Presentations / BEC_LHCb / 3_slides_for LHCb_week / BEC_status.tex
@mchrzasz mchrzasz on 31 Mar 2014 3 KB update
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\title{Update on measurement of Bose-Einstein Correlations}  
\author{Marcin Chrzaszcz$^{1,2}$, Marcin Kucharczyk$^{1,3}$, Tadeusz Lesiak$^{1}$, Mariusz Witek$^{1}$}

\date{$17^{th}$ February 2014} 


\institute{$^1$ Krakow,  $^2$ Zurych, $^3$ Milano}
\vspace{2 mm}



%\subsection{From interferometry to particle Physics}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{What do we measure}
\item HBT interferometry can be used to study the diameters of source. 
\item For indistinguishable particles the phenomena is know as Bose-Einstein Correlations(BE).
\item BEC correlations occur as enhancement of same particles in the low $Q$ region.
\item We already observed the effects.



\begin{frame}\frametitle{Systematics 1}

\item Systematics are starting to be access.
\item For clones pollution we first looked at MC11 MC. 
\item Obtained rates are:

\item pions: $(0.319 \pm 0.023) \% $
\item kaons: $(0.023 \pm 0.015) \%$
\item kaons: $(0.055 \pm 0.021) \%$
\item Effect clearly different then BEC.
\item Will repeat with 2012 MC.

\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{images/clonesQ_Hist_to3GeV.pdf} \\
\includegraphics[width=3.5cm]{images/q1.png} \\




\begin{frame}\frametitle{Coulomb effect - Systematics 2}
Fraction of clones:
\item Using data we tried to verify the Coulomb effect in our sample.
\item Suing unlike pairs form the same and different PV.
\item Effect is visible but small $\rightarrow$ small systematics. 

\includegraphics[width=6cm]{new/columb.png} \\


