Presentations / Magnet_Stations / 14_02_2019_review / mchrzasz.tex
@Marcin Chrzaszcz Marcin Chrzaszcz on 20 May 2019 20 KB update
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\author{ {Marcin Chrzaszcz} (CERN)}
\title[Magnet Stations for LHCb]{Magnet Stations for LHCb}

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\begin{frame}[c]%{\phantom{title page}}
			\flushright \bfseries \Huge {Magnet Stations\\ for LHCb}
                 % \hspace*{}

\center \vspace{-1.8em} {M. Bettler$^1$, J. Bhom$^2$,  P. Billoir$^3$, M. Chrzaszcz$^4$, C. Da Silva$^5$, M.Durham$^5$,  R.Greim$^6$, W.Karpinskig$^6$, T.Kiring$^6$, M. Martinelli$^6$,\\~\\
$^1$ Cambridge,  $^2$ IFJ PAN, $^3$ LPNHE, $^4$ CERN, $^5$ LANL, $^6$ Aachen, $^7$ EPFL, $^8$ IFJ PAN}


%		\footnotesize\textcolor{gray}{With N. Serra, B. Storaci\\Thanks to the theory support from M. Shaposhnikov, D. Gorbunov}\normalsize\\

	\textcolor{normal text.fg!50!Comment}{Magnet Side Stations - U2PG Review, February 14, 2019}


\ARROW Introduction\\
\ARROW We will review the effect of an improved tracking for specific channels:
\item Prompt Charm decays
%\item $\PD \to 5 \pi$
\item $R(\Lambda_c^{\ast})$
\item $R(\PDstar)$
\item Multibody $\PB$ decays
\item $\Sigma_b$.
\item $\PB^{\ast}$.
\item Gluon PDF.
\item Spectroscopy.
\ARROW Tracking implementations.\\
\ARROW Outlook


\begin{frame}\frametitle{The idea}
\ARROW Tracks with hits in the vertex locator and the TT/UT and not in the Tstations: UPSTREAM tracks.\\
\ARROW Those are bend outside of the T-stations acceptance by the magnetic field because of their low-momentum.\\
\ARROW The reduced amount of field between the VELO and the TT, means that their momentum is computed with a large uncertainty.
$\Delta p/p = 20-25\%$ current, $\Delta p/p = 15-20\%$ upgrade 

\ARROW Original idea comes from Sheldon Stone, Paolo Gandini, Liming Zhang: \href{}{{\color{blue}[Tuesday meeting Sept 2nd 2014]}}\\
\ARROW It is outside the LHCb acceptancen!! No $X_0$ added.\\
\ARROW No need to have a high resolution. $\mathcal{O}(1\rm mm)$ should be enough.\\



\begin{frame}\frametitle{Where our tracks are?}
\ARROW The upstream tracks have rather poor momentum resolution: $\frac{\Delta p}{p} \sim 15\%$. \\
\ARROW The particles die after short and sad (for physics) life in the magnet yoke. \\
\ARROW If one put chambers in the magnet stations, one could record the particles before they death.\\
\ARROW This will not increase the material budget of the rest of the detector.\\



\begin{frame}\frametitle{Physics interest}
\ARROW We have enormous amount of channels where we have slow particles:
\item $\PDstar \to \PD \pi$.
\item $\Lambda_c(2595, 2625) \to \Lambda_c \pi \pi$.
\item All the $\PB^{\ast \ast}$ decays! $\leftarrowtail$ huge community interests!!!
\item As well other states: $\Sigma_b \to \Lambda_b \pi$.
\item Little is known about the excited $\PBs$ states as well.





\begin{frame}\frametitle{The sensitivity study}

\ARROW Take the Gauss \texttt{v50r0} for upgrade.\\
\ARROW Simulate the particle gun.\\
\ARROW Decays particles with \texttt{EvtGen}.\\
\ARROW Put for now a plates in the Magnet (and beyond) and see where the particles hit them.\\
\ARROW $\nu=7.6$.



\begin{frame}\frametitle{Current Physics cases}


\item Gains:\\
\ARROW $\PDstar \to \PD (\pi \PK) \pi_{\rm slow}$: {\color{JungleGreen}gain $21~\%$.}\\
\ARROW $\PB \to \tau \tau$: {\color{JungleGreen}gain: $24~\%$.}\\
\ARROW $R(\Lambda_c^{\ast})= \frac{\mathcal{B}(\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c^{\ast} \tau \nu) }{\mathcal{B}(\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c^{\ast} \mu \nu)}$, $\Lambda_c^{\ast}  \to p \pi_{\rm slow} \pi_{\rm slow}$ : {\color{JungleGreen}gain $60~\%$.}\\
\ARROW $R(D^{\ast})= \frac{\mathcal{B}( \PB \to \PD^{\ast} \tau \nu) }{\mathcal{B}( \PB \to \PD^{\ast} \tau \nu) }$: {\color{JungleGreen}gain $26~\%$.}\\
\ARROW $\PB \to n\PK$: {\color{JungleGreen}gain $10-50~\%$.}\\
\ARROW $\Sigma_b \to \Lambda_b  \pi$: {\color{JungleGreen}gain $29~\%$.}\\
\ARROW Gluon PDF: {\color{JungleGreen} Enabled measurement.}\\





\begin{frame}\frametitle{Additional Physics cases}

\item Additional:\\
\ARROW $\Sigma_c \to \Lambda_c  \pi_{\rm slow}$: {\color{JungleGreen}gain $19~\%$.}\\
\ARROW Low-mass Drell-Yan: {\color{JungleGreen}gain $15~\%$.}\\
\ARROW $\PBc(2S) \to \PBc  \pi_{\rm slow}  \pi_{\rm slow}$: {\color{JungleGreen}gain $50~\%$.}\\
\ARROW Radiative decays?


