Presentations / IFJ_seminarium / pic_ifj / tau3mu_SM.eps
@mchrzasz mchrzasz on 9 Jan 2013 66 KB first commit
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fill grestore}B/a{moveto}B/delta 0 N/tail{A/delta X 0 rmoveto}B/M{S p
delta add tail}B/b{S p tail}B/c{-4 M}B/d{-3 M}B/e{-2 M}B/f{-1 M}B/g{0 M}
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% PostScript prologue for pstricks.tex.
% Version 1.01, 2006/01/11
% For distribution, see pstricks.tex.
/tx@Dict 200 dict def tx@Dict begin
/ADict 25 dict def
/CM { matrix currentmatrix } bind def
/SLW /setlinewidth load def
/CLW /currentlinewidth load def
/CP /currentpoint load def
/ED { exch def } bind def
/L /lineto load def
/T /translate load def
/TMatrix { } def
/RAngle { 0 } def
/Sqrt { dup 0 lt { pop 0 } { sqrt } ifelse } def  % return 0 for negative arguments 
/Atan { /atan load stopped { pop pop 0 } if } def % return 0 if atan not known
/ATAN1 {neg -1 atan 180 sub } def		% atan(x) (only one parameter)
/Div { dup 0 eq { pop } { div } ifelse } def  	% control the division
/NET { neg exch neg exch T } def	      	% change coordinate system to the negative one		
/Pyth { dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt } def   	% Pythagoras, epects 2 parameter
/PtoC { 2 copy cos mul 3 1 roll sin mul } def 	% Polar to Cartesian
%----------------- hv added 20050516 ---------------
/Pi 3.14159265359 def 
/TwoPi 6.28318530718 def
/Euler 2.71828182846 def 
/RadtoDeg { 180 mul Pi div } bind def % convert from radian to degrees
/DegtoRad { Pi mul 180 div } bind def % viceversa
%----------------- hv end---------------------------
/PathLength@ { /z z y y1 sub x x1 sub Pyth add def /y1 y def /x1 x def } def
/PathLength { flattenpath /z 0 def 
  { /y1 ED /x1 ED /y2 y1 def /x2 x1 def
  }{ /y ED /x ED PathLength@ } {} { /y y2 def /x x2 def PathLength@ }
  /pathforall load stopped { pop pop pop pop } if z } def
/STP { .996264 dup scale } def
/STV { SDict begin normalscale end STP  } def
%%-------------- DG begin patch 15 ---------------%%
%/DashLine { dup 0 gt { /a .5 def PathLength exch div } { pop /a 1 def
%PathLength } ifelse /b ED /x ED /y ED /z y x add def b a .5 sub 2 mul y
%mul sub z Div round z mul a .5 sub 2 mul y mul add b exch Div dup y mul
%/y ED x mul /x ED x 0 gt y 0 gt and { [ y x ] 1 a sub y mul } { [ 1 0 ]
%0 } ifelse setdash stroke } def
/DashLine {
  dup 0 gt { /a .5 def PathLength exch div } { pop /a 1 def PathLength } ifelse
  /b ED /x1 ED /y1 ED /x ED /y ED 
  /z y x add y1 add x1 add def
  /Coef b a .5 sub 2 mul y mul sub z Div round 
    z mul a .5 sub 2 mul y mul add b exch Div def 
  /y y Coef mul def 
  /x x Coef mul def 
  /y1 y1 Coef mul def 
  /x1 x1 Coef mul def
  x1 0 gt y1 0 gt or x 0 gt or y 0 gt and 
    { [ y x y1 x1 ] 1 a sub y mul }
    { [ 1 0 ] 0 } ifelse 
  setdash stroke
} def
%%-------------- DG end patch 15 ---------------%%
/DotLine { 
  /b PathLength def 
  /a ED /z ED /y CLW def 
  /z y z add def 
  a 0 gt { 
    /b b a div def 
    a 0 eq { 
      /b b y sub def 
    }{ a -3 eq { 
      /b b y add def } if 
    } ifelse 
  } ifelse 
  [ 0 b b z Div round Div dup 0 le { pop 1 } if ] 
  a 0 gt { 0 }{ y 2 div a -2 gt { neg }if } ifelse 
  setdash 1 setlinecap stroke 
} def
/LineFill { % hv ------------ patch 7 -------------
  abs /hatchWidthInc ED
  abs /hatchSepInc ED
  abs CLW add /a ED 
  a 0 dtransform round exch round exch
  2 copy idtransform 
  exch Atan rotate 
  idtransform pop /a ED 
  .25 .25 itransform pathbbox 
  /y2 ED 
  a Div ceiling cvi /x2 ED /y1 ED 
  a Div cvi /x1 ED /y2 y2 y1 sub def 
  2 setlinecap 
  /setstrokeadjust known { true setstrokeadjust } if 
  x2 x1 sub 1 add { 
    x1 a mul y1 moveto 0 y2 rlineto stroke 
    /x1 x1 1 add 
      hatchWidthInc 0 gt { CLW add } if 
    hatchSepInc 0 gt hatchWidthInc 0 gt or { 
      /a a hatchSepInc add def
      CLW hatchWidthInc add SLW 
    } if
  } repeat 
  pop pop } def
%gsave abs CLW add /a ED a 0 dtransform round exch round exch
%2 copy idtransform exch Atan rotate idtransform pop /a ED .25 .25
%% DG/SR modification begin - Dec. 12, 1997 - Patch 2
%%itransform translate pathbbox /y2 ED a Div ceiling cvi /x2 ED /y1 ED a
%itransform pathbbox /y2 ED a Div ceiling cvi /x2 ED /y1 ED a
%% DG/SR modification end
%Div cvi /x1 ED /y2 y2 y1 sub def clip newpath 2 setlinecap systemdict
%/setstrokeadjust known { true setstrokeadjust } if x2 x1 sub 1 add { x1
%% DG/SR modification begin - Jun.  1, 1998 - Patch 3 (from Michael Vulis)
%% a mul y1 moveto 0 y2 rlineto stroke /x1 x1 1 add def } repeat grestore }
%% def
%a mul y1 moveto 0 y2 rlineto stroke /x1 x1 1 add def } repeat grestore
%pop pop } def
%% DG/SR modification end
/BeginArrow { ADict begin /@mtrx CM def gsave 2 copy T 2 index sub neg
exch 3 index sub exch Atan rotate newpath } def
/EndArrow { @mtrx setmatrix CP grestore end } def
/Arrow { CLW mul add dup 2 div /w ED mul dup /h ED mul /a ED { 0 h T 1 -1
scale } if w neg h moveto 0 0 L w h L w neg a neg rlineto gsave fill
grestore } def
/Tbar { CLW mul add /z ED z -2 div CLW 2 div moveto z 0 rlineto stroke 0
CLW moveto } def
