Master_thesis /
@Sascha Liechti Sascha Liechti on 18 Jun 2019 27 KB ...
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

# # Import

# In[ ]:

import os

# os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1"

import numpy as np
from pdg_const import pdg
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle as pkl
import sys
import time
from helperfunctions import display_time, prepare_plot
import cmath as c
import scipy.integrate as integrate
from scipy.optimize import fminbound
from array import array as arr
import collections
from itertools import compress
import tensorflow as tf
import zfit
from zfit import ztf
from IPython.display import clear_output
import os
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
tfd = tfp.distributions

# In[ ]:

# chunksize = 1000000
# = True
# = chunksize

# # Build model and graphs
# ## Create graphs

# In[ ]:

def formfactor( q2, subscript): #returns real value
    #check if subscript is viable

    if subscript != "0" and subscript != "+" and subscript != "T":
        raise ValueError('Wrong subscript entered, choose either 0, + or T')

    #get constants

    mK = ztf.constant(pdg['Ks_M'])
    mbstar0 = ztf.constant(pdg["mbstar0"])
    mbstar = ztf.constant(pdg["mbstar"])
    b0 = ztf.constant(pdg["b0"])
    bplus = ztf.constant(pdg["bplus"])
    bT = ztf.constant(pdg["bT"])

    mmu = ztf.constant(pdg['muon_M'])
    mb = ztf.constant(pdg['bquark_M'])
    ms = ztf.constant(pdg['squark_M'])
    mB = ztf.constant(pdg['Bplus_M'])

    #N comes from derivation in paper

    N = 3

    #some helperfunctions

    tpos = (mB - mK)**2
    tzero = (mB + mK)*(ztf.sqrt(mB)-ztf.sqrt(mK))**2

    z_oben = ztf.sqrt(tpos - q2) - ztf.sqrt(tpos - tzero)
    z_unten = ztf.sqrt(tpos - q2) + ztf.sqrt(tpos - tzero)
    z = tf.divide(z_oben, z_unten)

    #calculate f0

    if subscript == "0":
        prefactor = 1/(1 - q2/(mbstar0**2))
        _sum = 0

        for i in range(N):
            _sum += b0[i]*(tf.pow(z,i))

        return tf.complex(prefactor * _sum, ztf.constant(0.0))

    #calculate f+ or fT

        prefactor = 1/(1 - q2/(mbstar**2))
        _sum = 0

        if subscript == "T":
            b = bT
            b = bplus

        for i in range(N):
            _sum += b[i] * (tf.pow(z, i) - ((-1)**(i-N)) * (i/N) * tf.pow(z, N))

        return tf.complex(prefactor * _sum, ztf.constant(0.0))

def resonance(q, _mass, width, phase, scale):

    q2 = tf.pow(q, 2)

    mmu = ztf.constant(pdg['muon_M'])

    p = 0.5 * ztf.sqrt(q2 - 4*(mmu**2))

    p0 =  0.5 * ztf.sqrt(_mass**2 - 4*mmu**2)

    gamma_j = tf.divide(p, q) * _mass * width / p0

    #Calculate the resonance

    _top = tf.complex(_mass * width, ztf.constant(0.0))

    _bottom = tf.complex(_mass**2 - q2, -_mass*gamma_j)

    com = _top/_bottom

    #Rotate by the phase

    r = ztf.to_complex(scale*tf.abs(com))

    _phase = tf.angle(com)

    _phase += phase

    com = r * tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), _phase))

    return com

def bifur_gauss(q, mean, sigma_L, sigma_R, scale):

    _exp = tf.where(q < mean, ztf.exp(- tf.pow((q-mean),2) / (2 * sigma_L**2)), ztf.exp(- tf.pow((q-mean),2) / (2 * sigma_R**2)))

    #Scale so the total area under curve is 1 and the top of the cusp is continuous

    dgamma = scale*_exp/(ztf.sqrt(2*np.pi))*2*(sigma_L*sigma_R)/(sigma_L+sigma_R)

    com = ztf.complex(dgamma, ztf.constant(0.0))

    return com

def axiv_nonres(q):

