Presentations / Epiphany2013 / Epiphany2013_v1.tex
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\title{Rare decays @ LHCb}
%\subtitle{a bias report}
\author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz}
\institute[Institute of Nuclear Physics]
Institute of Nuclear Physics,
\newline Polish Academy of Science,
\newline on behalf of LHCb collaboration

\date{$7^{th}$ January 2013}

%                           Introduction




    \includegraphics[height=1.0cm,keepaspectratio ]{pic/ifj.png}

%                          OUTLINE


%                          Introduction
% Set the background for the rest of the slides.
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\section{Overwiew of LHCbs rare decays}
\frametitle{Rare decays \@ LHCb}

        \circled{1} Lepton Flavour Lepton/Baryon Number Violating $\PB$, $\Ptau$ decays.\\
        \circled{2} Precision tests of Higgs penguins. \\
        	\hspace{2cm} \begin{itemize} 	\item Purely leptonic $\PB$, $\PD$, $\PK$ decays. \end{itemize}
        \circled{3} Radiative decays. \\      	
        	\hspace{2cm} \begin{itemize} 	\item CP asymmetry in $\PB^0 \to \PK^\ast \Pphoton$ \end{itemize}
         \circled{4} New Vector or Axial couplings in EW Penguins \\      	
        	\hspace{2cm} \begin{itemize} 
        		\item Angular analysis and CP asymmetry in $b \to s \mu \mu$ transitions.
        		\item Isospin asymmetry in $b \to s \mu \mu$ transitions.
        		\item First observation of  $b \to d \mu \mu$ transition.

\frametitle{Discussed decays}

        \circled{1} \textcolor{green}{Lepton Flavour Lepton/Baryon Number Violating $\PB$, $\Ptau$ decays.}\\
        \circled{2} \textcolor{green}{Precision tests of Higgs penguins. }\\
        	\hspace{2cm} \begin{itemize} 	\item \textcolor{green}{Purely leptonic $\PB$, $\PD$, $\PK$ decays. }\end{itemize}
        \circled{3} \textcolor{red}{Radiative decays. }\\      	
        	\hspace{2cm} \begin{itemize} 	\item \textcolor{red}{CP asymmetry in $\PB^0 \to \PK^\ast \Pphoton$} \end{itemize}
         \circled{4} \textcolor{red}{ New Vector or Axial couplings in EW Penguins }\\      	
        	\hspace{2cm} \begin{itemize} 
        		\item \textcolor{red}{Angular analysis and CP asymmetry in $b \to s \mu \mu$ transitions.}
        		\item \textcolor{red}{Isospin asymmetry in $b \to s \mu \mu$ transitions.}
        		\item \textcolor{red}{First observation of  $b \to d \mu \mu$ transition.}
        %	}



\section{Lepton Number Violation}
\subsection{$\PB^{-} \to h^{+} \mu^{-} \mu^{-} $}
\frametitle{$\PB^{-} \to h^{+} \mu^{-} \mu^{-} $}%$\PBminus\to h^{+}\ell^{-}\ell^{-}$}
\Large{$\PBminus\to h^{+}\Plepton^{-}\Plepton^{-}$}
on-shell neutrino
virtual neutrino

\item resonant production in accessible mass range
\item rates depend on Majorana neutrino--lepton coupling $|V_{\mu 4}|$
\newline {\footnotesize{(e.g.\ \href{}{arXiv:0901.3589)}}}
\item $m_4 = m_{\Plepton^{-},\Ppiplus}$
\begin{exampleblock}{Special for $\PB$ decays}
Diagram without mass restriction
 Cabbibo favoured for $\PB\to\PD$ 
 Analogous to double $\beta$ decay.
   \textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}


\frametitle{Implications on Majorana mass}
\begin{exampleblock}{mass spectrum}
Determine limit as function of $h^{+}\Pmuon$ mass




 {\footnotesize{\href{}{\texttt{Phys. Rev.D85 (2012) 112004 }}}, $0.5 fb^{-1}$ }


      \textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

%\section{LNV in $\PBminus\to h^{0} h^{\prime+}\Plepton^{-}\Plepton^{-}$} %LHCb
\begin{frame}{$\PBminus\to\PDzero \Ppiplus\Pmuon\Pmuon$}
\item Four body $\PB$ decay complementary to three body decay\newline{\footnotesize{ (\href{}{\texttt{arXiv:1108.6009}})}}
%\item Constraints predict $\mathcal{B}(\PB\to\PD\ell\ell)<10^{-6}$
\item $m_4=m(\Ppiplus\Pmuon)$
\item[+] enhanced by $\PW$ couplings
\item[-] smaller mass range accessible ($\unit{260}{\MeV}<m_4<\unit{3.3}{\GeV}$)
\item first performed at LHCb
\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