/Bracket { CLW mul add dup CLW sub 2 div /x ED mul CLW add /y ED /z CLW 2
div def x neg y moveto x neg CLW 2 div L x CLW 2 div L x y L stroke 0
CLW moveto } def
/RoundBracket { CLW mul add dup 2 div /x ED mul /y ED /mtrx CM def 0 CLW
2 div T x y mul 0 ne { x y scale } if 1 1 moveto .85 .5 .35 0 0 0
curveto -.35 0 -.85 .5 -1 1 curveto mtrx setmatrix stroke 0 CLW moveto }
/SD { 0 360 arc fill } def
/EndDot { % DS is the dot size 
  { /z DS def } { /z 0 def } ifelse 
  /b ED 0 z DS SD b { 0 z DS CLW sub SD } if 
  0 DS z add CLW 4 div sub moveto } def
/Shadow { [ { /moveto load } { /lineto load } { /curveto load } {
  /closepath load } /pathforall load stopped { pop pop pop pop CP /moveto
  load } if ] cvx newpath 3 1 roll T exec } def
/NArray { aload length 2 div dup dup cvi eq not { exch pop } if /n exch
cvi def } def
/NArray { % holds the coordinates and on top of stack the showpoints boolean
  /f ED 
  counttomark 2 div dup cvi /n ED 
  n eq not { exch pop } if
  f { ] aload /Points ED } { n 2 mul 1 add -1 roll pop } ifelse 
} def
/Line { 
  NArray n 0 eq not 
    { n 1 eq { 0 0 /n 2 def } if ArrowA /n n 2 sub def 
      n { Lineto } repeat 
      CP 4 2 roll ArrowB L pop pop 
    } if 
} def
/Arcto { /a [ 6 -2 roll ] cvx def a r /arcto load stopped { 5 } { 4 }
  ifelse { pop } repeat a } def
/CheckClosed { dup n 2 mul 1 sub index eq 2 index n 2 mul 1 add index eq
  and { pop pop /n n 1 sub def } if } def
/Polygon { NArray n 2 eq { 0 0 /n 3 def } if n 3 lt { n { pop pop }
  repeat } { n 3 gt { CheckClosed } if n 2 mul -2 roll /y0 ED /x0 ED /y1
  ED /x1 ED x1 y1 /x1 x0 x1 add 2 div def /y1 y0 y1 add 2 div def x1 y1
  moveto /n n 2 sub def n { Lineto } repeat x1 y1 x0 y0 6 4 roll Lineto
  Lineto pop pop closepath } ifelse } def
/Diamond { 
  /mtrx CM def 
  T rotate 
  /h ED 
  /w ED 
  dup 0 eq { pop } { CLW mul neg 
    /d ED 
    /a w h Atan def 
    /h d a sin Div h add def 
    /w d a cos Div w add def } ifelse 
  mark w 2 div h 2 div w 0 0 h neg w neg 0 0 h w 2 div h 2 div 
  /ArrowA { moveto } def 
  /ArrowB { } def 
  false Line 
  closepath mtrx setmatrix } def
% DG modification begin - Jan. 15, 1997
%/Triangle { /mtrx CM def translate rotate /h ED 2 div /w ED dup 0 eq {
%pop } { CLW mul /d ED /h h d w h Atan sin Div sub def /w w d h w Atan 2
%div dup cos exch sin Div mul sub def } ifelse mark 0 d w neg d 0 h w d 0
%d /ArrowA { moveto } def /ArrowB { } def false Line closepath mtrx
%setmatrix } def
/Triangle { /mtrx CM def translate rotate /h ED 2 div /w ED dup
CLW mul /d ED /h h d w h Atan sin Div sub def /w w d h w Atan 2
div dup cos exch sin Div mul sub def mark 0 d w neg d 0 h w d 0
d /ArrowA { moveto } def /ArrowB { } def false Line closepath mtrx
% DG/SR modification begin - Jun.  1, 1998 - Patch 3 (from Michael Vulis)
% setmatrix } def
setmatrix pop } def
% DG/SR modification end
/CCA { /y ED /x ED 2 copy y sub /dy1 ED x sub /dx1 ED /l1 dx1 dy1 Pyth
def } def
/CCA { /y ED /x ED 2 copy y sub /dy1 ED x sub /dx1 ED /l1 dx1 dy1 Pyth
def } def
/CC { /l0 l1 def /x1 x dx sub def /y1 y dy sub def /dx0 dx1 def /dy0 dy1
def CCA /dx dx0 l1 c exp mul dx1 l0 c exp mul add def /dy dy0 l1 c exp
mul dy1 l0 c exp mul add def /m dx0 dy0 Atan dx1 dy1 Atan sub 2 div cos
abs b exp a mul dx dy Pyth Div 2 div def /x2 x l0 dx mul m mul sub def
/y2 y l0 dy mul m mul sub def /dx l1 dx mul m mul neg def /dy l1 dy mul
m mul neg def } def
/IC { /c c 1 add def c 0 lt { /c 0 def } { c 3 gt { /c 3 def } if }
ifelse /a a 2 mul 3 div 45 cos b exp div def CCA /dx 0 def /dy 0 def }
/BOC { IC CC x2 y2 x1 y1 ArrowA CP 4 2 roll x y curveto } def
/NC { CC x1 y1 x2 y2 x y curveto } def
/EOC { x dx sub y dy sub 4 2 roll ArrowB 2 copy curveto } def
/BAC { IC CC x y moveto CC x1 y1 CP ArrowA } def
/NAC { x2 y2 x y curveto CC x1 y1 } def
/EAC { x2 y2 x y ArrowB curveto pop pop } def
/OpenCurve { 
  NArray n 3 lt 
    { n { pop pop } repeat } 
    { BOC /n n 3 sub def n { NC } repeat EOC } ifelse 
} def
/AltCurve { { false NArray n 2 mul 2 roll [ n 2 mul 3 sub 1 roll ] aload
/Points ED n 2 mul -2 roll } { false NArray } ifelse n 4 lt { n { pop
pop } repeat } { BAC /n n 4 sub def n { NAC } repeat EAC } ifelse } def
/ClosedCurve { NArray n 3 lt { n { pop pop } repeat } { n 3 gt {
CheckClosed } if 6 copy n 2 mul 6 add 6 roll IC CC x y moveto n { NC }
repeat closepath pop pop } ifelse } def
/SQ { /r ED r r moveto r r neg L r neg r neg L r neg r L fill } def
/ST { /y ED /x ED x y moveto x neg y L 0 x L fill } def
/SP { /r ED gsave 0 r moveto 4 { 72 rotate 0 r L } repeat fill grestore }
/FontDot { DS 2 mul dup matrix scale matrix concatmatrix exch matrix
rotate matrix concatmatrix exch findfont exch makefont setfont } def
/Rect { x1 y1 y2 add 2 div moveto x1 y2 lineto x2 y2 lineto x2 y1 lineto
x1 y1 lineto closepath } def
/OvalFrame { x1 x2 eq y1 y2 eq or { pop pop x1 y1 moveto x2 y2 L } { y1
y2 sub abs x1 x2 sub abs 2 copy gt { exch pop } { pop } ifelse 2 div
exch { dup 3 1 roll mul exch } if 2 copy lt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse
/b ED x1 y1 y2 add 2 div moveto x1 y2 x2 y2 b arcto x2 y2 x2 y1 b arcto
