import ROOT import numpy as np from ROOT import TFile, TLorentzVector, TVector3, TRotation, TLorentzRotation, TMath, TH1D, TCanvas, TH2D, TObject, TF1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd from checkPulseData import Table import os import math as m import argparse #Given the fitted parameters calculates the maximum point def GetMaximumPoint(t0, t0_err, tau, tau_err): #The position of the maximum can be obtained from the functional form used for the fit t = t0 + (3 - m.sqrt(3))*tau t_err = m.sqrt(t0_err*t0_err + (3 - m.sqrt(3))*tau_err*(3 - m.sqrt(3))*tau_err) return t, t_err #Obtains the fitted parameters from pulse shapes def GetFitParameters(fileData, detector, layer, isect, ifill, calibstep, istrip): #print 'Using {}/{}/{}/{}/v_pulse{}_val{}'.format(detector,layer, isect, ifill, calibstep, istrip) v = np.array(fileData.Get('{}/{}/{}/{}/v_pulse{}_val{}'.format(detector,layer, isect, ifill, calibstep, istrip))) return v if __name__ == '__main__': ''' Autor: Michele Atzeni Email: Working in date 14.06.2017 Description: The script ''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Configuration of the parameters for the SplitAndMerge') parser.add_argument("-d", "--detector" , dest="detector" , help="Choose the detector to use ",choices=['TT','IT'], default = 'TT') parser.add_argument("-l", "--layer" , dest="layer", help="Choose the layer to use",choices=['TTaU','T3X2'], default = 'TTaU') parser.add_argument("-n", "--nstrips" , dest="nstrips", help="Choose the number of strips to use",choices=['3','5','7'], default = ['7']) parser.add_argument("--Vred", action="store_true", help="exclude the 3 lowest Vbias") parser.add_argument("--VERB", action="store_true", help="VERBOsE") args = parser.parse_args() # Parameters and configuration detector= args.detector layer = args.layer nstrips = args.nstrips Vred = args.Vred VERB = args.VERB #Plotting options plot1 = True plot2 = True location = os.path.expandvars('$DISK/data/ST/Aging/') fileData = TFile(location+'CCEScan.root') Outputfolder = os.path.expandvars('$DISK/')+'data/ST/graphics/{}/{}/Max_Evol_Plots/'.format(detector, layer) if not os.path.exists(Outputfolder) : print "Creating the folder {}".format(Outputfolder) raw_input("Ctrl-C to abort, return to continue") os.makedirs(Outputfolder) #detector = 'TT' #layer = 'TTaU' #nstrips = [5]#[3, 5, 7] #Voltage map voltMapTT = [400., 350., 300., 250., 225., 200., 175., 150., 125., 100., 60.] voltMapIT = [300., 200., 170., 140., 120., 105., 90., 75., 60., 40., 20.] voltMapTTred = [400., 350., 300., 250.] #225., 200., 175., 150. voltMapITred = [300., 200., 170., 140.]#, 120., 105., 90., 75. if(detector == 'TT'): if (Vred): voltMap = voltMapTTred else: voltMap = voltMapTT else: if(Vred): voltMap = voltMapITred else: voltMap = voltMapIT #Load Fills macros = os.path.expandvars('$CCEHOME/macros/CCEScan/') with open(macros + 'Fills.dat', 'rb') as f: fills = fills.remove('2797') fills.remove('3108') #Load Sectors with open(macros + '{DET}sectors.dat'.format(DET=detector), 'rb') as f: sectors = print "The sector list is: \n", sectors #Define table columns table = Table('Detector', 'Sector', 'Fill', 'N strips', 'Vbias', 'x_max','x_err') for isect in sectors: print '====== SECTOR {}================'.format(isect) for ifill in fills: if (VERB): print '====== FILL {}================'.format(ifill) for istrip in nstrips: if(VERB): print '====== NSTRIPS {}================'.format(istrip) for calibstep in range(0,len(voltMap)): if(VERB): print '====== CALIBSTEP {}================'.format(calibstep) v_fit = GetFitParameters(fileData, detector, layer, isect, ifill, calibstep, istrip) if(VERB): print 'v_fit: ', v_fit try: x_max, x_err = GetMaximumPoint(v_fit[4], v_fit[5], v_fit[2], v_fit[3]) if (VERB): print 'x_max: ', x_max table.append(detector, int(isect), int(ifill), istrip, voltMap[calibstep], x_max, x_err) except: print '=====================================================================================================================' print 'WARNING: Empty vector found for {}/{}/{}/{}/v_pulse{}_val{}'.format(detector,layer, isect, ifill, calibstep, istrip) print '=====================================================================================================================' #print (fileData, detector, layer, isect, ifill, calibstep, istrip) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(table) if not os.path.isfile('Shifts_{DET}.pkl'.format(DET=detector)): import pickle pickle.dump(df, open('Shifts_{DET}.pkl'.format(DET=detector), 'wb')) #################### if(plot1 == True): print 'Plotting...' for isect in sectors: df1 = df[df.Sector == int(isect)] for v in voltMap: df1p = df1[(df1.Vbias == v)] plt.errorbar(x=df1p['Fill'].values , y=df1p['x_max'].values, yerr=df1p['x_err'].values, fmt='-^',label='{} V'.format(str(v))) #plt.errorbar(x=[1,2,3,4,5,6], y=[1,2,3,4,5,6], yerr=[0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1], fmt='^',label='{} V'.format(str(v))) #plt.plot(x=df1p['Fill'], y=df1p['x_max'],marker='.',label='{} V'.format(str(v)))#yerr=df1p['x_err'], plt.xlabel("Fill number") plt.ylabel('Time of the pulse shape maximum (ns)') plt.title("Time evolution of max. position for sector {} using nstrips={}".format(str(isect),istrip)) plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.savefig(Outputfolder+'Max_Evol_{}_{}_{}.pdf'.format(layer,str(isect),istrip)) plt.clf() ##################### if(plot2): first_fill = int(raw_input(">For the last plot choose the first fill (5162): ")) second_fill = int(raw_input(">For the last plot choose the second fill (5448): ")) df1 = df[(df.Fill == first_fill)] df2 = df[(df.Fill == second_fill)] for vbias in voltMap: if (vbias < 0.): continue df1v = df1[(df1.Vbias == vbias)][['Sector','x_max','x_err']] df2v = df2[(df2.Vbias == vbias)][['Sector','x_max','x_err']] df1v = df1v.sort_values(['Sector'], ascending=True).reset_index(drop=True) df2v = df2v.sort_values(['Sector'], ascending=True).reset_index(drop=True) plt.errorbar(df1v['Sector'], df2v['x_max'] - df1v['x_max'], yerr= df2v['x_err'] + df1v['x_err'], fmt='^', label= '{} V'.format(vbias)) plt.xlabel("Sector") plt.ylabel('Time difference (ns)') plt.title("Time difference of max. positions fill {}-{} using nstrips={}".format(second_fill, first_fill, istrip) ) plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.savefig(Outputfolder+'TimeDifferences_fill{}_{}_HV_ns{}.pdf'.format(str(first_fill)+str(second_fill),layer,istrip)) plt.clf()