#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author: Elena Graverini # @Date: 2015-10-27 18:26:49 # @Last Modified by: Elena Graverini # @Last Modified time: 2017-05-30 15:21:42 import sys import os from math import sqrt, radians import ROOT as r location = {'TT': os.path.expandvars("$DISK/data/ST/Aging_Tuples/TT/TTaU/"), 'IT': os.path.expandvars("$DISK/data/ST/Aging_Tuples/IT/T3X2/")} out_location = os.getcwd() + '/trackSel' os.system('mkdir -p %s' % out_location) # Load fill numbers macros = os.path.expandvars('$CCEHOME/macros/CCEScan/') with open(macros + 'Fills.dat', 'rb') as f: fills = f.read().splitlines() # fills = [3478, 4518, 4643, 4856, 5162, 5448] dets = ['TT', 'IT'] val = {'TT': 5, 'IT': 7} layer = {'TT': 'TTaU', 'IT': 'T3X2'} cut = {'TT': 12, 'IT': 20} stat_2d = 200000000 stat = stat_2d # 2000000 # r.gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.16) # r.gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(r.gStyle.GetPadLeftMargin() * 0.7) r.gROOT.SetBatch(True) r.gROOT.ProcessLine('.X %s/../include/lhcbStyle.C' % os.getcwd()) r.gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.20) r.gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.25) r.gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.15) r.gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) # r.gStyle.SetPalette(r.kBird) # r.gStyle.SetPalette(r.kCopper) r.gStyle.SetPalette(r.kViridis) r.gStyle.SetNumberContours(99) def sqrt_of_2d_histogram(h): new = h.Clone() nbins = h.GetNbinsX() * h.GetNbinsY() for i in range(nbins): new.SetBinContent(i, sqrt(h.GetBinContent(i))) return new def s_over_b(s, b): h = s.Clone() h.Divide(b) h.name = 's_over_b' return h def s_over_sqrtb(s, b): h = s.Clone() sqrtb = sqrt_of_2d_histogram(b) h.Divide(sqrtb) h.name = 's_over_sqrtb' return h def punzi_significance(s, b): h = s.Clone() sb = s.Clone() sb.Add(b) sqrt_sb = sqrt_of_2d_histogram(sb) h.Divide(sqrt_sb) h.name = 'punzi_significance' return h def put_fill(c, fill): label = r.TPaveText( 0.74 - r.gStyle.GetPadRightMargin(), 0.87 - r.gStyle.GetPadTopMargin(), 0.95 - r.gStyle.GetPadRightMargin(), 0.95 - r.gStyle.GetPadTopMargin(), "BRNDC") label.SetFillColor(0) label.SetTextAlign(12) label.SetBorderSize(0) label.SetTextFont(132) label.SetTextSize(0.06) label.SetTextAlign(22) label.AddText('Fill %s' % fill) label.Draw('same') c.Modified() c.Update() return c def sqrt_histogram(h): sh = h.Clone() for i in range(h.GetNbinsX()): sh.SetBinContent(i, h.GetBinError(i)) sh.Sumw2() return sh csaver = [] def putEllipse(c, det, fill): if 'TT' in det: if fill > 3478: ellipse = r.TEllipse(1.35, 0.04, 1.1, 0.08, 0, 360, 1.5) elif fill > 2252: ellipse = r.TEllipse(1.26, 0.04, 1.0, 0.07, 0, 360, 2.7) elif fill > 2083: ellipse = r.TEllipse(1.15, 0.05, 1.0, 0.1, 0, 360, 5.) else: ellipse = r.TEllipse(1.3, 0.05, 1.4, 0.11, 0, 360, 4.1) elif 'IT' in det: if fill > 4856: ellipse = r.TEllipse(2.05, 0.04, 1.9, 0.04, 0, 360, 1.9) elif fill > 3478: ellipse = r.TEllipse(1.4, 0.025, 1.1, 0.04, 0, 360, 1.1) elif fill > 1616: ellipse = r.TEllipse(1.2, 0.04, 0.9, 0.07, 