#from elena import * import math from array import array from collections import OrderedDict import ROOT def findDimentionBoxElement(node): sh = node.GetVolume().GetShape() if sh.IsCylType(): #print node.GetName(), " is a cylinder", sh.GetRmin(), sh.GetRmax() if sh.HasRmin(): r = (sh.GetRmax() - sh.GetRmin()) else: r = 0. return {'x':sh.GetDX(), 'y':sh.GetDY(), 'z':sh.GetDZ(), 'r':r} return {'x':sh.GetDX(), 'y':sh.GetDY(), 'z':sh.GetDZ()} def findPositionElement(node): pos = node.GetMatrix().GetTranslation() sh = node.GetVolume().GetShape() if sh.IsCylType(): if sh.HasRmin(): r = (sh.GetRmax() - sh.GetRmin())/2. else: r = sh.GetRmax() return {'x':pos[0], 'y':pos[1], 'z':pos[2], 'r':r} return {'x':pos[0], 'y':pos[1], 'z':pos[2]} def findPositionElement2(node,topPos): local_pos = node.GetMatrix().GetTranslation() pos = [] for i in xrange(3): pos.append(local_pos[i]+topPos[i]) sh = node.GetVolume().GetShape() if sh.IsCylType(): if sh.HasRmin(): r = (sh.GetRmax() - sh.GetRmin())/2. else: r = sh.GetRmax() return {'x':pos[0], 'y':pos[1], 'z':pos[2], 'r':r} return {'x':pos[0], 'y':pos[1], 'z':pos[2]} def findDimentionBoxElement2(node,top): sh = node.GetVolume().GetShape() if sh.IsCylType(): #print node.GetName(), " is a cylinder", sh.GetRmin(), sh.GetRmax() if sh.HasRmin(): r = (sh.GetRmax() - sh.GetRmin()) else: r = 0. return {'x':sh.GetDX(), 'y':sh.GetDY(), 'z':sh.GetDZ(), 'r':r} return {'x':sh.GetDX(), 'y':sh.GetDY(), 'z':sh.GetDZ()} # Custom sorting def sortNodesBy(nodes, coord='z', what='pos', printdict=True): d = OrderedDict(sorted(nodes.items(), key = lambda item: item[1][coord][what])) if printdict: print print print "Nodes by %s %s:"%(coord, what) for node in d.keys(): print node, '\t\t', (d[node][coord]['pos']-d[node][coord]['dim'])/100., ' m', '\t', 2*d[node][coord]['dim']/100., ' m' return d def retrieveMCParticleInfo(sTree, key): mcPartKey = sTree.fitTrack2MC[key] mcPart = sTree.MCTrack[mcPartKey] if not mcPart: print "Error in retrieveMCParticleInfo" sys.exit() mother = sTree.MCTrack[mcPart.GetMotherId()] #print mcPartKey, mcPart, mcPart.GetMotherId(), mother try: mumId = mother.GetPdgCode() except: mumId = 0 return int(mcPart.GetPdgCode()), int(mumId), mcPart.GetStartX(), mcPart.GetStartY(), mcPart.GetStartZ() def AddVect(t,name,vectType): vect = ROOT.vector(vectType)() t.Branch( name, vect ) return t, vect def AddVar(t,name,varType): var = array(varType[0],[-999]) t.Branch(name,var,name+"/"+varType.upper()) return t, var def PutToZero(var): if not isinstance(var, array): var.clear() else: var[0] = 0 def Push(leaf, value): if not isinstance(leaf, array): leaf.push_back(value) else: leaf[0] = value def wasFired(indexKids, detPoints, detPos, pointsVects=None, Ethr=0): def lookingForHits(detPoints,flag,nstat,nstat_eff,indexKids,Eloss,Ethr): for hit in detPoints: if (indexKids is None) or (hit.GetTrackID() in indexKids): #print RPChit.GetTrackID(), t_ID # check if it is in one of the considered active layer for pos in detPos: if pos[0]<=hit.GetZ()<=pos[1]: Eloss += hit.GetEnergyLoss() #print pos, hit.GetZ() if pointsVects is not None: pointsVects[0].push_back(hit.GetX()) pointsVects[1].push_back(hit.GetY()) pointsVects[2].push_back(hit.GetZ()) flag = True nstat+=1 #eff_val = gRandom.Uniform(0.,1.) #if eff_val<0.9: # flag_eff = flag_eff or True # nstat_eff+=1 #else: # flag_eff = flag_eff or False flag_Ethr = Eloss>=Ethr return flag, nstat, nstat_eff, Eloss, flag_Ethr # Now in partKidTrackID I should have the trackID connected to my charged particles #flag_eff = False flag = False nstat = 0 nstat_eff = 0 Eloss = 0 flag,nstat,nstat_eff,Eloss,flag_Ethr = lookingForHits(detPoints,flag,nstat,nstat_eff,indexKids,Eloss,Ethr) #if flag==False and checkOn: #print "To be study event %s"%entry #PrintEventPart(particles,pdg) #PrintRPChits(detPoints,pdg) #print #print #assert(False) #return flag, flag_eff, nstat, nstat_eff, flag_Ethr return flag, flag_Ethr #ff = ROOT.TFile("histoForWeights.root","read") #h_GioHans = ff.Get("h_Gio") def calcWeight(E, w, entries, nuName, weightHist): if "bar" in nuName: reduction = 0.5 flux = 6.98e+11 * 2.e+20 / 5.e+13 else: reduction = 1. flux = 1.09e+12 * 2.e+20/ 5.e+13 crossSec = 6.7e-39*E * reduction NA = 6.022e+23 binN = weightHist.GetXaxis().FindBin(E) return crossSec * flux * weightHist.GetBinContent(binN) * w * NA / entries def calcWeightOldNtuple(x,y,z, E, nodes, entries, weightHist, datatype): if 'sig' in datatype: return -999 params = {'OPERA': {'material':'Fe','lenght':60.,}, 'window1': {'material':'Fe','lenght':nodes["lidT1O_1"]['z']['dim']}, 'window2': {'material':'Al','lenght':nodes["lidT1I_1"]['z']['dim']}, 'volumeOut': {'material':'Fe','lenght':30.,}, 'volumeIn': {'material':'Al','lenght':8.}} materialPars = {'Fe':{'A':55.847, #g/mol # fuori 'rho': 7874 * 1.e+3/1.e+6,#g/cm3 }, 'Al':{'A':26.98, #g/mol # dentro 'rho': 2700 * 1.e+3/1.e+6 #g/cm3 }} perc = {'OPERA':0.33, 'window1':0.015, 'window2':0.015, 'volumeOut':0.32, 'volumeIn':0.32} intElName = interactionElement(x,y,z, nodes) #print intElName NA = 6.022e+23 material = params[intElName]['material'] crossSec = 8.8e-39*E #1.5e-38*fabs(E) ##3./2*(1.2+0.35)*1.e-38*fabs(E) flux = 2.e+18#5.e+16 L = params[intElName]['lenght'] rho = materialPars[material]['rho'] n_element = perc[intElName]*entries binN = weightHist.GetXaxis().FindBin(E) weight = crossSec * NA * rho * L * flux / n_element * weightHist.GetBinContent(binN) return weight def interactionElement(x,y,z, nodes): # window1 if nodes["lidT1O_1"]['z']['pos']-nodes["lidT1O_1"]['z']['dim'] < z < nodes["lidT1O_1"]['z']['pos']+nodes["lidT1O_1"]['z']['dim']: return "window1" # window2 if nodes["lidT1I_1"]['z']['pos']-nodes["lidT1I_1"]['z']['dim'] < z < nodes["lidT1I_1"]['z']['pos']+nodes["lidT1I_1"]['z']['dim']: return "window2" # vacuum tank borders if nodes["lidT1O_1"]['z']['pos']+nodes["lidT1O_1"]['z']['dim'] < z < nodes["lidT6O_1"]['z']['pos']+nodes["lidT6O_1"]['z']['dim']: # include le lid x la parte fuori ma non x la parte dentro if inInnerLid(x,y,z, nodes): return "volumeIn" else: return "volumeOut" # opera try: minz, maxz = nodes["volIron_12"]['z']['pos']-nodes["volIron_12"]['z']['dim'], nodes["volIron_24"]['z']['pos']+nodes["volIron_24"]['z']['dim'] except KeyError: try: minz, maxz = nodes["volLayer_11"]['z']['pos']-nodes["volLayer_11"]['z']['dim'], nodes["volLayer_0"]['z']['pos']+nodes["volLayer_0"]['z']['dim'] except KeyError: # Pazienza esaurita, ora lo hanno chiamato "volMagneticSpectrometer_1" ed e' lungo piu' di 9m!!! try: minz, maxz = nodes["volMagneticSpectrometer_1"]['z']['pos']-nodes["volMagneticSpectrometer_1"]['z']['dim'], nodes["volMagneticSpectrometer_1"]['z']['pos']+nodes["volMagneticSpectrometer_1"]['z']['dim'] except KeyError: print "Cannot find OPERA" sys.exit() #if nodes["volIron_12"]['z']['pos']-nodes["volIron_12"]['z']['dim'] < z < nodes["volIron_24"]['z']['pos']+nodes["volIron_24"]['z']['dim']: #if nodes["volLayer_11"]['z']['pos']-nodes["volLayer_11"]['z']['dim'] < z < nodes["volLayer_0"]['z']['pos']+nodes["volLayer_0"]['z']['dim']: if minz < z < maxz: return "OPERA" def inInnerLid(x,y,z, nodes): if nodes["lidT1I_1"]['z']['pos']-nodes["lidT1I_1"]['z']['dim'] < z < nodes["lidT6I_1"]['z']['pos']+nodes["lidT6I_1"]['z']['dim']: if z < nodes["Veto_5"]['z']['pos']-nodes["Veto_5"]['z']['dim']: a,b = nodes['T1I_1']['x']['dim'], nodes['T1I_1']['y']['dim'] # smaller part of the tank (first 5 m) else: a,b = nodes['T2I_1']['x']['dim'], nodes['T2I_1']['y']['dim'] # larger part of the tank if inEllipse(x,y,a,b): return True return False def inEllipse(x,y,a,b): if ( (x*x)/(a*a) + (y*y)/(b*b) ) < 1.: return True return False def pointInEllipse(point,a,b): x = point.X() y = point.Y() return inEllipse(x,y,a,b) listOfHitLSSegments = None numberOfHitLSSegments = None zstarts = [] zends = [] lsNames = [] Nz, Nphi, nBins = None, None, None Nphi = 16 dphi = 2.*math.pi/Nphi phistart = dphi/2. zin, zout = None, None zstepsize = None # To hold the energy loss EnergyDeposits = [] abig = None asmall = None b = None def makeLSsegments(nodes, tree, savelist=False): global zstarts, zends, lsNames, Nz, Nphi, nBins, zin, zout, zstepsize global abig, asmall, b abig = 250.#nodes['T2LiSc_1_1']['x']['dim'] asmall = 186.#nodes['T1LiSc_1_1']['x']['dim'] b = 500.#nodes['T2LiSc_1_1']['y']['dim'] #print abig, asmall, b for node in nodes.keys(): if 'LiSc' in node: zstarts.append(nodes[node]['z']['pos']-nodes[node]['z']['dim']) zends.append(nodes[node]['z']['pos']+nodes[node]['z']['dim']) lsNames.append(node) # ATTENTION! there is some superposition in z # To keep it clean & easy, we will do the segmentation # as Martin first suggested, i.e. by hands!!! # It cannot be so bad... zstarts.sort() zends.sort() #Nz = len(zstarts) zin = min(zstarts) zout =max(zends) #print 'zstart: ', zin, 'zend: ', zout zstepsize = 100. Nz = int(math.ceil((zout-zin)/zstepsize)) #print Nphi, Nz, nBins nBins = Nphi*Nz # Init energy deposit to 0. for i in xrange(nBins): EnergyDeposits.append(0.) global listOfHitLSSegments, numberOfHitLSSegments, EnergyDeposits if savelist: tree, listOfHitLSSegments = AddVect(tree, 'listOfHitLSSegments', 'int') tree, numberOfHitLSSegments = AddVar(tree, 'numberOfHitLSSegments', 'int') def hitSegments(vetoPoints, nodes, threshold, savelist=False): global listOfHitLSSegments, numberOfHitLSSegments, EnergyDeposits global abig, asmall, b, phistart, dphi, Nphi, nBins, zin, zout # Init energy deposit to 0. for i in xrange(nBins): EnergyDeposits[i]=0. endsmall = nodes['T1Endplate_1']['z']['pos']+nodes['T1Endplate_1']['z']['dim'] #print 'endsmall: ', endsmall #print 'nBins: ', nBins, 'len(list): ',len(EnergyDeposits) for hit in vetoPoints: z = hit.GetZ() if (z<(nodes['VetoTimeDet_1']['z']['pos']+nodes['VetoTimeDet_1']['z']['dim']) or z > zout): continue x = hit.GetX() y = hit.GetY() a = abig if z < endsmall: a = asmall phi = ROOT.TMath.ATan2(a*y,b*x)+2*math.pi zbin = ROOT.TMath.FloorNint((z-zin)/zstepsize) phibin = ROOT.TMath.FloorNint((phi+phistart)/dphi)%Nphi iBin = zbin*Nphi+phibin try: EnergyDeposits[iBin] += hit.GetEnergyLoss() except: print 'hitSegments: could not find bin ', iBin print x, y, z sys.exit() nHit = 0 for iBin in xrange(nBins): if EnergyDeposits[iBin] > threshold: nHit +=1 if savelist: Push(listOfHitLSSegments, int(iBin)) Push(numberOfHitLSSegments, nHit)