- This ZIP file contains supplemetary material for the publication LHCb-PAPER-2015-036. The files are:
- supp.pdf: An overview of the extra figures.
- *.pdf, *.png, *.eps, *.C: The figures in variuous formats.
- Along with a simple macro for obtaining the upper limits (UL) for any value of mass and lifetime for LHCb-PAPER-2015-036 which uses files:
- lhcb_2015_036.root: ROOT file containing splines from which the limit can be obtained for any value of tau.
- getUL.C: ROOT macro defining getUL function.
- test.C: ROOT macro for testing the code locally.
- Use:
- It is recommended that you first try and do the following in ROOT (in the directory where this package is located):
- .L test.C
- test(100,0);
- test(100,1);
- The first command loads test.C. The second should produce a relative UL plot for tau = 100ps similar to Fig 2 of the Supplemental Material. The third command produces the same plot but for absolute limits.
- Please check a few of these to make sure that the file is being read in properly in ROOT. You should be able to ignore any streamer warnings from ROOT.
- Then, you can obtain the UL for any value of mass and lifetime by doing:
- .L getUL.C
- getUL(500,10,0)
- Etc.
- Please send any bug reports or requests to mwill@mit.edu.