from collections import namedtuple import subprocess import re import json import glob import os from os.path import normpath, join, isfile import sys from Configurables import DaVinci, CondDB, MCDecayTreeTuple if "CHARMWGPRODROOT" in os.environ: # We are running a released version sys.path.append(join(os.environ["CHARMWGPRODROOT"], 'productions/d2hll')) elif "CI_PROJECT_DIR" in os.environ: # We are running inside the CI sys.path.append(join(os.environ["CI_PROJECT_DIR"], 'productions/d2hll')) else: # We are running with a local version sys.path.append(normpath(os.getcwd())) try: from make_decay_tree_tuples import make_decay_tree_tuple from decay_parser import parse_decay from decay_parser import utils as decay_utils except ImportError as e: raise Exception(str(os.listdir(os.getcwd())) + '\n' + repr(e)) # Keep the linter happy if False: unicode = str Decay = namedtuple('Decay', ['name', 'decay_descriptor', 'stripping_line', 'dp_event_type', 'dsp_event_type']) decays = [ Decay('DpToKmumu_OS', '[D+ -> K+ mu+ mu-]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine', '21113001', '23113001'), Decay('DpToKmumu_SS', '[D+ -> K- mu+ mu+]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_KSSLine', '21113003', '23113004'), Decay('DpToKmue_OS', '[D+ -> K+ mu+ e-]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_OSLine', '21113015', '23113015'), Decay('DpToKmue_SS', '[D+ -> K- mu+ e+]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_K_MuE_SSLine', '21113035', '23113035'), Decay('DpToKemu_OS', '[D+ -> K+ e+ mu-]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_K_EMu_OSLine', '21113005', '23113010'), Decay('DpToKee_OS', '[D+ -> K+ e+ e-]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_OSLine', '21123000', '23123000'), Decay('DpToKee_SS', '[D+ -> K- e+ e+]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_K_EE_SSLine', '21123010', '23123010'), Decay('DpTopimumu_OS', '[D+ -> pi+ mu+ mu-]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine', '21113000', '23113000'), Decay('DpTopimumu_SS', '[D+ -> pi- mu+ mu+]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_PiSSLine', '21113002', '23113003'), Decay('DpTopimue_OS', '[D+ -> pi+ mu+ e-]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_OSLine', '21113016', '23113016'), Decay('DpTopimue_SS', '[D+ -> pi- mu+ e+]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_Pi_MuE_SSLine', '21113036', '23113036'), Decay('DpTopiemu_OS', '[D+ -> pi+ e+ mu-]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine', '21113006', '23113011'), Decay('DpTopiee_OS', '[D+ -> pi+ e+ e-]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine', '21123001', '23123001'), Decay('DpTopiee_SS', '[D+ -> pi- e+ e+]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_SSLine', '21123011', '23123011'), # Unphysical channels Decay('DpTopimumu_WS', '[D+ -> pi+ mu+ mu+]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_PiMuMuCalLine', None, None), Decay('DpTopimue_WS', '[D+ -> pi+ mu+ e+]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_PiEMuCalLine', None, None), Decay('DpTopiee_WS', '[D+ -> pi+ e+ e+]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_PiEECalLine', None, None), Decay('DpToKmumu_WS', '[D+ -> K+ mu+ mu+]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_KMuMuCalLine', None, None), Decay('DpToKmue_WS', '[D+ -> K+ mu+ e+]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_KEMuCalLine', None, None), Decay('DpToKee_WS', '[D+ -> K+ e+ e+]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_KEECalLine', None, None), # Calibration channels Decay('DpToKKpi_SS', '[D+ -> K- K+ pi+]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_2KPiLine', None, None), Decay('DpToKpipi_SS', '[D+ -> K- pi+ pi+]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_K2PiLine', None, None), Decay('DpTopipipi_SS', '[D+ -> pi- pi+ pi+]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_PiCalLine', None, None), ] norms = [ Decay('DpToKphi_phiTomumu_OS', '[D+ -> K+ mu+ mu-]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_KOSLine', None, '23113002'), Decay('DpTopiphi_phiTomumu_OS', '[D+ -> pi+ mu+ mu-]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine', '21173001', '23173001'), Decay('DpTopiphi_phiToemu_OS', '[D+ -> pi+ e+ mu-]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine', '21313000', None), Decay('DpTopiphi_phiToee_OS', '[D+ -> pi+ e+ e-]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine', '21123020', '23123022'), Decay('DspToXphi_phiToemu_OS', '[D+ -> pi+ e+ mu-]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EMu_OSLine', None, '23712012'), Decay('DspToXphi_phiTomumu_OS', '[D+ -> pi+ mu+ mu-]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_PiOSLine', None, '23712020'), Decay('DspToXphi_phiToee_OS', '[D+ -> pi+ e+ e-]CC', 'D2XMuMuSS_Pi_EE_OSLine', None, '23722012'), ] def get_file_info_using_bender(): file_info_fn = 'file_info_from_bender.json' if not isfile(file_info_fn): # Load the production configuration so we know what to do prod_conf_matches = glob.glob('prodConf_DaVinci_*.py') assert len(prod_conf_matches) == 1, prod_conf_matches with open(prod_conf_matches[0], 'rt') as fp: prod_conf = # Find the XMLFileCatalog filename matches = re.findall("XMLFileCatalog=['\"]([^'\"]+\.xml)['\"]", prod_conf) assert len(matches) == 1, (matches, prod_conf) xml_catalog_fn = matches[0] # Find the LFNs lfns = re.findall("['\"](LFN:/[^'\"]+)['\"]", prod_conf) assert lfns, (lfns, prod_conf) # Use Bender to find the event type, DB tag and data type subprocess.check_call( "lb-run Bender/latest bender -c '" 'import json; ' 'from BenderTools.Parser import dataType; ' 'data_type, simulation, input_type = dataType("' + lfns[0] + '"); ' 'json.dump({' '"event_type": str(evt["/Event/Gen/Header"].evType()) if simulation else None, ' '"db_tags": dict(evt["/Event/MC/Header"].condDBTags()) if simulation else None, ' '"data_type": data_type, ' '"simulation": simulation, ' '"input_type": input_type' '}, open("file_info_from_bender.json", "wt"))' "' --no-color --xml '" + xml_catalog_fn + "' -b " "'" + lfns[0] + "'", shell=True ) with open('file_info_from_bender.json', 'rt') as fp: _file_info = json.load(fp) # Convert everything to Python 2 strings to keep Gaudi happy file_info = {} for k, v in _file_info.items(): k = str(k) if isinstance(v, unicode): v = str(v) elif isinstance(v, dict): v = {str(_k): str(_v) for _k, _v in v.items()} file_info[k] = v return file_info file_info = get_file_info_using_bender() # Finally configure DaVinci DaVinci().InputType = file_info['input_type'] DaVinci().TupleFile = 'Charm_D2hll_DVntuple.root' DaVinci().PrintFreq = 100 # DaVinci().EvtMax = 2000 DaVinci().DataType = file_info['data_type'] DaVinci().Simulation = file_info['simulation'] # Only ask for luminosity information when not using simulated data DaVinci().Lumi = not DaVinci().Simulation #decay tree location Lb line 61 if DaVinci().Simulation: DaVinci().CondDBtag = file_info['db_tags']['SIMCOND'] DaVinci().DDDBtag = file_info['db_tags']['DDDB'] if file_info['input_type'] == 'MDST': DaVinci().RootInTES = '/Event/AllStreams' elif file_info['input_type'] == 'DST': pass else: raise ValueError(file_info) else: db = CondDB(LatestGlobalTagByDataType=file_info['data_type']) DaVinci().RootInTES = '/Event/Charm' # Setup the needed DecayTreeTuples decays_to_consider = decays[:] dtts = [] for decay in decays_to_consider: dtt_name = decay_descriptor = None if DaVinci().Simulation: if file_info['event_type'] == decay.dp_event_type: dtt_name = decay_descriptor = decay.decay_descriptor elif file_info['event_type'] == decay.dsp_event_type: dtt_name ='Dp', 'Dsp') decay_descriptor = decay.decay_descriptor.replace('D+', 'D_s+') else: matches = [norm_decay for norm_decay in norms if file_info['event_type'] == norm_decay.dp_event_type or file_info['event_type'] == norm_decay.dsp_event_type] if matches: assert len(matches) == 1, matches if file_info['event_type'] == matches[0].dp_event_type: dtt_name = decay_descriptor = decay.decay_descriptor elif file_info['event_type'] == matches[0].dsp_event_type: dtt_name ='Dp', 'Dsp') decay_descriptor = decay.decay_descriptor.replace('D+', 'D_s+') else: raise RuntimeError(file_info['event_type']) else: # Nothing should be added to dtts continue else: dtt_name = decay_descriptor = decay.decay_descriptor assert dtt_name and decay_descriptor dtts.append(make_decay_tree_tuple( name=dtt_name, line=decay.stripping_line, decay_descriptor=decay_descriptor, input_type=file_info['input_type'], year=file_info['data_type'], mc=DaVinci().Simulation )) # Add MCDecayTreeTuple so we can get the Generator+Reconstruction+Stripping efficiency if DaVinci().Simulation: mctuple = MCDecayTreeTuple("MC"+dtt_name) assert decay_descriptor.count('->') == 1, decay_descriptor _decay = parse_decay(decay_descriptor) mctuple.Decay = str(decay_utils.mark_all(_decay)).replace('->', '==>') mctuple.addBranches({k: v.replace('->', '==>') for k, v in decay_utils.get_branches(_decay).items()}) mctuple.ToolList = [ "MCTupleToolHierarchy", "LoKi::Hybrid::MCTupleTool/LoKi_Photos" ] # Add a 'number of photons' branch mctuple.addTupleTool("MCTupleToolKinematic").Verbose = True mctuple.addTupleTool("LoKi::Hybrid::TupleTool/LoKi_Photos").Variables = { "nPhotos": "MCNINTREE(('gamma' == MCABSID))" } dtts.append(mctuple) assert dtts, file_info DaVinci().UserAlgorithms += dtts