    GF = ztf.constant(pdg['GF'])
    alpha_ew = ztf.constant(pdg['alpha_ew'])
    Vtb = ztf.constant(pdg['Vtb'])
    Vts = ztf.constant(pdg['Vts'])
    C10eff = ztf.constant(pdg['C10eff'])

    mmu = ztf.constant(pdg['muon_M'])
    mb = ztf.constant(pdg['bquark_M'])
    ms = ztf.constant(pdg['squark_M'])
    mK = ztf.constant(pdg['Ks_M'])
    mB = ztf.constant(pdg['Bplus_M'])

    q2 = tf.pow(q, 2)

    #Some helperfunctions

    beta = ztf.sqrt(tf.abs(1. - 4. * mmu**2. / q2))

    kabs = ztf.sqrt(mB**2. +tf.pow(q2, 2)/mB**2. + mK**4./mB**2. - 2. * (mB**2. * mK**2. + mK**2. * q2 + mB**2. * q2) / mB**2.)

    #prefactor in front of whole bracket

    prefactor1 = GF**2. *alpha_ew**2. * (tf.abs(Vtb*Vts))**2. * kabs * beta / (128. * np.pi**5.)

    #left term in bracket

    bracket_left = 2./3. * kabs**2. * beta**2. *tf.abs(tf.complex(C10eff, ztf.constant(0.0))*formfactor(q2, "+"))**2.

    #middle term in bracket

    _top = 4. * mmu**2. * (mB**2. - mK**2.) * (mB**2. - mK**2.)

    _under = q2 * mB**2.

    bracket_middle = _top/_under *tf.pow(tf.abs(tf.complex(C10eff, ztf.constant(0.0)) * formfactor(q2, "0")), 2)

    #Note sqrt(q2) comes from derivation as we use q2 and plot q

    return prefactor1 * (bracket_left + bracket_middle) * 2 *ztf.sqrt(q2)

def vec(q, funcs):
    q2 = tf.pow(q, 2)

    GF = ztf.constant(pdg['GF'])
    alpha_ew = ztf.constant(pdg['alpha_ew'])
    Vtb = ztf.constant(pdg['Vtb'])
    Vts = ztf.constant(pdg['Vts'])
    C7eff = ztf.constant(pdg['C7eff'])

    mmu = ztf.constant(pdg['muon_M'])
    mb = ztf.constant(pdg['bquark_M'])
    ms = ztf.constant(pdg['squark_M'])
    mK = ztf.constant(pdg['Ks_M'])
    mB = ztf.constant(pdg['Bplus_M'])

    #Some helperfunctions

    beta = ztf.sqrt(tf.abs(1. - 4. * mmu**2. / q2))

    kabs = ztf.sqrt(mB**2. + tf.pow(q2, 2)/mB**2. + mK**4./mB**2. - 2 * (mB**2 * mK**2 + mK**2 * q2 + mB**2 * q2) / mB**2)

    #prefactor in front of whole bracket

    prefactor1 = GF**2. *alpha_ew**2. * (tf.abs(Vtb*Vts))**2 * kabs * beta / (128. * np.pi**5.)

    #right term in bracket

    prefactor2 = kabs**2 * (1. - 1./3. * beta**2)

    abs_bracket = tf.abs(c9eff(q, funcs) * formfactor(q2, "+") + tf.complex(2.0 * C7eff * (mb + ms)/(mB + mK), ztf.constant(0.0)) * formfactor(q2, "T"))**2

    bracket_right = prefactor2 * abs_bracket

    #Note sqrt(q2) comes from derivation as we use q2 and plot q

    return prefactor1 * bracket_right * 2 * ztf.sqrt(q2)

def c9eff(q, funcs):

