Presentations / Tau2014 / mchrzasz2.tex
@mchrzasz mchrzasz on 23 Sep 2014 19 KB aligned for git move


\title[Lepton Flavour Violation at LHCb ]{Lepton Flavour Violation at LHCb}
\author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz$^{1,2}$ \\ \footnotesize{on behalf of the LHCb collaboration}}
\institute{$^1$~University of Zurich,\\ $^2$~Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow \\{~}\\  International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics 2014,\\ Aachen, Germany }
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\author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz}
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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\institute{~(UZH, IFJ)}

   %   \begin{frame}\frametitle{Outline}
   %     \begin{enumerate}
   %       \item introduction\vspace{.5em}
   %       \item multivariate technique\vspace{.5em}
   %       \item normalisation\vspace{.5em}
  % %       \item backgrounds\vspace{.5em}
  %        \item expected sensitivity\vspace{.5em}
  %        \item model dependence\vspace{.5em} data from Reco14Stripping20(r1)
  %      \end{enumerate}
    %    Major news wrt.\ the $1~fb^{-1}$ analysis are highlighted in \textcolor{mygreen}{green}
  %    \end{frame}


\section{LHCb detector}

\begin{frame}\frametitle{LHCb detector}


      LHCb is a forward spectrometer:
        	\item Excellent vertex resolution.
        	\item Efficient trigger.
        	\item High acceptance for $\Ptau$ and $\PB$.
        	\item Great Particle ID



\section{Lepton Flavour Violation status}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Lepton Flavour/Number Violation}
 Lepton Flavour Violation(LFV):


After $\Pmuon$ was discovered (1936) it was natural to think of it as an excited $\Pelectron$.
\item Expected: $B(\mu\to\Pe\gamma) \approx  10^{-4}$
\item Unless another $\Pnu$, in intermediate vector boson loop, cancels. 


"Who ordered that?"


\item Up to this day charged LFV is being searched for in various decay modes.
\item LFV was already found in neutrino sector (oscillations).


 Lepton Number Violation (LNV) (see J. Harrison \href{}{\color{blue}talk})

\item Even with LFV, lepton number can be a conserved quantity. 
\item Many NP models predict it violation(Majorana neutrinos)
\item Searched in so called Neutrinoless double $\beta$ decays.




  % \textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2014}

        \frametitle{Status of $\color{white} \tau \to \mu \mu \mu$ in Tau 2012}


            \begin{alertblock}{current limits ($ \color{white} 90\,\%$ CL)}

                \item[BaBar] $3.3\times 10^{-8}$
                \item[Belle] $2.1\times 10^{-8}$
                \item[LHCb] $8.0\times 10^{-8}~(1 \invfb)$

Today: Update with full LHCb data sample $(3\invfb)$!


          \item Blind analysis.
          \item Loose selection.
          \item Multivariate classification in: mass, PID($\mathcal{M}_{PID}$), geometry($\mathcal{M}_{3body}$).
          \item Binning optimisation.
          \item Consider 2012($8~\TeV$) and 2011($7~\TeV$) data separately.
          \item Relative normalisation ($\PDs\to\Pphi(\Pmu\Pmu)\Ppi$).
          \item Invariant mass fit for expected background in each likelihood bin: fit in $\left| m-m_{\Ptau} \right| >\unit{30}{\MeV}$.
          \item ``middle sidebands'' for classifier evaluation and tests: ($\unit{20}{\MeV}<\left| m-m_{\Ptau}\right| <\unit{30}{\MeV}$).
          \item CLs for limit calculation.

        \frametitle{$\color{white} \tau$ production}
          \item $\Ptau$'s in LHCb come from five main sources:
\begin{tabular}{| c | c | c | }
  Mode & $7~\TeV$ & $8~\TeV$ \\ \hline
  Prompt $\PDs\to\Ptau$  & $71.1\pm3.0\,\%$ & $72.4\pm2.7\,\%$ \\
  Prompt $\PDplus\to\Ptau$  & $4.1\pm0.8\,\%$  & $4.2\pm0.7\,\%$ \\
  Non-prompt $\PDs\to\Ptau$ & $9.0\pm2.0\,\%$ & $8.5\pm1.7\,\%$ \\
  Non-prompt $\PDplus\to\Ptau$ &  $0.18\pm0.04\,\%$  & $0.17\pm0.04\,\%$ \\
  $X_{\Pbottom}\to\Ptau$   & $15.5\pm2.7\,\%$  & $14.7\pm2.3\,\%$ \\ \hline

            \item There is no measurement of $\mathcal{B}(\PDplus\to\Ptau)$.
            \item One can calculate it from: $\mathcal{B}(\PDplus\to\Pmu\Pnum)$ + helicity suppression + phase space.
            \item \texttt{hep-ex:0604043}.
            \item $\mathcal{B}(\PDplus\to\Ptau\Pnut)=(1.0\pm0.1) \times10^{-3}$.
        \frametitle{Triggers at LHCb}
\item LHCb uses complex trigger\footnote{\href{}{\color{blue}arxiv 1211.3055}}
\item $\mathcal{O}(100)$ trigger lines.
\item Lines change with data taking.
\item Optimized choice of triggers based on $\dfrac{s}{\sqrt{b}}$ FOM.
\item Evaluated different triggers used in 2012 data taking.
\item Found negligible differences in trigger efficiencies.
      \section{Multivariate technique}

        \frametitle{Geometric likelihood}
        \item As mentioned in LHC we have different production sources of $\Ptau$'s.
        \item Each source has different detector response signature.
        \item To maximise our performance we trained classifiers for each of the $\Ptau$ sources using:
        \item Kinematic properties of $\Ptau$ candidate.
        \item Geometric properties of $\Ptau$ candidate, like pointing angle, DOCA, Vertex $\chi^2$, flight distance.
        \item Isolations, for vertex and individual tracks.
        \item After training the individual classifiers one that combines all this information in a single classifier on mixed sample of $\Ptau$'s. 
        \item This technique is known as Blending or Ensemble learning.
        \item Using this approach we gain $6\%$ sensitivity!

        \frametitle{Performance of Blend classifier}
          \item Classifier prefers $\Ptau$'s from prompt $\PDs$, the dominant channel.
            \begin{exampleblock}{MC response for different\newline $\color{white} \tau$ production channels}
            \begin{exampleblock}{Response for $\color{white} D_s \rightarrow \phi\pi$\newline data and MC}

          \item Assume all differences between $\Ptau\to\Pmu\Pmu\Pmu$ and $\PDs\to\Pphi\Ppi$ come from kinematics (mass, resonance, decay time), which is correct in MC.
          \item Get correction $\PDs\leadsto\Ptau$ from MC.
          \item Apply corrections to $\PDs\to\Pphi\Ppi$ on data.
              \item $\PDs\to\Pphi\Ppi$ well modelled in MC.
                        %       \item[$\rightarrow$] i.e.\ also badly pointing non-prompt $\PDs$


\item Classifier trained on inclusive MC sample. 
\item Using information from: RICH, Calorimeters, Muon system and tracking.
\item Correct for the MC efficiency using control channel: $\PDs \to \Pphi(\Pmu\Pmu) \Ppi$ and $\PB \to \PJpsi(\Pmu\Pmu) \PK$
        \frametitle{Binning optimisation}
              \item Events are distributed among $\mathcal{M}_{3body}, \mathcal{M}_{PID}$ plane.
                \item In 2D we group the events in groups(bins)
                \item Bins are optimised using $CL_s$ method.
                \item The lowest bins are rejected, because they do not contribute to the limit sensitivity.
                \item In rest of the bins a fit to mass side-bands is performed in order to estimate number of expected background in signal window.



        \frametitle{Mass shape}
              \item Double-Gaussian with fixed fraction ($70\,\%$ inner Gaussian).
                \item Fix fraction to ease calibration.
                \item Correct mass by MC:\newline
              $\sigma_{data}^{\Ptau} = \frac{\sigma_{MC}^{\Ptau}}{\sigma_{MC}^{\PDs}}\times\sigma_{data}^{\PDs}$

           Calibrated $\Ptau$ Mass shape & 7~TeV & 8~TeV\\
           Mean ($\MeV$) & $1779.1 \pm 0.1$ & $1779.0 \pm 0.1$\\
           $\sigma_1$ ($\MeV$) & $7.7 \pm 0.1$ & $7.6 \pm 0.1$\\
           $\sigma_2$ ($\MeV$) & $12.0 \pm 0.8$ & $11.5 \pm 0.5$\\


       \frametitle{Relative normalisation}
       $\mathcal{B}(\Ptau\to\Pmu\Pmu\Pmu) = \frac{\mathcal{B}(\PDs\to\Pphi\Ppi)}{\mathcal{B}(\PDs\to\Ptau\Pnut)} \times f_{\PDs}^{\Ptau} \times \frac{\varepsilon_\text{norm}    }{\varepsilon_\text{sig}     }  \times \frac{N_\text{sig}}{N_\text{norm}} = \alpha\times N_\text{sig}$
           \item where $\varepsilon$ stands for trigger, reconstruction, selection efficiency.
          \item $f_{\PDs}^{\Ptau}$ is the fraction of $\Ptau$ coming from $\PDs$.
           \item $\text{norm}$ = normalisation channel $\PDs\to\Pphi\Ppi$
                        \newline i.e.\ $(83\pm3)\,\%$ for 2012.



