Presentations / Kstarmumu_Run2 / 09_11_2016 / mchrzasz.tex
@mchrzasz mchrzasz on 16 Nov 2016 19 KB starte IFJ seminar
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\author{ {\fontspec{Trebuchet MS}Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz} (Universit\"{a}t Z\"{u}rich)}
\title[$\PBzero \to \PKstar \Pmuon \APmuon$ MC Filter]{$\PBzero \to \PKstar \Pmuon \APmuon$ MC Filter}
\date{25 September 2014}

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\begin{frame}[c]%{\phantom{title page}}
			\flushright\fontspec{Trebuchet MS}\bfseries \Huge {$\PBzero \to \PKstar \Pmuon \APmuon$\\ MC Filter}
                 % \hspace*{}

\flushright \vspace{-1.8em} {\fontspec{Trebuchet MS} \Large Marcin ChrzÄ…szcz\\\vspace{-0.1em}\small \href{}{}\\ \Large Thomas Blake \\ Nicola Serra }


%		\footnotesize\textcolor{gray}{With N. Serra, B. Storaci\\Thanks to the theory support from M. Shaposhnikov, D. Gorbunov}\normalsize\\

	\textcolor{normal text.fg!50!Comment}{EWP WG meeting, CERN\\October 9, 2016}

\begin{frame}[c]{A glimpse in the Run1 analysis}

\ARROW In the Run1 we have asked for a filtered MC to correct for detector acceptance.\\
\ARROW Asked for $5.5M$ events (after stripping in DST), which means we generated around $110M$ events. \\
\ARROW After our full selection we ended up with with only $1.4M$ events.\\
The stripping line has a PID cut inside: ${\rm PID_{\mu}}>-3$.\\
This essentially means we model that efficiency from MC.


\begin{frame}[c]{Run2 options}

\item Repeat what we did in Run1 and keep the PID cuts.
\item Filter on stripping removing the PID cut.
\item Filter on MC truth: 
\item 4 charge tracks on $\rm{StdAllNoPiDPions/Kaons/Muons}$
\item And truth matched the decay channel: $\rm{mcMatch( '[ B0 => K*(892)0 mu+ mu- ]CC}')$

\begin{exampleblock}{Why MCTruth?}
\ARROWR We are using a very old stripping line that for sure can be (and should be) optimized for the final analysis of Run2!\\
\ARROWR Producing an MCTRUTH match sample would allow the sample to be reused for future analysis even if the stripping line will change!



\ARROW To study the solution I have used 2012 Physics MC.\\
\ARROW I have taken 17.250 simulated events.\\
\ARROW Here is the results:\\{~}\\
Type & Filter retention & Events in the ntuple & Truth Matched \\ \hline
Strip & $3447~(20~\%)$ & $4975$ & $1648$ \\
Strip no PID$_{\mu}$ & $3504~(20.3~\%)$ & $5176$ & $1660$ \\
MCTruth & $5009~(29~\%)$ & $4456$ & $1660$ \\
\ARROW Now I have cross check this running the same algorithms on stripped and non stripped MC always getting the same numbers.\\
\ARROW For speed purpose I have put a cut on the $m_{\PKstar}<1300~\rm MeV$ (can be adjusted if needed).\\
\ARROW Other option to consider is to remove \texttt{ISMUON} form stripping to get all efficiencies from \texttt{PIDCalib}.



\ARROW With Tom we feel that it would be best to ask for $200M$ generated events. \\
\ARROW Also we noticed that we have $50M$ events of some old MC10 (Stripping 12) MC, which we propose to delete.\\
\ARROW For PPG: The $R(\PDstar)$ have already got green light for more then $1000M$ generated events, so we getting the $200M$ should not be a problem. \\
\ARROW To discuss: Do we want a flat $m(K\pi)$ sample or we can keep the $\PKstar$?


\begin{frame}[c]{Plans 2}
\ARROW Besides the normal $\PB \to \PKstar \Pmu \Pmu$ PHSP we should ask for other MC channels.\\
\ARROW I proposed to scale the old numbers by factor: $\frac{5}{3}$.