\href{}{{\color{blue}{S.Godfrey, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 70 054017}}}

\ARROW This is just the tip of the ice berg!\\






Tracking studies


\begin{frame}\frametitle{2-fold Runge-Kutta for MS,~~~~P.Billoir}

\ARROW We start from ,,standard'' Runge-Kutta method.\\
\ARROW If $\vert t_x \vert>1$ we switch steps to $x$.\\
\ARROW With VELO + UT we know precisely: $x$, $y$, $t_x$, $t_y$. We poorly know: $\dfrac{q}{p} \rightarrow $ MS can help.\\
\ARROW Runge-Kutta method has to be inverted with the Newton-Raphson method.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{2-fold Runge-Kutta for MS,~~~~P.Billoir}





Detector Implementation


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Gauss implementation}

\ARROW Cloned structures of the SciFi.\\
\ARROW Digitalization missing.\\\
\ARROW Run full MC simulations.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Prompt charm decays}

\ARROW Study the prompt  production: $\PDstar \to \PD (\pi \PK) \pi_{\rm slow}$.
\ARROW The study is based on two type of cases:
\item Slow $\pi$ hits UT + FT and $K$, $\pi$ in UT + FT
\item Slow $\pi$ hits UT + MS and $K$, $\pi$ in UT + FT
\ARROW The gain in terms of statistics:\\
{ \rm gain} = 20.7\%





\begin{frame}\frametitle{$\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c^{\ast} \tau \nu$}

\ARROW Study the LUV in: $\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c^{\ast} \tau \nu$
\ARROW The study is based on two type of cases:
\item Two slow $\pi$ hits UT + FT and p, $K$, $\pi$ in UT + FT
\item One slow $\pi$ hits UT + MS(FT) and p, $K$, $\pi$ in UT + FT
\item Two slow $\pi$ hits UT + MS and p, $K$, $\pi$ in UT + FT

\ARROW The gain in terms of statistics:\\
{ \rm gain} = 60.0\%




\begin{frame}\frametitle{$\PB \to \PDstar \tau \nu$}

\ARROW Study the LUV in: $\PB \to \PDstar \tau \nu$
\ARROW The study is based on two type of cases:
\item Slow $\pi$ hits UT + FT and $K$, $\pi$ in UT + FT
\item Slow $\pi$ hits UT + MS and $K$, $\pi$ in UT + FT
\ARROW The gain in terms of statistics:\\
{ \rm gain} = 26.0\%




\begin{frame}\frametitle{$\PB \to n \PK$}

\ARROW Study the multi body decays: $\PB \to n \PK$:
\ARROW Clearly a threshold effect, the less PHSP you have the more you gain.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{$\PD \to 5 \PK$}

\ARROW Similar is expected to $\PD \PD$ searches.
\ARROW The study is based on two type of cases:
\item Slow $\pi$ hits UT + FT and $K$, $\pi$ in UT + FT
\item Slow $\pi$ hits UT + MS and $K$, $\pi$ in UT + FT
\ARROW The gain in terms of statistics:\\
{ \rm gain} = 26.0\%




\begin{frame}\frametitle{$\Sigma_b \to \Lambda_b \pi$}

\ARROW The study is based on two type of cases:
\item Slow $\pi$ hits UT + FT and $\Lambda_c$, $D_s$ in UT + FT
\item Slow $\pi$ hits UT + MS and  $\Lambda_c$, $D_s$  in UT + FT
\ARROW The gain in terms of statistics:\\
{ \rm gain} = 29.0\%




\begin{frame}\frametitle{Gluon PDF}

\ARROW The Gluon PDF saturates the low momentum transfer and fractional momentum.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Gluon PDF}



\begin{frame}\frametitle{Gluon PDF efficiency}

\ARROW If one looks at the efficiency for the low tracks, one finds where is the improvement:


\ARROW For more details see \href{}{{\color{blue}Cesar Luiz da Silva; Tuesday Presentation}}





\begin{frame}\frametitle{Idea from this workshop: $\PB \to \tau \tau$}

\ARROW LHCb has recently measured: $\PB_{s/d} \to \tau \tau$~\href{}{\color{blue}arXiv::1703.02508}\\






\ARROW As a multibody decay it will probably have non-negligable gain from MS.\\
\ARROW From preliminary studies $\mathcal{O}(24)\%$ gain.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Soft bomb events}

\ARROW All credits to Zoltan Ligeti.\\
\ARROW Based on paper:\href{}{\color{blue}arXiv::1612.00850}


\ARROW The paper gives a lot of information how to select such events $\color{blue}\rightarrow$ Need new MC study.




\ARROW The physics program of magnet stations is growing.\\
\ARROW For many channels, the MS are improving the efficiencies from ~$20-30\% (R(D^{\ast}))$ to $60\%$.\\
\ARROW For other, such as the study of Gluon saturation, the MS are enabling the measurement.\\
\ARROW MS help when little PHSP is available.\\
\ARROW Spectroscopy measurements enhanced.\\
\ARROW Tagging of charm meson and  baryon decays $\rightarrow$ reduce background.\\{~}\\
\ARROW Tracking algorithms are being developed.\\
\ARROW Implementing the MS in Gauss.





