rnn_bachelor_thesis / Report / New Version / detector.tex
\section{Detector and simulation}

The \lhcb detector~\cite{Alves:2008zz,LHCb-DP-2014-002} is a single-arm forward
spectrometer covering the \mbox{pseudorapidity} range $2<\eta <5$,
designed for the study of particles containing \bquark or \cquark
quarks. The detector includes a high-precision tracking system
consisting of a silicon-strip vertex detector surrounding the $pp$
interaction region~\cite{LHCb-DP-2014-001}\verb!*!, a large-area silicon-strip detector located
upstream of a dipole magnet with a bending power of about
$4{\mathrm{\,Tm}}$, and three stations of silicon-strip detectors and straw
drift tubes~\cite{LHCb-DP-2013-003}\verb!*! placed downstream of the magnet.
The tracking system provides a measurement of momentum, \ptot, of charged particles with
a relative uncertainty that varies from 0.5\% at low momentum to 1.0\% at 200\gevc.
The minimum distance of a track to a primary vertex (PV), the impact parameter (IP), 
is measured with a resolution of $(15+29/\pt)\mum$,
where \pt is the component of the momentum transverse to the beam, in\,\gevc.
Different types of charged hadrons are distinguished using information
from two ring-imaging Cherenkov detectors~\cite{LHCb-DP-2012-003}\verb!*!. 
Photons, electrons and hadrons are identified by a calorimeter system consisting of
scintillating-pad and preshower detectors, an electromagnetic
calorimeter and a hadronic calorimeter. Muons are identified by a
system composed of alternating layers of iron and multiwire
proportional chambers~\cite{LHCb-DP-2012-002}\verb!*!.
The online event selection is performed by a trigger~\cite{LHCb-DP-2012-004}\verb!*!, 
which consists of a hardware stage, based on information from the calorimeter and muon
systems, followed by a software stage, which applies a full event

A more detailed description of the 'full event reconstruction' could be:
The trigger~\cite{LHCb-DP-2012-004}\verb!*! consists of a
hardware stage, based on information from the calorimeter and muon
systems, followed by a software stage, in which all charged particles
with $\pt>500\,(300)\mev$ are reconstructed for 2011\,(2012) data.
For triggers that require neutral particles, 
energy deposits in the electromagnetic calorimeter are 
analysed to reconstruct \piz and $\gamma$ candidates.

The trigger description has to be specific for the analysis in
question. In general, you should not attempt to describe the full
trigger system. Below are a few variations that inspiration can be
taken from. First from a hadronic analysis, and second from an
analysis with muons in the final state. In case you have to look 
up specifics of a certain trigger, a detailed description of the trigger 
conditions for Run 1 is available in Ref.~\cite{LHCb-PUB-2014-046}. 
{\bf Never cite this note in a PAPER or CONF-note.} 

\item At the hardware trigger stage, events are required to have a muon with high \pt or a
  hadron, photon or electron with high transverse energy in the calorimeters. For hadrons,
  the transverse energy threshold is 3.5\gev.
  The software trigger requires a two-, three- or four-track
  secondary vertex with a significant displacement from any primary
  $pp$ interaction vertex. At least one charged particle
  must have a transverse momentum $\pt > 1.6\gevc$ and be
  inconsistent with originating from a PV.
  A multivariate algorithm~\cite{BBDT} is used for
  the identification of secondary vertices consistent with the decay
  of a \bquark hadron.
%\item The software trigger requires a two-, three- or four-track
%  secondary vertex with a large sum of the transverse momentum, \pt, of
%  the tracks and a significant displacement from the primary $pp$
%  interaction vertices~(PVs). At least one track should have $\pt >
%  1.7\gevc$ and \chisqip with respect to any
%  primary interaction greater than 16, where \chisqip is defined as the
%  difference in \chisq of a given PV reconstructed with and
%  without the considered track.\footnote{If this sentence is used to define \chisqip
%  for a composite particle instead of for a single track, replace ``track'' by ``particle'' or ``candidate''}
% A multivariate algorithm~\cite{BBDT} is used for
%  the identification of secondary vertices consistent with the decay
%  of a \bquark hadron.
\item The $\decay{\Bd}{\Kstarz\mumu}$ signal candidates are first required
      to pass the hardware trigger, which selects events containing at least
      one muon with transverse momentum $\pt>1.48\gevc$ in the 7\tev data or
      $\pt>1.76\gevc$ in the 8\tev data.  In the subsequent software
      trigger, at least one of the final-state particles is required to 
      have $\pt>1.7\gevc$ in the 7\tev data or $\pt>1.6\gevc$ in the 8\tev 
      data, unless the particle is identified as a muon in which case 
      $\pt>1.0\gevc$ is required. The final-state particles that 
      satisfy these transverse momentum criteria are also required 
      to have an impact parameter larger than $100\mum$ with respect 
      to all PVs in the event. Finally, the tracks of two or more of 
      the final-state particles are required to form a vertex that is 
      significantly displaced from the PVs." 

%  Candidate events are first required to pass the hardware trigger,
%  which selects muons with a transverse momentum $\pt>1.48\gevc$ 
%  in the 7\tev data or $\pt>1.76\gevc$ in the 8\tev data.
%  In the subsequent software trigger, at least
%  one of the final-state particles is required to have both
%  $\pt>0.8\gevc$ and impact parameter larger than $100\mum$ with respect to all
%  of the primary $pp$ interaction vertices~(PVs) in the
%  event. Finally, the tracks of two or more of the final-state
%  particles are required to form a vertex that is significantly
%  displaced from the PVs.