x2 y1 x1 y1 b arcto x1 y1 x1 y2 b arcto 16 { pop } repeat closepath }
ifelse } def
/Frame { CLW mul /a ED 3 -1 roll 2 copy gt { exch } if a sub /y2 ED a add
/y1 ED 2 copy gt { exch } if a sub /x2 ED a add /x1 ED 1 index 0 eq {
pop pop Rect } { OvalFrame } ifelse } def
/BezierNArray { /f ED counttomark 2 div dup cvi /n ED n eq not { exch pop
} if n 1 sub neg 3 mod 3 add 3 mod { 0 0 /n n 1 add def } repeat f { ]
aload /Points ED } { n 2 mul 1 add -1 roll pop } ifelse } def
/OpenBezier { BezierNArray n 1 eq { pop pop } { ArrowA n 4 sub 3 idiv { 6
2 roll 4 2 roll curveto } repeat 6 2 roll 4 2 roll ArrowB curveto }
ifelse } def
/ClosedBezier { BezierNArray n 1 eq { pop pop } { moveto n 1 sub 3 idiv {
6 2 roll 4 2 roll curveto } repeat closepath } ifelse } def
/BezierShowPoints { gsave Points aload length 2 div cvi /n ED moveto n 1
sub { lineto } repeat CLW 2 div SLW [ 4 4 ] 0 setdash stroke grestore }
/Parab { /y0 exch def /x0 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def /dx x0 x1
sub 3 div def /dy y0 y1 sub 3 div def x0 dx sub y0 dy add x1 y1 ArrowA
x0 dx add y0 dy add x0 2 mul x1 sub y1 ArrowB curveto /Points [ x1 y1 x0
y0 x0 2 mul x1 sub y1 ] def } def
/Grid { newpath /a 4 string def /b ED /c ED /n ED cvi dup 1 lt { pop 1 }
if /s ED s div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if /dy ED s div dup 0 eq { pop 1 } if
/dx ED dy div round dy mul /y0 ED dx div round dx mul /x0 ED dy div
round cvi /y2 ED dx div round cvi /x2 ED dy div round cvi /y1 ED dx div
round cvi /x1 ED /h y2 y1 sub 0 gt { 1 } { -1 } ifelse def /w x2 x1 sub
0 gt { 1 } { -1 } ifelse def b 0 gt { /z1 b 4 div CLW 2 div add def
/Helvetica findfont b scalefont setfont /b b .95 mul CLW 2 div add def }
if systemdict /setstrokeadjust known { true setstrokeadjust /t { } def }
{ /t { transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add
exch itransform } bind def } ifelse gsave n 0 gt { 1 setlinecap [ 0 dy n
div ] dy n div 2 div setdash } { 2 setlinecap } ifelse /i x1 def /f y1
dy mul n 0 gt { dy n div 2 div h mul sub } if def /g y2 dy mul n 0 gt {
dy n div 2 div h mul add } if def x2 x1 sub w mul 1 add dup 1000 gt {
pop 1000 } if { i dx mul dup y0 moveto b 0 gt { gsave c i a cvs dup
stringwidth pop /z2 ED w 0 gt {z1} {z1 z2 add neg} ifelse h 0 gt {b neg}
{z1} ifelse rmoveto show grestore } if dup t f moveto g t L stroke /i i
w add def } repeat grestore gsave n 0 gt
% DG/SR modification begin - Nov. 7, 1997 - Patch 1
%{ 1 setlinecap [ 0 dx n div ] dy n div 2 div setdash }
{ 1 setlinecap [ 0 dx n div ] dx n div 2 div setdash }
% DG/SR modification end
{ 2 setlinecap } ifelse /i y1 def /f x1 dx mul
n 0 gt { dx n div 2 div w mul sub } if def /g x2 dx mul n 0 gt { dx n
div 2 div w mul add } if def y2 y1 sub h mul 1 add dup 1000 gt { pop
1000 } if { newpath i dy mul dup x0 exch moveto b 0 gt { gsave c i a cvs
dup stringwidth pop /z2 ED w 0 gt {z1 z2 add neg} {z1} ifelse h 0 gt
{z1} {b neg} ifelse rmoveto show grestore } if dup f exch t moveto g
exch t L stroke /i i h add def } repeat grestore } def
/ArcArrow { /d ED /b ED /a ED gsave newpath 0 -1000 moveto clip newpath 0
1 0 0 b grestore c mul /e ED pop pop pop r a e d PtoC y add exch x add
exch r a PtoC y add exch x add exch b pop pop pop pop a e d CLW 8 div c
mul neg d } def
/Ellipse { /mtrx CM def T scale 0 0 1 5 3 roll arc mtrx setmatrix } def
/ArcAdjust { %%%% Vincent Guirardel
% given a target length (targetLength) and an initial angle (angle0) [in the stack],
% let  M(angle0)=(rx*cos(angle0),ry*sin(angle0))=(x0,y0).
% This computes an angle t such that (x0,y0) is at distance 
% targetLength from the point M(t)=(rx*cos(t),ry*sin(t)).
% NOTE: this an absolute angle, it does not have to be added or substracted to angle0
% contrary to TvZ's code.
% To achieve, this, one iterates the following process: start with some angle t,
% compute the point M' at distance targetLength of (x0,y0) on the semi-line [(x0,y0) M(t)].
% Now take t' (= new angle) so that (0,0) M(t') and M' are aligned.
% Another difference with TvZ's code is that we need d (=add/sub) to be defined.
% the value of d = add/sub is used to know on which side we have to move.
% It is only used in the initialisation of the angle before the iteration.
% Input stack:  1: target length 2: initial angle
% variables used : rx, ry, d (=add/sub)
  /targetLength ED /angle0 ED
  /x0 rx angle0 cos mul def
  /y0 ry angle0 sin mul def
% we are looking for an angle t such that (x0,y0) is at distance targetLength 
% from the point M(t)=(rx*cos(t),ry*sin(t)))
%initialisation of angle (using 1st order approx = TvZ's code)
  targetLength 57.2958 mul
  angle0 sin rx mul dup mul
  angle0 cos ry mul dup mul
  add sqrt div 
% if initialisation angle is two large (more than 90 degrees) set it to 90 degrees
% (if the ellipse is very curved at the point where we draw the arrow, %
% the value can be much more than 360 degrees !)
% this should avoid going on the wrong side (more than 180 degrees) or go near
% a bad attractive point (at 180 degrees)
  dup 90 ge { pop 90 } if 
  angle0 exch d % add or sub
% maximum number of times to iterate the iterative procedure:
% iterative procedure: takes an angle t on top of stack, computes a 
% better angle (and put it on top of stack)
  30 { dup
% compute distance D between (x0,y0) and M(t)
    dup cos rx mul x0 sub dup mul exch sin ry mul y0 sub dup mul add sqrt
% if D almost equals targetLength, we stop
    dup targetLength sub abs 1e-5 le { pop exit } if
% stack now contains D t
% compute the point M(t') at distance targetLength of (x0,y0) on the semi-line [(x0,y0) M(t)]:
% M(t')= ( (x(t)-x0)*targetLength/d+x0 , (y(t)-y0)*targetLength/d+y0 )
    exch dup cos rx mul x0 sub  exch sin ry mul y0 sub
% stack contains:  y(t)-y0, x(t)-x0, d
    2 index Div targetLength mul y0 add ry Div exch
    2 index Div targetLength mul x0 add rx Div
% stack contains x(t')/rx , y(t')/ry , d
% now compute t', and remove D from stack
    atan exch pop
  } repeat
% we don't look at what happened... in particular, if targetLength is greater 
% than the diameter of the ellipse...
% the final angle will be around /angle0 + 180. maybe we should treat this pathological case...
% after iteration, stack contains an angle t such that M(t) is the tail of the arrow
% to give back the result as a an angle relative to angle0 we could add the following line:
% angle0 sub 0 exch d
% begin bug fix 2006-01-11
% we want to adjust the new angle t' by a multiple of 360 so that  | t'-angle0 | <= 180
%(we don't want to make the ellipse turn more or less than it should)...
dup angle0 sub dup abs 180 gt { 180 add 360 div floor 360 mul sub } { pop } ifelse
% end bug fix
} def
/EllipticArcArrow {
  /d ED      % add/sub
  /b ED      % arrow procedure
  /a1 ED     % angle
  0 -1000 moveto
  clip                  % Set clippath far from arrow.
  0 1 0 0 b             % Draw arrow to determine length.
% Length of arrow is on top of stack. Next 3 numbers are junk.
  a1 exch ArcAdjust   % Angular position of base of arrow.
  /a2 ED
  pop pop pop
  a2 cos rx mul x add
  a2 sin ry mul y add
  a1 cos rx mul x add
  a1 sin ry mul y add
% Now arrow tip coor and base coor are on stack.
  b pop pop pop pop       % Draw arrow, and discard coordinates.
  a2 CLW 8 div
% change value of d (test it by looking if  `` 1 1 d '' gives 2 or not )
  1 1 d 2 eq { /d { sub } def } { /d { add } def } ifelse
% resets original value of d
  1 1 d 2 eq { /d { sub } def } { /d { add } def } ifelse  % Adjust angle to give overlap.
} def
%%------------------ tvz/DG/hv (2004-05-10) end -------------------%%
/Rot { CP CP translate 3 -1 roll neg rotate NET  } def
/RotBegin { tx@Dict /TMatrix known not { /TMatrix { } def /RAngle { 0 }
def } if /TMatrix [ TMatrix CM ] cvx def /a ED a Rot /RAngle [ RAngle
dup a add ] cvx def } def
/RotEnd { /TMatrix [ TMatrix setmatrix ] cvx def /RAngle [ RAngle pop ]
cvx def } def
/PutCoor { gsave CP T CM STV exch exec moveto setmatrix CP grestore } def
/PutBegin { /TMatrix [ TMatrix CM ] cvx def CP 4 2 roll T moveto } def
/PutEnd { CP /TMatrix [ TMatrix setmatrix ] cvx def moveto } def
/Uput { /a ED add 2 div /h ED 2 div /w ED /s a sin def /c a cos def /b s
abs c abs 2 copy gt dup /q ED { pop } { exch pop } ifelse def /w1 c b
div w mul def /h1 s b div h mul def q { w1 abs w sub dup c mul abs } {
h1 abs h sub dup s mul abs } ifelse } def
/UUput { /z ED abs /y ED /x ED q { x s div c mul abs y gt } { x c div s
mul abs y gt } ifelse { x x mul y y mul sub z z mul add sqrt z add } { q
{ x s div } { x c div } ifelse abs } ifelse a PtoC h1 add exch w1 add
exch } def
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/IfVisible true def } if } { IfVisible { Invisible /IfVisible false def
} if } ifelse } def
/InitOL { /OLUnit [ 3000 3000 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform ] cvx def
/Visible { CP OLUnit idtransform T moveto } def /Invisible { CP OLUnit
neg exch neg exch idtransform T moveto } def /BOL { BeginOL } def
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%%BeginProcSet: 0 0
%% PostScript prologue for pstricks.tex.
%% Version 2.00,                                    Suggestion of 2006/12/19
%% For distribution, see pstricks.tex.
%% Timothy Van Zandt <tvz@Princeton.EDU>
%% Modified by Etienne Riga  - Dec. 16, 1999
%% Modified by Herbert Voss (hv) - 2004/12/27 
%% Modified by Etienne Riga  - 2005/01/01 (er)
%% to add /Diamond, /SolidDiamond and /BoldDiamond
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%-------------- hv begin 2004/07/25   from: er 2003/03/24
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%      Metrics 1 index get exec 0
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translate exch dup rotate sub 3 2 roll { neg 1 -1 scale } if dup abs
360 ge { pop 360 } { dup dup 0 lt { 360 sub } if 360 div truncate 360
mul sub dup 0.1 lt { pop 360 } if }ifelse } def /normalizeline { 3
index 3 index translate 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 2 copy atan rotate
dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 3 1 roll pop pop } def /abox{ newpath
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exch ampi num gluon1 0 linesep -2 div dup dr exch ampi num gluon1 }
ifelse grestore } def