    C9eff_nr = tf.complex(ztf.constant(pdg['C9eff']), ztf.constant(0.0))

    c9 = C9eff_nr

    c9 = c9 + funcs

    return c9

# In[ ]:

def G(y):
    def inner_rect_bracket(q):
        return tf.log(ztf.to_complex((1+tf.sqrt(q))/(1-tf.sqrt(q)))-tf.complex(ztf.constant(0), -1*ztf.constant(np.pi)))    
    def inner_right(q):
        return ztf.to_complex(2 * tf.atan(1/tf.sqrt(-q)))
    big_bracket = tf.where(y > ztf.const(0.0), inner_rect_bracket(y), inner_right(y))
    return ztf.to_complex(tf.sqrt(tf.abs(y))) * big_bracket

def h_S(m, q):
    return ztf.to_complex(2) - G(ztf.to_complex(1) - 4*tf.pow(m, 2) / ztf.to_complex(tf.pow(q, 2)))

def h_P(m,q):
    return ztf.to_complex(2/3) + (ztf.to_complex(1) - 4*tf.pow(m, 2) / ztf.to_complex(tf.pow(q, 2))) * h_S(m,q)

def two_p_ccbar(mD, m_D_bar, m_D_star, q):
    #Load constants
    nu_D_bar = ztf.to_complex(pdg["nu_D_bar"])
    nu_D = ztf.to_complex(pdg["nu_D"])
    nu_D_star = ztf.to_complex(pdg["nu_D_star"])
    phase_D_bar = ztf.to_complex(pdg["phase_D_bar"])
    phase_D = ztf.to_complex(pdg["phase_D"])
    phase_D_star = ztf.to_complex(pdg["phase_D_star"])
    left_part =  nu_D_bar * tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), phase_D_bar)) * h_S(m_D_bar, q) 
    right_part_D = nu_D * tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), phase_D)) * h_P(m_D, q) 
    right_part_D_star = nu_D_star * tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), phase_D_star)) * h_P(m_D_star, q) 

    return left_part + right_part_D + right_part_D_star

# ## Build pdf

# In[ ]:

class total_pdf(zfit.pdf.ZPDF):
    _N_OBS = 1  # dimension, can be omitted
    _PARAMS = ['jpsi_mass', 'jpsi_scale', 'jpsi_phase', 'jpsi_width',
                'psi2s_mass', 'psi2s_scale', 'psi2s_phase', 'psi2s_width'#,
                #'cusp_mass', 'sigma_L', 'sigma_R', 'cusp_scale'
                ]  # the name of the parameters

    def _unnormalized_pdf(self, x):
        x = x.unstack_x()

        def jpsi_res(q):
            return resonance(q, _mass = self.params['jpsi_mass'], scale = self.params['jpsi_scale'], phase = self.params['jpsi_phase'], width = self.params['jpsi_width'])

        def psi2s_res(q):
            return resonance(q, _mass = self.params['psi2s_mass'], scale = self.params['psi2s_scale'], phase = self.params['psi2s_phase'], width = self.params['psi2s_width'])

        def cusp(q):
            return bifur_gauss(q, mean = self.params['cusp_mass'], sigma_L = self.params['sigma_L'], sigma_R = self.params['sigma_R'], scale = self.params['cusp_scale'])

        funcs = jpsi_res(x) + psi2s_res(x) #+ cusp(x)

        vec_f = vec(x, funcs)

        axiv_nr = axiv_nonres(x)

        tot = vec_f + axiv_nr

        return tot

# ## Load data

# In[ ]:

x_min = 2*pdg['muon_M']
x_max = (pdg["Bplus_M"]-pdg["Ks_M"]-0.1)

obs = zfit.Space('q', limits = (x_min, x_max))

# with open(r"./data/slim_points/slim_points_toy_0_range({0}-{1}).pkl".format(int(x_min), int(x_max)), "rb") as input_file:
#     part_set = pkl.load(input_file)

