TestStandRepository / Software / TbNtupleMaker / .svn / text-base / TbNtupleMaker.cpp.svn-base
@Federica Lionetto Federica Lionetto on 7 Oct 2014 10 KB Added Software, Data, and AnalysisResults folders
  1. //************************************************
  2. // Author: Federica Lionetto, Adam Davis, Biplab Dey, Paolo Gandini
  3. // Created on: 07/30/2014
  4. //************************************************
  6. /*
  7. TbNtupleMaker reads an Alibava file and creates a ROOT file (same filename) with the following information:
  8. - int NEvents, the number of events read from the header of the Alibava file;
  9. - int RunType, the run type;
  10. - std::vector<double> PedByGain, the pedestals calculated by the Alibava;
  11. - std::vector<double> NoiseByGain, the noise calculated by the Alibava;
  12. - std::vector<double> Gain, the gain calculated by the Alibava;
  13. - TH1F histo_PedByGain("histo_PedByGain","histo_PedByGain",N,0,N-1);
  14. - TH1F histo_NoiseByGain("histo_NoiseByGain","histo_NoiseByGain",N,0,N-1);
  15. - TH1F histo_Gain("histo_Gain","histo_Gain",N,0,N-1);
  16. - string Date = a->date(), the date read from the header of the Alibava file;
  17. - std::vector<unsigned short> ADC, the raw ADC counts, one per event;
  18. - double TDCTime, the TDC time (meaningful only in radioactive source runs), one per event;
  19. - double Temp, the temperature, one per event;
  20. - int n, a counter, one per event (starting from 1).
  22. The ROOT file will be saved in a folder named RootFiles in the same folder where the Alibava file is (if no external path is provided) or in the folder specified by the external path.
  24. Compile with:
  26. make
  28. Run with:
  30. ./TbNtupleMaker [Alibava file] [external path]
  32. where:
  33. - [Alibava file] is the complete path, including the folder and the filename, of the Alibava file one wants to process;
  34. - [external path] is the optional external path where the RootFiles folder will be created.
  36. For example:
  38. ./TbNtupleMaker /.../run_xxxxxx_xxxx_xxxx.ali
  40. or
  42. ./TbNtupleMaker /.../run_xxxxxx_xxxx_xxxx.ali /...
  43. */
  45. //************************************************
  46. // Types:
  47. // 1 = calibration run
  48. // 2 = laser synchronization run
  49. // 3 = laser run
  50. // 4 = radioactive source run
  51. // 5 = pedestal run
  52. //************************************************
  54. #include <iostream>
  55. #include <string>
  57. #include <vector>
  59. #include <cstdlib>
  61. #include "TFile.h"
  62. #include "TROOT.h"
  63. #include "TSystem.h"
  64. #include "TTree.h"
  66. #include "Alibava/AsciiRoot.h"
  68. #ifdef __MAKECINT__
  69. #pragma link C++ class vector<float>+;
  70. #endif
  72. using namespace std;
  74. // Number of Beetle channels.
  75. const int N = 256;
  77. void TbNtupleMaker(char *filename, char *externalPath = 0);
  79. int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  80. {
  81. if(argc < 2)
  82. {
  83. cout << "**************************************************" << endl;
  85. cout << "Error! Input file missing..." << endl;
  86. cout << "Please use the following format:" << endl;
  87. cout << "./TbNtupleMaker [1] [2]" << endl;
  88. cout << "with:" << endl;
  89. cout << "[1] = Alibava file, complete path;" << endl;
  90. cout << "[2] = External path, optional." << endl;
  91. cout << "Type ./TbNtupleMaker --info for more information." << endl;
  93. cout << "**************************************************" << endl;
  94. return 0;
  95. }
  96. else if (string(argv[1]) == "--info")
  97. {
  98. cout << "**************************************************" << endl;
  100. cout << "TbNtupleMaker reads an Alibava file and creates a ROOT file (same filename) with the following information:" << endl;
  101. cout << "- int NEvents, the number of events read from the header of the Alibava file;" << endl;
