Presentations / Kstmumu / RD_bckMC_24_09_2013 / group_meeting.tex
@mchrzasz mchrzasz on 10 Oct 2013 11 KB update before changing laptops
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% title slide definition
\title{Simulation of the background for analyses with ew-penguin.}
%\subtitle{a bias report}
\author{ Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz$^{1,2}$ ,  Nicola Serra$^{1}$ }
\institute[UTH, IFJ]
$ ^1$ University of Zurich , $ ^2$ Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow,  

\date{ \begin{small} $25^{th}$ September 2013 \end{small}}

%                           Introduction




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%                          OUTLINE


%                          Introduction
% Set the background for the rest of the slides.
% Insert infoline

\title{Update on analysis}



\section{Quo Vadis $\PB \to \PKstar \mu \mu$}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Quo Vadis $\PB \to \PKstar \mu \mu$}
	\item We would like to propose to generate MC bck in order to address the following issues:
	\item Background for which the invariant mass and the angular distributions are correlated (we have been working on the assumption that these backgrounds are negligibly small).\\
	 Ex. $\PB \to \mu X \PD(\mu X)$.
	\item Stripping could be improved by using a Multivariate technique, the main inefficiency comes from a lifetime cut. 
\item A possible solutions to the following issues:
\item Look for backgrounds using a large sample of MC background.
\item For next round of stripping we would like to prepare a stripping based on MVA to gain a bit on efficiency.


	\textref {M.Chrz\k{a}szcz, N.Serra 2013}

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Improving the selection }

	\item Till now BDT was trained on data using $\PB \to \PKstar \PJpsi$.
	\item Can not use this for stripping because it already passed the stripping \smiley
	\item Plan would be use MC to train MVA that would be used in February for stripping.
	\item This could really buy us sensitivity. Need to keep in mind that CMS in 2012 re-optimised the trigger for this channel.
	\item We should make the most of our data.
	\textref {M.Chrz\k{a}szcz, N.Serra 2013}


"We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them."

	\item We never verified the background composition with a large MC production, we believe it should be done for the next analysis 
	\item If we have some exponentially leaking bck this could easily mess up our distribution of angles.
	\item If we had a sample of $\sim 0.5fb^{-1}$ this could give us an first idea of if can sleep at night.
	\item I am now concentrating on K*mm, but the same arguments can be made for $\sim$ all EW penguin analysis

	\textref {M.Chrz\k{a}szcz, N.Serra 2013}
\section{MC generator cuts}

\begin{frame}\frametitle{MC generator cuts.}
\item Following approach from $\tau \to 3 \mu$, one can put some generator level cuts to gain on the efficiency.
  \begin{tabular}{ | c | c || l | c |}
    \multicolumn{4}{|c| }{DiMuon MC} \\
    \multicolumn{2}{|c|| }{$\tau \to 3 \mu$} & \multicolumn{2}{|c| }{EW} \\ \hline \hline
    $p_{t\mu}$ & $>290MeV$ & $p_{t\mu}$ & $>0MeV$ \\ \hline
    $p_{\mu}$ & $>2.9GeV$ & $p_{\mu}$ & $>2.9GeV$ \\    \hline
   $M(\mu\mu) $&$<4.5GeV$ & $m(\mu\mu)$ & $<5.1GeV$\\  \hline  
  DOCA$(\mu\mu)$ & $<0.35mm$ & DOCA$(\mu\mu)$ & $<0.30mm$\\ \hline

	\textref {M.Chrz\k{a}szcz, N.Serra 2013}

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Is MC useful?}
\item Based on just $12pb^{-1}$ of cuts specific for $tau\to3\mu$:



	\textref {M.Chrz\k{a}szcz, N.Serra 2013}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Our proposal}
\item The purpose of this talk is to provoke discussion (that probably will continue offline) and see if people agree on the usefulness of this sample, we are convinced it is extremely important for K*mm and the other EW analyses but also few other rare decays might profit from it.

\item Take the proposed generation cuts as a draft proposal, of course we are very open to discussions. We already thought about:
\item Veto $\PJpsi$.
\item $P_t$ cut on only one $\mu$.
\item Only opposite $\mu$s
\item Any smart ideas?
\item but if possible we have the gut feeling this sample should be as unbias as possible 
\item We would ask for 2 samples:
\item $\sim20M$ of "pure" MC, or with dummy stripping.
\item Rest with filtered production.


	\textref {M.Chrz\k{a}szcz, N.Serra 2013}
