import ROOT,os,sys,getopt import rootUtils as ut import shipunit as u import numpy as n import collections from ShipGeoConfig import ConfigRegistry import shipDet_conf import BookHistos from MCTrackInfo import MCTrackInfo from StrawHits import StrawHits from FitTrackInfo import FitTrackInfo import RecoSettings class LoopAnalyse(object): def __init__(self, tree, pref, geoFile, debug=0, plotField = False, plotTracking = False, plotVertex = False, plotVertexDetailed = False, plotMomentum = False, compareFits = False): self.tree = tree self.debug = debug self.modules = None self.ShipGeo = None = None self.createGeom(pref, geoFile) self.stat = collections.OrderedDict() self.hmagnet = {} self.htrck = {} self.hvtx = {} self.hmom = {} self.hcmfits = {} self.plotField = False self.plotTracking = False self.plotVertex = False self.plotVertexCh = False self.plotMomentum = False self.compareFits = False if plotField: self.plotField = True BookHistos.bookMFieldHistos(self.hmagnet) if plotTracking: self.plotTracking = True BookHistos.bookTrackingHistos(self.htrck) if plotVertex: self.plotVertex = True BookHistos.bookVertexHistos(self.hvtx) if plotVertexDetailed: self.plotVertexCh = True BookHistos.bookVertexHistos(self.hvtx,"mUp") BookHistos.bookVertexHistos(self.hvtx,"mDn") if plotMomentum: self.plotMomentum = True BookHistos.bookMomentumHistos(self.hmom) if compareFits: self.compareFits = True BookHistos.bookCompareFitHistos(self.hcmfits) if plotVertex : BookHistos.bookVertexHistos(self.hvtx, "NEW") if plotMomentum: BookHistos.bookMomentumHistos(self.hmom, "NEW") self.MCTracks = MCTrackInfo(self.tree, 0)#self.debug) self.StrHits = StrawHits(self.tree, self.modules, self.ShipGeo.straw.resol, self.debug, self.hmagnet, self.ShipGeo) self.FitTracks = FitTrackInfo(self.tree, 0)#self.debug) # FIXneeded - to introduce one more FixTracks! def createGeom(self,pref, geoFile): self.ShipGeo = ConfigRegistry.loadpy("$FAIRSHIP/geometry/", Yheight = pref ) = ROOT.FairRunSim() self.modules = shipDet_conf.configure(,self.ShipGeo) tgeom = ROOT.TGeoManager("Geometry", "Geane geometry") gMan = tgeom.Import(geoFile) geoMat = ROOT.genfit.TGeoMaterialInterface() ROOT.genfit.MaterialEffects.getInstance().init(geoMat) volDict = {} i=0 for x in ROOT.gGeoManager.GetListOfVolumes(): volDict[i]=x.GetName() i+=1 bfield = ROOT.genfit.BellField(self.ShipGeo.Bfield.max ,self.ShipGeo.Bfield.z,2, self.ShipGeo.Yheight/2.) fM = ROOT.genfit.FieldManager.getInstance() fM.init(bfield) def CleanStat(self): self.stat['total'] = 0 self.stat['HNLnTr'] = 0 self.stat['HNLzAcc'] = 0 self.stat['HNLeAcc'] = 0 self.stat['twoFitsO'] = 0 self.stat['twoFitsN'] = 0 self.stat['twoFitsNdfO'] = 0 self.stat['twoFitsNdfN'] = 0 def writeHistos(self): ut.writeHists(htrck,"LoopA.root") def hitMCtrackCorellations(self, weight=1): # FIXneeded - add HNL vertex distribution plots! if ( not self.plotTracking): print "hitMCtrackCorellations does nothing since BookHistos.bookTrackingHistos() was not called!" return for tid in self.StrHits.getTrIDs(): # only multi-hits>25 tracks