Presentations / Kaggle / NIPS / mchrzasz.log
@mchrzasz mchrzasz on 17 Dec 2015 110 KB an update
  1. This is XeTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-0.9999.3 (TeX Live 2013/Debian) (format=xelatex 2015.4.1) 16 DEC 2015 16:17
  2. entering extended mode
  3. restricted \write18 enabled.
  4. %&-line parsing enabled.
  5. **mchrzasz.tex
  6. (./mchrzasz.tex
  7. LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>
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  182. File: pgfsys-common-pdf.def 2008/05/19 (rcs-revision 1.10)
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  185. File: pgfsys-common-pdf-via-dvi.def 2008/05/19 (rcs-revision 1.7)
  186. )))
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  188. File: pgfsyssoftpath.code.tex 2008/07/18 (rcs-revision 1.7)
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  191. )
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  193. File: pgfsysprotocol.code.tex 2006/10/16 (rcs-revision 1.4)
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  252. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/math/pgfmathfunctions.trigonometric.code.tex)
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  255. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/math/pgfmathfunctions.base.code.tex)
  256. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/math/pgfmathfunctions.round.code.tex)
  257. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/math/pgfmathfunctions.misc.code.tex)))
  258. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/math/pgfmathfloat.code.tex
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  260. ))
  261. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/basiclayer/pgfcorepoints.code.tex
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  282. )
  283. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/basiclayer/pgfcorepathusage.code.tex
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  294. )
  295. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/basiclayer/pgfcoregraphicstate.code.tex
  296. File: pgfcoregraphicstate.code.tex 2008/04/22 (rcs-revision 1.9)
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  298. )
  299. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/basiclayer/pgfcoretransformations.code.tex
  300. File: pgfcoretransformations.code.tex 2009/06/10 (rcs-revision 1.11)
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  304. )
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  306. File: pgfcorequick.code.tex 2008/10/09 (rcs-revision 1.3)
  307. )
  308. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/basiclayer/pgfcoreobjects.code.tex
  309. File: pgfcoreobjects.code.tex 2006/10/11 (rcs-revision 1.2)
  310. )
  311. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/basiclayer/pgfcorepathprocessing.code.tex
  312. File: pgfcorepathprocessing.code.tex 2008/10/09 (rcs-revision 1.8)
  313. )
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  315. File: pgfcorearrows.code.tex 2008/04/23 (rcs-revision 1.11)
  316. )
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  318. File: pgfcoreshade.code.tex 2008/11/23 (rcs-revision 1.13)
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  321. )
  322. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/basiclayer/pgfcoreimage.code.tex
  323. File: pgfcoreimage.code.tex 2010/03/25 (rcs-revision 1.16)
  325. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/basiclayer/pgfcoreexternal.code.tex
  326. File: pgfcoreexternal.code.tex 2010/09/01 (rcs-revision 1.17)
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  328. ))
  329. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/basiclayer/pgfcorelayers.code.tex
  330. File: pgfcorelayers.code.tex 2010/08/27 (rcs-revision 1.2)
  331. )
  332. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/basiclayer/pgfcoretransparency.code.tex
  333. File: pgfcoretransparency.code.tex 2008/01/17 (rcs-revision 1.2)
  334. )
  335. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/basiclayer/pgfcorepatterns.code.tex
  336. File: pgfcorepatterns.code.tex 2009/07/02 (rcs-revision 1.3)
  337. )))
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  339. Package: xxcolor 2003/10/24 ver 0.1
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  342. )
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  356. Package ifluatex Info: LuaTeX not detected.
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  359. Package hobsub Info: Skipping package `ifpdf' (already loaded).
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  367. Package: pdftexcmds 2011/11/29 v0.20 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO
  368. )
  369. Package pdftexcmds Info: LuaTeX not detected.
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  371. Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf@primitive is available.
  372. Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf@ifprimitive is available.
  373. Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdfdraftmode not found.
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  376. )
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  379. )
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  389. )
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  392. )
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  394. Package: kvoptions 2011/06/30 v3.11 Key value format for package options (HO)
  395. )
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  401. File: pd1enc.def 2012/11/06 v6.83m Hyperref: PDFDocEncoding definition (HO)
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  406. File: hyperref.cfg 2002/06/06 v1.2 hyperref configuration of TeXLive
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  420. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/url/url.sty
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  422. Package: url 2013/09/16 ver 3.4 Verb mode for urls, etc.
  423. )
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  432. Package hyperref Info: backreferencing OFF on input line 6310.
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  434. Package hyperref Info: Link coloring with OCG OFF on input line 6320.
  435. Package hyperref Info: PDF/A mode OFF on input line 6325.
  436. LaTeX Info: Redefining \ref on input line 6365.
  437. LaTeX Info: Redefining \pageref on input line 6369.
  438. \Hy@abspage=\count124
  441. Package hyperref Message: Stopped early.
  443. )
  445. Package hyperref Message: Driver (autodetected): hxetex.
  447. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hyperref/hxetex.def
  448. File: hxetex.def 2012/11/06 v6.83m Hyperref driver for XeTeX
  450. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hyperref/puenc.def
  451. File: puenc.def 2012/11/06 v6.83m Hyperref: PDF Unicode definition (HO)
  452. )
  453. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/stringenc.sty
  454. Package: stringenc 2011/12/02 v1.10 Convert strings between diff. encodings (HO
  455. )
  456. )
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  463. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/oberdiek/rerunfilecheck.sty
  464. Package: rerunfilecheck 2011/04/15 v1.7 Rerun checks for auxiliary files (HO)
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  468. (rerunfilecheck) Therefore file contents cannot be checked efficien
  469. tly
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  471. ))
  472. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/se-ascii-print.def
  473. File: se-ascii-print.def 2011/12/02 v1.10 stringenc: Printable ASCII characters
  475. )
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  480. Package: beamerbasecompatibility 2012/05/01 (rcs-revision 67c48b3b652d)
  481. )
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  488. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsfonts/amsfonts.sty
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  493. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathfrak' in version `bold'
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  495. )))
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  500. Package: translator 2010/06/12 ver 1.10
  502. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/base/translator/translator-language-mappings
  503. .tex))) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/base/beamerbasemisc.sty
  504. Package: beamerbasemisc 2012/02/24 (rcs-revision 2ff5461be705)
  505. )
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  507. Package: beamerbasetwoscreens 2010/05/01 (rcs-revision efa082c6111d)
  508. )
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  517. )
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  519. Package: beamerbasesection 2012/11/11 (rcs-revision 0056eef6f17f)
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  525. )
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  542. )
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  544. Package: beamerbaseverbatim 2012/08/30 (rcs-revision dfdb135076b3)
  545. \beamer@verbatimfileout=\write4
  546. )
  547. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/base/beamerbaseframesize.sty
  548. Package: beamerbaseframesize 2011/09/12 (rcs-revision 70f9d8411e54)
  549. \beamer@splitbox=\box44
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  556. Package: beamerbaseframecomponents 2012/09/13 (rcs-revision dcd846607320)
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  558. )
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  560. Package: beamerbasecolor 2010/06/06 (rcs-revision d1a9b48be06d)
  561. )
  562. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/base/beamerbasenotes.sty
  563. Package: beamerbasenotes 2010/05/01 (rcs-revision efa082c6111d)
  564. \beamer@frameboxcopy=\box46
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  567. Package: beamerbasetoc 2012/10/02 (rcs-revision 5ed0f4010e8a)
  568. )
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  570. Package: beamerbasetemplates 2010/05/01 (rcs-revision efa082c6111d)
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  573. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/base/beamerbaseauxtemplates.sty
  574. Package: beamerbaseauxtemplates 2012/05/01 (rcs-revision 67c48b3b652d)
  576. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/base/beamerbaseboxes.sty
  577. Package: beamerbaseboxes 2012/05/13 (rcs-revision 56972908a390)
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  587. )
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  589. ))
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  591. Package: beamerbaselocalstructure 2012/11/13 (rcs-revision ddfba79dac19)
  593. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/enumerate.sty
  594. Package: enumerate 1999/03/05 v3.00 enumerate extensions (DPC)
  595. \@enLab=\toks30
  596. )
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  601. )
  602. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/base/beamerbasenavigation.sty
  603. Package: beamerbasenavigation 2012/04/03 (rcs-revision 42a0f21a412d)
  604. \beamer@section@min@dim=\dimen175
  605. )
  606. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/base/beamerbasetheorems.sty
