Presentations / SuperB_computing / superb_computing.tex
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\title{Status of SuperB Computing in Krakow}  
\author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz}

\date{2 June 2012} 


\institute{Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN}

\institute{IFJ PAN}

%tutaj mamy pierwsza strone


%normal slides
\section{Polish involvment}

\subsection{Ganga and Dirac}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Ganga and Dirac} 
	\item 2 staff members in ifj are working on Dirac development. Could work on putting it in SuperB.
	\item 2 staff members in ifj would like to do GUI for ganga.
	\item portals are integrated with Dirac	


\subsection{Tier2 structure}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Tier2 structure}


\item 88th in top500.
\item Upgrade to Tier1 foreseen.
\item Cracow has a computing center Cyfronet, that is part of Polish Tier2.
\item Currently SuperB FastSim is beeing installed in Cracow.  
\item Very keen on doing central production \newline (if Tier2 is enought).
\item People able to do shifts in central production.





\item New initaitive
\item Parrarel to normal grid, but you have more fredom. Don't need support from VO.
\item Synchronising with data avaible in VO.
\item Constrain: you need to ask for computing grant \newline(from my experience it takes 5 min to fill the form).
\item They ask for acknowlegments in published papers.


\subsection{GPU computing}

\begin{frame}\frametitle{GPU computing}

\item Write a Kalman filter using CUDA. First tests for the IFR. Possibility to be used in others detectors.
\item Study possibility of using FastSim and FullSim on GPU.


