HCAL_project / architectures / utils /
@Davide Lancierini Davide Lancierini on 2 Dec 2018 40 KB First commit

import numpy as np
import math
import tensorflow as tf
from architectures.utils.toolbox import *


class DenseLayer(object):

    Creates a dense layer

    Constructor inputs:
        - name of layer
        - mi: (int) dimension of input to layer
        - mo: (int) dimension of output of the activated output
        - apply_batch_norm: (bool) wether applying or not batch_normalization along the 0 axis of input
        - f: (function) activation function of the output
        - w_init: (tensorflow initializer) which initializer to use for the layer weights

    Created attributes:

        - W: (tf variable) (mi x mo) weight matrix
        - bi: (tf variable) (mo, ) bias vector
        - bo: (tf variable) (mi, ) bias vector
    Class methods:

        - forward:
            input: X (tf tensor) previous output layer
            outputs: output (tf tensor) activated layer output as A = act_f(X * W+ bi)

        - forwardT:
            input: X (tf tensor) previous output layer
            outputs: output (tf tensor) activated layer output as A = act_f(X * tf.transpose(W)+ bo)
        - set_session:
            Sets current session
                session: (tf session) current session
    def __init__(self, name, mi, mo, apply_batch_norm,
                keep_prob=1, act_f=None, w_init=None
                self.W = tf.get_variable(
                    "W_%s" %name,

       = tf.get_variable(
                    "bi_%s" %name,

                self.keep_prob = keep_prob
    def forward(self, X, reuse, is_training):
        if not is_training:


        if self.apply_batch_norm=='bn':
                is_training = is_training,
                scope =,
        elif self.apply_batch_norm=='in':
            Z = tf.contrib.layers.instance_norm(
                scope =,
        elif self.apply_batch_norm=='False':
            Z = Z

        output=tf.nn.dropout(activated, self.keep_prob, seed=rnd_seed)

        return output

    def set_session(self, session):
        self.session = session


class AvgPool2D(object):

    Performs average 2D pooling of the input, with no dropout by default
    Note that this layer trains no parameters

    Constructor input:
        - filter_sz: (int) width and height of the square pooling window 
        - stride: (int) horizontal and vertical value for the stride

        ?extend to square windows and stride?

    Class methods:

                - X (tf tensor) previous activated layer output
                - output (tf tensor) average pooled layer output


    def __init__(self, filter_sz, stride, keep_prob=1):

        self.filter_sz = filter_sz
        self.stride = stride
        self.keep_prob = keep_prob

    def forward(self, X, reuse, is_training):

        if not is_training:

        output = X

        output = tf.nn.avg_pool(X, 
            ksize=[1, self.filter_sz,self.filter_sz,1],
            strides=[1,self.stride, self.stride, 1],
            padding = 'SAME'
        output = tf.nn.dropout(output, self.keep_prob, seed=rnd_seed)

        return output

    def set_session(self, session):

        self.session = session

class MaxPool2D(object):

    Performs max 2D pooling of the input, with no dropout by default
    Note that this layer trains no parameters

    Constructor input:
        - filter_sz: (int) width and height of the square pooling window 
        - stride: (int) horizontal and vertical value for the stride

        ?extend to square windows and stride?

    Class methods:

                - X (tf tensor) previous activated layer output
                - output (tf tensor) max pooled layer output


    def __init__(self, filter_sz, stride, keep_prob=1):

        self.filter_sz = filter_sz
        self.stride = stride
        self.keep_prob = keep_prob

    def forward(self, X, reuse, is_training):

        output = X

        if not is_training:

        output = tf.nn.max_pool(output, 
            ksize=[1, self.filter_sz,self.filter_sz,1],
            strides=[1,self.stride, self.stride, 1],
            padding = 'SAME'

        output = tf.nn.dropout(output, self.keep_prob, seed=rnd_seed)
        return output

    def set_session(self, session):

        self.session = session

class ConvLayer(object):
    Performs 2D strided convlution on rectangular sized input tensor. 

