import ROOT import numpy as np from ROOT import TFile, TLorentzVector, TVector3, TRotation, TLorentzRotation, TMath, TH1D, TCanvas, TH2D, TObject, TF1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import pickle macros = '/home/hep/matzeni/CCE/macros/CCEScan/' filelumi = TFile('../data/db/lumi.root') file_v_depl = TFile('../data/db/vdepl.root') fileHam = TFile('/disk/data12/lhcb/STAgeingData/data/ST/Aging/Hamburg.root') fileData = TFile('/disk/data12/lhcb/STAgeingData/data/ST/Aging/CCEScan.root') # Select detector detector = 'TT' nstrips = [3, 5, 7] layer = 'TTaU' #Taking the sector list and the corresponding initial depletion voltage vO_sect = np.array(file_v_depl.Get('v_sector_TTaU')) vO_vdepl = np.array(file_v_depl.Get('v_vdepl_TTaU')) print 'vO_vdepl: ',vO_vdepl print 'vO_sect: ',vO_sect d = {'Sect_TTaU' : pd.Series(vO_sect), 'Vdepl_TTaU' : pd.Series(vO_vdepl)} df_ini =pd.DataFrame(d) #Vectors that specify fill number and time of the fills vd_time = np.array(filelumi.Get('v_time')) vd_fill = np.array(filelumi.Get('v_fill')) # Load fill numbers with open(macros + 'Fills.dat', 'rb') as f: fills = fills.remove('2797') fills.remove('3108') #Load Sectors with open(macros + '{DET}sectors.dat'.format(DET=detector), 'rb') as f: sectors = d = {'Fill' : pd.Series(vd_fill), 'Time' : pd.Series(vd_time)} df =pd.DataFrame(d) ACHT =[] for isect in sectors: print'=====================================================' print 'isect: ', isect #Hamburg V0 = df_ini['Vdepl_TTaU'][df_ini.Sect_TTaU == int(isect)].values[0] vH_deltaV = np.array(fileHam.Get('v_Hamburg_TTaU_'+str(int(isect))+'_deltaV')) # print 'vH_deltaV: ',vH_deltaV # print 'vH_V: ',vH_V vH_V = V0 - vH_deltaV vH_time = np.array(fileHam.Get('v_Hamburg_TTaU_'+str(int(isect))+'_time')) # print 'vH_time: ',vH_time #Data vD_time =[] vData=[] vData_err=[] for ifill in fills: # vData =np.concatenate((vData, np.array(fileData.Get('TT/TTaU/'+isect+'/'+str(int(ifill))+'/v_volt_val7'))),axis=0) vData = np.append( np.array(fileData.Get('TT/TTaU/'+isect+'/'+ifill+'/v_volt_val7'))[0],vData) vData_err = np.append( np.array(fileData.Get('TT/TTaU/'+isect+'/'+ifill+'/v_volt_val7'))[1],vData_err) print(df['Time'][df.Fill == int(ifill)].values[0]) vD_time = np.append( df['Time'][df.Fill == int(ifill)].values[0],vD_time) #print 'vData: ', vData #print 't: ', vD_time ##################################### vH_inter = np.interp(vD_time, vH_time, vH_V) print 'vH_time: ',vH_time print 'vD_time: ',vD_time print 'vH_V: ',vH_V print 'vData: ',vData print 'vData_err: ',vData_err print 'vH_inter: ',vH_inter vDiff = np.absolute(vData-vH_inter) print 'Difference: ',vDiff for i in xrange(len(vD_time)): print(i) if (vDiff[i] >= 3*vData_err[i] ): #print 'WARNING! Check Sector: {} for Fill: {} '.format(isect,df['Fill'][df.Time==vD_time[i]].values[0]) ACHT = np.append([isect,int(df['Fill'][df.Time==vD_time[i]].values[0])],ACHT) # print(ACHT) #plt.plot(vH_time,vH_V, 'r--',vD_time,vH_inter, 'bs',vD_time,vData, 'gs') #raw_input('>') ACHT = np.reshape(ACHT,(len(ACHT)/2,2)) print 'ACHT',ACHT data_frame = pickle.load(open('monotonics.pkl', 'rb')) #ACHT_ele = data_frame[['Sector','Fill']][data_frame['V bias'] < 125].values ACHT_ele = data_frame[['Sector','Fill']].values print 'ACHT_ele', ACHT_ele aset = set([tuple(x) for x in ACHT]) bset = set([tuple(x) for x in ACHT_ele]) inter = np.array([x for x in aset & bset]) print 'Intersection', inter ''' a = [ifill, vData_t[0]] print 'vH_V: ',vH_V print 'vd_fill: ',vd_fill print 'vd_time: ',vd_time #Time used to do the Hamburg simulation vH_hig = np.array(fileHam.Get('v_Hamburg_TTaU_'+isect+'_hig')) print 'vH_hig: ',vH_hig vH_low = np.array(fileHam.Get('v_Hamburg_TTaU_'+isect+'_low')) print 'vH_low: ',vH_low #vData = np.array([0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]) #print(vData) '''