\frametitle{$\PBminus\to\PDzero \Ppiplus\Pmuon\Pmuon$}
\newline \includegraphics[scale=0.27]{./MassFitD0}
\hspace{.1\textwidth} $\mathcal{B}(\PBminus\to\PDzero\Ppiplus\Pmuon\Pmuon)<1.5\times 10^{-6}$ @$95\,\%$ CL \footnote{LHCb, CERN-PH-EP-2012-006, \\ \href{}{\texttt{arXiv:1201.5600}}}

\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% johan %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


%\section{Lepton Flavour Violation}
\section{$\tau$ decays}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{$\tau$ decays}
%{\Huge{$\tau$ decays}}

        \circled{1} $\Ptauon\to\Pmuon\Pmuon\APmuon$ \\
        \circled{2} $\Ptauon\to\APproton\Pmuon\APmuon$, $\Ptauon\to\Pproton\Pmuon\Pmuon$       

\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Curent status}

\frametitle{LFV in $\Ptauon$ sector}%$\PBminus\to h^{+}\ell^{-}\ell^{-}$}
\begin{center} \Large{$\Ptau \to \mu \mu \mu$} \end{center}

		\circled{1} In SM small   $\mathcal{B}( \Ptauon\to\Pmuon\Pmuon\APmuon ) \sim 10^{-50} $    \\
	    \circled{2} NP can enhance  $\mathcal{B}$.  \\			
        \circled{3} Nature still hides $\Ptauon\to\Pmuon\Pmuon\APmuon$ from us.\\
        \circled{4} Current limits:
              \begin{tabular}{| l | l |}
	\hline   Experiment & $90\%$ CL limit \\      
  	\hline   BaBar & $3.3 \times 10^{-8}$ \\              
   	\hline   Belle & $2.1 \times 10^{-8}$ \\   	
	\circled{5} Can a hadron collider change the picture? \\

\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}


\item Loose cut based selection
\item Classification in 3D space:
\item invariant mass
\item decay topology\newline (multivariate)
\item particle identification\newline (multivariate)
\item Classifier trained on simulation
\item Calibration with control channel
\item Normalization with $\PDs \to \phi(\mu \mu) \pi$
\item CLs method to extract the result

\begin{block}{Signal \& Calibration \& Background channel}
\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}


%  \underbrace{•}

\frametitle{Signal likelihoods}
\begin{block}{combined signal distribution}
\item events distributed over 25 likelihood bins
\item background estimate from mass sidebands

Signal efficiency in 3-BODY BDT vs PID BDT plane.


\item \textcolor{red}{11\,\% signal efficiency}
\item \textcolor{blue}{21\,\% signal efficiency}
\item for illustration:\newline high likelihood range shown
\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}


\frametitle{Observed events}
%four best bins

%four best bins


11\,\% of the signal

0.03\,\% of the background
21\,\% of the signal

0.14\,\% of the background
%%next four best bins
%21\,\% of the signal
%0.14\,\% of the background


\item[\textcolor{red}{red dashed}] combinatorial background
\item[\textcolor{green}{green}] $\PDs^{+}\to\Peta(\Pmuon\APmuon\Pphoton)\APmuon\Pnum$
\item[\textcolor{blue}{blue}] combined background



%no excess observed
\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

\frametitle{Extracted upper limit}


          &   \text{observed}   &  \text{expected} & \text{CL} \\
$\mathcal{B}(\Ptau\to\Pmu\Pmu\Pmu)$  & $6.3\times 10 ^{-8}$ & $8.2\times 10^{-8}$  & $90\%$\\
          &   $  7.8\times 10 ^{-8}$ & $9.9\times 10^{-8}$  & $95\%$ \\ 


\texttt{LHCb-CONF-} \texttt{2012-015}


\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}
% tau2pmumu

\subsection{$\Ptauon\to\APproton\Pmuon\APmuon$, $\Ptauon\to\Pproton\Pmuon\Pmuon$}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Curent status}

\frametitle{LNV \& BNV in $\Ptauon$ sector}%$\PBminus\to h^{+}\ell^{-}\ell^{-}$}
\newline \Large{$\Ptauon\to\Pproton\Pmuon\Pmuon$}
        \circled{1}  Search for baryon number violation processes so far unsuccessful, but must have occurred in the early universe \\
        \circled{2}  Decay fall into $\vert B -L \vert =0$ category, which is predicted by many NP models.\\
      \circled{3}  Similar decays $\Ptauon \to \Lambda h^{-}$, previously studied in $\mathcal{B}$ factories. \\
        \circled{4}  Two possible decay and new physics modes:  $\Ptauon\to\APproton\Pmuon\APmuon$, $\Ptauon\to\Pproton\Pmuon\Pmuon$. \\
        \circled{5}  Analysis adopted from  $\Ptauon\to\Pmuon\Pmuon\APmuon$ \\

\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Limits on \textcolor{green}{$\Ptauon\to\APproton\Pmuon\APmuon$} and \textcolor{red}{$\Ptauon\to\Pproton\Pmuon\Pmuon$}}

 CL         &   \text{Observed}   &  \text{Expected} \\
$90\%$  & \textcolor{green}{$3.4 \times 10^{-7}$} \textcolor{red}{ $4.6 \times 10^{-7}$} & \textcolor{green}{$4.7 \times 10^{-7}$} \textcolor{red}{ $5.4 \times 10^{-7}$}  \\
$95\%$  & \textcolor{green}{$4.5 \times 10^{-7}$} \textcolor{red}{ $6.0 \times 10^{-7}$} & \textcolor{green}{$5.9 \times 10^{-7}$} \textcolor{red}{ $6.9 \times 10^{-7}$}  \\




\Large First time measured!!

\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

\section{Higgs Penguins}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Purely leptonic decay} 

\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

\subsection{$\PKshort \to \Pmu \Pmu$}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{$\PKshort \to \Pmu \Pmu$} 
\item $\mathcal{B}(\PKshort \to \Pmu \Pmu)_{SM} = (5.0 \pm 1.5) \times 10^{-12}$
\item Good mass resolution enables to separate $\PKshort \to \Ppi \Ppi$ MisID peak.
\item Previous limit $\mathcal{B} < 3.2 \times 10^{-7}$ , PLB44 (1973) 217.
\item BDT used, trained and callibrated on data.
\item Background estimated from upper side bands.
\item Normalization $\PKshort \to \Ppi \Ppi$. \\
\item New LIMIT:  $\mathcal{B} < 9 \times 10^{-9}$


\hspace{.5em}$\unit{1}{\reciprocal\femtobarn}$ \\
\texttt{arXiv} \texttt{:1209.4029}

\includegraphics[scale=0.16]{pic/ks.png} \\
\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

\subsection{$\PDzero \to \Pmu \Pmu$}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{$\PDzero \to \Pmu \Pmu$} 
\item BDT used, Good separation between c and b decays.
\item Background estimated from upper side bands.
\item Normalization $\PDzero \to \Ppi \Ppi$, CLs method for the limit. \\
\item 2D fit to $m(\PDzero)$ and $m(\PDzero^\ast -\PDzero)$
\item Limit: $1.3 \times 10^{-8}$ \@ 90\% CL.

\hspace{.5em}$\unit{0.9}{\reciprocal\femtobarn}$ \\
\texttt{LHCb-CONF} \texttt{-2012-005} \\
\includegraphics[scale=0.45]{pic/d0.png} \\
\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

\subsection{$\PBs \to \mu \mu$, $\PBzero \to \mu \mu$}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{A 25 years journey} 


\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

\item Analyses done using 2011 and 2012 data. 
\item 2011: $1.0 fb^{-1}$ at $\textit{7 TeV}$
\item 2012: $1.1 fb^{-1}$ at $\textit{8 TeV}$
\item Previous analyses done with 2011 data only. 
\item Published PRL108(2012)231801
\item Results:
\item $\mathcal{B}(\PBs \to \mu \mu) < 4.9 \times 10^{-9}$
\item $\mathcal{B}(\PBzero \to \mu \mu) < 1.0 \times 10^{-9}$

\item New analysis implements improvements.
\includegraphics[scale=0.25]{pic/lumi.png} \\

\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}


\item Selection
\item Loose selection, for reducing data size. 
\item Similar for control channels.
\item Normalization
\item Makes result more stable.
\item Channels: $B^{+} \to J / \psi K^{+}$ and $B^{+} \to h h$
\item Signal likelihoods
\item Same as for 2011 analysis.
\item Invariant mass resolutions:
\item $\sigma(\PBs \to \mu \mu) = 25.04 \pm 0.4$
\item  $\sigma(\PBzero \to \mu \mu) = 24.63 \pm 0.38$
\item comparable to 2011.



\item Callibration channel \& yield.
\item Main bck $bb \to \mu \mu \gamma$ 
\item Number of expected bck extrapolated from sidebands.
\item Improved description of peaking background.

\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Peaking background} 
\item Improvement of combinatorial background  interpolation by inclusion of exclusive decays in the fit. 
\item Only  $\PBs \to h h$ in the mass window (same as 2011).
\item Mass shapes different from exponential 
\item $\PB^0 \to \pi \mu \nu$
\item  $\PB^{+} \to \pi^{+} \mu \mu$, $\PB^{0} \to \pi^{0} \mu \mu$ 
\item Negligible contribution to signal window.
\item Exclusive backgrounds parameters used in fit as priors.
\item Mass shape from MC
\item Normalized to $B^{+} \to  J / \psi K^{+} $




\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}


\item RESULT:\\
\textcolor{green}{$\mathcal{B}(\PBs \to \mu \mu) = 3.2 ^{+1.5} _{-1.2} \times 10^{-9}$} 
\textcolor{green}{$\mathcal{B}(\PBzero  \to \mu \mu) < 9.4 \times 10^{-10}$} \\
SM predictions:
\textcolor{red}{$\mathcal{B}(\PBs \to \mu \mu) = 3.54 \pm 0.3 \times 10^{-9}$} \\
Buras, Isidori: arXiv:1208.0934 \\  
\textcolor{red}{$\mathcal{B}(\PBzero \to \mu \mu) = 0.1 \pm 0.01 \times 10^{-9}$} \\ 
Buras, Isidori: arXiv:1012.1447 \\
\item $3.5 \sigma$ significance.
\item Double sided limit \@ 95\% CL.\\
$1.1 \times 10^{-9} < \mathcal{B}(\PBs \to \mu \mu) < 6.4 \times 10^{-9}$

\hspace{.5em}$\unit{2.1}{\reciprocal\femtobarn}$ \\
\texttt{arXiv} \texttt{:1211.2674}

\includegraphics[scale=0.21]{pic/bs2mumu.png} \\
\includegraphics[scale=0.14]{pic/ban.png} \\

\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}



     	\circled{1} First Evidence of $\PBs \to \mu \mu$, after 25 years of searches. \\
        \circled{2} World's best limits for $\PBzero \to \mu \mu$,  $\PDzero \to \mu \mu$, $\PKshort \to \mu \mu$ \\
        \circled{3}  Strongest constraints on Majorana neutrino coupling. \\
        \circled{4}  First searches for LFV in hadron colliders. \\
        \circled{5} First search for $\mathcal{B}(\tau \to \Pproton \mu \mu)$ . \\
        \circled{6} Stay tuned for new results! \\


\begin{center} \center Thank you for your attention. \end{center}
\begin{small} Work partially funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the "Diamond Grant"  \end{small}
%\center \Large Thank you for attention.
\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}


 \center \Huge{Backup Slides}

%\center \Large Thank you for attention.
\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