    Constructor inputs:

        - mi: (int) input channels
        - mo: (int) output channels
        - filter_sz: (int) width and height of the convolution kernel
        - stride: (int) horizontal and vertical size of the stride
        - apply_batch_norm: (bool) whether applying batch normalization (along [0] axis of input tensor) or not
        - keep_prob: (int) dropout keep probability of propagated tensor
        - f: (function) activation layer function. tf.nn.relu by default
        - w_init: (tf initializer) initialization of the filter parameters, by default tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.02)

    Class attributes

        - W: (tf tensor) variable tensor of dim (filter_sz, filter_sz, mi, mo) of trainable weights
        - b: (tf tensor) variable tensor of dim (mo, ) of trainable biases

    Class methods:

        - forward: 
                X: (tf tensor) input tensor of dim (batch_sz, n_W, n_H, mi) output of previous layer
                reuse: (bool) whether reusing the stored batch_normalization parameters or not
                is_training: (bool) flag that indicates whether we are in the process of training or not
                output: (tf tensor) activated output of dim (batch_sz, n_W, n_H, mo), input for next layer
        - set_session:
            Sets current session
                session: (tf session) current session


    def __init__(
            self, name, mi, mo, filter_sz, stride, 
                 apply_batch_norm, keep_prob = 1, 
                 f = None, w_init = None
            self.W = tf.get_variable(
                "W_%s" %name,
                shape=(filter_sz,filter_sz, mi, mo),

            self.b = tf.get_variable(
                "b_%s" %name,
                shape = (mo,),
   = name
            self.f = f
            self.stride = stride
            self.apply_batch_norm = apply_batch_norm
    def forward(self, X, reuse, is_training):
        if not is_training:

        conv_out = tf.nn.conv2d(

        conv_out = tf.nn.bias_add(conv_out,self.b)
        #applying batch_norm
        if self.apply_batch_norm=='bn':
                is_training = is_training,
                scope =,
        elif self.apply_batch_norm=='in':
            conv_out = tf.contrib.layers.instance_norm(
                scope =,
        elif self.apply_batch_norm=='False':
            conv_out = conv_out

        activated = self.f(conv_out)

        output = tf.nn.dropout(activated, self.keep_prob, seed=rnd_seed)  
        return output 
    def set_session(self, session):
        self.session = session

class DeconvLayer(object):
    Performs 2D strided deconvlution on rectangular sized input tensor. 

    Constructor inputs:

        - mi: (int) input channels
        - mo: (int) output channels
        - output_shape: list = [int, int], list[0]([1]) is the witdth (height) of the output after deconvolution, the layer computes the resizing
                                automatically to match the output_shape. Default padding value is of 2 in both directions but can be modified.
        - filter_sz: (int) width and height of the convolution kernel
        - stride: (int) horizontal and vertical size of the stride
        - apply_batch_norm: (bool) whether applying batch normalization (along [0] axis of input tensor) or not
        - keep_prob: (int) dropout keep probability of propagated tensor
        - f: (function) activation layer function. tf.nn.relu by default
        - w_init: (tf initializer) initialization of the filter parameters, by default tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.02)

    Class attributes

        - W: (tf tensor) variable tensor of dim (filter_sz, filter_sz, mo, mo) of trainable weights
        - W_id: (tf tensor) variable tensor of dim (1, 1, mi, mo) of trainable weights
        - b: (tf tensor) variable tensor of dim (mo, ) of trainable biases

    Class methods:

        - forward: 
                X: (tf tensor) input tensor of dim (batch_sz, n_W, n_H, mi) output of previous layer
                reuse: (bool) whether reusing the stored batch_normalization parameters or not
                is_training: (bool) flag that indicates whether we are in the process of training or not

