Presentations / Kstarmumu_Run2 / Selection2 / mchrzasz.tex
@Marcin Chrzaszcz Marcin Chrzaszcz on 29 Mar 2017 20 KB A&S for Lc
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\author{ {M.Chrzaszcz~A.Mauri~R.Coutinho} (UZH)}
\title[$\PBzero \to \PKstar \Pmuon \APmuon$ Update]{$\PBzero \to \PKstar \Pmuon \APmuon$ Update}
\date{30 January 2017}

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\begin{frame}[c]%{\phantom{title page}}
			\flushright\bfseries \Huge {$\PBzero \to \PKstar \Pmuon \APmuon$\\ Update}
                 % \hspace*{}

\flushright \vspace{-1.8em} { \large Marcin Chrzaszcz\\\vspace{-0.1em}  \large Andrea Mauri\\\vspace{-0.1em} \large Rafael Silva Coutinho\\\vspace{-0.1em} }




	\textcolor{normal text.fg!50!Comment}{$\PBzero \to \PKstar \Pmuon \APmuon$ meeting, CERN\\February 14, 2017}

\begin{frame}[c]{The need for MC}

\ARROW New analysis will need new/Run2 MC. Already in progress:



\ARROW Re-examine the selection:
\item $m_{K \pi \mu \mu}> 4960~ \&\&~ m_{K \pi \mu \mu} < 6000$
\item $q^2 <19.5$
\item \texttt{K\_PIDK>-5~\&\&~Pi\_PIDK<25~\&\& \\mu\_minus\_PIDmu>-3~\&\&~mu\_plus\_PIDmu>-3}
\item Muons: \texttt{isMuon}
\item $m_{K \pi} >630~ \&\&~ m_{K \pi} < 1530$


\begin{frame}[c]{Trigger Run1}
\ARROW There is the standerd:
\item \texttt{L0Muon}
\item \texttt{B0\_Hlt1TrackAllL0} $\Vert$  \texttt{B0\_Hlt1TrackMuon}
\item \texttt{B0\_Hlt2TopoMu(2,3,4)BodyBBDT}  $\Vert$ \texttt{B0\_Hlt2Topo(2,3,4)BodyBBDT} $\Vert$ \texttt{B0\_Hlt2DiMuonDetached} $\Vert$ \texttt{B0\_Hlt2DiMuon}
\ARROW All required to be TOS.

\begin{frame}[c]{Trigger Run2}
\ARROW There is the standerd:
\item \texttt{L0Muon}
\item \texttt{B0\_Hlt1TrackMVADecision} \texttt{B0\_Hlt1TrackMuonDecision} 
\texttt{B0\_Hlt1DiMuonHighMassDecision} \texttt{B0\_Hlt1DiMuonLowMassDecision} \texttt{B0\_Hlt1SingleMuonHighPTDecision}
\item \texttt{B0\_Hlt2TopoMuMu(2,3,4)BodyBBDT}  $\Vert$ \texttt{B0\_Hlt2TopoMu(2,3,4)BodyBBDT}  $\Vert$ \texttt{B0\_Hlt2Topo(2,3,4)BodyBBDT} $\Vert$ \texttt{B0\_Hlt2DiMuonDetached} $\Vert$ \texttt{
B0\_Hlt2SingleMuon} $\Vert$ \texttt{B0\_Hlt2SingleMuonHighPT} $\Vert$ \texttt{B0\_Hlt2SingleMuonLowPT} $\Vert$ \texttt{B0\_Hlt2SingleMuonRare}

\begin{frame}[c]{Angles peak}
\ARROW Remove events where angles between two particles is small:

\begin{frame}[c]{Angles peak}
\ARROW Remove events where angles between two particles is small:

\begin{frame}[c]{Angles peak}
\ARROW Remove events where angles between two particles is small:
\ARROW The current cut is $0.001$ but I would move it to $0.0015$ to be extra safe for higher $m_{K \pi}$.


\begin{frame}[c]{Angles peak}
\ARROW Remove events where angles between two particles is small:
\ARROW The current cut is $0.001$ but I would move it to $0.0015$ to be extra safe for higher $m_{K \pi}$.

