Master_thesis / thesis / main-prl.tex
 aps, prl

\usepackage{graphicx}% Include figure files
\usepackage{dcolumn}% Align table columns on decimal point
\usepackage{bm}% bold math
\usepackage{hyperref}% add hypertext capabilities
%\usepackage[mathlines]{lineno}% Enable numbering of text and display math
%\linenumbers\relax % Commence numbering lines

% --- LHCb specfic ----
\usepackage{ifthen} % for conditional statements
\setboolean{pdflatex}{true} % False for eps figures 

\setboolean{articletitles}{true} % False removes titles in references

\setboolean{uprightparticles}{false} %True for upright particle symbols

%\setboolean{inbibliography}{false} %True once you enter the bibliography

\setboolean{wordcount}{false} % False for normal usage; true for

{\usepackage{bibentry} % For nobibliography command
 \usepackage{mciteplus} % combine multiple citations
 \usepackage{comment} % comment lines
 % Uncomment the lines below to exclude equations from the word count
 %\excludecomment{align*} % Remove align*
 %\excludecomment{align} % Remove align
 %\let\endalign\relax % Remove align
 %\excludecomment{equation*} % Remove equation* (does not work)
 %\excludecomment{equation} % Remove equation
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 %\excludecomment{eqnarray} % Remove eqnarray
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 \let\endacknowledgments\relax % Remove acknowledgments
 \def\maketitle{} % Remove title and abstract

\gdef\@ptsize{0} % fix miniscule font definition from lhcb-symbols
\let\put\relax % avoid \put commands in a PRL paper 
% Remove the Acknowledgement heading for PRL

\usepackage{longtable} % only for template; not usually to be used in PAPERs
% --------------------



\title{Template for writing LHCb papers}

\author{LHCb collaboration}
Authors are listed at the end of this Letter.}%

\date{\today}% It is always \today, today,
             %  but any date may be explicitly specified

  Guidelines for the preparation of LHCb documents are given. This is
  a ``living'' document that should reflect our current practice. It
  is expected that these guidelines are implemented for papers
  before they go into the first collaboration wide review. Please
  contact the Editorial Board chair if you have suggestions for
  This is the title page for journal publications (PAPER).
  For a CONF note or ANA note, switch to the appropriate template 
  by uncommenting the corresponding line in the file \verb!main.tex!.  

\pacs{}% PACS, the Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme.
%\keywords{Suggested keywords}%Use showkeys class option if keyword
                              %display desired










% Produces the bibliography via BibTeX.
{ \bibliographystyle{plain}

% Words in appendix do not count for PRL word limit
  %\input{appendix} # this does not compile with revtex

  % This should be taken out in the final paper


% ****** End of file apssamp.tex ******