                The deconvolution is computed in 3 steps according to: (cite article)
                1) conv2d with W_id is performed to match the output channels mo, with filter_sz=1 and stride=1
                2) the image is reshaped to reshape_size_H and W 
                3) conv2d with W is performed with input filter_sz and stride, output width and height will match output_shape

                output: (tf tensor) activated output of dim (batch_sz, n_W=output_shape[0], n_H = output_shape[1], mo), input for next layer
        - set_session:
            Sets current session
                session: (tf session) current session

    def __init__(self, name, 
                mi, mo, output_shape, 
                filter_sz, stride, 
                apply_batch_norm, keep_prob = 1,
                f=None, w_init = None

                #using resize + conv2d and not conv2dt
                #mi: input channels
                #mo: output channels
                #output_shape: width and height of the output image
                #performs 2 convolutions, the first augments the number of channels
                #the second performs a convolution with != 1 kernel and stride
                self.W = tf.get_variable(
                    "W_%s" %name,
                    shape=(filter_sz, filter_sz, mo, mo),
                self.W_id = tf.get_variable(
                    'W_%s_id' %name,
                    shape=(1,1, mi, mo),

                self.b = tf.get_variable(
                    "b_%s" %name,

                self.f = f
                self.stride = stride
                self.filter_sz = filter_sz
       = name
                self.output_shape = output_shape
                self.apply_batch_norm = apply_batch_norm
                self.keep_prob = keep_prob

    def forward(self, X, reuse, is_training):

        if not is_training:
            self.keep_prob = 1
        padding_value = 2
        resized_shape_H = (self.output_shape[0] -1)*self.stride+ self.filter_sz-2*padding_value
        resized_shape_W = (self.output_shape[1] -1)*self.stride+ self.filter_sz-2*padding_value
        resized = tf.image.resize_images(X, 
        #print('After first resize shape', resized.get_shape())
        output_id = tf.nn.conv2d(

        #print('After id deconvolution shape', output_id.get_shape())
        paddings = tf.constant([[0,0],
                                [padding_value, padding_value], 
                                [padding_value, padding_value], 
        output_id = tf.pad(output_id,
                          paddings, 'CONSTANT'
        #print('After padding', output_id.get_shape())

        conv_out = tf.nn.conv2d(
        #print('After deconvolution', conv_out.get_shape())
        conv_out = tf.nn.bias_add(conv_out,self.b)

        if self.apply_batch_norm=='bn':
                is_training = is_training,
                scope =,
        elif self.apply_batch_norm=='in':
            conv_out = tf.contrib.layers.instance_norm(
                scope =,
        elif self.apply_batch_norm=='False':

        activated = self.f(conv_out) 
        output = tf.nn.dropout(activated, self.keep_prob, seed=rnd_seed)

        return output

    def set_session(self, session):
        self.session = session

class ConvBlock(object):

    Performs series of 2D strided convolutions on rectangular sized input tensor. The convolution proceeds on two parallel
    paths: main path is composed by n subsequent convolutions while shortcut path has 1 convolution with different parameters and
    can be set as the identity convolution. 
    Constructor inputs:

        - block_id: progressive number of block in the network
        - init_mi: (int) input channels
        - sizes: (dict) python dictionary with keys:
            sizes = { 'convblock_layer_n':[(n_c+1, kernel, stride, apply_batch_norm, keep_prob, act_f, weight initializer),
                               (n_c+ last,,,,,,,],

            'convblock_shortcut_layer_n':[(n_c+3, kernel, stride, apply_batch_norm, act_f, weight initializer)],
            'dense_layers':[(dim output, apply_batch_norm, keep_prob, act_f, weight initializer )]

            - filter_sz: (int) width and height of the convolution kernel at that layer
            - stride: (int) horizontal and vertical size of the stride at that layer
            - apply_batch_norm: (bool) whether applying batch normalization (along [0] axis of input tensor) or not
            - keep_prob: (int) dropout keep probability of propagated tensor
            - f: (function) activation layer function. tf.nn.relu by default
            - w_init: (tf initializer) initialization of the filter parameters, by default tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.02)
            sizes['convblock_layer_n'] is a list of tuples of layers specifications for the main path 
            sizes['convblock_shortcut_layer_n'] is a list composed by 1 tuple of layer specifications for the shortcut path
            sizes['dense_layers'] is a list of tuples of layers specifications for the densely connected part of the network
    Class attributes