  607. Package: beamerbasetheorems 2010/06/06 (rcs-revision 7e7cc5e53e9d)
  609. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsmath/amsmath.sty
  610. Package: amsmath 2013/01/14 v2.14 AMS math features
  611. \@mathmargin=\skip54
  613. For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option.
  614. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsmath/amstext.sty
  615. Package: amstext 2000/06/29 v2.01
  617. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsmath/amsgen.sty
  618. File: amsgen.sty 1999/11/30 v2.0
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  621. ))
  622. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsmath/amsbsy.sty
  623. Package: amsbsy 1999/11/29 v1.2d
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  625. )
  626. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsmath/amsopn.sty
  627. Package: amsopn 1999/12/14 v2.01 operator names
  628. )
  629. \inf@bad=\count143
  630. LaTeX Info: Redefining \frac on input line 210.
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  666. )
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  668. Package: amsthm 2004/08/06 v2.20
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  678. )
  679. \c@theorem=\count155
  680. )
  681. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/base/beamerbasethemes.sty
  682. Package: beamerbasethemes 2010/05/01 (rcs-revision efa082c6111d)
  683. ))
  684. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/base/themes/theme/beamerthemedefault.sty
  685. Package: beamerthemedefault 2010/06/17 (rcs-revision d02a7cf4d8ae)
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  688. Package: beamerfontthemedefault 2010/06/17 (rcs-revision d02a7cf4d8ae)
  689. )
  690. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/base/themes/color/
  691. y
  692. Package: beamercolorthemedefault 2010/06/17 (rcs-revision d02a7cf4d8ae)
  693. )
  694. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/base/themes/inner/
  695. y
  696. Package: beamerinnerthemedefault 2012/05/01 (rcs-revision 67c48b3b652d)
  697. \beamer@dima=\dimen185
  698. \beamer@dimb=\dimen186
  699. )
  700. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/base/themes/outer/
  701. y
  702. Package: beamerouterthemedefault 2012/10/02 (rcs-revision 5ed0f4010e8a)
  703. ))) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/babel/babel.sty
  704. Package: babel 2013/12/03 3.9h The Babel package
  706. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/babel-english/english.ldf
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  709. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/babel/babel.def
  710. File: babel.def 2013/12/03 3.9h Babel common definitions
  711. LaTeX Info: Redefining \textlatin on input line 137.
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  715. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/generic/babel/xebabel.def))
  716. \l@canadian = a dialect from \language\l@american
  717. \l@australian = a dialect from \language\l@british
  718. \l@newzealand = a dialect from \language\l@british
  719. ))
  720. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/polski/polski.sty
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  723. Document language package `polski' v1.3.3 <2008/02/24>
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  725. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ot4enc.def
  726. File: ot4enc.def 2005/09/27 v1.99g Standard LaTeX file
  727. )
  728. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for OT4+cmss on input line 346
  729. .
  731. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/polski/ot4cmss.fd
  732. File: ot4cmss.fd 2008/02/24 v1.2.1 Font defs for fonts PL (MW)
  733. )
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  766. (./beamerthemeFlip.sty (./beamerinnerthemeFlip.sty
  767. \beamer@Flip@normalmargin=\skip60
  768. ) (./beamerouterthemeFlip.sty (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/pgf/frontendlayer/tik
  769. z.sty
  770. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/pgf/basiclayer/pgf.sty
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  773. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/modules/pgfmoduleshapes.code.tex
  774. File: pgfmoduleshapes.code.tex 2010/09/09 (rcs-revision 1.13)
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  777. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/modules/pgfmoduleplot.code.tex
  778. File: pgfmoduleplot.code.tex 2010/10/22 (rcs-revision 1.8)
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  789. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/pgf/utilities/pgfkeys.sty
  790. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/utilities/pgfkeys.code.tex))
  791. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/utilities/pgffor.code.tex
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  797. ))
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  801. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/libraries/pgflibraryplothandlers.code.tex
  802. File: pgflibraryplothandlers.code.tex 2010/05/31 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.15)
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  819. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/modules/pgfmodulematrix.code.tex
  820. File: pgfmodulematrix.code.tex 2010/08/24 (rcs-revision 1.4)
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  827. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibrarytopat
  828. hs.code.tex
  829. File: tikzlibrarytopaths.code.tex 2008/06/17 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.2)
  830. )))) (./beamercolorthemeFlip.sty))
  831. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/berenisadf/berenis.sty
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  841. File: xkeyval.tex 2012/10/14 v2.6b key=value parser (HA)
  842. ))
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  849. )
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  868. )))
  869. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/fontenc.sty
  870. Package: fontenc 2005/09/27 v1.99g Standard LaTeX package
  872. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ly1/ly1enc.def
  873. File: ly1enc.def 2009/07/22 v0.7 TeX 'n ANSI encoding (DPC/KB)
  874. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring font encoding LY1 on input line 11.
  875. ))
  876. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/inputenc.sty
  877. Package: inputenc 2008/03/30 v1.1d Input encoding file
  878. \inpenc@prehook=\toks46
  879. \inpenc@posthook=\toks47
  881. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/utf8.def
  882. File: utf8.def 2008/04/05 v1.1m UTF-8 support for inputenc
  883. Now handling font encoding OML ...
  884. ... no UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding OML
  885. Now handling font encoding T1 ...
  886. ... processing UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding T1
  888. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/t1enc.dfu
  889. File: t1enc.dfu 2008/04/05 v1.1m UTF-8 support for inputenc
  890. defining Unicode char U+00A1 (decimal 161)
  891. defining Unicode char U+00A3 (decimal 163)
  892. defining Unicode char U+00AB (decimal 171)
  893. defining Unicode char U+00BB (decimal 187)
  894. defining Unicode char U+00BF (decimal 191)
  895. defining Unicode char U+00C0 (decimal 192)
  896. defining Unicode char U+00C1 (decimal 193)
  897. defining Unicode char U+00C2 (decimal 194)
  898. defining Unicode char U+00C3 (decimal 195)
  899. defining Unicode char U+00C4 (decimal 196)
  900. defining Unicode char U+00C5 (decimal 197)
  901. defining Unicode char U+00C6 (decimal 198)
  902. defining Unicode char U+00C7 (decimal 199)
  903. defining Unicode char U+00C8 (decimal 200)
  904. defining Unicode char U+00C9 (decimal 201)
  905. defining Unicode char U+00CA (decimal 202)
  906. defining Unicode char U+00CB (decimal 203)
  907. defining Unicode char U+00CC (decimal 204)
  908. defining Unicode char U+00CD (decimal 205)
  909. defining Unicode char U+00CE (decimal 206)
  910. defining Unicode char U+00CF (decimal 207)
  911. defining Unicode char U+00D0 (decimal 208)
  912. defining Unicode char U+00D1 (decimal 209)