0, 360, 4.7) else: ellipse = r.TEllipse(1.3, 0.04, 1.8, 0.11, 0, 360, 6.2) ellipse.SetFillStyle(0) ellipse.SetLineWidth(4) ellipse.SetLineColor(r.kRed - 4) c.cd() ellipse.Draw('same') return c, ellipse def elliptical_cut(cx, cy, rx, ry, theta): theta = radians(theta) cus = "(((xprime-{cx})^2/{rx}^2 + (yprime-{cy})^2/{ry}^2) < 1.)".format( cx=cx, rx=rx, cy=cy, ry=ry) cus = cus.replace('xprime', 'x*TMath::Cos({t})-y*TMath::Sin({t})'.format(t=theta)) cus = cus.replace('yprime', 'y*TMath::Cos({t})-x*TMath::Sin({t})'.format(t=theta)) cus = cus.replace('x', '(TrChi2/TrNDoF)') cus = cus.replace('y', 'GhostP') return cus ellptical_cuts_dict = { 'TT': { (3478 + 1, 9999): elliptical_cut(1.35, 0.04, 1.1, 0.08, 1.5), (2252 + 1, 3478): elliptical_cut(1.26, 0.04, 1.0, 0.07, 2.7), (2083 + 1, 2252): elliptical_cut(1.15, 0.05, 1.0, 0.1, 5.), (0000 + 1, 2083): elliptical_cut(1.3, 0.05, 1.4, 0.11, 4.1)}, 'IT': { (4856 + 1, 9999): elliptical_cut(2.05, 0.04, 1.9, 0.04, 1.9), (3478 + 1, 4856): elliptical_cut(1.4, 0.025, 1.1, 0.04, 1.1), (1616 + 1, 3478): elliptical_cut(1.2, 0.04, 0.9, 0.07, 4.7), (0000 + 1, 1616): elliptical_cut(1.3, 0.04, 1.8, 0.11, 6.2)} } house_cuts = { 'TT': "(TrChi2/TrNDoF<3.0) && (GhostP<0.01+0.1/1.6*TrChi2/TrNDoF) && (GhostP<0.01-0.1/3.4*(TrChi2/TrNDoF-5.0))", 'IT': "(GhostP<0.1*TrChi2/TrNDoF) && (GhostP<0.2-0.1*(TrChi2/TrNDoF-5.0))", } def test_selection(t, fill, det, stat): t.Draw("TMath::Sqrt(xHit*xHit+yHit*yHit)/10.0>>h_tot_s(40,0.0,100.0)", "(odinStep==0) && (val{v}>{sc})".format(v=val[det], sc=cut[det]), 'goff', stat, 0) t.Draw("TMath::Sqrt(xHit*xHit+yHit*yHit)/10.0>>h_tot_n(40,0.0,100.0)", "(odinStep==0) && (val{v}<{sc})".format(v=val[det], sc=cut[det]), 'goff', stat, 0) h_tot_s = r.gDirectory.Get('h_tot_s') h_tot_n = r.gDirectory.Get('h_tot_n') fill_ranges = ellptical_cuts_dict[det].keys() fill_ranges_good = [ra for ra in fill_ranges if ra[0] <= fill <= ra[1]] fill_range = fill_ranges_good[0] t.Draw("TMath::Sqrt(xHit*xHit+yHit*yHit)/10.0>>h_sel_s(40,0.0,100.0)", "(odinStep==0) && (val{v}>{sc}) && ({cus})".format(v=val[det], sc=cut[det], cus=ellptical_cuts_dict[det][fill_range]), 'goff', stat, 0) t.Draw("TMath::Sqrt(xHit*xHit+yHit*yHit)/10.0>>h_sel_n(40,0.0,100.0)", "(odinStep==0) && (val{v}<{sc}) && !({cus})".format(v=val[det], sc=cut[det], cus=ellptical_cuts_dict[det][fill_range]), 'goff', stat, 0) t.Draw("TMath::Sqrt(xHit*xHit+yHit*yHit)/10.0>>h_sel_tot(40,0.0,100.0)", "(odinStep==0) && ({cus})".format(cus=ellptical_cuts_dict[det][fill_range]), 'goff', stat, 0) t.Draw("TMath::Sqrt(xHit*xHit+yHit*yHit)/10.0>>h_sel_s_christian(40,0.0,100.0)", "(odinStep==0) && (val{v}>{sc}) && ({cus})".format(v=val[det], sc=cut[det], cus=house_cuts[det]), 'goff', stat, 0) t.Draw("TMath::Sqrt(xHit*xHit+yHit*yHit)/10.0>>h_sel_n_christian(40,0.0,100.0)", "(odinStep==0) && (val{v}<{sc}) && !