Presentations / HQL_2014 / LFV /
@mchrzasz mchrzasz on 25 Aug 2014 1 KB adde talks
  1. % -- do not edit, generated automatically by pseyfert.tex
  2. input feynmp
  3. require_RCS_revision "1.30";
  4. beginchar(1, 170*1.0pt#, 100*1.0pt#, 0);
  5. "feynmf: 1";
  6. LaTeX_unitlength:=1.0pt;
  7. subgraph (0, 0, w, h);
  8. vinit;
  9. pickup pencircle scaled thin;
  10. straight_galleries;
  11. vleft (__i2, __i3, __i4, __i5);
  12. vright (__o2, __o3, __o4, __o5);
  13. vconnect ("phantom", __i4, __g1);
  14. path p[];
  15. vconnect ("plain,label=$\Pnum \to \Pnue $,tag=1", __g1, __g2);
  16. vconnect ("fermion,lab.side=left,label=$\APelectron $", __o4, __g2);
  17. vconnect ("phantom,lab.side=right,label=$\PDplus $", __i2, __i3);
  18. vconnect ("phantom,lab.side=right,label=$\Ppiplus $", __o2, __o3);
  19. vconnect ("fermion,lab.side=right,label=$\Pcharm $", __i3, __g3);
  20. vconnect ("fermion,lab.side=right,label=$\Pstrange /\Pdown $", __g3, __g4);
  21. vconnect ("fermion,lab.side=right,label=$\Pup $", __g4, __o3);
  22. vconnect ("fermion,lab.side=left,label=$\APdown $", __o2, __i2);
  23. vfreeze;
  24. p1:=vpath1(__g1,__g2);
  25. ivertex (",d.ang=0,d.size=5thick", point length(p1)/2 of p1);
  26. vfreeze;
  27. vconnect ("fermion,lab.side=left,label=$\Pmuon $", __g1, __o5);
  28. vconnect ("dashes,lab.side=right,label=$\PW $", __g1, __g3);
  29. vconnect ("dashes,lab.side=left,label=$\PW $", __g2, __g4);
  30. vfreeze;
  31. vdraw;
  32. endsubgraph;
  33. endchar;
  34. % the end.
  35. end.
  36. endinput;