        - conv_layers: (list) list of conv_layer objects
        - shortcut_layer: (list) conv_layer object

    Class methods:

        - forward: 
                X: (tf tensor) input tensor of dim (batch_sz, n_W, n_H, mi) output of previous layer
                reuse: (bool) whether reusing the stored batch_normalization parameters or not
                is_training: (bool) flag that indicates whether we are in the process of training or not
                output: (tf tensor) activated output of dim (batch_sz, n_W, n_H, mo), input for next layer
        - set_session:
            Sets current session
                session: (tf session) current session


    def __init__(self,
                init_mi, sizes,
                self.conv_layers = []
                mi = init_mi
                #build the block
                #main path
                for mo, filter_sz, stride, apply_batch_norm, keep_prob, act_f, w_init in sizes['convblock_layer_'+str(self.block_id)][:-1]:
                    name = 'convblock_{0}_layer_{1}'.format(block_id, count)
                    count += 1
                    layer = ConvLayer(name,
                                 mi, mo, filter_sz, stride, 
                                 apply_batch_norm, keep_prob,
                                 act_f, w_init)
                    mi = mo

                name = 'convblock_{0}_layer_{1}'.format(block_id, count)
                mo, filter_sz, stride, apply_batch_norm, self.keep_prob_last, self.fin_act , w_init = sizes['convblock_layer_' +str(self.block_id)][-1]
                layer = ConvLayer(name,
                             mi, mo, filter_sz, stride,
                             apply_batch_norm, 1,
                             lambda x: x, w_init)
                #secondary path
                #set filter_sz = stride = 1 for an ID block
                mo, filter_sz, stride, apply_batch_norm, keep_prob, w_init = sizes['convblock_shortcut_layer_'+str(self.block_id)][0]
                name = 'convshortcut_layer_{0}'.format(block_id)
                self.shortcut_layer = ConvLayer(name,
                                           init_mi, mo, filter_sz, stride,
                                           apply_batch_norm, keep_prob,
                                           f=lambda x: x, w_init=w_init)
    def output_dim(self, input_dim):
        dim = input_dim
        for _, _, stride, _, _, _, _, in self.sizes['convblock_layer_'+str(self.block_id)]:
            dim = int(np.ceil(float(dim)/stride))
        return dim
    def set_session(self, session):
        self.session = session
        for layer in self.conv_layers:
    def forward(self, X, reuse, is_training):
        output = X
        shortcut_output = X
        #print('Convolutional block %i' %self.block_id)
        #print('Input shape ', X.get_shape() )
        for layer in self.conv_layers:
            output = layer.forward(output, reuse, is_training) 
            #print('After layer %i' %i)
            #print('Output shape ', output.get_shape())
        shortcut_output = self.shortcut_layer.forward(shortcut_output,reuse, is_training)
        #print('Shortcut layer after convolution shape ', shortcut_output.get_shape())
        assert (output.get_shape().as_list()[1], output.get_shape().as_list()[2]) == (shortcut_output.get_shape().as_list()[1], shortcut_output.get_shape().as_list()[2]), 'image size mismatch at conv block {0} '.format(self.block_id)
        assert output.get_shape().as_list()[-1] == shortcut_output.get_shape().as_list()[-1], 'image channels mismatch at conv block {0}'.format(self.block_id)
        #output = tf.concat((output,shortcut_output),axis=3)
        output = output + shortcut_output
        output=tf.nn.dropout(activated, keep_prob=self.keep_prob_last, seed=rnd_seed)
        return output

class DeconvBlock(object):

    Performs series of 2D strided deconvolutions on rectangular sized input tensor. The convolution proceeds on two parallel
    paths: main path is composed by n subsequent deconvolutions while shortcut path has 1 deconvolution with different parameters and
    can be set as the identity deconvolution. 
    Constructor inputs:

        - block_id: progressive number of block in the network
        - init_mi: (int) input channels
        - sizes: (dict) python dictionary with keys:
            sizes = { 

                        'deconvblock_layer_n':[(n_c+1, kernel, stride, apply_batch_norm, keep_prob, act_f, weight initializer),
                               (n_c+ last,,,,,,,],

                        'deconvblock_shortcut_layer_n':[(n_c+3, kernel, stride, apply_batch_norm, act_f, weight initializer)],
                        'dense_layers':[(dim output, apply_batch_norm, keep_prob, act_f, weight initializer )]

            - filter_sz: (int) width and height of the convolution kernel at that layer
            - stride: (int) horizontal and vertical size of the stride at that layer
            - apply_batch_norm: (bool) whether applying batch normalization (along [0] axis of input tensor) or not
            - keep_prob: (int) dropout keep probability of propagated tensor
            - f: (function) activation layer function. tf.nn.relu by default
            - w_init: (tf initializer) initialization of the filter parameters, by default tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.02)
            sizes['deconvblock_layer_n'] is a list of tuples of layers specifications for the main path 
            sizes['deconvblock_shortcut_layer_n'] is a list composed by 1 tuple of layer specifications for the shortcut path
            sizes['dense_layers'] is a list of tuples of layers specifications for the densely connected part of the network
    Class attributes

        - conv_layers: (list) list of conv_layer objects
        - shortcut_layer: (list) conv_layer object

    Class methods:

        - forward: 
                X: (tf tensor) input tensor of dim (batch_sz, n_W, n_H, mi) output of previous layer
                reuse: (bool) whether reusing the stored batch_normalization parameters or not
                is_training: (bool) flag that indicates whether we are in the process of training or not
                output: (tf tensor) activated output of dim (batch_sz, n_W, n_H, mo), input for next layer
        - set_session:
            Sets current session
                session: (tf session) current session

    def __init__(self,
                mi, output_sizes, 
                self.deconv_layers = []
                #output shapes has to be a dictionary of [n_H,n_W]

                #build the block
                #main path
                for i in range(len(sizes['deconvblock_layer_'+str(block_id)])-1):
                    mo, filter_sz, stride, apply_batch_norm, keep_prob, act_f, w_init = sizes['deconvblock_layer_'+str(block_id)][i]
                    name = 'deconvblock_{0}_layer_{1}'.format(block_id, i)
                    layer = DeconvLayer(name,mi, mo, output_sizes[block_id][i],
                                        filter_sz, stride, 
                                        apply_batch_norm, keep_prob,
                                        act_f, w_init)
                    mi = mo
                i = len(sizes['deconvblock_layer_'+str(block_id)])-1
                name = 'deconvblock_{0}_layer_{1}'.format(block_id, i)
                mo, filter_sz, stride, apply_batch_norm, self.keep_prob_last, self.fin_act, w_init = sizes['deconvblock_layer_' +str(block_id)][-1]

                layer = DeconvLayer(name, mi, mo, output_sizes[block_id][len(output_sizes[block_id])-1],
                                    filter_sz, stride,
                                    apply_batch_norm, 1,
                                    lambda x: x, w_init)

                #secondary path
                mo, filter_sz, stride, apply_batch_norm, keep_prob, w_init = sizes['deconvblock_shortcut_layer_'+str(block_id)][0]
                name = 'deconvshortcut_layer_{0}'.format(block_id)
                self.shortcut_layer = DeconvLayer(name, init_mi, mo, output_sizes[block_id][len(output_sizes[block_id])-1],
                                           apply_batch_norm, 1,
                                           f=lambda x: x, w_init=w_init)

    def set_session(self, session):
        self.session = session
        for layer in self.deconv_layers:
    def forward(self, X, reuse, is_training):
        output = X
        shortcut_output = X
        #print('Deconvolutional block %i' %self.block_id)
        #print('Input shape ', X.get_shape() )