# x_part = part_set['x_part']

# x_part = x_part.astype('float64')

# data =, obs=obs)

# ## Setup parameters

# In[ ]:


jpsi_mass, jpsi_width, jpsi_phase, jpsi_scale = pdg["jpsi"]
# jpsi_scale *= pdg["factor_jpsi"]

jpsi_m = zfit.Parameter("jpsi_m", ztf.constant(jpsi_mass), floating = False)
jpsi_w = zfit.Parameter("jpsi_w", ztf.constant(jpsi_width), floating = False)
jpsi_p = zfit.Parameter("jpsi_p", ztf.constant(jpsi_phase), floating = False)
jpsi_s = zfit.Parameter("jpsi_s", ztf.constant(jpsi_scale))


psi2s_mass, psi2s_width, psi2s_phase, psi2s_scale = pdg["psi2s"]

psi2s_m = zfit.Parameter("psi2s_m", ztf.constant(psi2s_mass), floating = False)
psi2s_w = zfit.Parameter("psi2s_w", ztf.constant(psi2s_width), floating = False)
psi2s_p = zfit.Parameter("psi2s_p", ztf.constant(psi2s_phase), floating = False)
psi2s_s = zfit.Parameter("psi2s_s", ztf.constant(psi2s_scale))


# cusp_mass, sigma_R, sigma_L, cusp_scale = 3550, 3e-7, 200, 0

# cusp_m = zfit.Parameter("cusp_m", ztf.constant(cusp_mass), floating = False)
# sig_L = zfit.Parameter("sig_L", ztf.constant(sigma_L), floating = False)
# sig_R = zfit.Parameter("sig_R", ztf.constant(sigma_R), floating = False)
# cusp_s = zfit.Parameter("cusp_s", ztf.constant(cusp_scale), floating = False)

# ## Setup pdf

# In[ ]:

total_f = total_pdf(obs=obs, jpsi_mass = jpsi_m, jpsi_scale = jpsi_s, jpsi_phase = jpsi_p, jpsi_width = jpsi_w,
            psi2s_mass = psi2s_m, psi2s_scale = psi2s_s, psi2s_phase = psi2s_p, psi2s_width = psi2s_w)#,
            #cusp_mass = cusp_m, sigma_L = sig_L, sigma_R = sig_R, cusp_scale = cusp_s) 
# print(total_pdf.obs)

# ## Test if graphs actually work and compute values

# In[ ]:

def total_test_tf(xq):

    def jpsi_res(q):
        return resonance(q, jpsi_m, jpsi_s, jpsi_p, jpsi_w)

    def psi2s_res(q):
        return resonance(q, psi2s_m, psi2s_s, psi2s_p, psi2s_w)

    def cusp(q):
        return bifur_gauss(q, cusp_m, sig_L, sig_R, cusp_s)

    funcs = jpsi_res(xq) + psi2s_res(xq) + cusp(xq)

    vec_f = vec(xq, funcs)

    axiv_nr = axiv_nonres(xq)

    tot = vec_f + axiv_nr
    return tot

def jpsi_res(q):
    return resonance(q, jpsi_m, jpsi_s, jpsi_p, jpsi_w)

# calcs =

test_q = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, 200000)

probs = total_f.pdf(test_q)

calcs_test =
res_y =
f0_y =,"0"))
fplus_y =,"+"))
fT_y =,"T"))

# In[ ]:

# plt.plot(x_part, calcs, '.')
plt.plot(test_q, calcs_test, label = 'pdf')
# plt.plot(test_q, f0_y, label = '0')
# plt.plot(test_q, fT_y, label = 'T')
# plt.plot(test_q, fplus_y, label = '+')
# plt.plot(test_q, res_y, label = 'res')
# plt.ylim(0.0, 6e-6)
# plt.xlim(3080, 3110)
# print(jpsi_width)

# In[ ]:

dtype = tf.float64
mixture = tfd.MixtureSameFamily(mixture_distribution=tfd.Categorical(probs=[tf.constant(0.007, dtype=dtype),
                                                                        tf.constant(0.965, dtype=dtype),
                                                                        tf.constant(0.04, dtype=dtype),
                                                                        tf.constant(0.03, dtype=dtype),
                                                                        tf.constant(0.006, dtype=dtype)]),
                            components_distribution=tfd.Uniform(low=[tf.constant(x_min, dtype=dtype), 
                                                                     tf.constant(3092, dtype=dtype),
                                                                     tf.constant(3682, dtype=dtype), 
                                                                     tf.constant(3070, dtype=dtype),
                                                                     tf.constant(3660, dtype=dtype)], 
                                                                high=[tf.constant(x_max, dtype=dtype),
                                                                      tf.constant(3100, dtype=dtype), 
                                                                      tf.constant(3690, dtype=dtype),
                                                                      tf.constant(3110, dtype=dtype), 
                                                                      tf.constant(3710, dtype=dtype)]))