({cus})".format(v=val[det], sc=cut[det], cus=house_cuts[det]), 'goff', stat, 0) t.Draw("TMath::Sqrt(xHit*xHit+yHit*yHit)/10.0>>h_sel_tot_christian(40,0.0,100.0)", "(odinStep==0) && ({cus})".format(cus=house_cuts[det]), 'goff', stat, 0) h_sel_s = r.gDirectory.Get('h_sel_s') h_sel_n = r.gDirectory.Get('h_sel_n') h_sel_tot = r.gDirectory.Get('h_sel_tot') h_sel_s_christian = r.gDirectory.Get('h_sel_s_christian') h_sel_n_christian = r.gDirectory.Get('h_sel_n_christian') h_sel_tot_christian = r.gDirectory.Get('h_sel_tot_christian') h_eff_s = r.TH1F('h_eff_s', 'h_eff_s', 40, 0.0, 100.0) h_pur_n = r.TH1F('h_pur_n', 'h_pur_n', 40, 0.0, 100.0) h_snr = r.TH1F('h_snr', 'h_snr', 40, 0.0, 100.0) h_sign = r.TH1F('h_sign', 'h_sign', 40, 0.0, 100.0) h_punzi = r.TH1F('h_punzi', 'h_punzi', 40, 0.0, 100.0) h_eff_s.Divide(h_sel_s, h_tot_s, 1.0, 1.0, "b") h_pur_n.Divide(h_sel_n, h_tot_n, 1.0, 1.0, "b") h_snr.Divide(h_sel_s, h_sel_n, 1.0, 1.0, "b") h_sign.Divide(h_sel_s, sqrt_histogram(h_sel_n), 1.0, 1.0, "b") h_punzi.Divide(h_sel_s, sqrt_histogram(h_sel_tot), 1.0, 1.0, "b") h_eff_s_christian = r.TH1F('h_eff_s_christian', 'h_eff_s_christian', 40, 0.0, 100.0) h_pur_n_christian = r.TH1F('h_pur_n_christian', 'h_pur_n_christian', 40, 0.0, 100.0) h_snr_christian = r.TH1F('h_snr_christian', 'h_snr_christian', 40, 0.0, 100.0) h_sign_christian = r.TH1F('h_sign_christian', 'h_sign_christian', 40, 0.0, 100.0) h_punzi_christian = r.TH1F('h_punzi_christian', 'h_punzi_christian', 40, 0.0, 100.0) h_snr_christian.Divide(h_sel_s_christian, h_sel_n_christian, 1.0, 1.0, "b") h_sign_christian.Divide(h_sel_s_christian, sqrt_histogram(h_sel_n_christian), 1.0, 1.0, "b") h_punzi_christian.Divide(h_sel_s_christian, sqrt_histogram(h_sel_tot_christian), 1.0, 1.0, "b") h_eff_s_christian.Divide(h_sel_s_christian, h_tot_s, 1.0, 1.0, "b") h_pur_n_christian.Divide(h_sel_n_christian, h_tot_n, 1.0, 1.0, "b") h_pur_n.SetLineColor(r.kRed) h_pur_n_christian.SetLineColor(r.kRed) h_eff_s_christian.SetLineStyle(r.kDashed) h_pur_n_christian.SetLineStyle(r.kDashed) c_eff = r.TCanvas("c_eff", "Eff./Pur. Canvas", 800, 600) h_eff_s.SetMaximum(1.1) h_eff_s.SetMinimum(-0.1) h_pur_n.SetMaximum(1.1) h_pur_n.SetMinimum(-0.1) h_eff_s_christian.SetXTitle("#it{r} [cm]") h_eff_s_christian.SetYTitle("(Rejection) Efficiency") h_eff_s_christian.SetMaximum(1.0) c_eff.cd() h_eff_s_christian.Draw() h_pur_n_christian.Draw("same") h_eff_s.Draw("same") h_pur_n.Draw("same") c_eff.SaveAs('trackSel/c_eff_{}_{}_elena.pdf'.format(fill, det)) c_snr = r.TCanvas() c_snr.cd() h_snr_christian.SetXTitle("#it{r} [cm]") h_snr_christian.SetYTitle("S/N ratio") h_snr_christian.SetLineStyle(r.kDashed) h_snr_christian.Draw('hist') h_snr.Draw('hist same') c_snr.SaveAs('trackSel/c_snr_{}_{}_elena.pdf'.format(fill, det)) c_sign = r.TCanvas() c_sign.cd() h_sign_christian.SetXTitle("#it{r} [cm]") h_sign_christian.SetYTitle("S/#sqrt{N}") h_sign_christian.SetLineStyle(r.kDashed) h_sign_christian.Draw('hist') h_sign.Draw('hist same') c_sign.SaveAs('trackSel/c_sign_{}_{}_elena.pdf'.format(fill, det)) c_punzi = r.TCanvas() c_punzi.cd() h_punzi_christian.SetXTitle("#it{r} [cm]") h_punzi_christian.SetYTitle("S/#sqrt{S+N}") h_punzi_christian.SetLineStyle(r.kDashed) h_punzi_christian.Draw('hist') h_punzi.Draw('hist same') c_punzi.SaveAs('trackSel/c_punzi_{}_{}_elena.pdf'.format(fill, det)) def