Master_thesis / thesis / title-LHCb-ANA.tex
% $Id: title-LHCb-ANA.tex 39841 2013-07-26 10:31:08Z roldeman $
% ===============================================================================
% Purpose: LHCb-ANA Note title page template
% Author: 
% Created on: 2010-10-05
% ===============================================================================

%%%%%  TITLE PAGE  %%%%%%

% Header ---------------------------------------------------

\ifthenelse{\boolean{pdflatex}}% Logo format choice
{\vspace*{-1.2cm}\mbox{\!\!\!\includegraphics[width=.14\textwidth]{figs/lhcb-logo.pdf}} & &}%
{\vspace*{-1.2cm}\mbox{\!\!\!\includegraphics[width=.12\textwidth]{figs/lhcb-logo.eps}} & &}
 & & LHCb-ANA-20XX-YYY \\  % ID 
 & & \today \\ % Date - Can also hardwire e.g.: 23 March 2010
 & & \\


% Title --------------------------------------------------
% DO NOT EDIT HERE. Instead edit macro in main.tex to keep metadata correct


% Authors -------------------------------------------------
% If changing to list here, make pdfauthors in main.tex a comma
% separated list with the same names. Otherwise metadata in file will be wrong.
$ ^1$Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom\\


% Abstract -----------------------------------------------
  Guidelines for the preparation of LHCb documents are given. This is
  a ``living'' document, that should reflect our current practice. It
  is expected that these guidelines are implemented for papers already
  before they go into the first collaboration wide review. Please
  contact the Editorial Board chair if you have suggestions for



\pagestyle{empty}  % no page number for the title 

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