Presentations / Zurich_group / 07_07_2015 / mchrzasz.tex



\title[DY templates determination]{DY templates determination}
\author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz$^{1}$}
\institute{$^1$~University of Zurich}

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\author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz{~}}
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\begin{frame}\frametitle{Fast reminder}

\item On the previous meetings I have shown that I can perform fits to data, using two background templates and a signal template.
\item For that fits I used just the $\PZzero$ data template.
\item Since we are fitting the isolation variable:
\mu\mu_{\rm{iso}} = \log (\max (p_T^{\rm{cone}}(\mu^i,0.5)-p_T^{\rm{cone}}(\mu^i,0.1)), \mu^i \in \lbrace\mu^=,\mu^-\rbrace 
\item The isolation is mass dependent, so for each dimuon mass we need to have a new signal template.
\item Today on how to derive them.

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Nicola template}
\item Take DY MC, calculate the scaling factor between given mass bin and the $\PZzero$ mass bin.
\item Has problem later on for $4<y<4.5$ as there is very little $\PZzero$ in data.
\item Example of the scan.



\begin{frame}\frametitle{My template simple version}

\item Take DY MC, calculate the scaling factor between given bin and the template derived from the $\PZzero$ and $\PUpsilon(1S)$
\item We have lots of $\PUpsilon(1S)$ in data in $4<y<4.5$
\item Template before scaling is a linear combination of $\PUpsilon(1S)$ and $\PZzero$  templates. Considered using a $\log$ dependence but didn't find significance difference. 



\begin{frame}\frametitle{My template hard version}

\item Take DY MC, calculate the scaling factor between given bin and the template derived from the $\PZzero$ and $\PUpsilon(1S)$
\item but instead of just scaling the distribution, scale also the ration between bin 0 and the rest.
\item Now we fit two parameters.



\item In the fit we see that the second parameter is need to better describe the template.
\item This would be my default option after fixing the plotting bug ;)
\item After that do the fit and write down the note.
