- """
- Here you may configure behaviour of the package.
- """
- #########
- #General#
- #########
- from binnings.NoBinning_2017 import binning #Choose a time binning
- from binnings.NoBinning_2017 import bin_name #Choose a time binning
- from binnings.NoBinning_2017 import bin_vector #Choose a time binning
- #from binnings.NoBinning_2016 import binning #Choose a time binning
- #from binnings.NoBinning_2016 import bin_name #Choose a time binning
- #from binnings.NoBinning_2016 import bin_vector #Choose a time binning
- #from binnings.NoBinning_2015 import binning #Choose a time binning
- #from binnings.NoBinning_2015 import bin_name #Choose a time binning
- #from binnings.NoBinning_2015 import bin_vector #Choose a time binning
- #from binnings.NoBinning_2012 import binning #Choose a time binning
- #from binnings.NoBinning_2012 import bin_name #Choose a time binning
- #from binnings.NoBinning_2012 import bin_vector #Choose a time binning
- #from binnings.BinByMonth_2012 import binning #Choose a time binning
- #from binnings.BinByMonth_2012 import bin_name #Choose a time binning
- #from binnings.BinByMonth_2012 import bin_vector #Choose a time binning
- #from binnings.BinByMonth_2015 import binning #Choose a time binning
- #from binnings.BinByMonth_2015 import bin_name #Choose a time binning
- #from binnings.BinByMonth_2015 import bin_vector #Choose a time binning
- #from binnings.BinByPt_2012 import binning #Choose a pT binning
- #from binnings.BinByPt_2012 import bin_name #Choose a pT binning
- #from binnings.BinByPt_2012 import bin_vector #Choose a pT binning
- #from binnings.BinByPt_2015 import binning #Choose a pT binning
- #from binnings.BinByPt_2015 import bin_name #Choose a pT binning
- #from binnings.BinByPt_2015 import bin_vector #Choose a pT binning
- #from binnings.BinByStrip_2017 import binning #Choose a Strip binning
- #from binnings.BinByStrip_2017 import bin_name #Choose a Strip binning
- #from binnings.BinByStrip_2017 import bin_vector #Choose a Strip binning
- #from binnings.BinByY_2017 import binning #Choose a Y binning
- #from binnings.BinByY_2017 import bin_name #Choose a Y binning
- #from binnings.BinByY_2017 import bin_vector #Choose a Y binning
- #from binnings.BinByY_2015 import binning #Choose a Y binning
- #from binnings.BinByY_2015 import bin_name #Choose a Y binning
- #from binnings.BinByY_2015 import bin_vector #Choose a Y binning
- #from binnings.BinByY_2012 import binning #Choose a Y binning
- #from binnings.BinByY_2012 import bin_name #Choose a Y binning
- #from binnings.BinByY_2012 import bin_vector #Choose a Y binning
- #from binnings.BinByRunNumber import binning #Choose a pT binning
- #from binnings.BinByRunNumber import bin_name #Choose a pT binning
- #from binnings.BinByRunNumber import bin_vector #Choose a pT binning
- #from binnings.BinByAlignmentVersions_2015 import binning #Choose a time binning
- #from binnings.BinByAlignmentVersions_2015 import bin_name #Choose a time binning
- Number_Of_Events = 1000 #-1 #Choose a number of tracks to proceed from Tuple. Negative values == all tracks
- pkl_address ="Pkls/" #Address of dumping .pkl with dictionaries
- histogram_address = "Histos/" #Address for storing histograms
- plot_address = "Plots/" #Adress for storing plots
- residual_limit = 0.5 #limit of residual histograms, in mm.
- residual_nBins = 100 #number of bins in residual histograms
- SNratio_limit = 250 #limit of S/N ratio histograms
- SNratio_nBins = 250 #number of bins in S/N ratio histograms
- dead_sectors = ['IT1BottomX2Sector7', 'IT3TopX1Sector7']
- ##################
- #Histogram ranges#
- ##################
- UsePredefinedRanges = True
- ITMeanRange = [-0.06, 0.06]
- ITWidthRange = [0.044, 0.058]
- #ITEffRange = [0.995, 1.0]
- ITEffRange = [0.95, 1.0]
- #TTMeanRange = [-0.06, 0.06]
- TTMeanRange = [-0.14, 0.14]
- #TTMeanRange = [-0.04, 0.04]
- #TTWidthRange = [0.02, 0.12]
- TTWidthRange = [0.03, 0.10]
- #TTEffRange = [0.98, 1.0]
- TTEffRange = [0.97, 1.0]
- TTclusterSizeRange = [1., 2.]
- TTSNratioRange = [5.,20.]
- TTnoiseFractionRange = [0.,0.004] # [0.,0.02]
- #TTnoiseFractionRange = [0.,0.005]
- TToccupancyRange = [0.,250000.]
- ##################
- #Histogram Titles#
- ##################
- UsePredefinedTitles = True
- IncudeMissingSectorsToSummary = False
- nBins_in_summary = 30
- ITMeanTitle = "Residual bias distribution [mm], 2017"
- ITWidthTitle = "Residual width distribution [mm], 2017"
- ITEffTitle = "Hit detection efficiency distribution, 2017"
- TTMeanTitle = "Residual bias distribution [mm], 2017"
- TTWidthTitle = "Residual width distribution [mm], 2017"
- TTEffTitle = "Hit detection efficiency distribution, 2017"
- TTclusterSizeTitle = "Cluster size, 2017"
- TTSNratioTitle = "S/N ratio, 2017"
- TTnoiseFractionTitle = "noise fraction, 2017"
- TToccupancyTitle = "Occupancy, 2017"
- ###################################################
- #Dependence of efficiency from search window study#
- ###################################################
- perform_window_eff_study = True
- #efficiency_windows = [0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]
- efficiency_windows = [0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.1, 0.11, 0.12, 0.13, 0.14, 0.15, 0.16, 0.17, 0.18, 0.19, 0.2, 0.21, 0.22, 0.23, 0.24, 0.25, 0.26, 0.27, 0.28, 0.29, 0.3, 0.31, 0.32, 0.33, 0.34, 0.35, 0.36, 0.37, 0.38, 0.39, 0.4 ]
- final_eff_window = 0.24 # # this window is used to calculat the efficiency for the final 2D plots od the detector
- extra_name = "_194066" #"_166903"(2015) #"_180318"(2016) #"_194066"(2017) # _197925 #_194248