printSelection(f, t_sig, det, fill, stat, good_steps=True, return_all=False): r.gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.20) r.gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.25) r.gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.15) r.gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) cut_sig = "(val%s>%s)" % (val[det], cut[det]) cut_noise = "(val%s<%s)" % (val[det], cut[det]) if good_steps: cut_sig += ' && (odinStep==0)' cut_noise += ' && (odinStep==0)' print(t_sig.Draw("GhostP : TrChi2/TrNDoF>>hsig(100,0., 5,100, 0.,1.)", cut_sig, "goff", stat, 0)) h_sig = r.gDirectory.Get('hsig') print(t_sig.Draw("GhostP : TrChi2/TrNDoF>>hnoise(100,0., 5,100, 0.,1.)", cut_noise, "goff", stat, 0)) h_noise = r.gDirectory.Get('hnoise') # c = r.TCanvas() h_s_over_b = s_over_b(h_sig, h_noise) h_s_over_b.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 10) h_s_over_b.GetZaxis().SetTitle('S/B ratio') h_s_over_sqrtb = s_over_sqrtb(h_sig, h_noise) h_s_over_sqrtb.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 100) h_s_over_sqrtb.GetZaxis().SetTitle('S/#sqrt{B}') h_punzi_significance = punzi_significance(h_sig, h_noise) h_punzi_significance.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 100) h_punzi_significance.GetZaxis().SetTitle('S/#sqrt{S+B}') for h in [h_s_over_b, h_s_over_sqrtb, h_punzi_significance]: csaver.append(r.TCanvas()) csaver[-1].cd() h.GetXaxis().SetTitle(r'#chi^{2}_{track}/ndf') h.GetYaxis().SetTitle(r'Ghost Prob.') h.Draw('colz') csaver[-1].Update() csaver[-1], line = putLine(csaver[-1], det) csaver[-1] = put_fill(csaver[-1], fill) csaver[-1], ellipse = putEllipse(csaver[-1], det, int(fill)) h.line = line h.ellipse = ellipse save_name = '%s/%s_%s_fill%s.pdf' % (out_location, det, h.name, fill) if good_steps: save_name = save_name.replace('.pdf', '_odinStep_lt_12.pdf') csaver[-1].SaveAs(save_name) if not return_all: h.Delete() # h_sig.Divide(h_noise) # h_sig.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 10) # h_sig.SetTitle('TTaU S/B ratio for fill %s' % fill) # h_sig.GetXaxis().SetTitle(r'#chi^{2}_{track}/ndf') # h_sig.GetYaxis().SetTitle(r'Ghost Prob.') # h_sig.GetZaxis().SetTitle(r'S/B ratio') # h_sig.Draw("colz") # c.Update() # c, line = putLine(c, det) # c = put_fill(c, fill) # c.SaveAs('%s/%s_fill%s.pdf' % (out_location, det, fill)) if not return_all: h_sig.Delete() h_noise.Delete() return f, t_sig else: return f, t_sig, [h_s_over_b, h_s_over_sqrtb, h_punzi_significance] def printADC(f, t_sig, det, fill, stat, step): if step > 10: print(t_sig.Draw("val%s>>hsig%s(210,-35, 175)" % (val[det], step), "odinStep==%s" % step, "goff")) # , stat, 0)) else: print(t_sig.Draw("val%s>>hsig%s(210,-35, 175)" % (val[det], step), "odinStep==%s" % step, "goff", stat, 0)) h_sig = r.gDirectory.Get('hsig%s' % step) r.gROOT.ProcessLine('.X %s/../include/lhcbstyle.C' % os.getcwd()) r.gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.15) c = r.TCanvas() h_sig.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Signal height [ADC value]') h_sig.