#!/usr/bin/env python """ Bender module to run the following sequence over B2KShh stripped data samples: - run an algorithm to store the reco info for all Stripped candidates """ from Bender.Main import * from Gaudi.Configuration import * def configure( datafiles, catalogues = [], params = {}, castor = False ) : #======= B->KShh Configuration and Setup =========# magtype = params.get( 'magtype', 'MagDown' ) whichStripping = params.get( 'stripping', 'Stripping20' ) extended_hypos = params.get( 'extended_hypos', True ) #=================================================# knownMagTypes = [ 'MagDown', 'MagUp' ] if magtype not in knownMagTypes : e = Exception('Unsupported magnet setting: ' + magtype) raise e known2011StrippingVersions = [ 'Stripping20r1', 'Stripping20r1p1' ] known2012StrippingVersions = [ 'Stripping20', 'Stripping20r0p1' ] whichData = '' if whichStripping in known2011StrippingVersions: whichData = '2011' elif whichStripping in known2012StrippingVersions: whichData = '2012' else : e = Exception('Unsupported Stripping version: ' + whichStripping) raise e from Configurables import DaVinci daVinci = DaVinci() daVinci.DataType = whichData daVinci.Simulation = False daVinci.Lumi = True daVinci.InputType = "DST" daVinci.TupleFile = 'B2KShh-Collision'+whichData[2:]+'-'+magtype+'-'+whichStripping+'.root' daVinci.EvtMax = -1 daVinci.PrintFreq = 100000 from Configurables import CondDB CondDB().LatestGlobalTagByDataType = whichData setData( datafiles, catalogues ) stream = {} stream['Stripping20'] = 'BhadronCompleteEvent' stream['Stripping20r1'] = 'BhadronCompleteEvent' stream['Stripping20r0p1'] = 'BhadronCompleteEvent' stream['Stripping20r1p1'] = 'BhadronCompleteEvent' teslocation = '/Event/'+stream[whichStripping]+'/' filterStrip = "HLT_PASS_RE('.*B2KShh.*')" inputLocationDD = 'Phys/B2KShhDDLine/Particles' inputLocationLL = 'Phys/B2KShhLLLine/Particles' h1type = 'pi' h2type = 'pi' if whichStripping == 'Stripping20r1p1' or whichStripping == 'Stripping20r0p1' : h1type = 'K' filterStrip = "HLT_PASS_RE('StrippingB2KSKpi[DL]{2}LineDecision')" inputLocationDD = 'Phys/B2KSKpiDDLine/Particles' inputLocationLL = 'Phys/B2KSKpiLLLine/Particles' from PhysConf.Filters import LoKi_Filters filterVoid = "EXISTS('/Event/Strip/Phys/DecReports')" filterAlg = LoKi_Filters( VOID_Code = filterVoid, STRIP_Code = filterStrip ) filters = filterAlg.filters('Filters') filters.reverse() daVinci.EventPreFilters = filters reco_daughters = [ h1type, h2type, 'KS0' ] from B2KShh.RecoAlgo import B2KShhReco gaudi = appMgr() algB2KShhDD = B2KShhReco( 'B2KShhDD', reco_daughters, extended_hypos, False, False, False, Inputs = [ teslocation+inputLocationDD ] ) algB2KShhLL = B2KShhReco( 'B2KShhLL', reco_daughters, extended_hypos, False, False, False, Inputs = [ teslocation+inputLocationLL ] ) userSeq = gaudi.algorithm('GaudiSequencer/DaVinciUserSequence' , True ) userSeq.Members += [ algB2KShhDD.name() ] userSeq.Members += [ algB2KShhLL.name() ] return SUCCESS ############# if '__main__' == __name__ : datafiles = [ '/disk/users/elena/B2KShh/ntuples/tests/00022761_00007763_1.bhadroncompleteevent.dst' #'/data/lhcb/phsdba/B2KShh/DST/Data/2012-Stripping20-MagDown/00020198_00000002_1.bhadroncompleteevent.dst' #'/data/lhcb/phsdba/B2KShh/DST/Data/2012-Stripping20r0p1-MagDown/00024183_00000017_1.bhadroncompleteevent.dst' ] pars = {} # pars[ 'stripping' ] = 'Stripping20' # pars[ 'magtype' ] = 'MagDown' pars[ 'stripping' ] = 'Stripping20r1' pars[ 'magtype' ] = 'MagUp' configure( datafiles, params = pars, castor=False ) run(300) #############