        for layer in self.deconv_layers:
            output = layer.forward(output, reuse, is_training)  
            #print('After layer %i' %i)
            #print('Output shape ', output.get_shape())

        shortcut_output = self.shortcut_layer.forward(shortcut_output, reuse, is_training)
        #print('Shortcut layer after convolution shape ', shortcut_output.get_shape())
        assert (output.get_shape().as_list()[1], output.get_shape().as_list()[2]) == (shortcut_output.get_shape().as_list()[1], shortcut_output.get_shape().as_list()[2]), 'image size mismatch at deconv block {0} '.format(self.block_id)
        assert output.get_shape().as_list()[-1] == shortcut_output.get_shape().as_list()[-1], 'image channels mismatch at deconv block {0}'.format(self.block_id)
        output = output + shortcut_output

        output=tf.nn.dropout(activated, keep_prob=self.keep_prob_last, seed=rnd_seed)
        return output

    def output_dim(self, input_dim):
        dim = input_dim
        for _, _, stride, _, _, _, in self.sizes['deconvblock_layer_'+str(self.block_id)]:
            dim = int(np.ceil(float(dim)/stride))
        return dim

# class DeconvLayer_v2(object):
#     """
#     Performs 2D strided deconvlution on rectangular sized input tensor. 

#     Constructor inputs:

#         - mi: (int) input channels
#         - mo: (int) output channels
#         - output_shape: list = [int, int], list[0]([1]) is the witdth (height) of the output after transposed convolution
#         - filter_sz: (int) width and height of the convolution kernel
#         - stride: (int) horizontal and vertical size of the stride
#         - apply_batch_norm: (bool) whether applying batch normalization (along [0] axis of input tensor) or not
#         - keep_prob: (int) dropout keep probability of propagated tensor
#         - f: (function) activation layer function. tf.nn.relu by default
#         - w_init: (tf initializer) initialization of the filter parameters, by default tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.02)

#     Class attributes

#         - W: (tf tensor) variable tensor of dim (filter_sz, filter_sz, mi, mo) of trainable weights
#         - b: (tf tensor) variable tensor of dim (mo, ) of trainable biases

#     Class methods:

#         - forward: 
#             inputs:
#                 X: (tf tensor) input tensor of dim (batch_sz, n_W, n_H, mi) output of previous layer
#                 reuse: (bool) whether reusing the stored batch_normalization parameters or not
#                 is_training: (bool) flag that indicates whether we are in the process of training or not

#                 The deconvolution is computed in 3 steps according to: (cite article)
#                 1) conv2d with W_id is performed to match the output channels mo, with filter_sz=1 and stride=1
#                 2) the image is reshaped to reshape_size_H and W 
#                 3) conv2d with W is performed with input filter_sz and stride, output width and height will match output_shape

#             outputs:
#                 output: (tf tensor) activated output of dim (batch_sz, n_W=output_shape[0], n_H = output_shape[1], mo), input for next layer
#         - set_session:
#             Sets current session
#             inputs:
#                 session: (tf session) current session

#     """  
#     def __init__(self, name, 
#                 mi, mo, output_shape, 
#                 filter_sz, stride, 
#                 apply_batch_norm, keep_prob = 1,
#                 f=None, w_init = None
#                 ):

#                 #using resize + conv2d and not conv2dt
#                 #mi: input channels
#                 #mo: output channels
#                 #output_shape: width and height of the output image
#                 #performs 2 convolutions, the first augments the number of channels
#                 #the second performs a convolution with != 1 kernel and stride
#                 filter_shape = [filter_sz, filter_sz, mo, mi]

#                 self.W = tf.get_variable(
#                     "W_%s" %name,
#                     filter_shape,
#                     initializer=w_init,
#                 )
#                 self.b = tf.get_variable(
#                     "b_%s" %name,
#                     shape=(mo,),
#                     initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(),
#                 )

#                 self.f = f
#                 self.stride = stride
#                 self.filter_sz = filter_sz
#        = name
#                 self.output_shape = output_shape
#                 self.apply_batch_norm = apply_batch_norm
#                 self.keep_prob = keep_prob

#     def forward(self, X, reuse, is_training):

#         if not is_training:
#             self.keep_prob = 1
#         m = tf.shape(X)[0]
#         output_shape=tf.stack([m, self.output_shape[0], self.output_shape[1],])
#         strides_shape=[1,self.stride,self.stride,1]

#         conv_out = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(
#             value=X,
#             filter=self.W, 
#             output_shape=output_shape,
#             strides=strides_shape,
#             padding='SAME'
#         )
#         #print('After deconvolution', conv_out.get_shape())
#         conv_out = tf.nn.bias_add(conv_out,self.b)

#         if self.apply_batch_norm=='bn':
#             conv_out=tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(
#                 conv_out,
#                 decay=0.9,
#                 updates_collections=None,
#                 epsilon=1e-5,
#                 scale=True,
#                 is_training = is_training,
#                 reuse=reuse,
#                 scope =,
#             )
#         elif self.apply_batch_norm=='in':
#             conv_out = tf.contrib.layers.instance_norm(
#                 conv_out,
#                 center=True,
#                 scale=True,
#                 epsilon=1e-6,
#                 reuse=reuse,
#                 scope =,
#             )
#         elif self.apply_batch_norm=='False':
#             return conv_out

#         activated = self.f(conv_out) 
#         output = tf.nn.dropout(activated, self.keep_prob, seed=rnd_seed)

#         return output

#     def set_session(self, session):
#         self.session = session

# class DeconvBlock_v2(object):

#     """
#     Performs series of 2D strided deconvolutions on rectangular sized input tensor. The convolution proceeds on two parallel
#     paths: main path is composed by n subsequent deconvolutions while shortcut path has 1 deconvolution with different parameters and
#     can be set as the identity deconvolution. 
#     Constructor inputs:

#         - block_id: progressive number of block in the network
#         - init_mi: (int) input channels
#         - sizes: (dict) python dictionary with keys:
#             sizes = { 

#                         'deconvblock_layer_n':[(n_c+1, kernel, stride, apply_batch_norm, keep_prob, act_f, weight initializer),
#                                (n_c+2,,,,,,,),
#                                (n_c+...,,,,,,,),
#                                (n_c+ last,,,,,,,],

#                         'deconvblock_shortcut_layer_n':[(n_c+3, kernel, stride, apply_batch_norm, act_f, weight initializer)],
#                         'dense_layers':[(dim output, apply_batch_norm, keep_prob, act_f, weight initializer )]
#                      }

#             - filter_sz: (int) width and height of the convolution kernel at that layer
#             - stride: (int) horizontal and vertical size of the stride at that layer
#             - apply_batch_norm: (bool) whether applying batch normalization (along [0] axis of input tensor) or not
#             - keep_prob: (int) dropout keep probability of propagated tensor
#             - f: (function) activation layer function. tf.nn.relu by default
#             - w_init: (tf initializer) initialization of the filter parameters, by default tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.02)
#             sizes['deconvblock_layer_n'] is a list of tuples of layers specifications for the main path 
#             sizes['deconvblock_shortcut_layer_n'] is a list composed by 1 tuple of layer specifications for the shortcut path
#             sizes['dense_layers'] is a list of tuples of layers specifications for the densely connected part of the network
#     Class attributes

#         - conv_layers: (list) list of conv_layer objects
#         - shortcut_layer: (list) conv_layer object

#     Class methods:

#         - forward: 
#             inputs:
#                 X: (tf tensor) input tensor of dim (batch_sz, n_W, n_H, mi) output of previous layer
#                 reuse: (bool) whether reusing the stored batch_normalization parameters or not
#                 is_training: (bool) flag that indicates whether we are in the process of training or not
#             outputs:
#                 output: (tf tensor) activated output of dim (batch_sz, n_W, n_H, mo), input for next layer
#         - set_session:
#             Sets current session
#             inputs:
#                 session: (tf session) current session

#     """
#     def __init__(self,
#                 block_id,
#                 mi, output_sizes, 
#                 sizes):
#                 #self.f=f
#                 init_mi=mi
#                 self.deconv_layers = []
#                 self.block_id=block_id
#                 #output shapes has to be a dictionary of [n_H,n_W]

#                 #build the block
#                 #main path
#                 for i in range(len(sizes['deconvblock_layer_'+str(block_id)])-1):
#                     mo, filter_sz, stride, apply_batch_norm, keep_prob, act_f, w_init = sizes['deconvblock_layer_'+str(block_id)][i]
#                     name = 'deconvblock_{0}_layer_{1}'.format(block_id, i)
#                     layer = DeconvLayer_v2(name,mi, mo, output_sizes[block_id][i],
#                                         filter_sz, stride, 
#                                         apply_batch_norm, keep_prob,
#                                         act_f, w_init)
#                     self.deconv_layers.append(layer)
#                     mi = mo
#                 i = len(sizes['deconvblock_layer_'+str(block_id)])-1
#                 name = 'deconvblock_{0}_layer_{1}'.format(block_id, i)
#                 mo, filter_sz, stride, apply_batch_norm, self.keep_prob_last, self.fin_act, w_init = sizes['deconvblock_layer_' +str(block_id)][-1]

#                 layer = DeconvLayer(name, mi, mo, output_sizes[block_id][len(output_sizes[block_id])-1],
#                                     filter_sz, stride,
#                                     apply_batch_norm, 1,
#                                     lambda x: x, w_init)
#                 self.deconv_layers.append(layer)

#                 #secondary path
#                 mo, filter_sz, stride, apply_batch_norm, keep_prob, w_init = sizes['deconvblock_shortcut_layer_'+str(block_id)][0]
#                 name = 'deconvshortcut_layer_{0}'.format(block_id)
#                 self.shortcut_layer = DeconvLayer(name, init_mi, mo, output_sizes[block_id][len(output_sizes[block_id])-1],
#                                            filter_sz,stride,
#                                            apply_batch_norm, 1,
#                                            f=lambda x: x, w_init=w_init)

#     def set_session(self, session):
#         self.session = session
#         self.shortcut_layer.set_session(session)
#         for layer in self.deconv_layers:
#             layer.set_session(session)    
#     def forward(self, X, reuse, is_training):
#         output = X
#         shortcut_output = X
#         #print('Deconvolutional block %i' %self.block_id)
#         #print('Input shape ', X.get_shape() )
#         i=0

#         for layer in self.deconv_layers:
#             i+=1
#             output = layer.forward(output, reuse, is_training)  
#             #print('After layer %i' %i)
#             #print('Output shape ', output.get_shape())

#         shortcut_output = self.shortcut_layer.forward(shortcut_output, reuse, is_training)
#         #print('Shortcut layer after convolution shape ', shortcut_output.get_shape())
#         assert (output.get_shape().as_list()[1], output.get_shape().as_list()[2]) == (shortcut_output.get_shape().as_list()[1], shortcut_output.get_shape().as_list()[2]), 'image size mismatch at deconv block {0} '.format(self.block_id)
#         assert output.get_shape().as_list()[-1] == shortcut_output.get_shape().as_list()[-1], 'image channels mismatch at deconv block {0}'.format(self.block_id)
#         output = output + shortcut_output
#         activated=self.fin_act(output)
#         output=tf.nn.dropout(activated, keep_prob=self.keep_prob_last, seed=rnd_seed)
#         return self.fin_act(output)

#     def output_dim(self, input_dim):
#         dim = input_dim
#         for _, _, stride, _, _, _, _, in self.sizes['deconvblock_layer_'+str(self.block_id)]:
#             dim = int(np.ceil(float(dim)/stride))
#         return dim