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Fraction of hits / ADC value') h_sig.DrawNormalized() c.Update() label = r.TPaveText( 0.74 - r.gStyle.GetPadRightMargin(), 0.80 - r.gStyle.GetPadTopMargin(), 0.95 - r.gStyle.GetPadRightMargin(), 0.95 - r.gStyle.GetPadTopMargin(), "BRNDC") label.SetFillColor(0) label.SetTextAlign(12) label.SetBorderSize(0) label.SetTextFont(132) label.SetTextSize(0.06) label.SetTextAlign(22) label.AddText('Fill %s\n' % fill) from checkPulseData import get_vmap v_bias = get_vmap(det)[int(step) / 6] label.AddText('V_{bias} = %s V' % v_bias) label.Draw('same') line = r.TLine() line.SetLineWidth(3) line.SetLineColor(r.kRed) line.SetLineStyle(7) line.DrawLine(float(cut[det]), 0.0, float(cut[det]), r.gPad.GetUymax()) c.Modified() c.Update() c.SaveAs('%s/%s_odinStep%s_fill%s.pdf' % (out_location, det, step, fill)) h_sig.Delete() return f, t_sig def putLine(c, det): line = r.TLine() line.SetLineWidth(4) line.SetLineColor(r.kWhite) c.cd() if 'TT' in det: line.DrawLine(0.0, 0.01, 1.6, 0.16) line.DrawLine(3.0, 0.07, 1.6, 0.16) line.DrawLine(3.0, 0.07, 3.0, 0.0) else: line.DrawLine(0.0, 0.0, 3.5, 0.35) line.DrawLine(3.5, 0.35, 5.0, 0.20) return c, line # def printByStep(fill, stat, det): # f = r.TFile(location[det] + '%s.root' % fill, 'read') # t_sig = f.Get('STADCTrackMonitor/HitInfo/TTaU') # # # Look at Landau distribution # for step in range(67): # c = r.TCanvas() # t_sig.Draw('val5>>hnew(70,-30,90)', 'odinStep==%s' % step) # c.SaveAs() # # draw_sig = "GhostP : TrChi2/TrNDoF>>hsig(100, 0., 10., 100, 0., 1.)" # draw_bg = "GhostP : TrChi2/TrNDoF>>hnoise(100, 0., 10., 100, 0., 1.)" # f.Close() from math import exp, pow def bigauss(x, y, par): # Definition from: # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multivariate_normal_distribution # Params: # 0 - norm # 1 - mu_x # 2 - sigma_x # 3 - mu_y # 4 - sigma_y # 5 - rho return par[0] * exp(-0.5 / (1 - pow(par[5], 2)) * (pow((x - par[1]) / par[2], 2) + pow((y - par[3]) / par[4], 2) - 2 * par[5] * (x - par[1]) * (y - par[3]) / par[2] / par[4])) def double_bigauss(x, y, par): # Bivariate double gaussian # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multivariate_normal_distribution # Params: # 0 - norm # 1 - mu_x # 2 - sigma_x # 3 - mu_y # 4 - sigma_y # 5 - rho # 6 - frac # 7 - sigma_x_2 # 8 - sigma_y_2 norm, mu_x, sigma_x = par[0], par[1], par[2] mu_y, sigma_y, rho = par[3], par[4], par[5] frac, sigma_x_2, sigma_y_2 = par[6], par[7], par[8] return norm * exp(-0.5 / (1 - pow(rho, 2)) * ((frac * pow((x - mu_x) / sigma_x, 2) + (1 - frac) * pow((x - mu_x) / sigma_x_2, 2)) + (frac * pow((y - mu_y) / sigma_y, 2) + (1 - frac) * pow((y - mu_y) / sigma_y_2, 2)) - 2 * rho * frac * (x - mu_x) * (y - mu_y) / (sigma_x * sigma_y)) - 2 * rho * (1 - frac) * (x - mu_x) * (y - mu_y) / (sigma_x_2 * sigma_y_2)) def wrap_bigauss(x, par): def get_TF2(xy, par): x, y = xy[0], xy[1] return bigauss(x, y, par) func = get_TF2(x, par) func.SetParNames('norm', 'mu_x', 'sigma_x', 'mu_y', 'sigma_y', 'rho') func.SetParameters(1., 1., 1., 0.01, 0.05, 0.3) return r.TF2('bivariate_gauss', func, 0., 5., 