\frametitle{Summary on LNV in $\PB$ decays}
channel & limit & & \\\hline
 $\mathcal{B}(\PBminus\to\Ppi^{+}\Pelectron\Pelectron) $     &  $<2.3\times 10^{-8}$     &  @$90\,\%$ CL       &\includegraphics[height=.25cm]{babar}\footnote{BaBar,\href{}{Phys.\ Rev.\ D \textbf{85}, 071103} (2012)\label{babarB}}\\
 $\mathcal{B}(\PBminus\to\PK^{+}\Pelectron\Pelectron) $     &  $<3.0\times 10^{-8}$     &  @$90\,\%$ CL       &\includegraphics[height=.25cm]{babar}\footnotesize{$^{\text{\ref{babarB}}}$}\\
 $\mathcal{B}(\PBminus\to\PK^{*+}\Pelectron\Pelectron) $    &  $<2.8\times 10^{-6}$    & @$90\,\%$ CL   & \includegraphics[height=.25cm]{cleo}\footnote{CLEO, \href{}{Phys.\ Rev.\ D \textbf{65}, 111102} (2002)\label{cleolnv}}\\
 $\mathcal{B}(\PBminus\to\Prho^{+}\Pelectron\Pelectron) $    &  $<2.6\times 10^{-6}$    & @$90\,\%$ CL   & \includegraphics[height=.25cm]{cleo}\footnotesize{$^{\text{\ref{cleolnv}}}$}\\
 $\mathcal{B}(\PBminus\to\PD^{+}\Pelectron\Pelectron) $     &  $<2.6\times 10^{-6}$     &  @$90\,\%$ CL       & \includegraphics[height=.25cm]{belle2-logo}\footnote{Belle, \href{}{Phys.\ Rev.\ D \textbf{84}, 071106(R)}, (2011)\label{bellelnv}}\\
 $\mathcal{B}(\PBminus\to\PD^{+}\Pelectron\Pmuon) $     &  $<1.8\times 10^{-6}$     &  @$90\,\%$ CL       & \includegraphics[height=.25cm]{belle2-logo}\footnotesize{$^{\text{\ref{bellelnv}}}$}\\
 $\mathcal{B}(\PBminus\to\Ppi^{+}\Pmuon\Pmuon)$     &  $<1.3\times 10^{-8}$    &   @$95\,\%$ CL      & \includegraphics[height=.25cm]{pic/LHCb_logo.jpg}\footnote{LHCb, CERN-PH-EP-2012-006, \href{}{\texttt{arXiv:1201.5600}} (2012)\label{xxxxx}} \\
 $\mathcal{B}(\PBminus\to\PK^{+}\Pmuon\Pmuon) $     &  $<5.4\times 10^{-7}$     &  @$95\,\%$ CL       &\includegraphics[height=.25cm]{pic/LHCb_logo.jpg}\footnote{LHCb, \href{}{Phys.\ Rev.\ Lett.\ 108 101601} (2012)} \\
 %$\mathcal{B}(\PBminus\to\PK^{*+}\Pmuon\Pmuon) $    &  $<4.4\times 10^{-6}$    & @$90\,\%$ CL   & \includegraphics[height=.25cm]{cleo}\footnotesize{$^{\text{\ref{cleolnv}}}$}\\
 %$\mathcal{B}(\PBminus\to\Prho^{+}\Pmuon\Pmuon) $    &  $<5.0\times 10^{-6}$    & @$90\,\%$ CL   & \footnotesize{$^{\text{\ref{cleolnv}}}$}\\
 $\mathcal{B}(\PBminus\to\PD^{+}\Pmuon\Pmuon) $     &  $<6.9\times 10^{-7}$     &  @$95\,\%$ CL       & \includegraphics[height=.25cm]{pic/LHCb_logo.jpg}\footnotesize{$^{\text{\ref{xxxxx}}}$}\\
 $\mathcal{B}(\PBminus\to\PD^{*+}\Pmuon\Pmuon)$     &  $<2.4\times 10^{-6}$    &   @$95\,\%$ CL      &  \includegraphics[height=.25cm]{pic/LHCb_logo.jpg}\footnotesize{$^{\text{\ref{xxxxx}}}$}\\
 $\mathcal{B}(\PBminus\to\PDs^{+}\Pmuon\Pmuon)$     &  $<5.8\times 10^{-7}$    &   @$95\,\%$ CL      &  \includegraphics[height=.25cm]{pic/LHCb_logo.jpg}\footnotesize{$^{\text{\ref{xxxxx}}}$}\\
 $\mathcal{B}(\PBminus\to\PDzero\Ppiminus\Pmuon\Pmuon)$     &  $<1.5\times 10^{-6}$    &   @$95\,\%$ CL      &  \includegraphics[height=.25cm]{pic/LHCb_logo.jpg}\footnotesize{$^{\text{\ref{xxxxx}}}$}\\
\end{tabular}  %pic/LHCb_logo.jpg
\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}


\center \includegraphics[scale=0.25]{pic/susy.png}

%\center \Large Thank you for attention.
\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}
