% $Id: title-LHCb-INT.tex $ % =============================================================================== % Purpose: LHCb-INT Note title page template % Author: P. Koppenburg % Created on: 2015-05-18 % =============================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% TITLE PAGE %%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{titlepage} % Header --------------------------------------------------- \vspace*{-1.5cm} \noindent \begin{tabular*}{\linewidth}{lc@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r@{\extracolsep{0pt}}} \ifthenelse{\boolean{pdflatex}}% Logo format choice {\vspace*{-1.2cm}\mbox{\!\!\!\includegraphics[width=.14\textwidth]{figs/lhcb-logo.pdf}} & &}% {\vspace*{-1.2cm}\mbox{\!\!\!\includegraphics[width=.12\textwidth]{figs/lhcb-logo.eps}} & &} \\ & & LHCb-INT-20XX-YYY \\ % ID & & \today \\ % Date - Can also hardwire e.g.: 23 March 2010 & & \\ \hline \end{tabular*} \vspace*{4.0cm} % Title -------------------------------------------------- {\normalfont\bfseries\boldmath\huge \begin{center} % DO NOT EDIT HERE. Instead edit macro in main.tex to keep metadata correct \papertitle \end{center} } \vspace*{2.0cm} % Authors ------------------------------------------------- \begin{center} % If changing to list here, make pdfauthors in main.tex a comma % separated list with the same names. Otherwise metadata in file will be wrong. \paperauthors$^1$. \bigskip\\ {\normalfont\itshape\footnotesize $ ^1$Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom\\ } \end{center} \vspace{\fill} % Abstract ----------------------------------------------- \begin{abstract} \noindent Abstract \end{abstract} \vspace*{2.0cm} \vspace{\fill} \end{titlepage} \pagestyle{empty} % no page number for the title %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% EOD OF TITLE PAGE %%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % empty page follows the title page ---- \newpage \setcounter{page}{2} \mbox{~} \cleardoublepage