if ( self.StrHits.checkVetoHits(tid) > 0) : continue # remove ones with vetoStattion vec3h = self.StrHits.getStartHit(tid) vec3p = self.MCTracks.getTrackPropagation(tid, vec3h.Z()) if(self.debug>0): print "extr.", tid, "\t", vec3p.X(), vec3p.Y(), vec3p.Z(), print "\tcharge:", self.MCTracks.getCharge(tid), "\tdx=", vec3p.X()-vec3h.X(), "dy=", vec3p.Y()-vec3h.Y() dR = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt( (vec3p.X()-vec3h.X())**2 + (vec3p.Y()-vec3h.Y())**2 ) self.htrck['dRvsPz'].Fill(self.MCTracks.getMomentum(tid).Z(), dR, weight) self.htrck['dRvsZhit'].Fill(vec3h.Z(), dR, weight) charge = self.MCTracks.getCharge(tid) theRatio = abs(vec3p.Y())/(vec3h.Z()-self.MCTracks.getHNLdecayVertex().Z()) HNLflag = tid in self.MCTracks.getHNLdecayTrIDs() if HNLflag: self.htrck['YMC2dZMCVer'].Fill(theRatio,weight) if charge<0: self.htrck['dxdyALLTrHm'].Fill(vec3p.X()-vec3h.X(), vec3p.Y()-vec3h.Y(), weight) if HNLflag: self.htrck['dxdyHNLTrHm'].Fill(vec3p.X()-vec3h.X(), vec3p.Y()-vec3h.Y(), weight) elif charge>0: self.htrck['dxdyALLTrHp'].Fill(vec3p.X()-vec3h.X(), vec3p.Y()-vec3h.Y(), weight) if HNLflag: self.htrck['dxdyHNLTrHp'].Fill(vec3p.X()-vec3h.X(), vec3p.Y()-vec3h.Y(), weight) def fitMCvertexCorellations(self, weight=1, old=True, cut=False, detailed=False): if( cut and detailed ) : print "fitMCvertexCorellations can't plot detailed vertex for cut! FIX me!" vMC = self.MCTracks.getHNLdecayVertex() if old : vFt = self.FitTracks.getVertex() else : vFt = self.StrHits.getReFitVertex() if (not vFt or not vMC) : return if(self.plotVertex or self.plotVertexCh): distanceToTracker = self.ShipGeo.TrackStation1['z']-vMC.Z() coord = ['x','y','z'] iz = 1 while ( (iz<11) and (distanceToTracker>iz*500) ): iz = iz+1 pref="" prefCut="" if( cut ) : prefCut='ndf' if( not old ): pref='NEW' for i in range(0,3): delta = vMC(i)-vFt(i) if( self.plotVertex ): hname = 'vd'+coord[i]+'2'+prefCut+pref self.hvtx[hname].Fill(distanceToTracker, delta, weight) if (not cut): if (iz<11): hname='vd'+coord[i]+'2_'+str(iz)+pref self.hvtx[hname].Fill(delta, weight) if( self.plotVertexCh and old ): sign = self.MCTracks.checkVertexUpDown() if ( sign==0 ): continue if ( sign<0) : pref = "mUp" else: pref = "mDn" hname = 'vd'+coord[i]+'2'+pref self.hvtx[hname].Fill(distanceToTracker, delta, weight) if( pref=='NEW') : doca = self.StrHits.getStepDoca(RecoSettings.VertexExtrSteps-1) if ( doca!=None ) : self.hvtx['doca'+pref].Fill(doca) doca0 = self.StrHits.getStepDoca(0) if ( doca0!=None ) : self.hvtx['doca0'+pref].Fill(doca0) if ( doca0!=None and doca0!=0): self.hvtx['docaRel'+pref].Fill(1,1.) for ii in range (1, RecoSettings.VertexExtrSteps): doca = self.StrHits.getStepDoca(ii) #print "...", doca, doca/doca0 if ( doca!