  913. defining Unicode char U+00D2 (decimal 210)
  914. defining Unicode char U+00D3 (decimal 211)
  915. defining Unicode char U+00D4 (decimal 212)
  916. defining Unicode char U+00D5 (decimal 213)
  917. defining Unicode char U+00D6 (decimal 214)
  918. defining Unicode char U+00D8 (decimal 216)
  919. defining Unicode char U+00D9 (decimal 217)
  920. defining Unicode char U+00DA (decimal 218)
  921. defining Unicode char U+00DB (decimal 219)
  922. defining Unicode char U+00DC (decimal 220)
  923. defining Unicode char U+00DD (decimal 221)
  924. defining Unicode char U+00DE (decimal 222)
  925. defining Unicode char U+00DF (decimal 223)
  926. defining Unicode char U+00E0 (decimal 224)
  927. defining Unicode char U+00E1 (decimal 225)
  928. defining Unicode char U+00E2 (decimal 226)
  929. defining Unicode char U+00E3 (decimal 227)
  930. defining Unicode char U+00E4 (decimal 228)
  931. defining Unicode char U+00E5 (decimal 229)
  932. defining Unicode char U+00E6 (decimal 230)
  933. defining Unicode char U+00E7 (decimal 231)
  934. defining Unicode char U+00E8 (decimal 232)
  935. defining Unicode char U+00E9 (decimal 233)
  936. defining Unicode char U+00EA (decimal 234)
  937. defining Unicode char U+00EB (decimal 235)
  938. defining Unicode char U+00EC (decimal 236)
  939. defining Unicode char U+00ED (decimal 237)
  940. defining Unicode char U+00EE (decimal 238)
  941. defining Unicode char U+00EF (decimal 239)
  942. defining Unicode char U+00F0 (decimal 240)
  943. defining Unicode char U+00F1 (decimal 241)
  944. defining Unicode char U+00F2 (decimal 242)
  945. defining Unicode char U+00F3 (decimal 243)
  946. defining Unicode char U+00F4 (decimal 244)
  947. defining Unicode char U+00F5 (decimal 245)
  948. defining Unicode char U+00F6 (decimal 246)
  949. defining Unicode char U+00F8 (decimal 248)
  950. defining Unicode char U+00F9 (decimal 249)
  951. defining Unicode char U+00FA (decimal 250)
  952. defining Unicode char U+00FB (decimal 251)
  953. defining Unicode char U+00FC (decimal 252)
  954. defining Unicode char U+00FD (decimal 253)
  955. defining Unicode char U+00FE (decimal 254)
  956. defining Unicode char U+00FF (decimal 255)
  957. defining Unicode char U+0102 (decimal 258)
  958. defining Unicode char U+0103 (decimal 259)
  959. defining Unicode char U+0104 (decimal 260)
  960. defining Unicode char U+0105 (decimal 261)
  961. defining Unicode char U+0106 (decimal 262)
  962. defining Unicode char U+0107 (decimal 263)
  963. defining Unicode char U+010C (decimal 268)
  964. defining Unicode char U+010D (decimal 269)
  965. defining Unicode char U+010E (decimal 270)
  966. defining Unicode char U+010F (decimal 271)
  967. defining Unicode char U+0110 (decimal 272)
  968. defining Unicode char U+0111 (decimal 273)
  969. defining Unicode char U+0118 (decimal 280)
  970. defining Unicode char U+0119 (decimal 281)
  971. defining Unicode char U+011A (decimal 282)
  972. defining Unicode char U+011B (decimal 283)
  973. defining Unicode char U+011E (decimal 286)
  974. defining Unicode char U+011F (decimal 287)
  975. defining Unicode char U+0130 (decimal 304)
  976. defining Unicode char U+0131 (decimal 305)
  977. defining Unicode char U+0132 (decimal 306)
  978. defining Unicode char U+0133 (decimal 307)
  979. defining Unicode char U+0139 (decimal 313)
  980. defining Unicode char U+013A (decimal 314)
  981. defining Unicode char U+013D (decimal 317)
  982. defining Unicode char U+013E (decimal 318)
  983. defining Unicode char U+0141 (decimal 321)
  984. defining Unicode char U+0142 (decimal 322)
  985. defining Unicode char U+0143 (decimal 323)
  986. defining Unicode char U+0144 (decimal 324)
  987. defining Unicode char U+0147 (decimal 327)
  988. defining Unicode char U+0148 (decimal 328)
  989. defining Unicode char U+014A (decimal 330)
  990. defining Unicode char U+014B (decimal 331)
  991. defining Unicode char U+0150 (decimal 336)
  992. defining Unicode char U+0151 (decimal 337)
  993. defining Unicode char U+0152 (decimal 338)
  994. defining Unicode char U+0153 (decimal 339)
  995. defining Unicode char U+0154 (decimal 340)
  996. defining Unicode char U+0155 (decimal 341)
  997. defining Unicode char U+0158 (decimal 344)
  998. defining Unicode char U+0159 (decimal 345)
  999. defining Unicode char U+015A (decimal 346)
  1000. defining Unicode char U+015B (decimal 347)
  1001. defining Unicode char U+015E (decimal 350)
  1002. defining Unicode char U+015F (decimal 351)
  1003. defining Unicode char U+0160 (decimal 352)
  1004. defining Unicode char U+0161 (decimal 353)
  1005. defining Unicode char U+0162 (decimal 354)
  1006. defining Unicode char U+0163 (decimal 355)
  1007. defining Unicode char U+0164 (decimal 356)
  1008. defining Unicode char U+0165 (decimal 357)
  1009. defining Unicode char U+016E (decimal 366)
  1010. defining Unicode char U+016F (decimal 367)
  1011. defining Unicode char U+0170 (decimal 368)
  1012. defining Unicode char U+0171 (decimal 369)
  1013. defining Unicode char U+0178 (decimal 376)
  1014. defining Unicode char U+0179 (decimal 377)
  1015. defining Unicode char U+017A (decimal 378)
  1016. defining Unicode char U+017B (decimal 379)
  1017. defining Unicode char U+017C (decimal 380)
  1018. defining Unicode char U+017D (decimal 381)
  1019. defining Unicode char U+017E (decimal 382)
  1020. defining Unicode char U+200C (decimal 8204)
  1021. defining Unicode char U+2013 (decimal 8211)
  1022. defining Unicode char U+2014 (decimal 8212)
  1023. defining Unicode char U+2018 (decimal 8216)
  1024. defining Unicode char U+2019 (decimal 8217)
  1025. defining Unicode char U+201A (decimal 8218)
  1026. defining Unicode char U+201C (decimal 8220)
  1027. defining Unicode char U+201D (decimal 8221)
  1028. defining Unicode char U+201E (decimal 8222)
  1029. defining Unicode char U+2030 (decimal 8240)
  1030. defining Unicode char U+2031 (decimal 8241)
  1031. defining Unicode char U+2039 (decimal 8249)
  1032. defining Unicode char U+203A (decimal 8250)
  1033. defining Unicode char U+2423 (decimal 9251)
  1034. )
  1035. Now handling font encoding OT1 ...
  1036. ... processing UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding OT1
  1038. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ot1enc.dfu
  1039. File: ot1enc.dfu 2008/04/05 v1.1m UTF-8 support for inputenc
  1040. defining Unicode char U+00A1 (decimal 161)
  1041. defining Unicode char U+00A3 (decimal 163)
  1042. defining Unicode char U+00B8 (decimal 184)
  1043. defining Unicode char U+00BF (decimal 191)
  1044. defining Unicode char U+00C5 (decimal 197)
  1045. defining Unicode char U+00C6 (decimal 198)
  1046. defining Unicode char U+00D8 (decimal 216)
  1047. defining Unicode char U+00DF (decimal 223)
  1048. defining Unicode char U+00E6 (decimal 230)
  1049. defining Unicode char U+00EC (decimal 236)
  1050. defining Unicode char U+00ED (decimal 237)
  1051. defining Unicode char U+00EE (decimal 238)
  1052. defining Unicode char U+00EF (decimal 239)
  1053. defining Unicode char U+00F8 (decimal 248)
  1054. defining Unicode char U+0131 (decimal 305)
  1055. defining Unicode char U+0141 (decimal 321)
  1056. defining Unicode char U+0142 (decimal 322)
  1057. defining Unicode char U+0152 (decimal 338)
  1058. defining Unicode char U+0153 (decimal 339)
  1059. defining Unicode char U+2013 (decimal 8211)
  1060. defining Unicode char U+2014 (decimal 8212)
  1061. defining Unicode char U+2018 (decimal 8216)
  1062. defining Unicode char U+2019 (decimal 8217)
  1063. defining Unicode char U+201C (decimal 8220)
  1064. defining Unicode char U+201D (decimal 8221)
  1065. )
  1066. Now handling font encoding OMS ...
  1067. ... processing UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding OMS
  1069. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/omsenc.dfu
  1070. File: omsenc.dfu 2008/04/05 v1.1m UTF-8 support for inputenc
  1071. defining Unicode char U+00A7 (decimal 167)
  1072. defining Unicode char U+00B6 (decimal 182)
  1073. defining Unicode char U+00B7 (decimal 183)
  1074. defining Unicode char U+2020 (decimal 8224)
  1075. defining Unicode char U+2021 (decimal 8225)
  1076. defining Unicode char U+2022 (decimal 8226)
  1077. )