0., 1.) class MyFitFunction(): def __init__(self, func, n_var): self.n_var = n_var self.func = func def wrap_func(self, x, par): args = [] for i in range(self.n_var): args.append(x[i]) args = tuple(args) # print(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], par) # return self.func(*x, par=par) return self.func(*args, par=par) def __call__(self, x, par): return self.wrap_func(x, par) def myTFunc(name, classname, func, func_range, par_names, par_inits=[], par_limits=[]): n_pars = len(par_names) f = r.__getattr__(classname)(name, MyFitFunction(func, int(classname[2])), *(func_range + (n_pars,))) f.SetParNames(*par_names) if par_inits: f.SetParameters(*par_inits) for i in range(len(par_limits)): f.SetParLimits(i, *par_limits[i]) return f def make_all_plots(): for det in dets: for fill in fills: f = r.TFile(location[det] + '%s.root' % fill, 'read') t_sig = f.Get('STADCTrackMonitor/HitInfo/%s' % layer[det]) f, t_sig = printSelection(f, t_sig, det, fill, stat, good_steps=True) if '--steps' in sys.argv: for step in [0, 12, 48, 54, 60]: f, t_sig = printADC(f, t_sig, det, fill, stat, step) f.Close() # Dictionary which items are accessible with d.key class mydict(dict): __getattr__ = dict.__getitem__ __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__ if __name__ == '__main__': # make_all_plots() # det = 'TT' # fill = '2252' for det in dets: for fill in fills: f = r.TFile(location[det] + '%s.root' % fill, 'read') t_sig = f.Get('STADCTrackMonitor/HitInfo/%s' % layer[det]) f, t_sig, h_list = printSelection(f, t_sig, det, fill, stat_2d, good_steps=True, return_all=True) test_selection(t_sig, int(fill), det, stat) f.Close() # punzi = h_list[-1] # conf = mydict({ # 'names': ('norm', 'mu_x', 'sigma_x', 'mu_y', 'sigma_y', 'rho', 'frac', 'sigma_x_2', 'sigma_y_2'), # 'inits': (200, 1., 0.6, 0.01, 0.1, 0.7, 0.5, 0.2, 0.2), # 'limits': [(0, 100000), (-1.5, 5), (0, 5), (-0.5, 1), (0, 0.5), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (0, 5), (0, 1)], # 'name': 'bivariate_gaussian', # 'range': (0., 4., 0., 0.4), # }) # # r.gStyle.SetNumberContours(20) # func = myTFunc(conf.name, 'TF2', double_bigauss, conf.range, conf.names, conf.inits, conf.limits) # res = punzi.Fit(func, 'RS') # c = r.TCanvas() # punzi.Draw('surf3') # c2 = r.TCanvas() # punzi.Draw('cont list') # print('Fitted parameters:') # print('x ~ N({mu}, {s1}) + N({mu}, {s2})'.format(mu=func.GetParameter('mu_x'), s1=func.GetParameter('sigma_x'), s2=func.GetParameter('sigma_x_2'))) # print('y ~ N({mu}, {s1}) + N({mu}, {s2})'.format(mu=func.GetParameter('mu_y'), s1=func.GetParameter('sigma_y'), s2=func.GetParameter('sigma_y_2'))) # print('The ratio between the Gaussians is ~ {f}'.format(f=func.GetParameter('frac'))) # print('Correlation rho is ~ {rho}'.format(rho=func.GetParameter('rho'))) # res.Print() # conts = r.gROOT.GetListOfSpecials().FindObject('contours') # # c3 = r.TCanvas() # punzi.Draw('colz') # ellipse = r.TEllipse(1.46, 0.04, 0.99, 0.1, 0, 360, 3) # ellipse.SetFillStyle(0) # ellipse.SetLineWidth(3) # ellipse.SetLineColor(r.kRed - 4) # ellipse.Draw('same')