- % Main style file for the BEAMER FLIP THEME 2012
- % Copyright 2012 by Flip Tanedo
- % This file may be distributed and/or modified
- % 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
- % 2. under the GNU Public License.
- %
- % Comments: This is still a work in progress.
- % A good way to present: http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~oneill/freesoftware/pdftokeynote.html
- % \usepackage{beamerthemesplit}
- \mode<presentation>
- %% These are the options that are fed in through the driver file
- %% Some of them get passed on to the other theme files
- \DeclareOptionBeamer{bullet}{\PassOptionsToPackage{bullet=#1}{beamerinnerthemeFlip}}
- \DeclareOptionBeamer{bigpagenumber}{\PassOptionsToPackage{bigpagenumber}{beamerouterthemeFlip}}
- \DeclareOptionBeamer{topline}[true]{\PassOptionsToPackage{topline=#1}{beamerouterthemeFlip}}
- \DeclareOptionBeamer{shadow}[false]{\PassOptionsToPackage{shadow=#1}{beamerinnerthemeFlip}}
- \DeclareOptionBeamer{watermark}{\PassOptionsToPackage{watermark=#1}{beamerouterthemeFlip}}
- \ProcessOptionsBeamer
- \useinnertheme{Flip} % Calls beamerinnerthemeFlip.sty
- \useoutertheme{Flip} % Calls beamerouterthemeFlip.sty
- \usecolortheme{Flip} % Calls beamercolorthemeFlip.sty
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Background Gradient %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %% Usually I would leave this on
- %% However, there seems to be problems with XeLaTeX
- %% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/29497/xelatex-preventing-beamer-from-using-different-backgrounds
- \setbeamertemplate{background canvas}[vertical shading][bottom=blue!.1, middle=white, top=white]
- %% HOWEVER: it seems to make it impossible to change this later on in the document
- %% For a dark background:
- % \setbeamertemplate{background canvas}[vertical shading][bottom=keynotebottom, middle=keynotemiddle, top=keynotetop]
- %% An alternate way: \beamertemplateshadingbackground{blue!.1}{red!2}
- %% In general: you want the gradient to be subtle!
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Navigation symbols %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} % Turns off PDF navigation symbols
- \mode<all>
- \endinput