import ROOT import numpy as np from ROOT import TFile, TLorentzVector, TVector3, TRotation, TLorentzRotation, TMath, TH1D, TCanvas, TH2D, TObject, TF1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd macros = '/home/hep/matzeni/CCE/macros/CCEScan/' filelumi = TFile('../CCE/data/db/lumi.root') file_v_depl = TFile('../CCE/data/db/vdepl.root') fileHam = TFile('/disk/data12/lhcb/STAgeingData/data/ST/Aging/Hamburg.root') fileData = TFile('/disk/data12/lhcb/STAgeingData/data/ST/Aging/CCEScan.root') # Select detector detector = 'TT' nstrips = [3, 5, 7] layer = 'TTaU' #Taking the sector list and the corresponding initial depletion voltage vO_sect = np.array(file_v_depl.Get('v_sector_TTaU')) vO_vdepl = np.array(file_v_depl.Get('v_vdepl_TTaU')) print 'vO_vdepl: ',vO_vdepl print 'vO_sect: ',vO_sect d = {'Sect_TTaU' : pd.Series(vO_sect), 'Vdepl_TTaU' : pd.Series(vO_vdepl)} df_ini =pd.DataFrame(d) #Vectors that specify fill number and time of the fills vd_time = np.array(filelumi.Get('v_time')) vd_fill = np.array(filelumi.Get('v_fill')) # Load fill numbers with open(macros + 'Fills.dat', 'rb') as f: fills = fills.remove('2797') fills.remove('3108') #Load Sectors with open(macros + '{DET}sectors.dat'.format(DET=detector), 'rb') as f: sectors = d = {'Fill' : pd.Series(vd_fill), 'Time' : pd.Series(vd_time)} df =pd.DataFrame(d) for isect in sectors: print'=====================================================' print 'isect: ', isect #Hamburg V0 = df_ini['Vdepl_TTaU'][df_ini.Sect_TTaU == int(isect)].values[0] vH_deltaV = np.array(fileHam.Get('v_Hamburg_TTaU_'+str(int(isect))+'_deltaV')) # print 'vH_deltaV: ',vH_deltaV # print 'vH_V: ',vH_V vH_V = V0 - vH_deltaV vH_time = np.array(fileHam.Get('v_Hamburg_TTaU_'+str(int(isect))+'_time')) # print 'vH_time: ',vH_time #Data vD_time =[] vData=[] for ifill in fills: # vData =np.concatenate((vData, np.array(fileData.Get('TT/TTaU/'+isect+'/'+str(int(ifill))+'/v_volt_val7'))),axis=0) vData = np.append( np.array(fileData.Get('TT/TTaU/'+isect+'/'+ifill+'/v_volt_val7'))[0],vData) print(df['Time'][df.Fill == int(ifill)].values[0]) vD_time = np.append( df['Time'][df.Fill == int(ifill)].values[0],vD_time) #print 'vData: ', vData #print 't: ', vD_time ##################################### vH_inter = np.interp(vD_time, vH_time, vH_V) print 'vH_V: ',vH_V print 'vH_inter: ',vH_inter print 'Difference" ',vData-vH_inter plt.plot(vH_time,vH_V, 'r--',vD_time,vH_inter, 'bs',vD_time,vData, 'gs') raw_input('>') ''' a = [ifill, vData_t[0]] print 'vH_V: ',vH_V print 'vd_fill: ',vd_fill print 'vd_time: ',vd_time #Time used to do the Hamburg simulation vH_hig = np.array(fileHam.Get('v_Hamburg_TTaU_'+isect+'_hig')) print 'vH_hig: ',vH_hig vH_low = np.array(fileHam.Get('v_Hamburg_TTaU_'+isect+'_low')) print 'vH_low: ',vH_low #vData = np.array([0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]) #print(vData) '''