import ROOT as r import numpy as np import funcsByBarbara as tools r.gROOT.SetBatch(r.kTRUE) r.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L lhcbStyle.C+") plots = {} def addPlot(key, x_axis, tree, string, cuts=None): if not cuts: tree.Draw(string+'>>h1') else: tree.Draw(string+'>>h1', cuts) plots[key] = r.gDirectory.Get('h1') plots[key].GetXaxis().SetTitle(x_axis) plots[key].SetTitle(key) plots[key].SetName(key) c1 = r.TCanvas(); plots[key].Draw() c1.Print('accPlots/%s.pdf'%key) c1.Print('accPlots/%s.png'%key) fpimu = r.TFile('../Geraldine/MUPI/ShipAna.root','read') pimu = fpimu.Get('ShipAna') pimu_geo = tools.searchForNodes2_xyz_dict('../Geraldine/MUPI/geofile_full.10.0.Pythia8-TGeant4-1.0GeV-008.root') fmumunu = r.TFile('../Geraldine/MUMUNU/ShipAna.root','read') mumunu = fmumunu.Get('ShipAna') mumunu_geo = tools.searchForNodes2_xyz_dict('../Geraldine/MUMUNU/geofile_full.10.0.Pythia8-TGeant4-1.0GeV-008.root') fbg = r.TFile('../Geraldine/KLONG/ShipAna.root','read') bg = fbg.Get('ShipAna') bg_geo = tools.searchForNodes2_xyz_dict('../Geraldine/KLONG/geofile_full.10.0.Genie-TGeant4.root') studies = { 'pimu': {'data':pimu, 'geo':pimu_geo}, 'mumunu': {'data':mumunu, 'geo':mumunu_geo}, 'bg': {'data':bg, 'geo':bg_geo} } # Cuts: # - z_vertex in [vol[0]+5m, straw[0]] # - has track converged # - chi2/ndof < 10 # - DOCA < 10 cm # - has no veto? def fit_converged(event): flags = event.DaughtersFitConverged if np.product(flags): return True return False def chi2_cut(event, chi2max): chi2 = event.DaughtersChi2 n = event.DaughtersNPoints for i in xrange(len(n)): if chi2[i]/n[i] > chi2max: return False return True def doca_cut(event, doca_max): if event.DOCA < doca_max: return True return False def z_cut(event, study): z = event.vtxz minz = studies[study]['geo']['lidT1I_1']['z']['pos'] + studies[study]['geo']['lidT1I_1']['z']['dim'] + 500. maxz = studies[study]['geo']['lidT6I_1']['z']['pos'] - studies[study]['geo']['lidT6I_1']['z']['dim'] print minz, maxz if minz < z < maxz: return True return False def nothing_in_veto5(event): if len(event.veto5_x) > 0: return False return True def nothing_in_liquidscint(event): if len(event.liquidscint_x) > 0: return False return True for s in studies: print 'Reading %s...'%s t = studies[s]['data'] ntot = t.GetEntriesFast() nAfterCuts = [0]*6 for event in t: if fit_converged(event): nAfterCuts[0] += 1 if chi2_cut(event,25): nAfterCuts[1] +=1 if doca_cut(event, 50.): nAfterCuts[2] += 1 if z_cut(event, s): nAfterCuts[3] += 1 if nothing_in_veto5(event): nAfterCuts[4] += 1 if nothing_in_liquidscint(event): nAfterCuts[5] += 1 print '%s \t survived particles: '%s, nAfterCuts, ' of %s total'%ntot addPlot(s+'-0cuts-IP', 'Impact parameter to target [cm]', t, 'IP0') addPlot(s+'-0cuts-Mass', 'Reco inv. mass', t, 'Mass' ) addPlot(s+'-0cuts-dPt', 'Tracks Pt', t, 'DaughtersPt' ) addPlot(s+'-0cuts-VtxZ', 'Reco vertex z position [cm]', t, 'vtxz' ) cut = "DaughtersChi2<25*DaughtersNPoints" addPlot(s+'-chi2cut-IP', 'Impact parameter to target [cm]', t, 'IP0', cut) addPlot(s+'-chi2cut-Mass', 'Reco inv. mass', t, 'Mass' , cut) addPlot(s+'-chi2cut-dPt', 'Tracks Pt', t, 'DaughtersPt' , cut) addPlot(s+'-chi2cut-VtxZ', 'Reco vertex z position [cm]', t, 'vtxz' , cut) cut += " && DOCA < 50" addPlot(s+'-chi2andDOCAcuts-IP', 'Impact parameter to target [cm]', t, 'IP0', cut) addPlot(s+'-chi2andDOCAcuts-Mass', 'Reco inv. mass', t, 'Mass' , cut) addPlot(s+'-chi2andDOCAcuts-dPt', 'Tracks Pt', t, 'DaughtersPt' , cut) addPlot(s+'-chi2andDOCAcuts-VtxZ', 'Reco vertex z position [cm]', t, 'vtxz' , cut) cut += " && vtxz > %s && vtxz < %s"%(studies[s]['geo']['lidT1I_1']['z']['pos'] + studies[s]['geo']['lidT1I_1']['z']['dim'] + 500., studies[s]['geo']['lidT6I_1']['z']['pos'] - studies[s]['geo']['lidT6I_1']['z']['dim']) addPlot(s+'-chi2andDOCAandZcuts-IP', 'Impact parameter to target [cm]', t, 'IP0', cut) addPlot(s+'-chi2andDOCAandZcuts-Mass', 'Reco inv. mass', t, 'Mass' , cut) addPlot(s+'-chi2andDOCAandZcuts-dPt', 'Tracks Pt', t, 'DaughtersPt' , cut) addPlot(s+'-chi2andDOCAandZcuts-VtxZ', 'Reco vertex z position [cm]', t, 'vtxz' , cut)