Presentations / Lc2PMuMu / Aproval / mchrzasz.tex
@Marcin Chrzaszcz Marcin Chrzaszcz on 26 Sep 2017 33 KB finished
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\def\LcTopmumu{\Lambda_c^{+} \to p \mu^+ \mu^-}
\newcommand{\BRof}[1]{\ensuremath{{\cal B}(#1)}\xspace}

\def\LcTopphi{\Lc \to p \Pphi (\mumu)}
\def\Lcpomegano{\Lc \to p \omega}

\author{ {Marcin Chrzaszcz} (CERN)}
\title[Search for the $\Lambda_c^{+} \to p \mu^+ \mu^-$ decay ]{Search for the $\Lambda_c^{+} \to p \mu^+ \mu^-$ decay }

\date{25 September 2014}

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\begin{frame}[c]%{\phantom{title page}}
			\flushright \bfseries \Large {Search for the suppressed $\Lambda_c^{+} \to p \mu^+ \mu^-$ decay and observation of the  $\Lambda_c^{+} \to p \omega$ decay}
                 % \hspace*{}

\flushright \vspace{-2.8em} {  \fontspec{Zapfino} Marcin Chrzaszcz\\\vspace{-0.1em}\small \href{}{}}


	\footnotesize{\large With M. Jezabek, T. Lesiak, B. Nowak, M. Witek (IFJ PAN)}

	\textcolor{normal text.fg!50!Comment}{Tuesday meeting, CERN\\September 26, 2017}

\begin{frame}{Yellow pages}
	\ARROW Reviewers: Tom Blake(chair), Harry Cliff, Simon Eydelman(EB)\\
	\ARROW Twiki:\\
	\ARROW Review start: 31.03.2017\\
	\ARROW Fruitfull interactions with the review committee. \\
	\ARROW Unblinding: 18.07.2017\\
	\ARROW Minor changes to the analysis during the review.\\
We would like to take this occasion and than Tom, Harry and Simon for fruitful, constructive and smooth review!



\ARROW SM predictions:\\
\ARROW Long distance effects:\\
\ARROW Previous measurement done by Babar:\\
~~${\rm Br}(\Lambda_c^{+} \to p \mu^+ \mu^-) < 4.4\cdot 10^{-5}$ at 90\% CL\\


Should be able to improve by \\a factor of 100!



\begin{frame}{Analysis strategy}

\ARROW Normalization to $\Lambda_c^+ \to p \phi(\mu\mu)$.\\
\ARROW Typical steps rare decays:
\item Loose stripping selection.
\item BDT1 used for first preselection.
\item BDT2 used to further suppress the background.
\item PID used to fight the peaking background.
\ARROW Search performed in several dimuon mass windows.\\
\ARROW Selection optimized on $\rm CL_s$.\\
\ARROW Unblinding and calculate the UL of BR using  $\rm CL_s$.


\begin{frame}{Normalization channel}
{\Large Use the $\Lambda_c^{+} \to p \phi(\mu\mu)$.}\\
\ARROW Same final state, same selection, a lot of systematics cancel.\\
\ARROWR The Branching fraction of $\Lambda_c^{+} \to p \phi$ is known with $22~\%$.

{\Large Use the $\Lambda_c^{+} \to p K \pi$.}\\
\ARROW More precisely known branching fraction (precision: $6.4~\%$).\\
\ARROWR A lot of additional systematics due to different final states, different selections 

\begin{exampleblock}{We choose the $\Lambda_c^{+} \to p \phi(\mu\mu)$ option}
\ARROWR In the most optimistic scenario where you assume the $22~\%$ systematic to go down to $6.4~\%$ the UL. \\
In this case the UL gets worse $7.8~\%$.


\begin{frame}{Data sets and Stripping}
\ARROW 2011+2012 (aka Run1) Stripping 20.\\

Condition & ~~$\LcTopmumu$~~\\                                       
$\mu^{\pm}$ and $p$         &  \\                              
$\pt$                            & {$>300\mevc$} \\                  
Track $\chi^2$/ndf             & {$<3 $} \\                        
IP $\chi^2$/ndf                & {$>9 $} \\                        
PID $\mu^\pm$     &  PIDmu$ >$ -5 and (PIDmu - PIDK) $>$ 0  \\     
PID p      &    PIDp$>$10  \\                                 
$\Lc$  & {~} \\                                                       
$\Delta m$         & $<150\mevcc$ \\                               
Vertex $\chi^2$    &   {$<15$} \\                                  
IP $\chi^2$        &  {$<225 $} \\                                 
$c\tau$            &  {$>100\rm \mu m$} \\                              
Lifetime fit $\chi^2$  & {$<225 $} \\                              
%$m_{\mu^+\mu^-}$ & $> 450\mevcc$ \\                               
%$m_{\mu^+\mu^+}$ & $> 250\mevcc$ \\                               

\ARROW Additional cuts:
    Common cuts  \\                                                             
    $m_{\mumu}$    $< 1400~\mevcc$       \\                                     
    proton $ProbNNp  > 0.1 $    \\    %     Podzielic te ciecia i opisac gdzie t
    $\mu^+,\mu^-$ $ ProbNNmu > 0.1 $    \\                                      
    $ 10~\gevc < p_{proton} < 100~\gevc $  \\                                   

\ARROW We define couple of dimuom mass regions:
     \begin{tabular}{|c | c|}                                                                                              
$m(\mu\mu)$ region & $\left[ \mevcc \right]$\\ \hline                                                                 
$\phi$ region & $\left[985, 1055\right]$\\                                                                            
$\omega$ region & $\left[759 ,  805\right]$\\                                                                         
{\it{non resonant} } & $\left[210, 747 \right] \cup \left[817, 980  \right] \cup \left[1060, 1400\right]$ \\ \hline   



\ARROW We require the following triggers (all are TOS):	
  \item L0                                                                        
      \item L0MuonDecision                                  
  \item HLT1                                                                      
      \item Hlt1TrackMuonDecision                          
      \item Hlt1DiMuonLowMassDecision                         
      \item Hlt1TrackAllL0Decision                         
  \item HLT2                                                                      
      \item Hlt2DiMuonDetachedDecision                      
      \item Hlt2CharmSemilep3bodyD2KMuMuDecision            
      \item Hlt2CharmSemilepD2HMuMuDecision               

%\ARROW The TIS increase the signal yield by $<10~\%$ and were asked to be removed at the WG review stage.                                                                                 


\begin{frame}{BDT1 training}


\ARROW The normalization channel is also a rather ``rare decay'':\\
${\rm Br}(\Lambda_c^+ \to p \phi) \cdot {\rm Br}(\phi \to \mu \mu) = 3.1 \cdot 10^{-7}$\\
\ARROW After the previous preselection a simple BDT is trained using  variables that are well simulated in the MC. k-folding used ($k=10$)
\ARROW The BDT1 (not surprisingly) likes the prompt $\Lambda_c$ rather the secondary ones.


\includegraphics[angle=-90,width=0.95\textwidth]{images/compare_BDT1_2011.pdf}                 \\
\includegraphics[angle=-90,width=0.95\textwidth]{images/compare_BDT1_2012.pdf}                 \\


\begin{frame}{BDT1 selection}
\ARROW The selection based on BDT1 is not optimised.\\
\ARROW A loose cut:
{\rm BDT1} > -0.1 \nonumber

	\ARROW The normalization channel peak is observed. 

\begin{frame}{BDT2 selection}



\ARROW Variables used:

   flight distance - the one between the production and decay points.                                                                   
   $\chi^2$ of flight distance,                                                                                                         
   transformed decay time - $T=\exp{(-1000 \cdot \tau / {\mathrm{ns}})}$,                                                               
   IP - impact parameter with respect to primary vertex,                                                                                
   $\chi^2$ of IP of $\Lc$
   $p_T$ - transverse momentum of $\Lc$,                                                                                             

     minimum of $\chi^2$ of $p$, $\mu^+$, $\mu^-$ w.r.t. primary vertex,
     transverse momenta 
     minimum of $\chi^2$/NDF of track fit of $p$, $\mu^+$, $\mu^-$.     

\includegraphics[angle=-90,width=0.95\textwidth]{images/compare_BDT2_2011.pdf}                 \\

\includegraphics[angle=-90,width=0.95\textwidth]{images/compare_BDT2_2012.pdf}                 \\





\ARROW After correcting the DATA/MC differences the BDT distribution shows a good DATA/MC agreement.\\
\ARROW No mass correlation observed.