  1078. Now handling font encoding OMX ...
  1079. ... no UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding OMX
  1080. Now handling font encoding U ...
  1081. ... no UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding U
  1082. Now handling font encoding PD1 ...
  1083. ... no UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding PD1
  1084. Now handling font encoding PU ...
  1085. ... no UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding PU
  1086. Now handling font encoding OT4 ...
  1087. ... no UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding OT4
  1088. Now handling font encoding LY1 ...
  1089. ... processing UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding LY1
  1091. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ly1enc.dfu
  1092. File: ly1enc.dfu 2008/04/05 v1.1m UTF-8 support for inputenc
  1093. defining Unicode char U+00A1 (decimal 161)
  1094. defining Unicode char U+00A2 (decimal 162)
  1095. defining Unicode char U+00A3 (decimal 163)
  1096. defining Unicode char U+00A4 (decimal 164)
  1097. defining Unicode char U+00A5 (decimal 165)
  1098. defining Unicode char U+00A6 (decimal 166)
  1099. defining Unicode char U+00A7 (decimal 167)
  1100. defining Unicode char U+00AA (decimal 170)
  1101. defining Unicode char U+00AB (decimal 171)
  1102. defining Unicode char U+00AE (decimal 174)
  1103. defining Unicode char U+00B0 (decimal 176)
  1104. defining Unicode char U+00B5 (decimal 181)
  1105. defining Unicode char U+00B6 (decimal 182)
  1106. defining Unicode char U+00B7 (decimal 183)
  1107. defining Unicode char U+00BA (decimal 186)
  1108. defining Unicode char U+00BB (decimal 187)
  1109. defining Unicode char U+00BC (decimal 188)
  1110. defining Unicode char U+00BD (decimal 189)
  1111. defining Unicode char U+00BE (decimal 190)
  1112. defining Unicode char U+00BF (decimal 191)
  1113. defining Unicode char U+00C0 (decimal 192)
  1114. defining Unicode char U+00C1 (decimal 193)
  1115. defining Unicode char U+00C2 (decimal 194)
  1116. defining Unicode char U+00C3 (decimal 195)
  1117. defining Unicode char U+00C4 (decimal 196)
  1118. defining Unicode char U+00C5 (decimal 197)
  1119. defining Unicode char U+00C6 (decimal 198)
  1120. defining Unicode char U+00C7 (decimal 199)
  1121. defining Unicode char U+00C8 (decimal 200)
  1122. defining Unicode char U+00C9 (decimal 201)
  1123. defining Unicode char U+00CA (decimal 202)
  1124. defining Unicode char U+00CB (decimal 203)
  1125. defining Unicode char U+00CC (decimal 204)
  1126. defining Unicode char U+00CD (decimal 205)
  1127. defining Unicode char U+00CE (decimal 206)
  1128. defining Unicode char U+00CF (decimal 207)
  1129. defining Unicode char U+00D0 (decimal 208)
  1130. defining Unicode char U+00D1 (decimal 209)
  1131. defining Unicode char U+00D2 (decimal 210)
  1132. defining Unicode char U+00D3 (decimal 211)
  1133. defining Unicode char U+00D4 (decimal 212)
  1134. defining Unicode char U+00D5 (decimal 213)
  1135. defining Unicode char U+00D6 (decimal 214)
  1136. defining Unicode char U+00D8 (decimal 216)
  1137. defining Unicode char U+00D9 (decimal 217)
  1138. defining Unicode char U+00DA (decimal 218)
  1139. defining Unicode char U+00DB (decimal 219)
  1140. defining Unicode char U+00DC (decimal 220)
  1141. defining Unicode char U+00DD (decimal 221)
  1142. defining Unicode char U+00DE (decimal 222)
  1143. defining Unicode char U+00DF (decimal 223)
  1144. defining Unicode char U+00E0 (decimal 224)
  1145. defining Unicode char U+00E1 (decimal 225)
  1146. defining Unicode char U+00E2 (decimal 226)
  1147. defining Unicode char U+00E3 (decimal 227)
  1148. defining Unicode char U+00E4 (decimal 228)
  1149. defining Unicode char U+00E5 (decimal 229)
  1150. defining Unicode char U+00E6 (decimal 230)
  1151. defining Unicode char U+00E7 (decimal 231)
  1152. defining Unicode char U+00E8 (decimal 232)
  1153. defining Unicode char U+00E9 (decimal 233)
  1154. defining Unicode char U+00EA (decimal 234)
  1155. defining Unicode char U+00EB (decimal 235)
  1156. defining Unicode char U+00EC (decimal 236)
  1157. defining Unicode char U+00ED (decimal 237)
  1158. defining Unicode char U+00EE (decimal 238)
  1159. defining Unicode char U+00EF (decimal 239)
  1160. defining Unicode char U+00F0 (decimal 240)
  1161. defining Unicode char U+00F1 (decimal 241)
  1162. defining Unicode char U+00F2 (decimal 242)
  1163. defining Unicode char U+00F3 (decimal 243)
  1164. defining Unicode char U+00F4 (decimal 244)
  1165. defining Unicode char U+00F5 (decimal 245)
  1166. defining Unicode char U+00F6 (decimal 246)
  1167. defining Unicode char U+00F8 (decimal 248)
  1168. defining Unicode char U+00F9 (decimal 249)
  1169. defining Unicode char U+00FA (decimal 250)
  1170. defining Unicode char U+00FB (decimal 251)
  1171. defining Unicode char U+00FC (decimal 252)
  1172. defining Unicode char U+00FD (decimal 253)
  1173. defining Unicode char U+00FE (decimal 254)
  1174. defining Unicode char U+00FF (decimal 255)
  1175. defining Unicode char U+0131 (decimal 305)
  1176. defining Unicode char U+0141 (decimal 321)
  1177. defining Unicode char U+0142 (decimal 322)
  1178. defining Unicode char U+0152 (decimal 338)
  1179. defining Unicode char U+0153 (decimal 339)
  1180. defining Unicode char U+0160 (decimal 352)
  1181. defining Unicode char U+0161 (decimal 353)
  1182. defining Unicode char U+0178 (decimal 376)
  1183. defining Unicode char U+017D (decimal 381)
  1184. defining Unicode char U+017E (decimal 382)
  1185. defining Unicode char U+0192 (decimal 402)
  1186. defining Unicode char U+02C6 (decimal 710)
  1187. defining Unicode char U+02DC (decimal 732)
  1188. defining Unicode char U+2013 (decimal 8211)
  1189. defining Unicode char U+2014 (decimal 8212)
  1190. defining Unicode char U+201C (decimal 8220)
  1191. defining Unicode char U+201D (decimal 8221)
  1192. defining Unicode char U+2020 (decimal 8224)
  1193. defining Unicode char U+2021 (decimal 8225)
  1194. defining Unicode char U+2022 (decimal 8226)
  1195. defining Unicode char U+2026 (decimal 8230)
  1196. defining Unicode char U+2030 (decimal 8240)
  1197. defining Unicode char U+2039 (decimal 8249)
  1198. defining Unicode char U+203A (decimal 8250)
  1199. defining Unicode char U+2122 (decimal 8482)
  1200. )
  1201. defining Unicode char U+00A9 (decimal 169)
  1202. defining Unicode char U+00AA (decimal 170)
  1203. defining Unicode char U+00AE (decimal 174)
  1204. defining Unicode char U+00BA (decimal 186)
  1205. defining Unicode char U+02C6 (decimal 710)
  1206. defining Unicode char U+02DC (decimal 732)
  1207. defining Unicode char U+200C (decimal 8204)
  1208. defining Unicode char U+2026 (decimal 8230)
  1209. defining Unicode char U+2122 (decimal 8482)
  1210. defining Unicode char U+2423 (decimal 9251)
  1211. ))
  1212. (/home/mchrzasz/texmf/tex/latex/emerald/emerald.sty
  1213. Package: emerald 2006/01/26 v1.0 LaTeX2e package which gives support for ECF (e
  1214. merald city fontwerks) fonts
  1215. )
  1216. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/base/themes/font/beamerfontthemeprofessional
  1217. fonts.sty
  1218. Package: beamerfontthemeprofessionalfonts 2010/06/17 (rcs-revision d02a7cf4d8a
  1219. e)
  1220. ) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontspec/fontspec.sty
  1221. Package: fontspec 2013/05/20 v2.3c Font selection for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
  1223. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/expl3.sty
  1224. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3names.sty
  1225. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3bootstrap.sty
  1226. Package: l3bootstrap 2014/01/04 v4640 L3 Experimental bootstrap code
  1227. )
  1228. Package: l3names 2014/01/04 v4640 L3 Namespace for primitives
  1229. )
  1230. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/etex-pkg/etex.sty
  1231. Package: etex 1998/03/26 v2.0 eTeX basic definition package (PEB)
  1232. \et@xins=\count168
  1233. )
  1234. Package: expl3 2014/01/07 v4646 L3 Experimental code bundle wrapper
  1236. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3basics.sty
  1237. Package: l3basics 2014/01/04 v4642 L3 Basic definitions
  1238. )
  1239. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3expan.sty
  1240. Package: l3expan 2014/01/04 v4642 L3 Argument expansion
  1241. )
  1242. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3tl.sty
  1243. Package: l3tl 2013/12/27 v4625 L3 Token lists
  1244. )
  1245. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3seq.sty
  1246. Package: l3seq 2013/12/14 v4623 L3 Sequences and stacks
  1247. )
  1248. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3int.sty
  1249. Package: l3int 2013/08/02 v4583 L3 Integers
  1250. \c_max_int=\count169
  1251. \l_tmpa_int=\count170
  1252. \l_tmpb_int=\count171
  1253. \g_tmpa_int=\count172
  1254. \g_tmpb_int=\count173
  1255. )
  1256. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3quark.sty
  1257. Package: l3quark 2013/12/14 v4623 L3 Quarks
  1258. )
  1259. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3prg.sty
  1260. Package: l3prg 2014/01/04 v4642 L3 Control structures
  1261. \g__prg_map_int=\count174
  1262. )
  1263. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3clist.sty
  1264. Package: l3clist 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 Comma separated lists
  1265. )
  1266. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3token.sty
  1267. Package: l3token 2013/08/25 v4587 L3 Experimental token manipulation
  1268. )
  1269. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3prop.sty
  1270. Package: l3prop 2013/12/14 v4623 L3 Property lists
  1271. )
  1272. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3msg.sty
  1273. Package: l3msg 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 Messages
  1274. )
  1275. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3file.sty
  1276. Package: l3file 2013/10/13 v4596 L3 File and I/O operations
  1277. \l_iow_line_count_int=\count175
  1278. \l__iow_target_count_int=\count176
  1279. \l__iow_current_line_int=\count177
  1280. \l__iow_current_word_int=\count178
  1281. \l__iow_current_indentation_int=\count179
  1282. )
  1283. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3skip.sty
  1284. Package: l3skip 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 Dimensions and skips
  1285. \c_zero_dim=\dimen199
  1286. \c_max_dim=\dimen200
  1287. \l_tmpa_dim=\dimen201
  1288. Normal \dimen register pool exhausted, switching to extended pool.
  1289. \l_tmpb_dim=\dimen256
  1290. \g_tmpa_dim=\dimen257
  1291. \g_tmpb_dim=\dimen258
  1292. \c_zero_skip=\skip61
  1293. \c_max_skip=\skip62
  1294. \l_tmpa_skip=\skip63
  1295. \l_tmpb_skip=\skip64
  1296. \g_tmpa_skip=\skip65
  1297. \g_tmpb_skip=\skip66
  1298. \c_zero_muskip=\muskip12
  1299. \c_max_muskip=\muskip13
  1300. \l_tmpa_muskip=\muskip14
  1301. \l_tmpb_muskip=\muskip15
  1302. \g_tmpa_muskip=\muskip16
  1303. \g_tmpb_muskip=\muskip17
  1304. )
  1305. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3keys.sty
  1306. Package: l3keys 2013/12/08 v4614 L3 Experimental key-value interfaces
  1307. \g__keyval_level_int=\count180
  1308. \l_keys_choice_int=\count181
  1309. )
  1310. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3fp.sty
  1311. Package: l3fp 2014/01/04 v4642 L3 Floating points
  1312. \c__fp_leading_shift_int=\count182
  1313. \c__fp_middle_shift_int=\count183
  1314. \c__fp_trailing_shift_int=\count184
  1315. \c__fp_big_leading_shift_int=\count185
  1316. \c__fp_big_middle_shift_int=\count186
  1317. \c__fp_big_trailing_shift_int=\count187
  1318. \c__fp_Bigg_leading_shift_int=\count188
  1319. \c__fp_Bigg_middle_shift_int=\count189
  1320. \c__fp_Bigg_trailing_shift_int=\count190
  1321. )
  1322. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3box.sty
  1323. Package: l3box 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 Experimental boxes
  1324. \c_empty_box=\box57
  1325. \l_tmpa_box=\box58
  1326. \l_tmpb_box=\box59
  1327. \g_tmpa_box=\box60
  1328. \g_tmpb_box=\box61
  1329. )
  1330. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3coffins.sty
  1331. Package: l3coffins 2013/12/14 v4624 L3 Coffin code layer
  1332. \l__coffin_internal_box=\box62
  1333. \l__coffin_internal_dim=\dimen259
  1334. \l__coffin_offset_x_dim=\dimen260
  1335. \l__coffin_offset_y_dim=\dimen261
  1336. \l__coffin_x_dim=\dimen262
  1337. \l__coffin_y_dim=\dimen263
  1338. \l__coffin_x_prime_dim=\dimen264
  1339. \l__coffin_y_prime_dim=\dimen265
  1340. \c_empty_coffin=\box63
  1341. \l__coffin_aligned_coffin=\box64
  1342. \l__coffin_aligned_internal_coffin=\box65
  1343. \l_tmpa_coffin=\box66
  1344. \l_tmpb_coffin=\box67
  1345. \l__coffin_display_coffin=\box68
  1346. \l__coffin_display_coord_coffin=\box69
  1347. \l__coffin_display_pole_coffin=\box70
  1348. \l__coffin_display_offset_dim=\dimen266
  1349. \l__coffin_display_x_dim=\dimen267
  1350. \l__coffin_display_y_dim=\dimen268
  1351. )
  1352. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3color.sty
  1353. Package: l3color 2012/08/29 v4156 L3 Experimental color support
  1354. )
  1355. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3luatex.sty
  1356. Package: l3luatex 2013/07/28 v4581 L3 Experimental LuaTeX-specific functions
  1357. \g__cctab_allocate_int=\count191
  1358. \g__cctab_stack_int=\count192
  1359. )
  1360. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3candidates.sty
  1361. Package: l3candidates 2014/01/06 v4643 L3 Experimental additions to l3kernel
  1362. \l__box_top_dim=\dimen269
  1363. \l__box_bottom_dim=\dimen270
  1364. \l__box_left_dim=\dimen271
  1365. \l__box_right_dim=\dimen272
  1366. \l__box_top_new_dim=\dimen273
  1367. \l__box_bottom_new_dim=\dimen274
  1368. \l__box_left_new_dim=\dimen275
  1369. \l__box_right_new_dim=\dimen276
  1370. \l__box_internal_box=\box71
  1371. \l__coffin_bounding_shift_dim=\dimen277
  1372. \l__coffin_left_corner_dim=\dimen278
  1373. \l__coffin_right_corner_dim=\dimen279
  1374. \l__coffin_bottom_corner_dim=\dimen280
  1375. \l__coffin_top_corner_dim=\dimen281
  1376. \l__coffin_scaled_total_height_dim=\dimen282
  1377. \l__coffin_scaled_width_dim=\dimen283
  1378. ))
  1379. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3packages/xparse/xparse.sty
  1380. Package: xparse 2013/12/31 v4634 L3 Experimental document command parser
  1381. \l__xparse_current_arg_int=\count193
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  1383. \l__xparse_mandatory_args_int=\count195
  1384. \l__xparse_processor_int=\count196
  1385. \l__xparse_v_nesting_int=\count197
  1386. )
  1387. \l_fontspec_script_int=\count198
  1388. \l_fontspec_language_int=\count199
  1389. \l_fontspec_strnum_int=\count200
  1390. \l_fontspec_tmpa_dim=\dimen284
  1391. \l_fontspec_tmpb_dim=\dimen285
  1392. \l_fontspec_tmpc_dim=\dimen286
  1393. Variant \tl_gset:cV already defined; not changing it on line 69
  1395. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontspec/fontspec-patches.sty
  1396. Package: fontspec-patches 2013/05/20 v2.3c Font selection for XeLaTeX and LuaLa
  1397. TeX
  1399. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/fixltx2e.sty
  1400. Package: fixltx2e 2006/09/13 v1.1m fixes to LaTeX
  1401. LaTeX Info: Redefining \em on input line 420.
  1402. LaTeX Info: The control sequence `\[' is already robust on input line 471.
  1403. LaTeX Info: The control sequence `\]' is already robust on input line 472.
  1404. )
  1405. LaTeX Info: Redefining \em on input line 22.
  1406. LaTeX Info: Redefining \emph on input line 30.
  1407. LaTeX Info: Redefining \- on input line 33.
  1409. *************************************************
  1410. * LaTeX warning: "xparse/redefine-command"
  1411. *
  1412. * Redefining document command \oldstylenums with arg. spec. 'm' on line 128.
  1413. *************************************************
  1414. .................................................
  1415. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1416. .
  1417. . Defining document command \liningnums with arg. spec. 'm' on line 132.
  1418. .................................................
  1419. ) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontspec/fontspec-xetex.sty
  1420. Package: fontspec-xetex 2013/05/20 v2.3c Font selection for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTe
  1421. X
  1423. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/fontenc.sty
  1424. Package: fontenc 2005/09/27 v1.99g Standard LaTeX package
  1426. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/euenc/eu1enc.def
  1427. File: eu1enc.def 2010/05/27 v0.1h Experimental Unicode font encodings
  1428. Now handling font encoding EU1 ...
  1429. ... no UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding EU1
  1430. )
  1431. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for EU1+lmr on input line 100.
  1434. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/euenc/eu1lmr.fd
  1435. File: eu1lmr.fd 2009/10/30 v1.6 Font defs for Latin Modern
  1436. ))
  1437. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex/xunicode/xunicode.sty
  1438. File: xunicode.sty 2011/09/09 v0.981 provides access to latin accents and many
  1439. other characters in Unicode lower plane
  1441. *** you should *not* be loading the inputenc package
  1442. *** XeTeX expects the source to be in UTF8 encoding
  1443. *** some features of other encodings may conflict, resulting in poor output.
  1444. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/tipa/t3enc.def
  1445. File: t3enc.def 2001/12/31 T3 encoding
  1446. Now handling font encoding T3 ...
  1447. ... no UTF-8 mapping file for font encoding T3
  1448. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for EU1+lmss on input line 357
  1449. .
  1451. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/euenc/eu1lmss.fd
  1452. File: eu1lmss.fd 2009/10/30 v1.6 Font defs for Latin Modern
  1453. ))
  1454. \tipaTiiicode=\count201
  1455. \tipasavetokens=\toks48
  1456. \tipachecktokens=\toks49
  1457. )
  1458. .................................................
  1459. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1460. .
  1461. . Defining document command \fontspec with arg. spec. 'O{}m' on line 41.
  1462. .................................................
  1463. .................................................
  1464. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1465. .
  1466. . Defining document command \setmainfont with arg. spec. 'O{}m' on line 46.
  1467. .................................................
  1468. .................................................
  1469. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1470. .
  1471. . Defining document command \setsansfont with arg. spec. 'O{}m' on line 51.
  1472. .................................................
  1473. .................................................
  1474. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1475. .
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  1477. .................................................
  1478. .................................................
  1479. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1480. .
  1481. . Defining document command \setmathrm with arg. spec. 'O{}m' on line 65.
  1482. .................................................
  1483. .................................................
  1484. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1485. .
  1486. . Defining document command \setboldmathrm with arg. spec. 'O{}m' on line 69.
  1487. .................................................
  1488. .................................................
  1489. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1490. .
  1491. . Defining document command \setmathsf with arg. spec. 'O{}m' on line 73.
  1492. .................................................
  1493. .................................................
  1494. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1495. .
  1496. . Defining document command \setmathtt with arg. spec. 'O{}m' on line 77.
  1497. .................................................
  1498. .................................................
  1499. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1500. .
  1501. . Defining document command \newfontfamily with arg. spec. 'mO{}m' on line 96.
  1502. .................................................
  1503. .................................................
  1504. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1505. .
  1506. . Defining document command \newfontface with arg. spec. 'mO{}m' on line 100.
  1507. .................................................
  1508. .................................................
  1509. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1510. .
  1511. . Defining document command \defaultfontfeatures with arg. spec. 'om' on line
  1512. . 108.
  1513. .................................................
  1514. .................................................
  1515. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1516. .
  1517. . Defining document command \addfontfeatures with arg. spec. 'm' on line 144.
  1518. .................................................
  1519. .................................................
  1520. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1521. .
  1522. . Defining document command \newfontfeature with arg. spec. 'mm' on line 156.
  1523. .................................................
  1524. .................................................
  1525. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1526. .
  1527. . Defining document command \newAATfeature with arg. spec. 'mmmm' on line 164.
  1528. .................................................
  1529. .................................................
  1530. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1531. .
  1532. . Defining document command \newICUfeature with arg. spec. 'mmm' on line 172.
  1533. .................................................
  1534. .................................................
  1535. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1536. .
  1537. . Defining document command \aliasfontfeature with arg. spec. 'mm' on line
  1538. . 201.
  1539. .................................................
  1540. .................................................
  1541. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1542. .
  1543. . Defining document command \aliasfontfeatureoption with arg. spec. 'mmm' on
  1544. . line 203.
  1545. .................................................
  1546. .................................................
  1547. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1548. .
  1549. . Defining document command \newfontscript with arg. spec. 'mm' on line 208.
  1550. .................................................
  1551. .................................................
  1552. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1553. .
  1554. . Defining document command \newfontlanguage with arg. spec. 'mm' on line 235.
  1555. .................................................
  1556. .................................................
  1557. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1558. .
  1559. . Defining document command \DeclareFontsExtensions with arg. spec. 'm' on
  1560. . line 256.
  1561. .................................................
  1562. Variant \prop_gput:cnV already defined; not changing it on line 582
  1563. Variant \prop_gput:cnx already defined; not changing it on line 583
  1564. Normal \count register pool exhausted, switching to extended pool.
  1565. \l_fontspec_tmp_int=\count277
  1566. LaTeX Info: Redefining \sishape on input line 2071.
  1567. LaTeX Info: Redefining \textsi on input line 2076.
  1568. LaTeX Info: Redefining \itshape on input line 2087.
  1569. LaTeX Info: Redefining \slshape on input line 2092.
  1570. LaTeX Info: Redefining \scshape on input line 2097.
  1571. LaTeX Info: Redefining \upshape on input line 2102.
  1573. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontspec/fontspec.cfg)))
  1574. \g__file_internal_ior=\read2
  1575. \g_fontspec_family_Gillius ADF_int=\count278
  1576. .................................................
  1577. . fontspec info: "defining-font"
  1578. .
  1579. . Font family 'GilliusADF(0)' created for font 'Gillius ADF' with options
  1580. . [Mapping=tex-text,].
  1581. .
  1582. . This font family consists of the following shapes:
  1583. .
  1584. . * 'normal' with NFSS spec.:
  1585. . <->"Gillius ADF/ICU:script=latn;language=DFLT;mapping=tex-text;"
  1586. .
  1587. . * 'bold' with NFSS spec.:
  1588. . <->"Gillius ADF/B/ICU:script=latn;language=DFLT;mapping=tex-text;"
  1589. .
  1590. . * 'italic' with NFSS spec.:
  1591. . <->"Gillius ADF/I/ICU:script=latn;language=DFLT;mapping=tex-text;"
  1592. .
  1593. . * 'bold italic' with NFSS spec.:
  1594. . <->"Gillius ADF/BI/ICU:script=latn;language=DFLT;mapping=tex-text;"
  1595. .................................................
  1596. .................................................
  1597. . fontspec info: "defining-font"
  1598. .
  1599. . Font family 'GilliusADF(0)' created for font 'Gillius ADF' with options
  1600. . [Mapping=tex-text,].
  1601. .
  1602. . This font family consists of the following shapes:
  1603. .................................................
  1605. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/augie/t1augie.fd
  1606. File: t1augie.fd 2000/10/19 Fontinst v1.914 font definitions for T1/augie.
  1607. )
  1608. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/adjustbox/adjustbox.sty
  1609. Package: adjustbox 2012/05/21 v1.0 Adjusting TeX boxes (trim, clip, ...)
  1611. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/adjustbox/adjcalc.sty
  1612. Package: adjcalc 2012/05/16 v1.1 Provides advanced setlength with multiple back
  1613. -ends (calc, etex, pgfmath)
  1614. )
  1615. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/adjustbox/trimclip.sty
  1616. Package: trimclip 2012/05/16 v1.0 Trim and clip general TeX material
  1618. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/collectbox/collectbox.sty
  1619. Package: collectbox 2012/05/17 v0.4b Collect macro arguments as boxes
  1620. \collectedbox=\box72
  1621. )
  1622. \tc@llx=\dimen287
  1623. \tc@lly=\dimen288
  1624. \tc@urx=\dimen289
  1625. \tc@ury=\dimen290
  1626. Package trimclip Info: Using driver 'tc-xetex.def'.
  1628. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/adjustbox/tc-xetex.def
  1629. File: tc-xetex.def 2012/05/13 v1.0 Clipping driver for xetex
  1630. ))
  1631. \adjbox@Width=\dimen291
  1632. \adjbox@Height=\dimen292
  1633. \adjbox@Depth=\dimen293
  1634. \adjbox@Totalheight=\dimen294
  1636. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ifoddpage/ifoddpage.sty
  1637. Package: ifoddpage 2011/09/13 v1.0 Conditionals for odd/even page detection
  1638. \c@checkoddpage=\count279
  1639. )
  1640. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/varwidth/varwidth.sty
  1641. Package: varwidth 2009/03/30 ver 0.92; Variable-width minipages
  1642. \@vwid@box=\box73
  1643. \sift@deathcycles=\count280
  1644. \@vwid@loff=\dimen295
  1645. \@vwid@roff=\dimen296
  1646. ))
  1647. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/bm.sty
  1648. Package: bm 2004/02/26 v1.1c Bold Symbol Support (DPC/FMi)
  1649. \symboldoperators=\mathgroup6
  1650. \symboldletters=\mathgroup7
  1651. \symboldsymbols=\mathgroup8
  1652. \symboldlargesymbols=\mathgroup9
  1653. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math alphabet \mathbf on input line 138.
