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- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5
- \definecolor{mygreen}{cmyk}{0.82,0.11,1,0.25}
- \usetheme{Sybila}
- \title[Acceptance issue]{Acceptance issue}
- \author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz$^{1}$, Nicola Serra$^{1}$}
- \institute{$^1$~University of Zurich}
- \date{\today}
- \begin{document}
- % --------------------------- SLIDE --------------------------------------------
- \frame[plain]{\titlepage}
- \author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz{~}}
- \institute{(UZH)}
- % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % --------------------------- SLIDE --------------------------------------------
- \section{Background studies}
- \begin{frame}\frametitle{Reminder}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item In data discrepancy up to 1 sigma in the highest and lowest bins when compared new and old acceptance (mostly $F_l$). FIXME
- \item Pefromed a toy study:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Took SM MC, and apply the new highest odd acceptance from Christoph.
- \item Divided into $3fb^{-1}$ corresponding samples
- \item Used $2~GeV^2$ binning scenario.
- \item Added two weights: new and old.
- \item Recomputed observables for each toy using 2 acceptances.
- \item Look into the differences.
- \item Results in the next silde.
- \end{itemize}
- \end{itemize}
- \end{frame}
- \begin{frame}\frametitle{Numbers Fit, expected deviations}
- \begin{tiny}
- \begin{tabular}{c |c | c | c| c| c| c| c|}
- \hline
- $0.1 - 0.98$ & $0.0476008$ & $0.010946$ & $0.0404602$ & $0.0262259$ & $0.0233611$ & $0.0391067$ & $0.0120506$ \\ \hline
- $1.1 - 2.5$ & $0.0216072$ & $0.0053112$ & $0.0166444$ & $0.0126303$ & $0.0130115$ & $0.015087$ & $0.00553845$ \\ \hline
- $2.5 -4$ & $0.0124394$ & $0.00424708$ & $0.011096$ & $0.00925205$ & $0.00799686$ & $0.00952774$ & $ 0.00424132$ \\ \hline
- $4-6$ & $0.008646$ & $0.00312367$ & $0.0079593$ & $0.00727349$ & $0.00522152$ & $0.00651302$ & $0.00311269$ \\ \hline
- $6-8$ & $0.015737$ & $0.00438532$ & $0.0100089$ & $0.0118984$ & $0.00831223$ & $0.009712$ & $0.00446352$ \\ \hline
- $15 - 17$ & $0.0088157$ & $0.00366958 $ & $0.00542786$ & $0.00523935$ & $0.00441696$ & $0.00577158$ & $0.00269092$ \\ \hline
- $17 - 19$ & $0.0371101$ & $0.0181168$ & $0.0237682$ & $0.0251109$ & $0.0172123$ & $0.0175126$ & $0.0105872$ \\ \hline
- \end{tabular}
- \end{tiny}
- \end{frame}
- \begin{frame}\frametitle{Numbers MoM, expected deviations }
- \begin{tiny}
- \begin{tabular}{c |c | c | c| c| c| c| c|}
- \hline
- $0.1 - 0.98$ & $.01113$ & $0.0571538 $ & $0.484421$ & $0.875222$ & $0.750888$ & $0.808388$ & $0.110309$\\ \hline
- $1.1- 2.5$ & $0.0233569$& $0.011525$ & $0.0567316$ & $0.0374716 $ & $0.0229218$ & $0.0227525$ & $0.00966214$ \\ \hline
- $2.5-4$ & $0.0124508$ & $0.00714531$ & $0.0274325$ & $0.0486626$ & $0.0201143$ & $0.027187$ & $ 0.00653637$ \\ \hline
- $4 - 6$ & $0.0125362$ & $0.00510912$ & $0.0490782$ & $0.0778953$ & $0.0117517$ & $0.0121875$ & $ 0.00381904$ \\ \hline
- $6 - 8$ & $0.0694169$ & $0.0362361$ & $00.100802$ & $0.026377$ & $0.110168$ & $0.077164$ & $0.0304819$ \\ \hline
- $15 - 17$ & $0.0647882$ & $0.00874876$ & $0.0129285$ & $0.0199238$ & $0.0047388$ & $0.00663897$ & $0.00431089$ \\ \hline
- $17 - 19$ & $0.0365058$ & $0.0909971$ & $0.0113491$ & $0.0181383$ & $0.0414832$ & $0.0863238$ & $0.0135275$ \\ \hline
- \end{tabular}
- \end{tiny}
- \end{frame}
- \begin{frame}\frametitle{Numbers I get on data}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Q2= 0.1 0.98 delta Fl = -0.044327 Error: 0.0591652 Nsigma: -0.749208
- \end{itemize}
- \end{frame}
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \begin{frame}\frametitle{Background conclusions}
- To conclude:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Preliminary.
- \item There are to many hints of something being wrong.
- \item I know some of you will say:"Statistically insignificant", but if you add them up you are looking at something that is starting to be significant.
- \end{itemize}
- \end{frame}
- \end{document}