Decay & DecFile event type & N. of events & N. of events Run2\\ \hline\hline                                                                                                                                                                               
$\PB \to \PKstar \PJpsi$ (physics) & {\tt 11144001} & 2M & 3.5M \\                                                                                                                                                                             
$\PB \to \PKstar \PJpsi$ (PHSP?) & {\tt xxxxxxxx} & 0 & 3.5M \\                                                                                                                                                                             
 $\PB \to \PKstar \mu \mu$ (physics)                & {\tt 11114001} & 1M & 1.5M\\                                                                                                                                                                             
$\PLambdab \to \PLambda(1530)\mu\mu$          & {\tt 15114000} & 1M & 1.5M\\                                                                                                                                                                             
$\PLambdab \to p K \mu\mu$              & {\tt 15114011} & 2M & 3.5M\\                                                                                                                                                                             
$\PBs \to \phi\mu\mu$              & {\tt 13114002} & 0.6M & 1M\\                                                                                                                                                                           
$\PB_u \to  \PK \mu\mu$               & {\tt 12113001} & 1M & 1.5M\\\hline                                                                                                                                                                       

\ARROW This would be unfiltered production and this MC will be needed for other analysis as well.\\
\ARROW Do we want to simulate a flat $q^2$ in the $\PB \to \PKstar \Pmu \Pmu$?\\
\ARROW Do we want to have a flat $\PK \Ppi$ mass distribution in the simulation?


\begin{frame}[c]%{Plans 2}

MC model


\begin{frame}[c]{Acceptance correction}



\ARROW The decay of $\PBzero \to \PKstar \Pmuon \APmuon$ is described by 3 helicity angles and the invariant mass squared of two leptons $(q^2)$.\\
\ARROW In order to model the detector acceptance we have used a large MC sample of PHSP simulated events.\\
\ARROW There is a caveat: the $q^2$ distribution.\\
\ARROW We had to reweight it to make it flat.



\begin{frame}[c]{Can we optimize it?}


\ARROW It would be nice if we could generate not only the flat angle distributions but also a flat $q^2$.\\
\ARROW There exists already a model for it: \texttt{FLATQ2}.\\
\ARROW It basically reweighs the  distribution by $1/p^{\rm had}_T$.\\
\ARROW The problem is that it was design to generate the flat distribution of decays $\PB \to X \ell \nu$ :


\ARROW Will not work in current version for $\PB \to \PKstar \mu \mu$.


\begin{frame}[c]{Modifying the \texttt{FLATQ2} 1 }


\ARROW I wrote a mirror model that requires that the two leptons are \texttt{DIRAC}, and called it \texttt{FLATQ2EWP}. \\
\ARROW And improves the situation a lot:

\ARROW So much flatter but the and and the begging still not flat.\\
\ARROW End of the spectrum is due to $\PKstar$ width? $\twoheadrightarrow$ Lets test it with $\PB \to \PK \mu \mu$.

\begin{frame}[c]{Modifying the \texttt{FLATQ2} 1 }

\ARROW \texttt{FLATQ2EWP} use to simulate the $\PB  \to \PK \mu \mu$:

\ARROW Oki so end of the spectrum is understood and not much can be done there.\\
\ARROW Now the low $q^2$: Can this be just Phase space suppression: $\sqrt{\lambda}=\sqrt{1-4m_{\ell}^2/q^2}$

\begin{frame}[c]{Modifying the \texttt{FLATQ2} 2 }

\ARROW \texttt{FLATQ2EWP} with phase space suppression factor. 
\ARROW Now it's perfect.

\begin{frame}[c]{Update since last week }
\ARROW Discussion was made via: \href{}{JIRA}\\
\ARROW It was suggested my Michal to incorporate the new model into the current one to save the code.\\
\ARROW Thanks to John for merging the two codes:


\begin{frame}[c]{\texttt{FLATQ2} Conclusion }

\ARROW The new model was tested by me and John.\\
\ARROW Changes won't have any influence on the existing \texttt{DEFILES} as the flag is by default switched off.\\
\ARROW The commit was merge to master by Gloria today.\\
\ARROW We thank all people involved action\\
\ARROW The whole things took $<$week and is already available for production!\\
\ARROW There is also other model \texttt{XLL}, see Biplab slides more suitable for $\PB \to \PK \Ppi \mu \mu$. \\
\ARROW For the acceptance correction we propose to generate $\PB \to \PKstar \Pmu \Pmu$ with \texttt{FLATQ2} and filter it on truth matching.




This is not related to MC requests.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{MCmatching studies.}
\ARROW Let's look how the candidates that have been matched by: $\rm{mcMatch( '[ B0 => K*(892)0 mu+ mu- ]CC}')$ look like:


\ARROW \texttt{BKGCAT==10} is the pure signal. The mcMatch is not changing anything in that number of entries.\\
\ARROW \texttt{BKGCAT==30} is the K=$\PK \leftrightarrows \pi$ swaps. This goes away with some PID selection


\begin{frame}\frametitle{MCmatching studies.}

\ARROW Now all \texttt{BKGCAT==10} have true mcMatch:


\ARROW How does \texttt{BKKCAT==50,40} (missID +FSR, FSR)look like:

\ARROW We need to consider which \texttt{BKGCAT} we should use for the analysis.