  1654. LaTeX Info: Redefining \bm on input line 204.
  1655. )
  1656. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/jknapltx/mathrsfs.sty
  1657. Package: mathrsfs 1996/01/01 Math RSFS package v1.0 (jk)
  1658. \symrsfs=\mathgroup10
  1659. )
  1660. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/cancel/cancel.sty
  1661. Package: cancel 2013/04/12 v2.2 Cancel math terms
  1662. )
  1663. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/carlisle/slashed.sty
  1664. Package: slashed 1997/01/16 v0.01 Feynman Slashed Character Notation (DPC)
  1665. )
  1666. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/bbm-macros/bbm.sty
  1667. Package: bbm 1999/03/15 V 1.2 provides fonts for set symbols - TH
  1668. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathbbm' in version `bold'
  1669. (Font) U/bbm/m/n --> U/bbm/bx/n on input line 33.
  1670. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathbbmss' in version `bold'
  1671. (Font) U/bbmss/m/n --> U/bbmss/bx/n on input line 35.
  1672. )
  1673. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/multirow/multirow.sty
  1674. \bigstrutjot=\dimen297
  1675. )
  1676. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/arydshln/arydshln.sty
  1677. Package: arydshln 2004/08/31 v1.71
  1678. \dashlinedash=\dimen298
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  1680. \adl@box=\box74
  1681. \adl@height=\dimen300
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  1696. \adl@everyvbox=\toks50
  1697. \adl@LTpagetotal=\dimen305
  1698. )
  1699. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/siunitx/siunitx.sty
  1700. Package: siunitx 2013/07/31 v2.5s A comprehensive (SI) units package
  1702. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3packages/l3keys2e/l3keys2e.sty
  1703. Package: l3keys2e 2013/12/31 v4634 LaTeX2e option processing using LaTeX3 keys
  1704. )
  1705. Variant \tl_if_blank:VTF already defined; not changing it on line 50
  1706. \l__siunitx_tmp_box=\box75
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  1708. \l__siunitx_tmp_int=\count291
  1709. Variant \prop_get:NVNT already defined; not changing it on line 371
  1710. Variant \prop_get:NVNF already defined; not changing it on line 372
  1711. Variant \prop_get:NVNTF already defined; not changing it on line 373
  1712. \l__siunitx_number_mantissa_length_int=\count292
  1713. \l__siunitx_number_uncert_length_int=\count293
  1714. \l__siunitx_round_int=\count294
  1715. \l__siunitx_process_decimal_int=\count295
  1716. \l__siunitx_process_uncertainty_int=\count296
  1717. \l__siunitx_process_fixed_int=\count297
  1718. \l__siunitx_process_integer_min_int=\count298
  1719. \l__siunitx_process_precision_int=\count299
  1720. \l__siunitx_group_min_int=\count300
  1721. \l__siunitx_angle_marker_box=\box76
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  1723. \l__siunitx_angle_marker_dim=\dimen307
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  1727. \l__siunitx_unit_numerator_int=\count303
  1728. \l__siunitx_unit_prefix_int=\count304
  1729. \l__siunitx_unit_prefix_base_int=\count305
  1730. \l__siunitx_unit_prefix_gram_int=\count306
  1731. \l__siunitx_number_product_int=\count307
  1732. \c__siunitx_one_fill_skip=\skip67
  1733. \l__siunitx_table_unit_align_skip=\skip68
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  1735. \l__siunitx_table_integer_dim=\dimen310
  1736. \l__siunitx_table_mantissa_dim=\dimen311
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  1738. \l__siunitx_table_result_dim=\dimen313
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  1741. \l__siunitx_table_fill_post_dim=\dimen316
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  1744. \l__siunitx_table_post_box=\box79
  1745. \l__siunitx_table_mantissa_box=\box80
  1746. \l__siunitx_table_result_box=\box81
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  1748. \l__siunitx_table_text_align_skip=\skip70
  1749. .................................................
  1750. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1751. .
  1752. . Defining document command \DeclareBinaryPrefix with arg. spec. 'mmm' on line
  1753. . 7101.
  1754. .................................................
  1755. .................................................
  1756. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  1757. .
  1758. . Defining document command \DeclareSIPostPower with arg. spec. 'mm' on line
  1759. . 7104.
  1760. .................................................
  1761. .................................................
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  1875. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
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  1938. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/subfigure/subfigure.cfg)
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  1945. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/maybemath/maybemath.sty
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  1950. s (version 1.7)
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  1953. Package: heppennames 2013/10/05 Elementary Particle Naming Scheme (version 1.7)
  1955. LaTeX Info: Redefining \PgD on input line 419.
  1956. ))
  1957. (./tikzfeynman.sty
  1958. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibraryarrow
  1959. s.code.tex
  1960. File: tikzlibraryarrows.code.tex 2008/01/09 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.1)
  1962. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/libraries/pgflibraryarrows.code.tex
  1963. File: pgflibraryarrows.code.tex 2008/10/27 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.9)
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  1967. s.code.tex
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  1970. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibraryshape
  1971. s.geometric.code.tex
  1972. File: tikzlibraryshapes.geometric.code.tex 2008/01/09 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.1)
  1974. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/libraries/shapes/pgflibraryshapes.geometric.c
  1975. ode.tex
  1976. File: pgflibraryshapes.geometric.code.tex 2008/06/26 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.1)
  1977. ))
  1978. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibraryshape
  1979. s.misc.code.tex
  1980. File: tikzlibraryshapes.misc.code.tex 2008/01/09 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.1)
  1982. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/libraries/shapes/pgflibraryshapes.misc.code.t
  1983. ex
  1984. File: pgflibraryshapes.misc.code.tex 2008/10/07 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.3)
  1985. ))
  1986. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibraryshape
  1987. s.symbols.code.tex
  1988. File: tikzlibraryshapes.symbols.code.tex 2008/01/09 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.1)
  1990. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/libraries/shapes/pgflibraryshapes.symbols.cod
  1991. e.tex
  1992. File: pgflibraryshapes.symbols.code.tex 2009/10/27 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.3)
  1993. ))
  1994. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibraryshape
  1995. s.arrows.code.tex
  1996. File: tikzlibraryshapes.arrows.code.tex 2008/01/09 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.1)
  1998. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/libraries/shapes/pgflibraryshapes.arrows.code
  1999. .tex
  2000. File: pgflibraryshapes.arrows.code.tex 2008/06/26 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.1)
  2001. ))
  2002. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibraryshape
  2003. s.callouts.code.tex
  2004. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/libraries/shapes/
  2005. de.tex))
  2006. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibraryshape
  2007. s.multipart.code.tex
  2008. File: tikzlibraryshapes.multipart.code.tex 2008/01/09 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.1)
  2010. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/libraries/shapes/pgflibraryshapes.multipart.c
  2011. ode.tex
  2012. File: pgflibraryshapes.multipart.code.tex 2010/01/07 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.2)
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  2035. .code.tex
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  2037. )
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  2039. x.code.tex
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  2041. )
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  2043. ioning.code.tex
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  2047. code.tex
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  2053. )
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  2056. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibrarydecor
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  2070. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/libraries/decorations/pgflibrarydecorations.p
  2071. athreplacing.code.tex))
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  2076. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibraryshado
  2077. ws.code.tex
  2078. File: tikzlibraryshadows.code.tex 2008/01/13 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.3)
  2080. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibraryfadin
  2081. gs.code.tex
  2082. File: tikzlibraryfadings.code.tex 2009/11/15 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.2)
  2084. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/libraries/pgflibraryfadings.code.tex
  2085. File: pgflibraryfadings.code.tex 2008/02/07 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.3)
  2088. Package pgf Warning: Your graphic driver pgfsys-xetex.def does not support fadi
  2089. ngs. This warning is given only once on input line 31.
  2091. )))
  2092. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibrarydecor
  2093. ations.pathmorphing.code.tex
  2094. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/libraries/decorations/pgflibrarydecorations.p
  2095. athmorphing.code.tex))
  2096. Invalid UTF-8 byte or sequence at line 108 replaced by U+FFFD.
  2097. Invalid UTF-8 byte or sequence at line 108 replaced by U+FFFD.
  2098. Invalid UTF-8 byte or sequence at line 127 replaced by U+FFFD.
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  2109. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibrarydecor
  2110. ations.markings.code.tex
  2111. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/libraries/decorations/pgflibrarydecorations.m
  2112. arkings.code.tex)))
  2113. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibrarybackg
  2114. rounds.code.tex
  2115. File: tikzlibrarybackgrounds.code.tex 2010/02/08 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.2)
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  2120. ap.code.tex
  2121. File: tikzlibrarymindmap.code.tex 2009/11/12 v2.10 (rcs-revision 1.9)
  2122. ) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/gmp/gmp.sty
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  2341. File: biblatex.cfg
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  2654. File: ot4cmtt.fd 2008/02/24 v1.2.1 Font defs for fonts PL (MW)
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  2681. . [Mapping=tex-text,].