# probs = mixture.prob(test_q)
# probs_np =
# probs_np *= np.max(calcs_test) / np.max(probs_np)
# plt.figure()
# plt.semilogy(test_q, probs_np,label="importance sampling")
# plt.semilogy(test_q, calcs_test, label = 'pdf')

# ## Adjust scaling of different parts

# In[ ]:

# total_f.update_integration_options(draws_per_dim=20000000, mc_sampler=None)
# inte = total_f.integrate(limits = (3080, 3112), norm_range=False)
# inte_fl =
# print(inte_fl)
# print(pdg["jpsi_BR"]/pdg["NR_BR"], inte_fl*pdg["psi2s_auc"]/pdg["NR_auc"])

# In[ ]:

# print("jpsi:", inte_fl)
# print("Increase am by factor:", np.sqrt(pdg["jpsi_BR"]/pdg["NR_BR"]*pdg["NR_auc"]/inte_fl))
# print("New amp:", pdg["jpsi"][3]*np.sqrt(pdg["jpsi_BR"]/pdg["NR_BR"]*pdg["NR_auc"]/inte_fl))

# print("psi2s:", inte_fl)
# print("Increase am by factor:", np.sqrt(pdg["psi2s_BR"]/pdg["NR_BR"]*pdg["NR_auc"]/inte_fl))
# print("New amp:", pdg["psi2s"][3]*np.sqrt(pdg["psi2s_BR"]/pdg["NR_BR"]*pdg["NR_auc"]/inte_fl))

# print(x_min)
# print(x_max)
# # total_f.update_integration_options(draws_per_dim=2000000, mc_sampler=None)
# total_f.update_integration_options(mc_sampler=lambda dim, num_results,
#                                     dtype: tf.random_uniform(maxval=1., shape=(num_results, dim), dtype=dtype),
#                                    draws_per_dim=1000000)
# # _ = []

# # for i in range(10):

# #     inte = total_f.integrate(limits = (x_min, x_max))
# #     inte_fl =
# #     print(inte_fl)
# #     _.append(inte_fl)

# # print("mean:", np.mean(_))

# _ = time.time()

# inte = total_f.integrate(limits = (x_min, x_max))
# inte_fl =
# print(inte_fl)
# print("Time taken: {}".format(display_time(int(time.time() - _))))

# ## Tensorflow scaling

# In[ ]:

# def scaling_func(x):

#     funcs = resonance(x, _mass = ztf.constant(jpsi_mass), scale = ztf.constant(jpsi_scale), phase = ztf.constant(jpsi_phase), width = ztf.constant(jpsi_width)) + resonance(x, _mass = ztf.constant(psi2s_mass), scale = ztf.constant(psi2s_scale), phase = ztf.constant(psi2s_phase), width = ztf.constant(psi2s_width))

#     vec_f = vec(x, funcs)

#     axiv_nr = axiv_nonres(x)

#     tot = vec_f + axiv_nr

#     return tot

# def s_func(x):
#     q = ztf.constant(x)
#     return

# print(integrate.quad(s_func, x_min, x_max, limit = 50))

# In[ ]:

# factor_jpsi = pdg["NR_auc"]*pdg["jpsi_BR"]/(pdg["NR_BR"]*pdg["jpsi_auc"])
# factor_jpsi = pdg["NR_auc"]*pdg["jpsi_BR"]/(pdg["NR_BR"]*inte_fl)
# print(np.sqrt(factor_jpsi)*jpsi_scale)
# print(np.sqrt(factor_jpsi))
# # print(psi2s_scale)
# factor_psi2s = pdg["NR_auc"]*pdg["psi2s_BR"]/(pdg["NR_BR"]*pdg["psi2s_auc"])
# factor_psi2s = pdg["NR_auc"]*pdg["psi2s_BR"]/(pdg["NR_BR"]*inte_fl)
# print(np.sqrt(factor_psi2s)*psi2s_scale)
# print(np.sqrt(factor_psi2s))