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sub round def /inc dr num 2 mul 2 add div def /amp8 ampi 0.9 mul def
amp8 0 lt {/amp8 amp8 neg def} if /x1 inc 2 mul def newpath 0 0 moveto
inc 0.1 mul ampi 0.5 mul inc 0.5 mul ampi inc 1.4 mul ampi curveto
x1 amp8 add dup ampi exch ampi neg dup x1 exch curveto 2 1 num { pop
x1 amp8 sub dup ampi neg exch ampi dup x1 inc add exch curveto /x1
x1 inc dup add add def x1 amp8 add dup ampi exch ampi neg dup x1 exch
curveto } for x1 amp8 sub dup ampi neg exch ampi dup x1 inc 0.6 mul
add exch curveto x1 inc 1.5 mul add ampi dr inc 0.1 mul sub ampi 0.5
mul dr 0 curveto stroke grestore } def

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ed linesep 0 eq { 0 0 dr 0 ampi num photon1 } { 0 linesep 2 div dup
dr exch ampi num photon1 0 linesep -2 div dup dr exch ampi num photon1
} ifelse grestore } def

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2 mul 0.5 sub round def /x2 dr num1 div def /sign 1 def 1 1 num1 {
pop newpath 0 0 moveto 4 3 div x2 mul pi div dup neg x2 add 4 3 div
ampi1 sign mul mul dup 3 1 roll x2 0 curveto stroke /sign sign neg
def x2 0 translate } for grestore } def

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0.5 sub round def /x2 dr num div def /sign 1 def 1 1 num { pop newpath
0 0 moveto x2 2 div ampi sign mul lineto x2 0 lineto stroke /sign sign
neg def x2 0 translate } for grestore } def

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/num ed /ampli ed /num num 2 mul round def /darc1 darc num div def
/cp darc1 cos def /sp darc1 sin def darc1 2 div dup /cp2 exch cos def
/sp2 exch sin def linesep 0 eq { radius photonarc1 } { linesep 2 div
radius add photonarc1 linesep -2 div radius add photonarc1 } ifelse
grestore } def

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pop radius1 0 moveto /beta radius1 darc1 mul 180 ampli1 mul div def
/tt sp cp beta mul sub cp sp beta mul add div def /amp1 radius1 ampli1
add 8 mul beta cp2 mul sp2 sub mul beta 4 cp add mul tt cp mul 3 mul
sp 4 mul sub add radius1 mul sub beta tt sub 3 mul div def radius1
ampli1 add 8 mul cp2 mul 1 cp add radius1 mul sub 3 div amp1 sub dup
radius1 sub beta mul amp1 dup radius1 cp mul sub tt mul radius1 sp
mul add radius1 cp mul radius1 sp mul curveto /ampli1 ampli1 neg def
darc1 rotate } for stroke grestore } def

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ed /ampi ed /num num 0.5 sub round def linesep 0 eq { radius gluearc1
} { linesep 2 div radius add gluearc1 linesep -2 div radius add gluearc1
} ifelse grestore } def

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/const darc dr div def darc 360 lt { /inc dr num 2 mul 2 add div def
} { /inc dr num 2 mul div def } ifelse /amp8 ampi 0.9 mul def /amp1
radius1 ampi add def /amp2 radius1 ampi sub def /amp3 radius1 ampi
2 div add def /amp4 amp1 inc amp8 add const mul cos div def /amp5 amp2
amp8 const mul cos div def /amp6 amp1 inc 0.6 mul amp8 add const mul
cos div def /amp7 amp1 inc 0.9 mul const mul cos div def amp8 0 lt
{/amp8 amp8 neg def} if newpath darc 360 lt { /x1 inc 2 mul def radius1
0 moveto inc 0.1 mul const mul dup cos amp3 mul exch sin amp3 mul inc
0.5 mul const mul dup cos amp7 mul exch sin amp7 mul inc 1.4 mul const
mul dup cos amp1 mul exch sin amp1 mul curveto x1 amp8 add const mul
dup cos amp6 mul exch sin amp6 mul x1 amp8 add const mul dup cos amp5
mul exch sin amp5 mul x1 const mul dup cos amp2 mul exch sin amp2 mul
curveto 2 1 num } { /x1 0 def amp2 0 moveto 1 1 num } ifelse { pop
x1 amp8 sub const mul dup cos amp5 mul exch sin amp5 mul x1 amp8 sub
const mul dup cos amp4 mul exch sin amp4 mul x1 inc add const mul dup
cos amp1 mul exch sin amp1 mul curveto /x1 x1 inc dup add add def x1
amp8 add const mul dup cos amp4 mul exch sin amp4 mul x1 amp8 add const
mul dup cos amp5 mul exch sin amp5 mul x1 const mul dup cos amp2 mul
exch sin amp2 mul curveto } for darc 360 lt { x1 amp8 sub const mul
dup cos amp5 mul exch sin amp5 mul x1 amp8 sub const mul dup cos amp6
mul exch sin amp6 mul x1 inc 0.6 mul add const mul dup cos amp1 mul
exch sin amp1 mul curveto x1 inc 1.5 mul add const mul dup cos amp7
mul exch sin amp7 mul dr inc 0.1 mul sub const mul dup cos amp3 mul
exch sin amp3 mul dr const mul dup cos radius1 mul exch sin radius1
mul curveto } if stroke grestore } def

 /dasharrowdoubleline{ gsw normalizeline /dr ed /dsize ed /linesep
ed /flip ed garrow /linesep setabs /linewidth width def /y11 linesep
0.5 mul def /y22 linesep -0.5 mul def 0 y11 dr arrowpos mul y11 dashline
linesep 0 ne { 0 y22 dr arrowpos mul y22 dashline } if dr arrowpos
mul 0 translate /arrowspec load flip { -90 }{ 90 } ifelse arrow1 0
y11 dr 1 arrowpos sub mul y11 dashline linesep 0 ne { 0 y22 dr 1 arrowpos
sub mul y22 dashline } if grestore } def

 /arc2{ gsw normalizearc /darc ed /radius ed /dsize ed /linesep ed
/angdsize dsize radius div def /flip ed garrow /arcmid darc arrowpos
mul def dsize 0 eq { linesep 0 eq { 0 0 radius 0 darc dasharc } { 0
0 radius linesep 2 div add 0 darc dasharc 0 0 radius linesep -2 div
add 0 darc dasharc } ifelse } { linesep 0 eq { 0 0 radius 0 arcmid
dasharc 0 0 radius arcmid darc dasharc } { 0 0 radius linesep 2 div
add 0 arcmid dasharc 0 0 radius linesep -2 div add 0 arcmid dasharc
0 0 radius linesep 2 div add arcmid darc dasharc 0 0 radius linesep
-2 div add arcmid darc dasharc } ifelse } ifelse arcmid rotate radius
0 translate /arrowspec load flip { 0 } { 180 } ifelse arrow1 grestore
} def

 /vertex{ gs /dotsize ed translate newpath 0 0 dotsize 0 360 arc fill
stroke grestore } def

 /bcirc{ gsw /radius ed translate gsave 1 setgray newpath 0 0 radius
0 360 arc fill grestore newpath 0 0 radius 0 360 arc stroke grestore
} def

 /gcirc{ gsw /gcolor ed /radius ed translate 1 setgray newpath 0 0
radius 0 360 arc fill gcolor setgray newpath 0 0 radius 0 360 arc fill
0 setgray newpath 0 0 radius 0 360 arc stroke grestore } def

 /ccirc1{ gsw /radius ed translate newpath 0 0 radius 0 360 arc fill
grestore } def

 /ccirc2{ gsw /radius ed translate newpath 0 0 radius 0 360 arc stroke
grestore } def

 /box{ gsw p2 p1 abox stroke grestore } def

 /bbox{ gsw p2 p1 gsave 1 setgray abox fill grestore abox stroke grestore
} def

 /gbox{ gsw /gcolor ed p2 p1 1 setgray abox fill gcolor setgray abox
fill 0 setgray abox stroke grestore } def

 /cbox1{ gsw p2 p1 abox fill grestore } def

 /cbox2{ gsw p2 p1 abox stroke grestore } def

 /triangle{ gsw p3 p2 p1 atriangle stroke grestore } def

 /btriangle{ gsw p3 p2 p1 gsave 1 setgray atriangle fill grestore atriangle
stroke grestore } def

 /gtriangle{ gsw /gcolor ed p3 p2 p1 1 setgray atriangle fill gcolor
setgray atriangle fill 0 setgray atriangle stroke grestore } def

 /ctriangle1{ gsw p3 p2 p1 atriangle fill grestore } def

 /ctriangle2{ gsw p3 p2 p1 atriangle stroke grestore } def

 /btext{ gsw /fsize ed /thetext ed translate /hsize thetext stringwidth
pop def /x1 hsize fsize add 2 div neg def /y1 fsize 2 mul 3 div neg
def /x2 x1 neg def /y2 y1 neg def gsave 1 setgray abox fill grestore
abox stroke hsize 2 div neg fsize 3 div neg moveto thetext show grestore
} def

 /b2text{ gsw /fsize ed /text2 ed /text1 ed translate /hsize1 text1
stringwidth pop def /hsize2 text2 stringwidth pop def hsize1 hsize2
lt { /hsize hsize2 def } { /hsize hsize1 def } ifelse /x1 hsize fsize
add 2 div neg def /y1 fsize neg 7 mul 6 div def /x2 x1 neg def /y2
y1 neg def gsave 1 setgray abox fill grestore abox stroke hsize1 2
div neg fsize 6 div moveto text1 show hsize2 2 div neg fsize 5 mul
6 div neg moveto text2 show grestore } def

 /gtext{ gsw /fsize ed /thetext ed /graysc ed translate /hsize thetext
stringwidth pop def /x1 hsize fsize add 2 div neg def /y1 fsize 2 mul
3 div neg def /x2 x1 neg def /y2 y1 neg def graysc setgray abox fill
0 setgray abox stroke hsize 2 div neg fsize 3 div neg moveto thetext
show grestore } def

 /ctext1{ gsw /fsize ed /thetext ed translate /hsize thetext stringwidth
pop def /x1 hsize fsize add 2 div neg def /y1 fsize 2 mul 3 div neg
def /x2 x1 neg def /y2 y1 neg def abox fill grestore } def

 /ctext2{ gsw /fsize ed /thetext ed translate /hsize thetext stringwidth
pop def /x1 hsize fsize add 2 div neg def /y1 fsize 2 mul 3 div neg
def /x2 x1 neg def /y2 y1 neg def abox stroke hsize 2 div neg fsize
3 div neg moveto thetext show grestore } def

 /g2text{ gsw /fsize ed /text2 ed /text1 ed /graysc ed translate /hsize1
text1 stringwidth pop def /hsize2 text2 stringwidth pop def hsize1
hsize2 lt { /hsize hsize2 def } { /hsize hsize1 def } ifelse /x1 hsize
fsize add 2 div neg def /y1 fsize neg 7 mul 6 div def /x2 x1 neg def
/y2 y1 neg def graysc setgray abox fill 0 setgray abox stroke hsize1
2 div neg fsize 6 div moveto text1 show hsize2 2 div neg fsize 5 mul
6 div neg moveto text2 show grestore } def

 /c2text1{ gsw /fsize ed /text2 ed /text1 ed translate /hsize1 text1
stringwidth pop def /hsize2 text2 stringwidth pop def hsize1 hsize2
lt { /hsize hsize2 def } { /hsize hsize1 def } ifelse /x1 hsize fsize
add 2 div neg def /y1 fsize neg 7 mul 6 div def /x2 x1 neg def /y2
y1 neg def abox fill grestore } def

 /c2text2{ gsw /fsize ed /text2 ed /text1 ed translate /hsize1 text1
stringwidth pop def /hsize2 text2 stringwidth pop def hsize1 hsize2
lt { /hsize hsize2 def } { /hsize hsize1 def } ifelse /x1 hsize fsize
add 2 div neg def /y1 fsize neg 7 mul 6 div def /x2 x1 neg def /y2
y1 neg def abox stroke hsize1 2 div neg fsize 6 div moveto text1 show
hsize2 2 div neg fsize 5 mul 6 div neg moveto text2 show grestore }

 /ptext{ gs /text ed /fsize ed /mode ed 3 1 roll translate rotate mode
3 lt { 0 fsize neg translate } { mode 6 lt { /mode mode 3 sub def 0
fsize 2 div neg translate } { /mode mode 6 sub def } ifelse } ifelse
/fsize text stringwidth pop def mode 1 eq { fsize 2 div neg 0 translate
} { mode 2 eq { fsize neg 0 translate } if } ifelse 0 0 moveto text
show grestore } def

 /goval{ gsw /gcolor ed /x1 ed /x2 ed /radius ed translate x1 rotate
x2 radius div 1.0 scale 1 setgray newpath 0 0 radius 0 360 arc fill
gcolor setgray newpath 0 0 radius 0 360 arc fill 0 setgray newpath
0 0 radius 0 360 arc stroke grestore } def

 /coval1{ gsw /x1 ed /x2 ed /radius ed translate x1 rotate x2 radius
div 1.0 scale newpath 0 0 radius 0 360 arc fill grestore } def

 /coval2{ gsw /x1 ed /x2 ed /radius ed translate x1 rotate x2 radius
div 1.0 scale newpath 0 0 radius 0 360 arc stroke grestore } def

 /oval{ gsw /x1 ed /x2 ed /radius ed translate x1 rotate x2 radius
div 1.0 scale newpath 0 0 radius 0 360 arc stroke grestore } def

 /docurve{ x1 2 mul x2 add 3 div y1 y0 sub x1 x0 sub div x2 x0 sub
mul y2 y0 sub x2 x0 sub div x1 x0 sub mul add y1 add y0 2 mul add 3
div x1 x2 2 mul add 3 div y2 y3 sub x2 x3 sub div x1 x3 sub mul y1
y3 sub x1 x3 sub div x2 x3 sub mul add y2 add y3 2 mul add 3 div x2
y2 curveto } def

 /makecurve{ gsw /points ed /ss points length 2 idiv 2 mul def newpath
ss 4 gt { /x1 points 0 get def /y1 points 1 get def /x2 points 2 get
def /y2 points 3 get def /x3 points 4 get def /y3 points 5 get def
/x0 x1 2 mul x2 sub def /y0 y3 y2 sub x3 x2 sub div y2 y1 sub x2 x1
sub div sub 2 mul x2 x1 sub dup mul x3 x1 sub div mul y1 2 mul add
y2 sub def x1 y1 moveto docurve 0 2 ss 8 sub { /ii ed /x0 points ii
get def /y0 points ii 1 add get def /x1 points ii 2 add get def /y1
points ii 3 add get def /x2 points ii 4 add get def /y2 points ii 5
add get def /x3 points ii 6 add get def /y3 points ii 7 add get def
docurve } for /x0 points ss 6 sub get def /y0 points ss 5 sub get def
/x1 points ss 4 sub get def /y1 points ss 3 sub get def /x2 points
ss 2 sub get def /y2 points ss 1 sub get def /x3 x2 2 mul x1 sub def
/y3 y2 y1 sub x2 x1 sub div y1 y0 sub x1 x0 sub div sub 2 mul x2 x1
sub dup mul x2 x0 sub div mul y2 2 mul add y1 sub def docurve } { ss
4 eq { points 0 get points 1 get moveto points 2 get points 3 get lineto
} if } ifelse stroke grestore } def

 /makedashcurve{ gsw /dsize ed /points ed /ss points length 2 idiv
2 mul def newpath ss 4 gt { /x1 points 0 get def /y1 points 1 get def
/x2 points 2 get def /y2 points 3 get def /x3 points 4 get def /y3
points 5 get def /x0 x1 2 mul x2 sub def /y0 y3 y2 sub x3 x2 sub div
y2 y1 sub x2 x1 sub div sub 2 mul x2 x1 sub dup mul x3 x1 sub div mul
y1 2 mul add y2 sub def x1 y1 moveto docurve 0 2 ss 8 sub { /ii ed
/x0 points ii get def /y0 points ii 1 add get def /x1 points ii 2 add
get def /y1 points ii 3 add get def /x2 points ii 4 add get def /y2
points ii 5 add get def /x3 points ii 6 add get def /y3 points ii 7
add get def docurve } for /x0 points ss 6 sub get def /y0 points ss
5 sub get def /x1 points ss 4 sub get def /y1 points ss 3 sub get def
/x2 points ss 2 sub get def /y2 points ss 1 sub get def /x3 x2 2 mul
x1 sub def /y3 y2 y1 sub x2 x1 sub div y1 y0 sub x1 x0 sub div sub
2 mul x2 x1 sub dup mul x2 x0 sub div mul y2 2 mul add y1 sub def docurve
} { ss 4 eq { points 0 get points 1 get moveto points 2 get points
3 get lineto } if } ifelse centerdash stroke grestore } def

 /pathlength{ flattenpath /dist 0 def { /yfirst ed /xfirst ed /ymoveto
yfirst def /xmoveto xfirst def } { /ynext ed /xnext ed /dist dist ynext
yfirst sub dup mul xnext xfirst sub dup mul add sqrt add def /yfirst
ynext def /xfirst xnext def } {} {/ynext ymoveto def /xnext xmoveto
def /dist ynext yfirst sub dup mul xnext xfirst sub dup mul add sqrt
add def /yfirst ynext def /xfirst xnext def } pathforall dist } def

 /centerdash{ /pathlen pathlength def /jj pathlen dsize div 2.0 div
cvi def /ddsize pathlen jj 2.0 mul div def [ddsize] ddsize 2 div setdash
} def

 /logaxis{ gsw /offset ed /hashsize ed /nlogs ed normalizeline /rr
ed offset 0 ne { /offset offset ln 10 ln div def } if /offset offset
dup cvi sub def newpath 0 0 moveto rr 0 lineto /lsize rr nlogs div
def 0 1 nlogs { /x2 ed x2 offset ge { /y2 x2 offset sub lsize mul def
y2 rr le { y2 0 moveto y2 hashsize 1.2 mul lineto } if } if } for stroke
width 0.6 mul setlinewidth newpath 0 1 nlogs { /x2 ed 2 1 9 { ln 10
ln div x2 add /xx2 ed xx2 offset ge { /y2 xx2 offset sub lsize mul
def y2 rr le { y2 0 moveto y2 hashsize 0.8 mul lineto } if } if } for
} for stroke grestore } def

 /linaxis{ gsw /offset ed /hashsize ed /perdec ed /numdec ed normalizeline
/rr ed newpath 0 0 moveto rr 0 lineto /x1 rr numdec perdec mul div
def /y1 rr numdec div def /offset offset x1 mul def 0 1 numdec { y1
mul offset sub dup 0 ge { dup rr le { dup 0 moveto hashsize 1.2 mul
lineto } if } if } for stroke width 0.6 mul setlinewidth newpath offset
cvi 1 numdec perdec mul offset add { x1 mul offset sub dup 0 ge { dup
rr le { dup 0 moveto hashsize 0.8 mul lineto } if } if } for stroke
grestore } def

 /dashbezier{ gsw /dsize ed p4 p3 p2 p1 dsize 0 ne { [dsize dsize]
0 setdash } if abezier stroke grestore } def
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