Presentations / tau23mu_lhcb / Background_fits_veto / background_fits.tex
@mchrzasz mchrzasz on 9 Jan 2013 9 KB first commit
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\title{Background Fits for $\tau \rightarrow \mu \mu \mu$ with new vetos}  
\author{Marcin Chrzaszcz}



\institute{Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN}

\institute{IFJ PAN}

%tutaj mamy pierwsza strone


%normal slides
\section{Background Fits}


Cuts that were used previosly:
\item Trigger decision:
\item  L0Dec + Hlt1Dec + Hlt2Dec + cleaningcut 
\item Particle Identification:

\item Mass Cuts:
\item $mass(p0p1)>250MeV $
\item $abs(mass(p0p2-1020 MeV))>20MeV$
\item $abs(mass(p1p2-1020 MeV))>20MeV$
\item $\tau$ mass cut:
\item $mass(\tau) \in (1600-1950) MeV $




New cuts:
\item $ \eta$ cut:
$mass_p0p1>550 \wedge mass_p0p2>550 \wedge mass_p1p2>550$
\item $\omega$ cut:
$abs(mass_p0p1-782)>20 \wedge abs(mass_p0p1-782)>20 \wedge abs(mass_p0p1-782)>20$




The same bins =)

\textbf{PID} & \textbf{Geo} \\
$-0.03 $ &  $-1.0 $ \\
$-0.005 $ &  $0.116 $ \\
$0.03 $ &   $0.44 $ \\
$0.07 $ &  $0.616 $ \\
$1 $ &  $1.0 $ \\
\begin{block}{Please note colors in plots}





\begin{block}{NEW PLOTS!}

\newline	$Pid\in(0.005,0.03)$, $Geo\in(0.116,0.44)$
\newline	$Pid\in(0.005,0.03)$, $Geo\in(0.44, 0.616)$



\begin{block}{NEW PLOTS!}

\newline	$Pid\in(0.005,0.03)$, $Geo\in(-1,0.116)$
\newline	$Pid\in(-0.03,-0.005)$, $Geo\in(0.116,0.44)$



\begin{block}{NEW PLOTS!}

\newline	$Pid\in(-0.03,-0.005)$, $Geo\in(0.44,0.616)$
\newline	$Pid\in(-0.03,-0.005)$, $Geo\in(-1,0.116)$



\begin{block}{NEW PLOTS!}

\newline	$Pid\in(0.03,0.07)$, $Geo\in(0.116,0.44)$
\newline	$Pid\in(0.03,0.07)$, $Geo\in(0.44,0.616)$



\begin{block}{NEW PLOTS!}

\newline	$Pid\in(0.03,0.07)$, $Geo\in(0.616,1)$
\newline	$Pid\in(0.03,0.07)$, $Geo\in(-1,0.116)$



\begin{block}{NEW PLOTS!}

\newline	$Pid\in(0.07,1)$, $Geo\in(0.116,0.44)$
\newline	$Pid\in(0.07,1)$, $Geo\in(0.44, 0.616)$



\begin{block}{NEW PLOTS!}

\newline	$Pid\in(0.07,1)$, $Geo\in(0.616,1)$
\newline	$Pid\in(0.07,1)$, $Geo\in(-1, 0.116)$


\subsection{Estimated background}

\begin{frame}\frametitle{OLD NUMBERS!!!}
Background was calculated for every region depending on the background fit.

\textbf{PID} & \textbf{GL}  & \textbf{Linear} & \textbf{Error lin } & \textbf{EXP} & \textbf{Error. Exp}\\

 $ 0.03 , 0.07 $ & $ -1.0 , 0.116 $ & $225.286975$ & $3.720377$ & $214.762667$ & $6.453331$  \\
 $ 0.03 , 0.07 $ & $ 0.116 , 0.44 $ & $25.334704$ & $0.730938$ & $22.658613$ & $3.382960$  \\ 
 $ 0.03 , 0.07 $ & $ 0.440 , 0.616 $ & $6.315243$ & $0.557466$ & $6.259470$ & $0.429338$  \\ 
 $ 0.03 , 0.07 $ & $ 0.616 , 1.0 $ & $2.101699$ & $0.879121$ & $1.433717$ & $1.249549$  \\
$ 0.07, 1.0 $ & $ -1.0 , 0.1160 $ & $112.765871$ & $3.022240$ & $106.582612$ & $4.852854$  \\ 
 $ 0.07 , 1.0 $ & $ 0.116 , 0.44 $ & $15.177247$ & $0.424522$ & $10.128789$ & $3.232027$  \\
$ 0.07 , 1.0 $ & $ 0.440 , 0.616 $ & $4.828111$ & $0.422406$ & $4.066456$ & $1.435559$  \\
 $ 0.07 , 1.0 $ & $ 0.616 , 1.0 $ & $3.871274$ & $1.701825$ & $3.372127$ & $1.346100$  \\



\begin{frame}\frametitle{OLD NUMBERS!!!}
Background was calculated for every region depending on the background fit.