\begin{frame}[c]{$\mu \leftrightarrow \pi$ swaps}
\ARROW Remove events where we swap $\PJpsi$ and $\Psi(2S)$.


\begin{frame}[c]{$\mu \leftrightarrow \pi$ swaps}
\ARROW Cuts $\PJpsi$:\\
\texttt{(B0\_swapMass>3036)\&\&(B0\_swapMass<3156)\\ \&\&(Pi\_PIDmu>5||Pi\_isMuon==1}\\
\ARROW Cuts $\PJpsi$ double swap:\\
\texttt{(B0\_kmuswapMass>3036)\&\&(B0\_kmuswapMass<3156)\\ \&\&(K\_PIDmu>5||K\_isMuon==1))}\\

\ARROW Cuts $\Psi (2S)$:\\
\texttt{(B0\_swapMass>3626)\&\&(B0\_swapMass<3746)\\ \&\&(Pi\_PIDmu>5||Pi\_isMuon==1}\\
\ARROW Cuts $\Psi (2S)$ double swap:\\
\texttt{(B0\_kmuswapMass>3626)\&\&(B0\_kmuswapMass<3746)\\ \&\&(K\_PIDmu>5||K\_isMuon==1))}



\begin{frame}[c]{$\PB \to \PK \mu \mu$ with a pion}

\ARROW Cut:\\


\begin{frame}[c]{$\PBs \to \Phi \mu \mu$}

\begin{frame}[c]{$\PBs \to \Phi \mu \mu$}
\ARROW Cut: \\
\texttt{(B0\_phiMass>1010\&\& B0\_phiMass<1030 \&\& B0\_BsMass>5321\&\& B0\_BsMass<5411\&\&Pi\_PIDK>-10.\\
\&\& (B0\_phiMass>1030\&\& B0\_phiMass<1075 \&\& B0\_BsMass>5321 \&\& B0\_BsMass<5411\&\& Pi\_PIDK>10.))
\ARROW Make it a bit larger?

\begin{frame}[c]{$\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) \mu \mu$}


\begin{frame}[c]{$\Lambda_b \to \Lambda(1520) \mu \mu$}
\texttt{!(B0\_Lambda\_M\_pK > (1520.-30.) \&\& B0\_Lambda\_M\_pK < (1520.+30.) \&\& B0\_LambdaB\_M\_pK > (5620.-45) \&\& B0\_LambdaB\_M\_pK < (5620.+45.) \&\& Pi\_PIDp > 0 ) \\
\&\& !(B0\_Lambda\_M\_pK2 > (1520.-30.) \&\& B0\_Lambda\_M\_pK2 < (1520.+30.) \&\& B0\_LambdaB\_M\_pK2 > (5620.-45) \&\& B0\_LambdaB\_M\_pK2 < (5620.+45.) \&\& Pi\_PIDK > 0. ) }

\ARROW Make it smaller?


\begin{frame}[c]{Other cuts}

\ARROW $\PK \leftrightarrow \pi$ swaps:\\



\begin{frame}[c]{Mass fits}


\ARROW Ipathia doesn't work...\\
\ARROW We need to add the remaining $\Lambda_b$ pdf to the fit.

\begin{frame}[c]{Data MC reweighting}

\ARROW For this time we started with simple 1D adaptive reweighing. \\
\ARROW Works quite nicelly, we will try the BDT reweighing next.



\begin{frame}[c]{Data MC reweighing}



\begin{frame}[c]{Data MC reweighing}



\begin{frame}[c]{Data MC reweighing}



\begin{frame}[c]{Pion PT}



\begin{frame}[c]{Data MC reweighing}



\begin{frame}[c]{Data MC reweighing}



\begin{frame}[c]{Data MC reweighing}



\begin{frame}[c]{PID resampling}



\ARROW We will update the fit with $\Lambda_b$ pdf. Ipatia becomes a standard so if that works we would propose to stick to it.\\
\ARROW The peaking background section is done. We efficiencies will be evaluated on MC, the PID resampling is ongoing.\\
\ARROW Starting to train the BDT with variables that have good data/mc agreement.\\
\ARROW The $\pi$ PT is being investigated.