# In[ ]:

# def _t_f(xq):

#     def jpsi_res(q):
#         return resonance(q, jpsi_m, jpsi_s, jpsi_p, jpsi_w)

#     def psi2s_res(q):
#         return resonance(q, psi2s_m, psi2s_s, psi2s_p, psi2s_w)

#     funcs = psi2s_res(xq) + jpsi_res(xq)

#     vec_f = vec(xq, funcs)

#     axiv_nr = axiv_nonres(xq)

#     tot = vec_f + axiv_nr
#     return tot

# def t_f(x):
#     _ = np.array(x)
#     probs =
#     return probs

# In[ ]:

# print(36000*(1+ pdg["jpsi_BR"]/pdg["NR_BR"] + pdg["psi2s_BR"]/pdg["NR_BR"]))

# In[ ]:

# start = time.time()

# result, err = integrate.quad(lambda x: t_f(x), x_min, x_max, limit = 5)
# print(result, "{0:.2f} %".format(err/result))
# print("Time:", time.time()-start)

# # Sampling
# ## One sample
# ! total_f.sample() always returns the same set !

# In[ ]:

# nevents = int(pdg["number_of_decays"])
# event_stack = 5000

# calls = int(nevents/event_stack + 1)

# total_samp = []

# start = time.time()

# samp = total_f.sample(n=event_stack)
# s = samp.unstack_x()

# for call in range(calls):

#     sam =
#     clear_output(wait=True)
# #     if call != 0:
# #         print(np.sum(_last_sam-sam))
# #     _last_sam = sam
#     c = call + 1    
#     print("{0}/{1}".format(c, calls))
#     print("Time taken: {}".format(display_time(int(time.time() - start))))
#     print("Projected time left: {}".format(display_time(int((time.time() - start)/c*(calls-c)))))
#     with open("data/zfit_toys/toy_1/{}.pkl".format(call), "wb") as f:
#         pkl.dump(sam, f, pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

# In[ ]:

# print("Time to generate full toy: {} s".format(int(time.time()-start)))

# total_samp = []

# for call in range(calls):
#     with open(r"data/zfit_toys/toy_1/{}.pkl".format(call), "rb") as input_file:
#         sam = pkl.load(input_file)
#         total_samp = np.append(total_samp, sam)

# total_samp = total_samp.astype('float64')

# data2 =[:int(nevents)], obs=obs)

# print(total_samp[:nevents].shape)

# In[ ]:

# bins = int((x_max-x_min)/7)

# # calcs =

# plt.hist(total_samp[:event_stack], bins = bins, range = (x_min,x_max))

# # plt.plot(sam, calcs, '.')
# # plt.plot(test_q, calcs_test)
# plt.ylim(0, 20)
# # plt.xlim(3000, 3750)

# plt.savefig('test2.png')
# 1-(0.21+0.62)

# ## Toys

# In[ ]:

# print(list_of_borders[:9])
# print(list_of_borders[-9:])

class UniformSampleAndWeights(zfit.util.execution.SessionHolderMixin):
    def __call__(self, limits, dtype, n_to_produce):
        # n_to_produce = tf.cast(n_to_produce, dtype=tf.int32)
        low, high = limits.limit1d
        low = tf.cast(low, dtype=dtype)
        high = tf.cast(high, dtype=dtype)
#         uniform = tfd.Uniform(low=low, high=high)
#         uniformjpsi = tfd.Uniform(low=tf.constant(3080, dtype=dtype), high=tf.constant(3112, dtype=dtype))
#         uniformpsi2s = tfd.Uniform(low=tf.constant(3670, dtype=dtype), high=tf.constant(3702, dtype=dtype))

