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$S_5$ & $S_{6s}$ & $S_{6c}$ & $S_7$ & $S_8$ \\ \hline \hline 0 & $-0.01547 \pm 0.02683(-0.5764)$ & $0.05728 \pm 0.02675(2.141)$ & $-0.01819 \pm 0.02786(-0.6531)$ & $0.04635 \pm 0.0275(1.686)$ & $0.02134 \pm 0.02688(0.7939)$ & $-0.008222 \pm 0.02751(-0.2989)$ & $0.009761 \pm 0.02638(0.3701)$ \\ \hline 1 & $0.03117 \pm 0.0286(1.09)$ & $0.02584 \pm 0.02746(0.9412)$ & $-0.0159 \pm 0.0289(-0.5503)$ & $0.01273 \pm 0.02779(0.4582)$ & $-0.09099 \pm 0.02814(-3.233)$ & $-0.05263 \pm 0.027(-1.949)$ & $0.007761 \pm 0.02767(0.2804)$ \\ \hline 2 & $-0.05243 \pm 0.02696(-1.945)$ & $-0.00313 \pm 0.02723(-0.115)$ & $-0.04058 \pm 0.02852(-1.423)$ & $-0.03876 \pm 0.02709(-1.431)$ & $-0.01159 \pm 0.02685(-0.4318)$ & $-0.04788 \pm 0.0265(-1.807)$ & $0.02267 \pm 0.02924(0.7755)$ \\ \hline 3 & $-0.03468 \pm 0.02706(-1.282)$ & $0.01334 \pm 0.02737(0.4875)$ & $0.004709 \pm 0.02779(0.1694)$ & $-0.04177 \pm 0.02767(-1.51)$ & $0.04377 \pm 0.02754(1.589)$ & $0.01894 \pm 0.02819(0.672)$ & $-0.02957 \pm 0.02864(-1.032)$ \\ \hline 4 & $0.04853 \pm 0.02738(1.773)$ & $-0.02135 \pm 0.02781(-0.7679)$ & $0.002497 \pm 0.02927(0.08531)$ & $0.02477 \pm 0.02685(0.9226)$ & $0.04521 \pm 0.02774(1.63)$ & $-0.035 \pm 0.02698(-1.297)$ & $0.05661 \pm 0.02641(2.144)$ \\ \hline 5 & $0.01438 \pm 0.02869(0.501)$ & $-0.01773 \pm 0.02695(-0.6579)$ & $0.01264 \pm 0.0282(0.4482)$ & $-0.008966 \pm 0.02774(-0.3232)$ & $0.02885 \pm 0.02706(1.066)$ & $-0.02092 \pm 0.02767(-0.7562)$ & $0.04311 \pm 0.02774(1.554)$ \\ \hline 6 & $0.01205 \pm 0.0294(0.4097)$ & $-0.00208 \pm 0.02887(-0.07203)$ & $-0.01034 \pm 0.02754(-0.3754)$ & $0.009778 \pm 0.02825(0.3461)$ & $0.001352 \pm 0.0281(0.04812)$ & $-0.0005375 \pm 0.02855(-0.01883)$ & $-0.03114 \pm 0.02645(-1.177)$ \\ \hline 7 & $0.1531 \pm 0.02724(5.62)$ & $-0.2425 \pm 0.02758(-8.794)$ & $-0.3183 \pm 0.02665(-11.94)$ & $1.557 \pm 0.02687(57.96)$ & $0.3741 \pm 0.02772(13.49)$ & $-0.1459 \pm 0.02693(-5.417)$ & $0.01577 \pm 0.02844(0.5544)$ \\ \hline 8 & $0.01723 \pm 0.02654(0.6492)$ & $-0.03912 \pm 0.02804(-1.395)$ & $-0.01016 \pm 0.02721(-0.3735)$ & $0.02337 \pm 0.02839(0.8231)$ & $0.0106 \pm 0.02869(0.3694)$ & $-0.0147 \pm 0.02721(-0.5404)$ & $-0.02155 \pm 0.02776(-0.7765)$ \\ \hline 9 & $0.04221 \pm 0.02806(1.504)$ & $0.0005938 \pm 0.02588(0.02294)$ & $0.02397 \pm 0.02582(0.9284)$ & $0.03378 \pm 0.02692(1.255)$ & $-0.02141 \pm 0.02702(-0.7927)$ & $-0.08231 \pm 0.02676(-3.076)$ & $-0.0155 \pm 0.0273(-0.5678)$ \\ \hline 10 & $0.01288 \pm 0.02609(0.4937)$ & $-0.03759 \pm 0.02711(-1.387)$ & $-0.0268 \pm 0.02741(-0.9776)$ & $-0.03974 \pm 0.02799(-1.42)$ & $-0.02825 \pm 0.02865(-0.9864)$ & $0.03707 \pm 0.0276(1.343)$ & $-0.02396 \pm 0.02839(-0.8441)$ \\ \hline 11 & $0.09167 \pm 0.02732(3.356)$ & $0.00681 \pm 0.02821(0.2414)$ & $-0.07627 \pm 0.02693(-2.832)$ & $-0.02851 \pm 0.02765(-1.031)$ & $-0.02534 \pm 0.02789(-0.9085)$ & $-0.01774 \pm 0.02742(-0.6472)$ & $-0.02978 \pm 0.02734(-1.089)$ \\ \hline \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{small} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%55 \begin{small} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ l l l l l l l l l } \hline \multicolumn{8}{c}{Sigma of the pull, NOT UNFOLDED} \\ \hline $q^2$ & $S_3$ & $S_4$ & $S_5$ & $S_{6s}$ & $S_{6c}$ & $S_7$ & $S_8$ \\ \hline \hline 0 &$0.9574 \pm 0.02006(2.124)$ & $0.9471 \pm 0.0199(2.659)$ & $0.9661 \pm 0.02244(1.51)$ & $0.9741 \pm 0.02132(1.215)$ & $0.9501 \pm 0.02318(2.153)$ & $0.9784 \pm 0.02321(0.9325)$ & $0.9371 \pm 0.02148(2.93)$ \\ \hline 1 &$1.009 \pm 0.02474(-0.3714)$ & $0.9685 \pm 0.0218(1.443)$ & $1.013 \pm 0.02353(-0.5686)$ & $0.9682 \pm 0.02288(1.392)$ & $0.99 \pm 0.02264(0.4439)$ & $0.9657 \pm 0.02072(1.657)$ & $0.9752 \pm 0.02236(1.109)$ \\ \hline 2 &$0.9416 \pm 0.02161(2.702)$ & $0.9645 \pm 0.0214(1.66)$ & $0.9995 \pm 0.02341(0.02104)$ & $0.9533 \pm 0.02153(2.168)$ & $0.9554 \pm 0.0226(1.974)$ & $0.9476 \pm 0.02061(2.545)$ & $1.021 \pm 0.02517(-0.837)$ \\ \hline 3 &$0.955 \pm 0.02174(2.072)$ & $0.9646 \pm 0.02214(1.6)$ & $0.9826 \pm 0.02101(0.827)$ & $0.9886 \pm 0.02091(0.5451)$ & $0.9737 \pm 0.02261(1.162)$ & $0.9829 \pm 0.0233(0.7353)$ & $1.001 \pm 0.02224(-0.02424)$ \\ \hline 4 &$0.9591 \pm 0.02278(1.795)$ & $0.9758 \pm 0.02248(1.079)$ & $1.018 \pm 0.02333(-0.7881)$ & $0.944 \pm 0.02313(2.422)$ & $0.9614 \pm 0.02388(1.616)$ & $0.9533 \pm 0.02093(2.233)$ & $0.9394 \pm 0.02111(2.872)$ \\ \hline 5 &$1.007 \pm 0.02294(-0.3047)$ & $0.9538 \pm 0.02191(2.107)$ & $0.9973 \pm 0.02118(0.1272)$ & $0.9811 \pm 0.02106(0.8964)$ & $0.9509 \pm 0.023(2.137)$ & $0.9771 \pm 0.02075(1.102)$ & $0.9856 \pm 0.0222(0.6495)$ \\ \hline 6 &$1.008 \pm 0.02483(-0.3291)$ & $1.01 \pm 0.02302(-0.4144)$ & $0.9732 \pm 0.02259(1.186)$ & $0.9942 \pm 0.02197(0.264)$ & $0.982 \pm 0.02303(0.7821)$ & $0.9863 \pm 0.02358(0.5796)$ & $0.9318 \pm 0.02017(3.381)$ \\ \hline 7 &$0.9529 \pm 0.02095(2.25)$ & $0.9702 \pm 0.02222(1.343)$ & $0.9484 \pm 0.02219(2.323)$ & $0.9516 \pm 0.02349(2.063)$ & $0.9694 \pm 0.02242(1.367)$ & $0.9267 \pm 0.02241(3.27)$ & $0.9882 \pm 0.02254(0.5254)$ \\ \hline 8 &$0.9374 \pm 0.02174(2.882)$ & $0.995 \pm 0.0237(0.2113)$ & $0.9612 \pm 0.02061(1.884)$ & $0.9997 \pm 0.02405(0.01442)$ & $1 \pm 0.02267(-0.007776)$ & $0.9607 \pm 0.0221(1.777)$ & $0.953 \pm 0.02298(2.044)$ \\ \hline 9 &$0.9764 \pm 0.02349(1.005)$ & $0.9129 \pm 0.02062(4.225)$ & $0.9118 \pm 0.02022(4.362)$ & $0.947 \pm 0.02183(2.43)$ & $0.9543 \pm 0.02203(2.075)$ & $0.9469 \pm 0.02242(2.369)$ & $0.9665 \pm 0.02188(1.533)$ \\ \hline 10 &$0.9194 \pm 0.02137(3.771)$ & $0.946 \pm 0.02313(2.335)$ & $0.9563 \pm 0.02121(2.06)$ & $0.9796 \pm 0.02257(0.9028)$ & $1.006 \pm 0.02316(-0.2384)$ & $0.9682 \pm 0.02306(1.377)$ & $0.9983 \pm 0.02517(0.0669)$ \\ \hline 11 &$0.9687 \pm 0.02092(1.497)$ & $0.9751 \pm 0.02202(1.132)$ & $0.9465 \pm 0.02039(2.623)$ & $0.9587 \pm 0.02355(1.755)$ & $0.9759 \pm 0.02285(1.056)$ & $0.9633 \pm 0.02218(1.657)$ & $0.9614 \pm 0.02116(1.824)$ \\ \hline \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{small} \begin{small} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ l l l l l l l l l } \hline \multicolumn{8}{c}{Mean of the pull, UNFOLDED} \\ \hline $q^2$ & $S_3$ & $S_4$ & $S_5$ & $S_{6s}$ & $S_{6c}$ & $S_7$ & $S_8$ \\ \hline \hline 0 & $-0.02212 \pm 0.02752(-0.804)$ & $0.07061 \pm 0.0264(2.675)$ & $-0.05005 \pm 0.02775(-1.804)$ & $0.05864 \pm 0.0288(2.036)$ & $0.02163 \pm 0.02679(0.8072)$ & $-0.05933 \pm 0.02745(-2.161)$ & $0.03075 \pm 0.02604(1.181)$ \\ \hline 1 & $-0.007502 \pm 0.02695(-0.2784)$ & $0.01453 \pm 0.0261(0.5566)$ & $-0.07158 \pm 0.02707(-2.644)$ & $-0.148 \pm 0.02911(-5.085)$ & $-0.06637 \pm 0.02821(-2.353)$ & $-0.04562 \pm 0.02746(-1.661)$ & $0.005087 \pm 0.02685(0.1895)$ \\ \hline 2 & $-0.01999 \pm 0.02691(-0.7428)$ & $-0.01021 \pm 0.02756(-0.3704)$ & $0.03994 \pm 0.02724(1.466)$ & $-0.1516 \pm 0.02754(-5.504)$ & $-0.0585 \pm 0.02742(-2.134)$ & $0.008593 \pm 0.02793(0.3077)$ & $-0.02376 \pm 0.02638(-0.9007)$ \\ \hline 3 & $-0.02882 \pm 0.02678(-1.076)$ & $-0.06511 \pm 0.02678(-2.431)$ & $0.1168 \pm 0.02584(4.52)$ & $-0.05933 \pm 0.02771(-2.141)$ & $0.01795 \pm 0.02708(0.6627)$ & $0.02069 \pm 0.02684(0.7707)$ & $-0.04014 \pm 0.02765(-1.452)$ \\ \hline 4 & $-0.03329 \pm 0.02661(-1.251)$ & $-0.06453 \pm 0.02655(-2.43)$ & $0.1316 \pm 0.02706(4.863)$ & $0.05035 \pm 0.0271(1.858)$ & $-0.0346 \pm 0.0265(-1.306)$ & $-0.02263 \pm 0.02722(-0.8315)$ & $0.05348 \pm 0.02686(1.991)$ \\ \hline 5 & $0.0332 \pm 0.0261(1.272)$ & $-0.09471 \pm 0.02626(-3.607)$ & $0.1588 \pm 0.02715(5.849)$ & $0.04319 \pm 0.02827(1.528)$ & $-0.001427 \pm 0.02762(-0.05165)$ & $-0.006894 \pm 0.02686(-0.2567)$ & $0.04496 \pm 0.02689(1.672)$ \\ \hline 6 & $-0.008204 \pm 0.02761(-0.2972)$ & $-0.1004 \pm 0.0278(-3.612)$ & $0.1581 \pm 0.0271(5.833)$ & $0.1579 \pm 0.02616(6.036)$ & $0.04508 \pm 0.02627(1.716)$ & $0.005604 \pm 0.02671(0.2098)$ & $0.009048 \pm 0.02739(0.3303)$\\ \hline 7 & $0.1602 \pm 0.02754(5.816)$ & $-0.3039 \pm 0.02713(-11.2)$ & $-0.0838 \pm 0.02638(-3.177)$ & $1.786 \pm 0.0268(66.64)$ & $0.3688 \pm 0.02832(13.02)$ & $-0.1067 \pm 0.02787(-3.827)$ & $-0.01837 \pm 0.02726(-0.6736)$ \\ \hline 8 & $0.05802 \pm 0.02666(2.176)$ & $-0.1166 \pm 0.02735(-4.265)$ & $0.04945 \pm 0.02602(1.9)$ & $0.1507 \pm 0.02734(5.512)$ & $-0.04507 \pm 0.02598(-1.735)$ & $0.0184 \pm 0.02696(0.6824)$ & $-0.01881 \pm 0.02687(-0.7001)$ \\ \hline 9 & $0.04279 \pm 0.02664(1.606)$ & $-0.03666 \pm 0.02765(-1.326)$ & $0.09134 \pm 0.02697(3.386)$ & $0.1535 \pm 0.0282(5.443)$ & $-0.03495 \pm 0.02647(-1.321)$ & $-0.04022 \pm 0.02576(-1.561)$ & $-0.0492 \pm 0.0282(-1.745)$ \\ \hline 10 & $0.005309 \pm 0.0274(0.1937)$ & $-0.04321 \pm 0.02729(-1.583)$ & $0.05128 \pm 0.02768(1.853)$ & $0.06789 \pm 0.02702(2.513)$ & $-0.008992 \pm 0.02734(-0.3289)$ & $0.01796 \pm 0.02701(0.6647)$ & $-0.02062 \pm 0.02714(-0.7597)$ \\ \hline 11 & $0.08817 \pm 0.02864(3.079)$ & $-0.1002 \pm 0.0294(-3.409)$ & $0.03648 \pm 0.02893(1.261)$ & $0.08433 \pm 0.02838(2.972)$ & $-0.04885 \pm 0.02874(-1.7)$ & $0.01538 \pm 0.02891(0.532)$ & $-0.01949 \pm 0.02839(-0.6865)$ \\ \hline \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{small} \end{document}