\ARROW MC resampling is choose to correct the PID distributions:\\ 
For MC samples the ProbNNp and ProbNNmu are drawn from the PIDCalib distributions.\\


\ARROWR The PIDCalib doesn't cover the low $\pt$ region for muons ($10\%$).\\
\ARROWR Decided to use for them the $D_s \to \phi(\mu\mu)$ sample.\\






\begin{frame}{Selection optimization}



\ARROW The final selection of the analysis is optimized!\\
\ARROW $\rm CL_s$ method used.\\
\ARROW Toy experiment used to find the optimum.
    Variable                           &  Condition   \\                                                                                                    
    BDT                                &  $> 0.0$   \\                                                                                                      
    $ProbNNp(p)$                       &  $> 0.68$   \\                                                                                                     
    minimum $ProbNNmu(\mu^{\pm})$       &  $> 0.38$   \\                                                                                                    







\begin{frame}{Peaking backgrounds}


\ARROW The tight PID cuts essentially kill the peaking bkg!\\
\ARROW The only bkg left is the $\Lambda_c^{+} \to p \pi \pi$.\\

  \ARROW Estimated contamination: \\$1.96 \pm 1.13$ \ARROWR assigned as systematic

  \includegraphics[angle=-90,width=0.99\linewidth]{images/ref_Lc2pmumu.pdf}  \\ 
  \includegraphics[angle=-90,width=0.99\linewidth]{images/ref_Lc2ppipi.pdf}  \\ 
  \includegraphics[angle=-90,width=0.99\linewidth]{images/ref_Lc2pkpi.pdf}   \\ 
  \includegraphics[angle=-90,width=0.99\linewidth]{images/ref_Ds2kmumu.pdf} \\  



\ARROW The gold equation:

{\frac{\BRof\LcTopmumu}{\BRof\LcTopphi}  =  
\times\frac{N_{\rm sig}}{N_{\rm norm}},  } 
\ARROW We take advantage of the cancellation that:

{\frac{\rm {\epsilon\mathstrut_{norm}}^{TOT} }{\rm {\epsilon\mathstrut_{sig}}^{TOT}}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
{\frac{\rm {\epsilon\mathstrut_{norm}}^{STRIP}}{\rm {\epsilon\mathstrut_{sig}}^{STRIP}}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
{\frac{\rm {\epsilon\mathstrut_{norm}}^{COMM}}{\rm {\epsilon\mathstrut_{sig}}^{COMM}}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
{\frac{\rm {\epsilon\mathstrut_{norm}}^{SPEC}}{\rm {\epsilon\mathstrut_{sig}}^{SPEC}}}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,~~ {\frac{\rm {\epsilon\mathstrut_{norm}}^{i}}{\rm {\epsilon\mathstrut_{sig}}^{i}}} \simeq 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        


\ARROW In addition we have added 6 mass bins to increase the sensitivity.\\
\ARROW Signal is modelled by a double Crystall Ball.





\begin{frame}{Expected background}


\ARROW Background modelled with a linear function.\\



bin & no events \\                         
bin1 &  $ 8.56136 \pm 0.540302 $  \\       
bin2 &  $ 8.60318 \pm 0.536917 $  \\       
bin3 &  $ 8.64582 \pm 0.536561 $  \\       
bin4 &  $ 8.6887 \pm 0.539208 $  \\        
bin5 &  $ 8.7304 \pm 0.544752 $  \\        
bin6 &  $ 8.77226 \pm 0.553162 $  \\       







\ARROW Expected upper limits:
$\BRof\LcTopmumu < 5.91 \times 10^{-8}$ at 90~\% CL




\begin{frame}{Observed Upper limits}


\ARROW After the green light from RC we have unblinded; no significant access of events have been observed.
\ARROW We have set an UL:
\BRof\LcTopmumu < 7.68 \times 10^{-8}~ \rm at 90~\%~CL





\begin{frame}{By product :)}


	\ARROW We also looked at the $\omega$ dimuon region.\\
\begin{exampleblock}{We observed an access}
Using Wilks theorem we have calculated the singificance to be $5.0~\sigma$!
\ARROW This is the first observation of this decay!!!\\
$\BRof\Lcpomegano = (7.6 \pm 2.6~(stat) \pm 0.9~(syst1) \pm 3.1~(syst2) )~\times 10^{-4}$




	\item Improved the UL for $\BRof\LcTopmumu$ by two orders of magnitude!\\

	\item First time observed the decay $\Lcpomegano$!!
	\item Paper is beeing prepared, aiming PRL
	\item We would like to ask the collaboration for approving this analysis.