  102. cout << "- int RunType, the run type;" << endl;
  103. cout << "- std::vector<double> PedByGain, the pedestals calculated by the Alibava;" << endl;
  104. cout << "- std::vector<double> NoiseByGain, the noise calculated by the Alibava;" << endl;
  105. cout << "- std::vector<double> Gain, the gain calculated by the Alibava;" << endl;
  106. cout << "- TH1F histo_PedByGain;" << endl;
  107. cout << "- TH1F histo_NoiseByGain;" << endl;
  108. cout << "- TH1F histo_Gain;" << endl;
  109. cout << "- string Date = a->date(), the date read from the header of the Alibava file;" << endl;
  110. cout << "- std::vector<unsigned short> ADC, the raw ADC counts, one per event;" << endl;
  111. cout << "- double TDCTime, the TDC time (meaningful only in radioactive source runs), one per event;" << endl;
  112. cout << "- double Temp, the temperature, one per event;" << endl;
  113. cout << "- int n, a counter, one per event (starting from 1)." << endl;
  115. cout << "**************************************************" << endl;
  117. cout << "The ROOT file will be saved in a folder named RootFiles in the same folder where the Alibava file is (if no external path is provided) or in the folder specified by the external path." << endl;
  118. cout << "**************************************************" << endl;
  120. cout << "Compile with:" << endl;
  121. cout << "make" << endl;
  122. cout << "Run with:" << endl;
  123. cout << "./TbNtupleMaker [Alibava file] [external path]" << endl;
  124. cout << "where:" << endl;
  125. cout << "- [Alibava file] is the complete path, including the folder and the filename, of the Alibava file one wants to process;" << endl;
  126. cout << "- [external path] is the optional external path where the RootFiles folder will be created." << endl;
  127. cout << "For example:" << endl;
  128. cout << "./TbNtupleMaker /.../run_xxxxxx_xxxx_xxxx.ali" << endl;
  129. cout << "or" << endl;
  130. cout << "./TbNtupleMaker /.../run_xxxxxx_xxxx_xxxx.ali /..." << endl;
  132. cout << "**************************************************" << endl;
  133. return 0;
  134. }
  135. else
  136. {
  137. cout << "File to process: " << argv[1] << endl;
  138. if (argc == 2)
  139. TbNtupleMaker(argv[1]);
  140. else if (argc == 3)
  141. TbNtupleMaker(argv[1],argv[2]);
  142. else
  143. {
  144. cout << "Error! Too many arguments given..." << endl;
  146. return 0;
  147. }
  148. return 0;
  149. }
  150. }
  154. void TbNtupleMaker(char *filename, char *externalPath){
  155. cout << "**************************************************" << endl;
  156. cout << "Decoding raw data..." << endl;
  157. cout << "**************************************************" << endl;
  158. // Do not comment this line.
  159. gROOT->ProcessLine("#include <vector>");
  161. // Do some fanciness to get the directory right.
  162. string filename_as_string = string(filename);
  163. string prefix = filename_as_string.substr(0,filename_as_string.find_last_of('/'));
  164. if (externalPath!=0)
  165. prefix = string(externalPath);
  166. string ali_filename = filename_as_string.substr(filename_as_string.find_last_of('/')+1);
  167. TString outfilename = ((TString)prefix)+"/RootFiles/"+((TString)ali_filename);
  168. outfilename.ReplaceAll(".ali",".root");
  169. // Create a folder named RootFiles. Do not worry, nothing bad is going to happen if the folder already exists.
  170. cout << "Create a folder named RootFiles" << endl;
  172. char *path_to_make = (char*)("mkdir "+prefix+"/RootFiles" ).c_str();
  173. cout << "Setting output to: " << path_to_make << endl;
  175. system(path_to_make);
  177. // Open ROOT file.
  178. TFile *output = TFile::Open(outfilename,"RECREATE");
  179. // Open Alibava file.
  180. AsciiRoot *a = new AsciiRoot(filename);
  182. // Create tree structure in ROOT file, to be filled once per file.
  183. int NEvents;
  184. int RunType;
  185. std::vector<double> PedByGain;
  186. std::vector<double> NoiseByGain;
  187. std::vector<double> Gain;
  188. TH1F histo_PedByGain("histo_PedByGain","histo_PedByGain",N,0,N);
  189. TH1F histo_NoiseByGain("histo_NoiseByGain","histo_NoiseByGain",N,0,N);
  190. TH1F histo_Gain("histo_Gain","histo_Gain",N,0,N);
  191. TH1F histo_Signal20("histo_Signal20","Signal calculated by Alibava > 20, distribution over the strips",N,0,N);
  192. TH1F histo_Signal40("histo_Signal40","Signal calculated by Alibava > 40, distribution over the strips",N,0,N);
  193. TH1F histo_Signal60("histo_Signal60","Signal calculated by Alibava > 60, distribution over the strips",N,0,N);
  194. TH1F histo_TDC("histo_TDC","TDC distribution, ADC > 40",50,0,50);
  195. string Date = a->date();
  196. /////// vito
  197. TH1D** ADC_ch = new TH1D*[256];
  198. TH2D* ADCvsEv = new TH2D("ADCvsEv_%d",
  199. "ADCvsEv_%d",
  200. 1e5, -0.5, 99999.5,
  201. 200, 399.5, 600.5 );
  203. for(int i=0; i<256; i++){
  204. ADC_ch[i] = new TH1D(Form("ADC_ch_%d", i),
  205. Form("ADC_ch_%d", i),
  206. 1024, -0.5, 1023.5 );
  208. }
  211. // Allocate only necessary space.
  212. PedByGain.reserve(N);
  213. NoiseByGain.reserve(N);
  214. Gain.reserve(N);
  216. // Create tree structure in ROOT file, to be filled once per event.
  217. std::vector<unsigned short> ADC;
  218. double TDCTime;
  219. double Temp;
  220. int n;
  222. // Fill the header, once per file.
  223. TTree *Header = new TTree("Header","Header");
  225. Header->Branch("NEvents",&NEvents);
  226. Header->Branch("RunType",&RunType);
  227. Header->Branch("PedByGain",&PedByGain);
  228. Header->Branch("NoiseByGain",&NoiseByGain);
  229. Header->Branch("Gain",&Gain);
  230. Header->Branch("Date",&Date);
  232. NEvents = a->get_nevents();
  233. cout << "Number of events in the Alibava file: " << NEvents << endl;
  234. RunType = a->type();
  235. for(int iChannel=0; iChannel<N;++iChannel)
  236. {
  237. Gain[iChannel]= a->get_gain(iChannel);
  238. PedByGain[iChannel]=a->ped(iChannel);
  239. NoiseByGain[iChannel] = a->noise(iChannel);
  240. histo_Gain.SetBinContent(iChannel+1,a->get_gain(iChannel));
  241. histo_PedByGain.SetBinContent(iChannel+1,a->ped(iChannel));
  242. histo_NoiseByGain.SetBinContent(iChannel+1,a->noise(iChannel));
  243. }
  245. Header->Fill();
  246. cout << "Information in the header:" << endl;
  247. Header->Print();
  248. cout << "**************************************************" << endl;
  249. cout << "Date from Alibava file: " << Date <<endl;
  250. cout << "**************************************************" << endl;
  251. // Fill the data, once per event.
  252. TTree *EventInfo = new TTree("EventInfo","EventInfo");
  253. EventInfo->Branch("n",&n);
  254. EventInfo->Branch("ADC",&ADC);
  255. EventInfo->Branch("TDCTime",&TDCTime);
  256. EventInfo->Branch("Temp",&Temp);
  257. // Loop over events.
  258. for (int iEvent=0; iEvent<NEvents; iEvent++)
  259. {
  260. ADC.clear();
  261. a->read_event();
  263. // Loop over Beetle channels.
  264. for (int jChannel=0; jChannel<N; jChannel++)
  265. {
  266. if(a->data(jChannel)-PedByGain[jChannel]>20) histo_Signal20.Fill(jChannel);
  267. if(a->data(jChannel)-PedByGain[jChannel]>40) histo_Signal40.Fill(jChannel);
  268. if(a->data(jChannel)-PedByGain[jChannel]>60) histo_Signal60.Fill(jChannel);
  269. ADC.push_back(a->data(jChannel));
  270. ADC_ch[jChannel]->Fill( a->data(jChannel) );
  271. if(jChannel==200) ADCvsEv->Fill( iEvent, a->data(jChannel) );
  272. }
  275. n = iEvent+1;
  276. TDCTime =a->time();
  277. for(int t=0; t<N; t++) if([t]>40) {histo_TDC.Fill(TDCTime,1); break;}
  278. Temp = a->temp();
  279. EventInfo->Fill();
  280. }
  285. cout << "Information in the data: " << endl;
  286. EventInfo->Print();
  288. // Close Alibava file.
  289. a->close();
  291. // Write and close ROOT file.
  292. for(int i=0; i<256; i++)
  293. ADC_ch[i]->Write();
  294. ADCvsEv->Write();
  296. output->Write();
  297. output->Close();
  299. return;
  300. }