Presentations / Kstmumu / M_matrix / MMatrix.tex
@mchrzasz mchrzasz on 13 Aug 2014 3 KB update



\title[Unfolding for counting experiments]{Unfolding for counting experiments}
\author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz$^{1,2}$, Nicola Serra$^{1}$}
\institute{$^1$~University of Zurich,\\ $^2$~Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow}
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\author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz}
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\institute{~(UZH, IFJ)}

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Matrix, $1.1-2~GeV$}
$ A_{gen\rightarrow reco}=\begin{pmatrix}                                                    
     1.071  &   0.02887 &  -0.004  &  -0.0183  &  -0.013  & -0.061  & -0.005671   &  0.051  \\
  0.0050  &     1.259 &   0.0056 &  -0.0346  & -0.00018 &    0.018 &   0.004357 &   0.0025 \\ 
 -0.0036  &  0.0068 &     0.9143  &   0.014  &  -0.0145  &  0.0072  &    0.0165  &  0.0005 \\ 
 -0.0022 &  -0.04459 &    0.0177  &     1.068  & -0.0012  &  0.0251  &  0.00909  &  -0.04745 \\
 -0.0015 & -0.0005&   -0.0177  & -0.0017  &    0.8625  & -0.0023  &  -0.0152 & -0.00052\\
  -0.02121 &    0.024 &   0.0093  &   0.026  & -0.0032  &  1.089    & 0.02137  &  0.02941  \\
 0.0&   0.0049 &    0.017  &  0.0074 &    -0.0125 & 0.017   &   0.9125 &  -0.004141  \\
   0.01408 &   0.0048 &   0.0011  &  -0.036  &-0.0001  & 0.02308  &  -0.00418  &     1.252 

$ \delta A_{gen\rightarrow reco}=\begin{pmatrix}                                                    
   0.002205  &   0.01055  &  0.006865  &  0.005105  &  0.008786 &   0.008532  &  0.008974  &  0.009591 \\
   0.002409  &  0.006527  &  0.002872  &  0.004468  &  0.002364 &   0.00476  &  0.004741   &  0.00475 \\
    0.00251  &  0.002962  &  0.005522  &  0.004635  &  0.003671 &   0.003016  &  0.005282  &  0.003601  \\
    0.00251  &  0.005359  &  0.005771  &  0.005402  &  0.002848 &    0.004289 &   0.003755 &   0.006318 \\
   0.002588  &  0.002979  &  0.004702  &  0.002737  &  0.004054 &   0.003591  &  0.003999 &    0.00283 \\
   0.003039  &   0.00606  &  0.003822  &  0.004242  &  0.003559 &  0.004099  &   0.00676  &  0.005408 \\
   0.002446  &  0.004826  &  0.005213  &  0.003074  &  0.003114 &  0.005431  &  0.004619  &  0.003198  \\
   0.002265  &  0.004945  &  0.003555  &  0.005029  &  0.002215 &  0.004251  &  0.003104  &  0.006199 

