- // Boost
- // Tb/TbEvent
- #include "Event/TbHit.h"
- #include "Event/TbTrigger.h"
- // Tb/TbKernel
- #include "TbKernel/TbAlgorithm.h"
- #include "TbKernel/TbModule.h"
- // Local
- #include "TbRawStream.h"
- #include "TbRawFile.h"
- #include "TbHeaderDecoder.h"
- #include <ctime>
- #include <chrono>
- /** @class TbEventBuilder TbEventBuilder.h
- *
- * Algorithm to populate TES with time ordered gaudi events with data read in
- * in the SPIDR data format
- *
- * @author Tim Evans (timothy.david.evans@cern.ch)
- * @date 2014-04-01
- */
- class TbEventBuilder : public TbAlgorithm {
- public:
- /// Standard constructor
- TbEventBuilder(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
- /// Destructor
- virtual ~TbEventBuilder();
- virtual StatusCode initialize(); ///< Algorithm initialization
- virtual StatusCode execute(); ///< Algorithm execution
- virtual StatusCode finalize(); ///< Algorithm termination
- private:
- /// Max. time difference for resynchronisation
- static const int64_t m_maxTimeDifference;
- std::clock_t c_start;
- std::chrono::_V2::system_clock::time_point t_start;
- /// Input data files
- std::vector<std::string> m_input;
- /// TES location of output hits
- std::string m_hitLocation;
- /// TES location of output triggers
- std::string m_triggerLocation;
- unsigned int m_nPackets;
- /// The length of the time window used by the event definition
- uint64_t m_tick;
- /// The length of time looking in the the next event
- uint64_t m_cachelength;
- /// The length of time by which event definitions 'overlap',
- /// to be sorted out by tracking
- uint64_t m_overlapTime;
- /// Time at which to start reading (in trigger FToA times)
- uint64_t m_startTime;
- /// Time at which to stop reading (specified in ms, converted later to FToA)
- uint64_t m_endTime;
- /// Min. number of non-empty planes required to make an event
- unsigned int m_nMinPlanesWithHits;
- /// Frequency to print event count.
- unsigned int m_printFreq;
- /// The total header size. If set to 0, is read from header.
- unsigned int m_headerSize;
- /// Flag to dump header or not.
- bool m_printHeader;
- /// Flag to activate detailed print-out and histograms.
- bool m_monitoring;
- /// Flag to activate pixel configuration histograms
- bool m_equal;
- /// Flag to ignore the global clock packets
- bool m_ignoreGlobalClock;
- /// The end of the time window used by the event definition
- uint64_t m_clock;
- /// Number of processed events
- unsigned int m_nEvents;
- /// Number of skipped noise events
- unsigned int m_nNoiseEvents;
- /// Number of created hits
- uint64_t m_nData;
- /// Number of read hit packets
- uint64_t m_nHitsRead;
- /// Number of read trigger packets
- unsigned int m_nTriggersRead;
- /// Number of out-of-time packets
- unsigned int m_nLostPackets;
- unsigned int m_nLostTimers;
- /// Maximum number of lost packets / clock packets
- unsigned int m_maxLostPackets;
- unsigned int m_maxLostTimers;
- /// Another eof checksum
- uint64_t m_nDataInFiles;
- /// Counter for unknown packets
- unsigned int m_unknownPackets;
- /// Forces the cache to update every cycle, useful
- /// for runs where a bad packet has confused the caching
- bool m_forceCaching;
- /// TbRawStreams for each plane
- std::vector<TbRawStream*> m_streams;
- /// Triggers in each plane
- std::vector<LHCb::TbTriggers*> m_triggers;
- /// Hits in each plane
- std::vector<LHCb::TbHits*> m_hits;
- /// Header decoder tool
- TbHeaderDecoder* m_headerDecoder;
- bool fill(TbRawStream* f, LHCb::TbHits* hits, LHCb::TbTriggers* triggers, bool& eot);
- /// Templated cache dump for triggers and hits (extendible to other
- /// data packets with a time field and a htime field
- template <typename T>
- bool dumpCache(TbRawStream* stream,
- KeyedContainer<T, Containers::HashMap>* container);
- /// Extend the timestamp of a packet to include the global time
- template <typename T>
- void extendTimeStamp(T* packet, uint64_t global_time);
- /// Write a data packet to either a cache or the TES, depending on
- /// whether it is contained within the current event definition
- template <typename T>
- void writePacket(T* packet, TbRawStream* stream,
- KeyedContainer<T, Containers::HashMap>* container) {
- const uint64_t time = packet->time();
- if (time < m_clock + m_overlapTime && time >= m_clock - m_tick) {
- // Timestamp is inside the current event. Add the packet to the TES.
- packet->setHtime(timingSvc()->globalToLocal(time));
- container->insert(packet);
- } else {
- stream->insert(packet);
- }
- }
- LHCb::TbHit* decodeTPX3Hit( const uint64_t& packet,const unsigned int& pixelAddress, const unsigned int& device , const unsigned int& fCol ) ;
- void syncTPX3(const uint64_t& thisPacketTime, TbRawStream* f ) ;
- bool attemptResync(TbRawStream* f, const uint64_t& packet ) ;
- /// Functor for sorting files by split index
- class lessBySplitIndex {
- public:
- bool operator()(const TbRawFile* a, const TbRawFile* b) const {
- return a->splitIndex() < b->splitIndex();
- }
- };
- };
- #endif