        list_of_borders = []
        _p = []
        splits = 10

        _ = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, splits)

        for i in range(splits):
            list_of_borders.append(tf.constant(_[i], dtype=dtype))
            _p.append(tf.constant(1/splits, dtype=dtype))
#         mixture = tfd.MixtureSameFamily(mixture_distribution=tfd.Categorical(probs=_p[:(splits-1)]),
#                                         components_distribution=tfd.Uniform(low=list_of_borders[:(splits-1)], 
#                                                                             high=list_of_borders[-(splits-1):]))
        mixture = tfd.MixtureSameFamily(mixture_distribution=tfd.Categorical(probs=[tf.constant(0.007, dtype=dtype),
                                                                                    tf.constant(0.95, dtype=dtype),
                                                                                    tf.constant(0.07, dtype=dtype),
                                                                                    tf.constant(0.025, dtype=dtype),
                                                                                    tf.constant(0.006, dtype=dtype)]),
                                        components_distribution=tfd.Uniform(low=[tf.constant(x_min, dtype=dtype), 
                                                                                 tf.constant(3093, dtype=dtype),
                                                                                 tf.constant(3683, dtype=dtype), 
                                                                                 tf.constant(3070, dtype=dtype),
                                                                                 tf.constant(3660, dtype=dtype)], 
                                                                            high=[tf.constant(x_max, dtype=dtype),
                                                                                  tf.constant(3099, dtype=dtype), 
                                                                                  tf.constant(3690, dtype=dtype),
                                                                                  tf.constant(3110, dtype=dtype), 
                                                                                  tf.constant(3710, dtype=dtype)]))
#         mixture = tfd.Uniform(tf.constant(x_min, dtype=dtype), tf.constant(x_max, dtype=dtype))
#         sample = tf.random.uniform((n_to_produce, 1), dtype=dtype)
        sample = mixture.sample((n_to_produce, 1))
#         sample = tf.random.uniform((n_to_produce, 1), dtype=dtype)
        weights = mixture.prob(sample)[:,0]
#         weights = tf.broadcast_to(tf.constant(1., dtype=dtype), shape=(n_to_produce,))
        # sample = tf.expand_dims(sample, axis=-1)
#         print(sample, weights)
#         weights = tf.ones(shape=(n_to_produce,), dtype=dtype)
        weights_max = None
        thresholds = tf.random_uniform(shape=(n_to_produce,), dtype=dtype)
        return sample, thresholds, weights, weights_max, n_to_produce

# In[ ]:

total_f._sample_and_weights = UniformSampleAndWeights

# In[ ]:

# psi2s_mass

# In[ ]:

# zfit.settings.set_verbosity(10)

# In[ ]:

# = False   

nr_of_toys = 2
nevents = int(pdg["number_of_decays"])
nevents = pdg["number_of_decays"]
event_stack = 1000000
# zfit.settings.set_verbosity(10)
calls = int(nevents/event_stack + 1)

total_samp = []

start = time.time()

sampler = total_f.create_sampler(n=event_stack)

for toy in range(nr_of_toys):
    dirName = 'data/zfit_toys/toy_{0}'.format(toy)
    if not os.path.exists(dirName):
        print("Directory " , dirName ,  " Created ")

    for call in range(calls):

        s = sampler.unstack_x()
        sam =

        c = call + 1
        print("{0}/{1}".format(c, calls))
        print("Toy {}/{}".format(toy+1, nr_of_toys))
        print("Time taken: {}".format(display_time(int(time.time() - start))))
        print("Projected time left: {}".format(display_time(int((time.time() - start)/(c+calls*(toy))*((nr_of_toys-toy)*calls-c)))))

        with open("data/zfit_toys/toy_{0}/{1}.pkl".format(toy, call), "wb") as f:
            pkl.dump(sam, f, pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

