// // fluenceExtract.C // macro to determine the fluence in all the read-out sectors from the FLUKA map and the sensor geometries // // Created by Christian Elsasser on 31.05.13. // University of Zurich, elsasser@cern.ch // Copyright only for commercial use // // General include #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string.h> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <locale> #include <stdlib.h> // ROOT include #include "../../include/incBasicROOT.h" #include "../../include/incDrawROOT.h" #include "../../include/incHistROOT.h" #include "../../include/incIOROOT.h" #include "../../include/basicROOTTools.h" #include "../../include/basicRooFitTools.h" #include "../../include/lhcbstyle.C" // Remember to execute the method with all the possible options: // ./fluenceExtract -d TT && ./fluenceExtract -d TT -r 40 && ./fluenceExtract -d TT -r 45 && ./fluenceExtract -d TT -r 75 // ./fluenceExtract -d IT && ./fluenceExtract -d IT -r 40 && ./fluenceExtract -d IT -r 175 // -d detector (TT/IT) // -r radius int fluenceExtract(int, char**); int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ TStyle* style = lhcbStyle(); int argc_copy = argc; TApplication* theApp = new TApplication("Analysis", &argc, argv,0,-1); argc = theApp->Argc(); argv = theApp->Argv(); bool runBatch = false; for (int i = 1; i<argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i],"-b")==0) { runBatch = true; gROOT->SetBatch(); } } style->SetPadLeftMargin(0.12); style->SetPadRightMargin(0.22); style->SetPadBottomMargin(0.15); style->SetPadTopMargin(0.05); int exit = fluenceExtract(argc,argv); Printf("End"); if (!runBatch) { theApp->Run(!runBatch); } return exit; } // Executable method int fluenceExtract(int argc, char* argv[]){ double radius = -10.0; double radmin = 0.0; double radmax = 2000.0; bool useRadius = false; TString det("TT"); for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) { // Switch to IT if set from the command line if (strcmp(argv[i],"-d")==0 && i+1<argc) { det = argv[++i]; }else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-r")==0 && i+1<argc) { useRadius = true; radius = std::atof(argv[++i]); } } // Set the radius to an irrelevant value if (radius<0.0) { radius = 2000.0; } else { // Elena - implement circular crowns if (radius == 45) { radmax = 45.0; } else if (radius == 75) { radmin = 45.0; radmax = 75.0; } else if (radius == 175) { // This setting is the only one for the IT radmin = 0.0; radmax = 175.0; } else if (radius == 40) { // Placeholder for "rest of the sector" // r < 40 mm has too little statistics anyways! radmin = 75.0; if (strcmp(det.Data(),"IT")==0) { // The only radius for the IT is 175 mm radmin = 175.0; } radmax = 2000.0; } } TString lay; if (strcmp(det.Data(),"TT")==0) { lay = "TTaU"; }else{ lay = "T3X2"; } Info("fluenceExtract","Extract fluence for %s / %s",lay.Data(),det.Data()); if (useRadius) { Info("fluenceExtract","Radius restriction to %4.2 mm < r < %4.2 mm", radmin, radmax); } const char* homeVar = std::getenv ("CCEHOME"); const char* diskVar = std::getenv ("DISK"); TString dn_fluka(Form("%s/data/fluka",homeVar)); TString fn_fluka(Form("%s/fluka.root", dn_fluka.Data())); TString dn_hit(Form("%s/data/ST/Aging",diskVar)); TString fn_hit; if (strcmp(det.Data(),"TT")==0) { fn_hit = Form("%s/TTHits.root", dn_hit.Data()); }else{ fn_hit = Form("%s/T3Hits.root", dn_hit.Data()); } TString tn_hit(Form("STHitIntegrator/%s",lay.Data())); TString dn_lumi(Form("%s/data/lumi",homeVar)); TString fn_lumi(Form("%s/lumi.root", dn_lumi.Data())); TString dn_out(Form("%s/data/db",homeVar)); TString fn_out(Form("%s/fluence.root", dn_out.Data())); TString fn_db(Form("%s/%s_db.txt", dn_out.Data(), det.Data())); Printf("%s",fn_db.Data()); std::ifstream f_db(fn_db.Data()); std::vector<double> v_sector; std::vector<double> v_flux7; std::vector<double> v_flux8; std::vector<double> v_flux13; std::vector<double> v_flux7_e; std::vector<double> v_flux8_e; std::vector<double> v_flux13_e; while (f_db) { std::string line; if (!getline(f_db,line)) { break; } std::istringstream s_line(line); std::vector<std::string> v_line; while (s_line) { std::string bit; if (!getline(s_line,bit,'\t')) { break; } v_line.push_back(bit); } if (v_line.size()>4 && strcmp(v_line[4].c_str(),lay.Data())==0) { Info("fluenceExtract","Using sector %s",v_line[0].c_str()); v_sector.push_back(atof(v_line[0].c_str())); } } TFile* f_lumi = TFile::Open(fn_fluka.Data()); TH2F* h_map7; TH2F* h_map8; TH2F* h_map13; if (strcmp(det.Data(),"TT")==0) { h_map7 = (TH2F*)f_lumi->Get("h_tt_7"); h_map8 = (TH2F*)f_lumi->Get("h_tt_8"); h_map13 = (TH2F*)f_lumi->Get("h_tt_13"); }else{ h_map7 = (TH2F*)f_lumi->Get("h_t3_7"); h_map8 = (TH2F*)f_lumi->Get("h_t3_8"); h_map13 = (TH2F*)f_lumi->Get("h_t3_13"); } TFile* f_hit = TFile::Open(fn_hit.Data()); TTree* t_hit = (TTree*)f_hit->Get(tn_hit.Data()); for (int i=0; i<v_sector.size(); i++) { int sec = (double)v_sector[i]; TH2F* h_hit7 = (TH2F*)h_map7->Clone("h_hit7"); h_hit7->Reset("ICES"); TCut c_hit(Form("(Sec==%d)",sec)); if (useRadius) { // Elena - implement circular crowns c_hit=c_hit&&Form("(TMath::Sqrt(x*x+y*y)>%f/10 && (TMath::Sqrt(x*x+y*y)<%f/10))", radmin, radmax); } t_hit->Draw("y:x>>h_hit7",c_hit,"goff"); h_hit7->Scale(1.0/h_hit7->Integral()); TH2F* h_hit8 = (TH2F*)h_hit7->Clone("h_hit8"); TH2F* h_hit13 = (TH2F*)h_hit7->Clone("h_hit13"); h_hit7->Multiply(h_map7); h_hit8->Multiply(h_map8); h_hit13->Multiply(h_map13); if (h_hit7->Integral()<1e-9 && h_hit8->Integral()<1e-9 && h_hit13->Integral()<1e-9) { Info("fluenceExtract","Negligible flux for sector %d",sec); } double flux7_v, flux8_v, flux13_v; double flux7_e, flux8_e, flux13_e; flux7_v = h_hit7->IntegralAndError(1,h_hit7->GetNbinsX(), 1,h_hit7->GetNbinsY(), flux7_e); flux8_v = h_hit8->IntegralAndError(1,h_hit8->GetNbinsX(), 1,h_hit8->GetNbinsY(), flux8_e); flux13_v = h_hit13->IntegralAndError(1,h_hit13->GetNbinsX(), 1,h_hit13->GetNbinsY(), flux13_e); if (TMath::IsNaN(flux7_v)) { flux7_v = 0.0; flux7_e = 0.0; } if (TMath::IsNaN(flux8_v)) { flux8_v = 0.0; flux8_e = 0.0; } if (TMath::IsNaN(flux13_v)) { flux13_v = 0.0; flux13_e = 0.0; } Info("fluenceExtract","Sector %d:",sec); Printf(" Average flux: %10.7f+/-%10.7f 1-MeV n / cm^{2} collision for 7 TeV", sec,flux7_v,flux7_e); Printf(" Average flux: %10.7f+/-%10.7f 1-MeV n / cm^{2} collision for 8 TeV", sec,flux8_v,flux8_e); Printf(" Average flux: %10.7f+/-%10.7f 1-MeV n / cm^{2} collision for 13 TeV", sec,flux13_v,flux13_e); v_flux7.push_back(flux7_v); v_flux7_e.push_back(flux7_e); v_flux8.push_back(flux8_v); v_flux8_e.push_back(flux8_e); v_flux13.push_back(flux13_v); v_flux13_e.push_back(flux13_e); delete h_hit7; delete h_hit8; delete h_hit13; } TFile* f_out = new TFile(fn_out.Data(),"UPDATE"); TVectorD vr_sector = getROOTVector<double>(v_sector); TVectorD vr_flux7_v = getROOTVector<double>(v_flux7); TVectorD vr_flux7_e = getROOTVector<double>(v_flux7_e); TVectorD vr_flux8_v = getROOTVector<double>(v_flux8); TVectorD vr_flux8_e = getROOTVector<double>(v_flux8_e); TVectorD vr_flux13_v = getROOTVector<double>(v_flux13); TVectorD vr_flux13_e = getROOTVector<double>(v_flux13_e); if (useRadius) { lay+=Form("_r%d",(int)radius); } f_out->Delete(Form("v_sector_%s;*", lay.Data())); f_out->Delete(Form("v_flux7_v_%s;*",lay.Data())); f_out->Delete(Form("v_flux7_e_%s;*",lay.Data())); f_out->Delete(Form("v_flux8_v_%s;*",lay.Data())); f_out->Delete(Form("v_flux8_e_%s;*",lay.Data())); f_out->Delete(Form("v_flux13_v_%s;*",lay.Data())); f_out->Delete(Form("v_flux13_e_%s;*",lay.Data())); vr_sector.Write(Form("v_sector_%s", lay.Data())); vr_flux7_v.Write(Form("v_flux7_v_%s",lay.Data())); vr_flux7_e.Write(Form("v_flux7_e_%s",lay.Data())); vr_flux8_v.Write(Form("v_flux8_v_%s",lay.Data())); vr_flux8_e.Write(Form("v_flux8_e_%s",lay.Data())); vr_flux13_v.Write(Form("v_flux13_v_%s",lay.Data())); vr_flux13_e.Write(Form("v_flux13_e_%s",lay.Data())); f_out->Close(); Info("fluenceExtract","Results written to %s",fn_out.Data()); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }