Presentations / tau23mu_lhcb / update_ds_fits / expl.tex
@mchrzasz mchrzasz on 9 Jan 2013 8 KB first commit
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\title{$Ds \rightarrow \eta \mu \nu$ and other cool stuff}  
\author{Marcin Chrzaszcz}



\institute{Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN}

\institute{IFJ PAN}

%tutaj mamy pierwsza strone


%normal slides
Geo efficiency in new model staided the same:
$eff =  0.183 +/ 0.010 $

This is from 900k events.
Waiting for gibbef background sample to give better fits.

For our standard bins there were to fiew events to performe a realible fit(see the zip file)
New bins:
\textbf{PID} & \textbf{Geo} \\
$-0.03 $ &  $-1.0 $ \\
$0.03 $ &   $0.44 $ \\
$1 $ &  $1.0 $ \\



I used standard cuts:
\item $mass(p0p1)>250MeV $
\item $abs(mass(p0p2-1020 MeV))>20MeV$
\item $abs(mass(p1p2-1020 MeV))>20MeV$
$\tau$ mass cut:
\item $mass(\tau) \in (1600-1950) MeV $


\begin{frame}\frametitle{ONE BIN}




\newline	$Pid\in(0.03,1)$, $Geo\in(0.44,1)$
\newline	$Pid\in(0.03,1)$, $Geo\in(-1.0,0.44)$



\newline	$Pid\in(-0.03,0.03)$, $Geo\in(0.44,1)$
\newline	$Pid\in(-0.03,0.03)$, $Geo\in(-1.0,0.44)$


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Why is 4 bins enought}


In the relewant mass region very small differance.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Geo response}
There was a plan to normalise the $Ds \rightarrow \eta \mu \nu$ to $Ds \rightarrow \phi \pi $.











































\begin{frame}\frametitle{Grep then while they are hot!}

add here


\begin{frame}\frametitle{THE FIT}
If I also don't cut of the window i get the same ae Georg.



\begin{frame}\frametitle{THE FIT}

 	Last evening together with Paul we had a look at the code.
	 In the official RooFit tutorial/examples they do the same.
	  I send code arround if some one wants to check themself.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Parameteric extended likelihood term in the PDF}

	I reallized something. Fits are done using fixed number of points(no account for statiscital fluctuations). 
	This has no affect in high stat plots.
	But for the low stat. we get what we want:

Plots nade form 2.3M events. On disk 3.5M availe(working to get ntuples).

\newline	$Pid\in(0.03,1)$, $Geo\in(0.44,1)$
\newline	$Pid\in(0.03,1)$, $Geo\in(-1.0,0.44)$



\newline	$Pid\in(-0.03,0.03)$, $Geo\in(0.44,1)$
\newline	$Pid\in(-0.03,0.03)$, $Geo\in(-1.0,0.44)$


\begin{frame}\frametitle{THE FIT}



\begin{block}{Old values}

\textbf{PID} & \textbf{Geo} \\
$-0.03 $ &  $-1.0 $ \\
$-0.005 $ &  $0.116 $ \\
$0.03 $ &   $0.44 $ \\
$0.07 $ &  $0.616 $ \\
$1 $ &  $1.0 $ \\
\begin{block}{All exp, unbinned max lik. fit.(data ploted binned for easy comparison)}





\newline	$Pid\in(0.005,0.03)$, $Geo\in(0.116,0.44)$
\newline	$Pid\in(0.005,0.03)$, $Geo\in(0.44, 0.616)$



\newline	$Pid\in(0.005,0.03)$, $Geo\in(-1,0.116)$
\newline	$Pid\in(-0.03,-0.005)$, $Geo\in(0.116,0.44)$



\newline	$Pid\in(-0.03,-0.005)$, $Geo\in(0.44,0.616)$
\newline	$Pid\in(-0.03,-0.005)$, $Geo\in(-1,0.116)$



\newline	$Pid\in(0.03,0.07)$, $Geo\in(0.116,0.44)$
\newline	$Pid\in(0.03,0.07)$, $Geo\in(0.44,0.616)$



\newline	$Pid\in(0.03,0.07)$, $Geo\in(0.616,1)$
\newline	$Pid\in(0.03,0.07)$, $Geo\in(-1,0.116)$



\newline	$Pid\in(0.07,1)$, $Geo\in(0.116,0.44)$
\newline	$Pid\in(0.07,1)$, $Geo\in(0.44, 0.616)$



%\newline	$Pid\in(0.07,1)$, $Geo\in(0.616,1)$
%\newline	$Pid\in(0.07,1)$, $Geo\in(-1, 0.116)$

