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- % Seth Brown, Ph.D.
- % sethbrown@drbunsen.org
- %
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- \title{Light in the tunnel}
- %\subtitle{a bias report}
- \author{ Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz$^{1,2}$}
- \institute[UTH, IFJ]
- {
- %\begin{tiny}
- $ ^1$ University of Zurich , $ ^2$ Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow,
- %\end{tiny}smallsmall
- }
- \date{ \today}
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Introduction
- %--------------------------------------------------------------------
- \begin{document}
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- %--------------------------------------------------------------------
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- %-------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Introduction
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- \title{Update on analysis}
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2>%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \begin{frame}\frametitle{Francesco X-check}
- {~}\\
- \begin{itemize}
- \item In 2011 analysis we used the middle side bands for optimisation of binning:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item The bck there is the same as in the signal region.
- \item We checked that there is no significant difference in expected number of bck events
- \end{enumerate}
- \item We forgot about this test in this round.
- \item All numbers in the note.
- \end{itemize}
- \textref {M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2014}
- \end{frame}
- \begin{frame}\frametitle{Francesco X-check 2011}
- {~}\\
- \begin{tiny}
- \begin{table}[h]
- \begin{center}
- \tiny
- \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|}
- \hline
- PID & BLEND & $30~MeV$blind window & $20~MeV$ blind window \\
- \hline
- $ 0.4, 0.45$ & $0.32 , 0.46$ & $8.2742 \pm 1.069$ & $8.000 \pm 1.0162$ \\
- $ 0.4, 0.45$ & $0.46 , 0.54$ & $2.619 \pm 0.602$ & $2.448 \pm 0.5624$\\
- $ 0.4, 0.45$ & $0.54 , 0.65$ & $2.897 \pm 0.632$ & $2.709 \pm 0.591$ \\
- $ 0.4, 0.45$ & $0.65 , 0.8$ & $3.411 \pm 0.690$ & $3.323 \pm 0.6578$ \\
- $ 0.4, 0.45$ & $0.8 , 1.0001$ & $3.409 \pm 0.775$ & $3.561 \pm 0.756$ \\
- $ 0.45, 0.54$ & $0.32 , 0.46$ & $7.677 \pm 1.032$ & $7.690 \pm 0.9995$ \\
- $ 0.45, 0.54$ & $0.46 , 0.54$ & $1.739 \pm 0.497$ & $1.748 \pm 0.4826$ \\
- $ 0.45, 0.54$ & $0.54 , 0.65$ & $2.828 \pm 0.632$ & $2.906 \pm 0.6187$ \\
- $ 0.45, 0.54$ & $0.65 , 0.8$ & $2.189 \pm 0.629$ & $2.199 \pm 0.6022$ \\
- $ 0.45, 0.54$ & $0.8 , 1.0001$ & $4.547 \pm 0.879$ & $4.189 \pm 0.818$ \\
- $ 0.54, 0.63$ & $0.32 , 0.46$ & $7.447 \pm 1.014$ & $7.218 \pm 0.9659$ \\
- $ 0.54, 0.63$ & $0.46 , 0.54$ & $1.790 \pm 0.497$ & $1.676 \pm 0.4658$ \\
- $ 0.54, 0.63$ & $0.54 , 0.65$ & $2.874 \pm 0.632$ & $2.686 \pm 0.5913$\\
- $ 0.54, 0.63$ & $0.65 , 0.8$ & $2.717 \pm 0.6168$ & $2.541 \pm 0.5776$ \\
- $ 0.54, 0.63$ & $0.8 , 1.0001$ & $2.994 \pm 0.673$ & $2.783 \pm 0.6292$ \\
- $ 0.63, 0.75$ & $0.32 , 0.46$ & $6.964 \pm 0.985$ & $6.510 \pm 0.9215$ \\
- $ 0.63, 0.75$ & $0.46 , 0.54$ & $2.059 \pm 0.534$ & $1.926 \pm 0.4997$ \\
- $ 0.63, 0.75$ & $0.54 , 0.65$ & $1.8971 \pm 0.533$ & $2.188 \pm 0.5465$ \\
- $ 0.63, 0.75$ & $0.65 , 0.8$ & $2.891 \pm 0.632$ &$ 2.834 \pm 0.6053$ \\
- $ 0.63, 0.75$ & $0.8 , 1.0001$ & $4.246 \pm 0.801$ & $4.540 \pm 0.7935$ \\
- $ 0.75, 1.0001$ & $0.28 , 0.32$ & $1.92 \pm 0.516$ & $1.925 \pm 0.4998$ \\
- $ 0.75, 1.0001$ & $0.32 , 0.46$ & $3.15 \pm 0.740$ & $3.170 \pm 0.7140$ \\
- $ 0.75, 1.0001$ & $0.46 , 0.54$ & $1.377 \pm 0.437$ & $1.286 \pm 0.4083$ \\
- $ 0.75, 1.0001$ & $0.54 , 0.65$ & $1.177 \pm 0.432$ & $1.250 \pm 0.4250$ \\
- $ 0.75, 1.0001$ & $0.65 , 0.8$ & $2.504 \pm 0.615$ & $2.629 \pm 0.6036$ \\
- $ 0.75, 1.0001$ & $0.8 , 1.0001$ & $3.601 \pm 0.761$ & $3.763 \pm 0.7459$ \\
- \hline
- \hline
- \end{tabular}
- \end{center}
- \end{table}
- \end{tiny}
- \textref {M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2014}
- \end{frame}
- \begin{frame}\frametitle{Francesco X-check 2012}
- {~}\\
- \begin{tiny}
- \begin{table}[h]
- \begin{center}
- \tiny
- \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|}
- \hline
- PID & BLEND & $30~MeV$blind window & $20~MeV$ blind window \\
- \hline
- $ 0.4, 0.54$ & $0.45 , 0.61$ & $28.7 \pm 2.0$ & $28.126 \pm 1.9096$ \\
- $ 0.4, 0.54$ & $0.61 , 0.7$ & $9.72 \pm 1.22$ & $9.287 \pm 1.1550$ \\
- $ 0.4, 0.54$ & $0.7 , 0.83$ & $11.38 \pm 1.26$ & $11.293 \pm 1.2171$\\
- $ 0.4, 0.54$ & $0.83 , 0.94$ & $7.34 \pm 1.10$ &$7.36042 \pm 1.0587$\\
- $ 0.4, 0.54$ & $0.94 , 1.0001$ & $5.98 \pm 0.95$ & $5.9935 \pm 0.9181$\\
- $ 0.54, 0.61$ & $0.45 , 0.61$ & $8.32 \pm 1.086$ & $7.89144 \pm 1.023$ \\
- $ 0.54, 0.61$ & $0.61 , 0.7$ & $2.595 \pm 0.616$ & $2.4168 pm 0.5754$ \\
- $ 0.54, 0.61$ & $0.7 , 0.83$ & $1.833 \pm 0.601$ &$2.0231 \pm 0.5932$ \\
- $ 0.54, 0.61$ & $0.83 , 0.94$ & $2.929 \pm 0.724$ & $3.5334 \pm 0.7406$ \\
- $ 0.54, 0.61$ & $0.94 , 1.0001$ & $2.693 \pm 0.632$ & $2.631 \pm 0.6036$ \\
- $ 0.61, 0.71$ & $0.45 , 0.61$ & $9.661 \pm 1.18$ & $9.0134 \pm 1.1012$ \\
- $ 0.61, 0.71$ & $0.61 , 0.7$ & $3.346 \pm 0.69$ &$3.3744 \pm 0.67012$ \\
- $ 0.61, 0.71$ & $0.7 , 0.83$ & $4.600 \pm 0.888$ &$4.6955 \pm 0.85961$ \\
- $ 0.61, 0.71$ & $0.83 , 0.94$ & $4.091 \pm 0.809$ &$3.9536 \pm 0.7670$ \\
- $ 0.61, 0.71$ & $0.94 , 1.0001$ & $2.780 \pm 0.680$ & $3.0163 \pm 0.6749$ \\
- $ 0.71, 0.8$ & $0.45 , 0.61$ & $6.170 \pm 0.945$ &$5.7536 \pm 0.8835$ \\
- $ 0.71, 0.8$ & $0.61 , 0.7$ & $1.570 \pm 0.556$ & $1.7297 \pm 0.5510$ \\
- $ 0.71, 0.8$ & $0.7 , 0.83$ & $2.987 \pm 0.717$ & $2.8913 \pm 0.6803$ \\
- $ 0.71, 0.8$ & $0.83 , 0.94$ & $3.929 \pm 0.806$ & $3.6279 \pm 0.7512$ \\
- $ 0.71, 0.8$ & $0.94 , 1.0001$ & $3.222 \pm 0.676$ & $3.007 \pm 0.6317$ \\
- $ 0.8, 1.0$ & $0.45 , 0.61$ & $3.802 \pm 0.784$ &$3.8222 \pm 0.7558$ \\
- $ 0.8, 1.0$ & $0.61 , 0.7$ & $2.649 \pm 0.676$ & $2.4380 \pm 0.6296$ \\
- $ 0.8, 1.0$ & $0.7 , 0.83$ & $3.053 \pm 0.674$ & $2.8408 \pm 0.6300$ \\
- $ 0.8, 1.0$ & $0.83 , 0.94$ & $1.740 \pm 0.543$ & $1.7401 \pm 0.5229$ \\
- $ 0.8, 1.0$ & $0.94 , 1.0001$ & $3.361 \pm 0.702$ & $3.405 \pm 0.6816$ \\
- \hline
- \hline
- \end{tabular}
- \end{center}
- \end{table}
- \end{tiny}
- \textref {M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2014}
- \end{frame}
- \begin{frame}\frametitle{X-check on 2011 limit}
- {~}\\
- \begin{itemize}
- \item As agreed last time I have X-checked 2011 limit.
- \item Got a bi higher value then Paul:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item $B(\tau\to3\mu) <8.45\times 10^{-8}$
- \end{enumerate}
- \item REMINDER: Pauls: $B(\tau\to3\mu) <7.9\times 10^{-8}$
- \end{itemize}
- \textref {M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2014}
- \end{frame}
- \end{document}