          \item Most dominant: $\PDplus\to\PK\Ppi\Ppi$.
          \item Also seen $\PDplus\to\Ppi\Ppi\Ppi$ and $\PDs\to\Ppi\Ppi\Ppi$.
          \item All contained in the lowest $\mathcal{M}_{PID}$ bin.
         % \item Experience from last round: cut away \\low ProbNNmu range
         % \item Check remaining data under \\$\PK\Ppi\Ppi$ hypothesis for $\PDplus$ peak
        %  \item[$\Rightarrow$] misid safely contained in ``trash'' bin

        \frametitle{Dangerous backgrounds}
          \item $\Pphi\to\Pmu\Pmu + X$: narrow veto on dimuon mass.
          \item $\PDs\to\Peta(\Pmu\Pmu\Pphoton)\Pmu\Pnum$: not so easy:
              \item Model it
              \item \underline{Remove it} with dimuon mass cut:
              \item Fits better understood.
              \item Sensitivity unchanged when removing veto.
              \item Smaller uncertainty on expected background.  


        \frametitle{Remaining backgrounds}
            \item Fit exponential to invariant mass spectrum in each likelihood bin.
            \item Don't use blinded region ( $\pm \unit{30}{\MeV}$ ).
            \item[$\rightarrow$] Compatible results blinding only $\pm \unit{20}{\MeV}$\footnote{partially used in classifier development}
          Example of most sensitive regions in 2011 and 2012



    \section{Model dependence}

        \frametitle{Model dependence}
          \item $\Peta$ veto $\Rightarrow$ our limit not constraining to New Physics with small $m_{\APmuon\Pmuon}$.
          \item Model description in \href{}{\color{blue}\texttt{arXiv:0707.0988}} by S.Turczyk.
            \item 5 relevant Dalitz distributions: 2 four-point operators, 1 radiative operator, 2 interference terms.
              \item With radiative distribution limit gets worse by a factor of $1.5$ (dominantly from the $\Peta$ veto).
               \item The other four Dalitz distributions behave nicely (within $7\,\%$).

%  \begin{itemize}
%  \item Same models as in Z.Was \href{}{\color{blue}talk}
%  \end{itemize}
{~}\\ {~}\\  {~}\\  {~}\\ {~}\\


    %  \begin{frame}
    %    \frametitle{Conclusion}
    %    \begin{columns}
    %      \begin{column}{.55\textwidth}
    %    \begin{itemize}
    %        \item finally all pieces put together
    %          \item model (in)dependence of $\Peta$ veto investigated
    %          \item expected sensitivity computed\newline $5.6\times 10^{-8}$
    %    \end{itemize}
    %    \end{column}
    %    \begin{column}{.45\textwidth}
    %      \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{party-music-hd-wallpaper-1920x1200-3850.jpg}
    %    \end{column}
    %    \end{columns}

    %  \end{frame}




$\color{red}4.6~(5.0)\times 10^{-8}$ at $90\%$ CL\\
$\color{pink}5.6~(6.1)\times 10^{-8}$ at $95\%$ CL\\  

        \frametitle{"The Rule of Three"}
   %     \column{2.5in}
            \begin{alertblock}{ $\Ptau \to \Pmu \Pmu \Pmu$ limits ($ \color{white} 90\,\%$ CL)}

                \item[BaBar(FC)] $3.3\times 10^{-8}$
                \item[Belle(FC)] $2.1\times 10^{-8}$
                \item[LHCb(CLs)] $4.6\times 10^{-8}$
                \item[HFAG(CLs)] $1.2 \times 10^{-8}$
     {~}From A.Lusiani \href{}{\color{blue}talk}


 To conclude:
    \item LHCb updated $\Ptau \to \Pmu \Pmu \Pmu$ with full data set.
   	\item We are getting close to B-factories.
   	\item Thanks to 3 experiments we have a world limit: $\mathcal{B}(\Ptau \to \Pmu \Pmu \Pmu)< 1.2 \times 10^{-8}$ at 90\% CL.