\textbf{PID} & \textbf{GL}  & \textbf{Linear} & \textbf{Error lin } & \textbf{EXP} & \textbf{Error. Exp}\\
 $ -0.03 , -0.005 $ & $ -1.0 , 0.116 $ & $612.985455$ & $4.573560$ & $607.080395$ & $4.679320$  \\ 
 $ -0.03 , -0.005 $ & $ 0.116 , 0.44 $ & $46.384177$ & $1.931014$ & $46.008803$ & $1.470308$  \\
 $ -0.03 , -0.005 $ & $ 0.440 , 0.616 $ & $14.350158$ & $0.839352$ & $11.075469$ & $3.081886$  \\
  $ -0.03 , -0.005 $ & $ 0.616 , 1.0 $ & $5.339882$ & $0.935613$ & $2.725763$ & $1.714949$  \\
 $ -0.005 , 0.03 $ & $ -1.0 , 0.116 $ & $395.550331$ & $3.384968$ & $390.678139$ & $4.435397$  \\
 $ -0.005 , 0.03 $ & $ 0.116 , 0.44 $ & $40.271819$ & $0.894326$ & $34.112630$ & $4.623346$  \\ 
 $ -0.005 , 0.03 $ & $ 0.44 , 0.616 $ & $7.858009$ & $0.613963$ & $7.350912$ & $1.218388$  \\ 
 $ -0.005 , 0.03 $ & $ 0.616 , 1.0 $ & $6.566649$ & $0.848413$ & $5.702969$ & $1.848043$  \\ 


\begin{frame}\frametitle{NEW NUMBERS!!!}
Background was calculated for every region depending on the background fit.

\textbf{PID} & \textbf{GL}  & \textbf{Linear} & \textbf{Error lin } & \textbf{EXP} & \textbf{Error. Exp}\\

$ -0.03 , -0.005 $ & $ -1.00 , 0.116 $ & $364.451433$ & $6.578414$ & $358.887887$ & $3.854542$  \\
  $ -0.03 , -0.005 $ & $ 0.116 , 0.44 $ & $30.721115$ & $1.560252$ & $30.334607$ & $1.003437$  \\ 
 $ -0.03 , -0.005 $ & $ 0.44 , 0.616 $ & $5.768744$ & $0.169079$ & $4.344005$ & $1.671587$  \\ 
 $ -0.03 , -0.005 $ & $ 0.616 , 1.0 $ & $2.856697$ & $46.196577$ & $0.834367$ & $0.759460$  \\
$ -0.005 , 0.03 $ & $ -1.00 , 0.116 $ & $236.601573$ & $4.586996$ & $229.479154$ & $4.552825$  \\ 
$ -0.005 , 0.03 $ & $ 0.116 , 0.44 $ & $18.734881$ & $0.628779$ & $18.351992$ & $1.257250$  \\
$ -0.005 , 0.03 $ & $ 0.440 , 0.616 $ & $5.208935$ & $3432.133811$ & $3.771128$ & $1.521983$  \\
 $ -0.005 , 0.03 $ & $ 0.616 , 1.0 $ & $2.474269$ & $0.204744$ & $1.976373$ & $1.100765$  \\



\begin{frame}\frametitle{NEW NUMBERS!!!}
Background was calculated for every region depending on the background fit.

\textbf{PID} & \textbf{GL}  & \textbf{Linear} & \textbf{Error lin } & \textbf{EXP} & \textbf{Error. Exp}\\
 $ 0.03 , 0.0700 $ & $ -1.0 , 0.116 $ & $132.329737$ & $3.470622$ & $124.636453$ & $4.678309$  \\ 
$ 0.03 , 0.070 $ & $ 0.116 , 0.440 $ & $11.926013$ & $1.241367$ & $11.342059$ & $1.410772$  \\
$ 0.030 , 0.070 $ & $ 0.44 , 0.616 $ & $2.927904$ & $0.341608$ & $2.321587$ & $1.105419$  \\
 $ 0.030, 0.07 $ & $ 0.44 , 0.616 $ & $2.927904$ & $0.341608$ & $2.321587$ & $1.105419$  \\
$ 0.07, 1.0 $ & $ -1.0 , 0.116 $ & $66.990704$ & $2.829629$ & $64.333774$ & $2.731670$  \\
$ 0.07 , 1.0 $ & $ 0.116 , 0.44 $ & $7.995978$ & $0.974813$ & $7.865325$ & $0.816167$  \\ 
$ 0.07 , 1.00 $ & $ 0.44 , 0.616 $ & $3.146356$ & $0.000000$ & $1.206581$ & $1.058452$  \\ 
 $ 0.07 , 1.0 $ & $ 0.616 , 1.00 $ & $1.020250$ & $0.002674$ & $0.996967$ & $0.331870$  \\ 



If you have any questions, comments:
