin]['data'].keys(): print "ERROR: Different types of detectors in datasets. Please use .pkls with collections, which describe the same detectors" return False if ds_1[run_bin]['comment']: tot_coll[run_bin]={'run_start':ds_1[run_bin]['run_start'], 'run_stop':ds_1[run_bin]['run_stop'], 'comment':ds_1[run_bin]['comment'], 'data':{}} else: tot_coll[run_bin]={'run_start':ds_1[run_bin]['run_start'], 'run_stop':ds_1[run_bin]['run_stop'], 'data':{}} for st_id in ds_1[run_bin]['data']: if ds_1[run_bin]['data'][st_id].keys()!=ds_2[run_bin]['data'][st_id].keys(): print "ERROR: Different structure of information in datasets. Please use .pkls which correspond to the same operation mode" return False tot_coll[run_bin]['data'][st_id]={} if variable == "all": for val in ds_1[run_bin]['data'][st_id]: a = ds_1[run_bin]['data'][st_id][val] b = ds_2[run_bin]['data'][st_id][val] try: tot_coll[run_bin]['data'][st_id][val]=eval(code) #print "a = "+str(a)+", b = "+str(b)+"; "+formula+" = "+str(eval(code)) except: print "Failed to calculate formula for "+val+" for the sector "+str(st_id) tot_coll[run_bin]['data'][st_id][val]=0 elif variable not in ds_1[run_bin]['data'][st_id]: print "Requested variable is not in dataset. These dataset contain following variables:" for val in ds_1[run_bin]['data'][st_id]: print val print "Exiting." return False else: a = ds_1[run_bin]['data'][st_id][variable] b = ds_2[run_bin]['data'][st_id][variable] try: tot_coll[run_bin]['data'][st_id][variable]=eval(code) #print "a = "+str(a)+", b = "+str(b)+"; "+formula+" = "+str(eval(code)) except: print "Failed to calculate formula for "+variable+" for the sector "+str(st_id) tot_coll[run_bin]['data'][st_id][variable]=0 with open(pkl_address+text_formula+'with_a_as_'+dataset_1.split('/')[-1].replace(".pkl","")+'_and_b_as_'+dataset_2.split('/')[-1].replace(".pkl","")+'.pkl', 'wb') as basket: pickle.dump(tot_coll, basket) return True if __name__ == "__main__": #local_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) #python ~/tuptohist/tuptohist/ ../2012/AllRuns/Pkls/ITHitMonitor_AllRuns_12.pkl ../2015/AllRuns/Pkls/ITHitMonitor_AllRuns_15.pkl abs\(b\)-abs\(a\) mean if len(sys.argv)==4: formula = sys.argv[3] ds_1 = sys.argv[1] ds_2 = sys.argv[2] print "Evaluating formula "+formula PklAlgebra(ds_1, ds_2, formula, "all") elif len(sys.argv)==5: formula = sys.argv[3] ds_1 = sys.argv[1] ds_2 = sys.argv[2] variable = sys.argv[4] print "Evaluating formula "+formula PklAlgebra(ds_1, ds_2, formula, variable) else: syntax_explanation("")