=None ) : self.hvtx['docaRel'+pref].Fill(ii+1, doca/doca0) return vFt def doCompareFits(self, oldStyle=True, ellCut=False, weight=1): ntracks = self.StrHits.FitTracks(oldStyle) # does re-fitting if (self.debug>0) : self.StrHits.PrintNewTracks() fitOldTrIDs = self.FitTracks.getTrIDs() fitNewTrIDs = self.StrHits.getReFitTrIDs() for tid in fitOldTrIDs: self.hcmfits['Chi2NDFold'].Fill(self.FitTracks.getChi2Ndf(tid)) self.hcmfits['NDFold'].Fill(self.FitTracks.getNdf(tid)) for tid in fitNewTrIDs: self.hcmfits['Chi2NDFnew'].Fill(self.StrHits.getReFitChi2Ndf(tid)) self.hcmfits['NDFnew'].Fill(self.StrHits.getReFitNdf(tid)) for tid in self.StrHits.getTrIDsALL(): # hists with MCTrID>0 told = ( tid in fitOldTrIDs) tnew = ( tid in fitNewTrIDs) if( (not told) and (not tnew) ): self.hcmfits['FitCorrespondence'].Fill(0) elif( (not told) and tnew): self.hcmfits['FitCorrespondence'].Fill(1) elif( told and (not tnew) ): self.hcmfits['FitCorrespondence'].Fill(2) else: eq = self.StrHits.compareFitTracks(tid, self.FitTracks) if eq: self.hcmfits['FitCorrespondence'].Fill(5) else: self.hcmfits['FitCorrespondence'].Fill(6) self.hcmfits['dNFoldFNnew'].Fill(len(fitOldTrIDs), len(fitNewTrIDs)) return ntracks def doPlotMomentum(self, weight, old=True): tids = [] pfix = "" if old: tids = self.FitTracks.getTrIDs() else: tids = self.StrHits.getReFitTrIDs() pfix = "NEW" for tid in tids: r,d,pFit = None, None, None chi2ndf,ndf = None, None if old: r,d,pFit = self.FitTracks.getPosDirPval(tid) ndf = self.FitTracks.getNdf(tid) chi2ndf = self.FitTracks.getChi2Ndf(tid) else: r,d,pFit = self.StrHits.getReFitPosDirPval(tid) ndf = self.StrHits.getReFitNdf(tid) chi2ndf = self.StrHits.getReFitChi2Ndf(tid) if( not tid in self.MCTracks.getTrIDs() ): continue pMC = self.MCTracks.getMomentum(tid).Mag() dPP = (pMC - pFit)/pMC hname = 'delPOverP0'+pfix self.hmom[hname].Fill(chi2ndf, dPP, weight) hname = 'delPOverP1'+pfix self.hmom[hname].Fill(pMC, dPP, weight) if( ndf<RecoSettings.trackMinNofHits ): continue hname = 'delPOverP2'+pfix self.hmom[hname].Fill(pMC, dPP, weight) if( not tid in self.MCTracks.getHNLdecayTrIDs() ): continue hname = 'delPOverP3'+pfix self.hmom[hname].Fill(pMC, dPP, weight) iz = 1 while ( (iz<6) and (pMC>iz*10) ): iz = iz+1 if (iz<6): hname = 'delPOverP3_'+str(iz)+pfix self.hmom[hname].Fill(dPP, weight) def PrintStat(self): for stage in self.stat: print "{0:15}{1:10}".format(stage, self.stat[stage]) ################################################################################################ def Loop(self, stat=-1): self.CleanStat() if(stat==-1): nEvents = self.tree.GetEntries() else: nEvents = min(self.tree.GetEntries(),stat) # --------------- cut related values ------------------------------------------------------# # FIXneeded - should be done depending on RecoSettings.trackMinNofStations! # self.MCTracks.setAccPlaneZ(3380* # - after 3rd Station self.MCTracks.setAccPlaneZ(2500* #- before 1st Station # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# for n in range(nEvents): rc = self.tree.GetEntry(n) print print " HO GETTATO L'ENTRY ", n print self.stat['total'] +=1 # ------------------- MCTracks -----------------------------------------------------------# nMCPrimTracks = self.MCTracks.readEvent() if( self.debug>0) : print "\n\nevent ", n, "====================================================" self.MCTracks.PrintHNL() #=> if( nMCPrimTracks!=2 ) : continue self.stat['HNLnTr']+=1 #=> # FIXneeded - should be setting from ShipGeo here! if( (self.MCTracks.getHNLdecayVertex().Z()<-1900* \ or (self.MCTracks.getHNLdecayVertex().Z()>RecoSettings.VertexMaxZcut) ) : continue self.stat['HNLzAcc']+=1 #=> if( (not self.MCTracks.checkEllipticAcc()) ) : continue self.stat['HNLeAcc'] +=1 if( self.debug>1 ): print "MC event accepted" weight = self.MCTracks.getEventWeight() #weight = 1 # ------------------- FitTracks -----------------------------------------------------------# nFitTracks = self.FitTracks.readEvent() if(self.plotMomentum):self.doPlotMomentum(weight, old=True) if(self.debug>0) : self.FitTracks.Print() printMCVert = False if (nFitTracks==2): self.stat['twoFitsO']+=1 v=self.fitMCvertexCorellations(weight, old=True, cut=False, detailed=self.plotVertexCh) printMCVert = True print "\n\nOld vertex ", v.X(), v.Y(), v.Z() ndfok = True for tid in self.FitTracks.getTrIDs() : ndfok = ( ndfok and (self.FitTracks.getNdf(tid)>RecoSettings.trackMinNofHits) ) if ( not ndfok ) : break if ndfok : # FIXneeded - not optimal to call it once more :( self.stat['twoFitsNdfO']+=1 v=self.fitMCvertexCorellations(weight, old=True, cut=True, detailed=False) print "the old vertex passes ndf cut!" # -------------------- StrawHits --------------------------------------------------------------# if ( self.compareFits or self.plotTracking ) : self.StrHits.readEvent() # -------------------- ReFit --------------------------------------------------------------# nNewFitTracks = 0 if self.compareFits : nNewFitTracks = self.doCompareFits(oldStyle=True, ellCut=False, weight=weight) if(self.plotMomentum):self.doPlotMomentum(weight, old=False) if (nNewFitTracks==2): self.stat['twoFitsN']+=1 v=self.fitMCvertexCorellations(weight, old=False) print "New vertex ", v.X(), v.Y(), v.Z() printMCVert = True ndfok = True for tid in self.StrHits.getReFitTrIDs() : ndfok = ( ndfok and (self.StrHits.getReFitNdf(tid)>RecoSettings.trackMinNofHits) ) if ( not ndfok ) : break if ndfok : # FIXneeded - not optimal to call it once more :( self.stat['twoFitsNdfN']+=1 v=self.fitMCvertexCorellations(weight, old=False, cut=True, detailed=False) print "the new vertex passes ndf cut!" if printMCVert : self.MCTracks.PrintHNL() if(self.plotTracking) : self.hitMCtrackCorellations(weight) # end event loop #======================================= print "here -> ", self.plotField if self.plotField : BookHistos.plotMFieldHistos(self.hmagnet) if self.plotTracking : BookHistos.plotMCTrackHitCorrelation(self.htrck) if self.plotVertex : BookHistos.plotVertexHistos(self.hvtx) if self.plotVertexCh : BookHistos.plotVertexHistos(self.hvtx,"mUp") BookHistos.plotVertexHistos(self.hvtx,"mDn") if self.plotMomentum : BookHistos.plotMomentumHistos(self.hmom) if self.compareFits : BookHistos.plotCompareFitHistos(self.hcmfits) if self.plotVertex : BookHistos.plotVertexHistos(self.hvtx,'NEW') if self.plotMomentum : BookHistos.plotMomentumHistos(self.hmom, 'NEW') #======================================= self.PrintStat()