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  2698. .................................................
  2699. .................................................
  2700. . fontspec info: "defining-font"
  2701. .
  2702. . Font family 'TrebuchetMS(0)' created for font 'Trebuchet MS' with options
  2703. . [Mapping=tex-text,].
  2704. .
  2705. . This font family consists of the following shapes:
  2706. .................................................
  2708. [1
  2710. ]
  2711. File: images/problem.png Graphic file (type QTm)
  2712. <use "images/problem.png" >
  2713. Overfull \vbox (33.7436pt too high) detected at line 261
  2714. []
  2716. File: images/BG_lower.png Graphic file (type QTm)
  2717. <use "images/BG_lower.png" >
  2718. Overfull \vbox (19.18185pt too high) has occurred while \output is active []
  2720. .................................................
  2721. . fontspec info: "no-scripts"
  2722. .
  2723. . Font Trebuchet MS does not contain any OpenType `Script' information.
  2724. .................................................
  2725. .................................................
  2726. . fontspec info: "defining-font"
  2727. .
  2728. . Font family 'TrebuchetMS(0)' created for font 'Trebuchet MS' with options
  2729. . [Mapping=tex-text,].
  2730. .
  2731. . This font family consists of the following shapes:
  2732. .................................................
  2734. [2
  2736. ]
  2737. Overfull \vbox (72.97356pt too high) detected at line 285
  2738. []
  2740. File: images/BG_lower.png Graphic file (type QTm)
  2741. <use "images/BG_lower.png" >
  2742. Overfull \vbox (19.18185pt too high) has occurred while \output is active []
  2744. .................................................
  2745. . fontspec info: "no-scripts"
  2746. .
  2747. . Font Trebuchet MS does not contain any OpenType `Script' information.
  2748. .................................................
  2749. .................................................
  2750. . fontspec info: "defining-font"
  2751. .
  2752. . Font family 'TrebuchetMS(0)' created for font 'Trebuchet MS' with options
  2753. . [Mapping=tex-text,].
  2754. .
  2755. . This font family consists of the following shapes:
  2756. .................................................
  2758. [3
  2760. ]
  2761. Overfull \vbox (72.97356pt too high) detected at line 285
  2762. []
  2764. File: images/BG_lower.png Graphic file (type QTm)
  2765. <use "images/BG_lower.png" >
  2766. Overfull \vbox (19.18185pt too high) has occurred while \output is active []
  2768. .................................................
  2769. . fontspec info: "no-scripts"
  2770. .
  2771. . Font Trebuchet MS does not contain any OpenType `Script' information.
  2772. .................................................
  2773. .................................................
  2774. . fontspec info: "defining-font"
  2775. .
  2776. . Font family 'TrebuchetMS(0)' created for font 'Trebuchet MS' with options
  2777. . [Mapping=tex-text,].
  2778. .
  2779. . This font family consists of the following shapes:
  2780. .................................................
  2782. [4
  2784. ]
  2785. File: images/pkoppenburg.jpg Graphic file (type QTm)
  2786. <use "images/pkoppenburg.jpg" >
  2787. File: images/tblake.pdf Graphic file (type QTm)
  2788. <use "images/tblake.pdf" >
  2789. File: images/Marc-OlivierBettler.jpg Graphic file (type QTm)
  2791. <use "images/Marc-OlivierBettler.jpg" >
  2792. File: images/dettori2.jpg Graphic file (type QTm)
  2793. <use "images/dettori2.jpg" >
  2794. File: images/andrey.jpg Graphic file (type QTm)
  2796. <use "images/andrey.jpg" >
  2797. File: images/tatiana.png Graphic file (type QTm)
  2798. <use "images/tatiana.png" >
  2799. Overfull \vbox (15.58824pt too high) detected at line 324
  2800. []
  2802. File: images/BG_lower.png Graphic file (type QTm)
  2803. <use "images/BG_lower.png" >
  2804. Overfull \vbox (19.18185pt too high) has occurred while \output is active []
  2806. .................................................
  2807. . fontspec info: "no-scripts"
  2808. .
  2809. . Font Trebuchet MS does not contain any OpenType `Script' information.
  2810. .................................................
  2811. .................................................
  2812. . fontspec info: "defining-font"
  2813. .
  2814. . Font family 'TrebuchetMS(0)' created for font 'Trebuchet MS' with options
  2815. . [Mapping=tex-text,].
  2816. .
  2817. . This font family consists of the following shapes:
  2818. .................................................
  2820. [5
  2822. ]
  2823. File: images/gaitan.pdf Graphic file (type QTm)
  2824. <use "images/gaitan.pdf" >
  2825. Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 356--356
  2827. []
  2830. Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 356--356
  2832. []
  2835. Overfull \vbox (30.57176pt too high) detected at line 356
  2836. []
  2838. File: images/BG_lower.png Graphic file (type QTm)
  2839. <use "images/BG_lower.png" >
  2840. Overfull \vbox (19.18185pt too high) has occurred while \output is active []
  2842. .................................................
  2843. . fontspec info: "no-scripts"
  2844. .
  2845. . Font Trebuchet MS does not contain any OpenType `Script' information.
  2846. .................................................
  2847. .................................................
  2848. . fontspec info: "defining-font"
  2849. .
  2850. . Font family 'TrebuchetMS(0)' created for font 'Trebuchet MS' with options
  2851. . [Mapping=tex-text,].
  2852. .
  2853. . This font family consists of the following shapes:
  2854. .................................................
  2856. [6
  2858. ]
  2859. File: images/raklin.jpg Graphic file (type QTm)
  2860. <use "images/raklin.jpg" >
  2861. Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 390--390
  2863. []
  2866. Overfull \vbox (42.04364pt too high) detected at line 390
  2867. []
  2869. File: images/BG_lower.png Graphic file (type QTm)
  2870. <use "images/BG_lower.png" >
  2871. Overfull \vbox (19.18185pt too high) has occurred while \output is active []
  2873. .................................................
  2874. . fontspec info: "no-scripts"
  2875. .
  2876. . Font Trebuchet MS does not contain any OpenType `Script' information.
  2877. .................................................
  2878. .................................................
  2879. . fontspec info: "defining-font"
  2880. .
  2881. . Font family 'TrebuchetMS(0)' created for font 'Trebuchet MS' with options
  2882. . [Mapping=tex-text,].
  2883. .
  2884. . This font family consists of the following shapes:
  2885. .................................................
  2887. [7
  2889. ]
  2890. File: images/zurich-switzerland.jpg Graphic file (type QTm)
  2891. <use "images/zurich-switzerland.jpg" >
  2892. Overfull \vbox (25.72765pt too high) detected at line 404
  2893. []
  2895. File: images/BG_lower.png Graphic file (type QTm)
  2896. <use "images/BG_lower.png" >
  2897. Overfull \vbox (19.18185pt too high) has occurred while \output is active []
  2899. .................................................
  2900. . fontspec info: "no-scripts"
  2901. .
  2902. . Font Trebuchet MS does not contain any OpenType `Script' information.
  2903. .................................................
  2904. .................................................
  2905. . fontspec info: "defining-font"
  2906. .
  2907. . Font family 'TrebuchetMS(0)' created for font 'Trebuchet MS' with options
  2908. . [Mapping=tex-text,].
  2909. .
  2910. . This font family consists of the following shapes:
  2911. .................................................
  2913. [8
  2915. ]
  2916. \c@framenumberappendix=\count442
  2917. \tf@nav=\write10
  2918. \openout10 = `mchrzasz.nav'.
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  2921. \openout11 = `mchrzasz.toc'.
  2923. \tf@snm=\write12
  2924. \openout12 = `mchrzasz.snm'.
  2926. Package atveryend Info: Empty hook `BeforeClearDocument' on input line 411.
  2927. Package atveryend Info: Empty hook `AfterLastShipout' on input line 411.
  2928. (./mchrzasz.aux)
  2929. Package atveryend Info: Empty hook `AtVeryEndDocument' on input line 411.
  2930. Package atveryend Info: Empty hook `AtEndAfterFileList' on input line 411.
  2931. Package logreq Info: Writing requests to ''.
  2932. \openout1 = `'.
  2934. Package atveryend Info: Empty hook `AtVeryVeryEnd' on input line 411.
  2935. )
  2936. Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
  2937. 47863 strings out of 493918
  2938. 941597 string characters out of 6150564
  2939. 1277220 words of memory out of 5000000
  2940. 50157 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000
  2941. 29380 words of font info for 124 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000
  2942. 1144 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
  2943. 61i,17n,73p,10479b,1441s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s
  2945. Output written on mchrzasz.pdf (8 pages).