# In[ ]:

# with open(r"data/zfit_toys/toy_0/0.pkl", "rb") as input_file:
#     sam = pkl.load(input_file)
# print(sam[:10])

# with open(r"data/zfit_toys/toy_0/1.pkl", "rb") as input_file:
#     sam2 = pkl.load(input_file)
# print(sam2[:10])

# print(np.sum(sam-sam2))

# In[ ]:

print("Time to generate full toy: {} s".format(int(time.time()-start)))

total_samp = []

for call in range(calls):
    with open(r"data/zfit_toys/toy_0/{}.pkl".format(call), "rb") as input_file:
        sam = pkl.load(input_file)
        total_samp = np.append(total_samp, sam)

total_samp = total_samp.astype('float64')

data2 =[:int(nevents)], obs=obs)

data3 =, obs=obs)


# In[ ]:


bins = int((x_max-x_min)/7)

# calcs =

plt.hist(total_samp[:nevents], bins = bins, range = (x_min,x_max), label = 'data')
# plt.plot(test_q, calcs_test*nevents , label = 'pdf')

# plt.plot(sam, calcs, '.')
# plt.plot(test_q, calcs_test)
# plt.yscale('log')
plt.ylim(0, 200)
# plt.xlim(3080, 3110)



# In[ ]:

# sampler = total_f.create_sampler(n=nevents)
# nll = zfit.loss.UnbinnedNLL(model=total_f, data=sampler, fit_range = (x_min, x_max))

# # for param in pdf.get_dependents():
# #     param.set_value(initial_value)

# sampler.resample(n=nevents)

# # Randomise initial values
# # for param in pdf.get_dependents():
# #     param.set_value(random value here)

# # Minimise the NLL
# minimizer = zfit.minimize.MinuitMinimizer(verbosity = 10)
# minimum = minimizer.minimize(nll)

# In[ ]:

# jpsi_width

# In[ ]:

# plt.hist(sample, weights=1 / prob(sample))

# # Fitting

# In[ ]:

nll = zfit.loss.UnbinnedNLL(model=total_f, data=data2, fit_range = (x_min, x_max))

minimizer = zfit.minimize.MinuitMinimizer()
# minimizer._use_tfgrad = False
result = minimizer.minimize(nll)

param_errors = result.error()

for var, errors in param_errors.items():
    print('{}: ^{{+{}}}_{{{}}}'.format(, errors['upper'], errors['lower']))

print("Function minimum:", result.fmin)

# In[ ]:

# probs = total_f.pdf(test_q)

calcs_test =
res_y =

# In[ ]:

# plt.plot(x_part, calcs, '.')
plt.plot(test_q, calcs_test, label = 'pdf')
# plt.plot(test_q, res_y, label = 'res')
plt.ylim(0.0, 5e-6)
# plt.yscale('log')
# plt.xlim(3080, 3110)
# print(jpsi_width)

# In[ ]:

# _tot = 4.37e-7+6.02e-5+4.97e-6
# _probs = []
# _probs.append(6.02e-5/_tot)
# _probs.append(4.97e-6/_tot)
# _probs.append(4.37e-7/_tot)
# print(_probs)

# In[ ]:

# dtype = 'float64'
# # mixture = tfd.Uniform(tf.constant(x_min, dtype=dtype), tf.constant(x_max, dtype=dtype))
# mixture = tfd.MixtureSameFamily(mixture_distribution=tfd.Categorical(probs=[tf.constant(0.007, dtype=dtype),
#                                                                             tf.constant(0.917, dtype=dtype),
#                                                                             tf.constant(0.076, dtype=dtype)]),
#                                 components_distribution=tfd.Uniform(low=[tf.constant(x_min, dtype=dtype), 
#                                                                          tf.constant(3080, dtype=dtype),
#                                                                          tf.constant(3670, dtype=dtype)], 
#                                                                     high=[tf.constant(x_max, dtype=dtype),
#                                                                           tf.constant(3112, dtype=dtype), 
#                                                                           tf.constant(3702, dtype=dtype)]))
# # for i in range(10):
# #     print(, 1)))))

# In[ ]:


# In[ ]:

# In[ ]: