from ROOT import * from array import array #gROOT.ProcessLine(".x mystyle.C") pdg = TDatabasePDG.Instance() gridNumber = 697 folder = "" debug = True ## are the weights to be switched on? ON = False if debug: #fileName = "../data/neutrino661/ship.10.0.Genie-TGeant4.root" gridNumber = 691 fileName = "ship.10.0.Genie-TGeant4_n%s.root"%gridNumber outputFileName = "nuNutple_debug%s.root"%gridNumber else: #fileName = "../data/neutrino661/ship.10.0.Genie-TGeant4.root"#"../data/all/ship.10.0.Genie-TGeant4-370k.root" fileName = "ship.10.0.Genie-TGeant4_n%s.root"%(gridNumber)#"../data/all/ship.10.0.Genie-TGeant4-370k.root" outputFileName = "nuNutpleStudy%s.root"%gridNumber fileNameGeo = "ship.10.0.Genie-TGeant4.root"#"../data/neutrino681/ship.10.0.Genie-TGeant4.root" print gridNumber ### Add what is missed: ### PDG nuclear states are 10-digit numbers ### 10LZZZAAAI e.g. deuteron is ### 1000010020 ### from and ### def PrintEventPart(particles,pdg): print "Particles in the event:" for (pid,part) in enumerate(particles): print pid, pdg.GetParticle(part.GetPdgCode()).GetName(), part.GetMotherId() print def PrintRPChits(rpc,pdg): print "Hits in the RPC:" for (ix,RPCpt) in enumerate(rpc): print ix,RPCpt.GetZ(), pdg.GetParticle(RPCpt.PdgCode()).GetName(), RPCpt.GetTrackID() print if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000010020)): pdg.AddParticle("Deuteron","Deuteron", 1.875613e+00, kTRUE, 0,3,"Ion",1000010020) pdg.AddAntiParticle("AntiDeuteron", - 1000010020) if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000010030)): pdg.AddParticle("Triton","Triton", 2.808921e+00, kFALSE, 3.885235e+17,3,"Ion",1000010030); pdg.AddAntiParticle("AntiTriton", - 1000010030); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000020040) ): #pdg.AddParticle("Alpha","Alpha",4*kAu2Gev+2.424e-3,kTRUE,khShGev/(12.33*kYear2Sec),6,"Ion",ionCode); pdg.AddParticle("Alpha","Alpha",3.727379e+00,kFALSE,0,6,"Ion",1000020040); pdg.AddAntiParticle("AntiAlpha", - 1000020040); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000020030) ): pdg.AddParticle("HE3","HE3",2.808391e+00,kFALSE,0,6,"Ion",1000020030); pdg.AddAntiParticle("AntiHE3", -1000020030); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000030070) ): print "TO BE CHECKED the data insert for Li7Nucleus" pdg.AddParticle("Li7Nucleus","Li7Nucleus",3.727379e+00/4.*7.,kFALSE,0,0,"Boson",1000030070); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000060120) ): print "ERROR: random values insert for C12Nucleus" pdg.AddParticle("C12Nucleus","C12Nucleus",0.1,kFALSE,0,0,"Isotope",1000060120); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000030060) ): print "ERROR: random values insert for Li6Nucleus" pdg.AddParticle("Li6Nucleus","Li6Nucleus",6.015121,kFALSE,0,0,"Isotope",1000030060); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000070140) ): print "ERROR: random values insert for for N14" pdg.AddParticle("N14","N14",0.1,kTRUE,0,0,"Isotope",1000070140); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000050100) ): print "TO BE CHECKED the data insert for B10" pdg.AddParticle("B10","B10",10.0129370,kTRUE,0,0,"Isotope",1000050100); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000020060) ): print "TO BE CHECKED the data insert for He6" pdg.AddParticle("He6","He6",6.0188891,kFALSE,806.7e-3,0,"Isotope",1000020060); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000040080) ): print "TO BE CHECKED the data insert for Be8" pdg.AddParticle("Be8","Be8",8.00530510,kFALSE,6.7e-17,0,"Isotope",1000040080); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000030080) ): print "TO BE CHECKED the data insert for Li8" pdg.AddParticle("Li8","Li8",8.002248736,kTRUE,178.3e-3,0,"Isotope",1000030080); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000040170) ): print "ERROR: didn't find what is it particle with code 1000040170, random number inserted!" pdg.AddParticle("None","None",0.1,kFALSE,0,0,"Isotope",1000040170); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000040100) ): print "TO BE CHECKED the data insert for Be10" pdg.AddParticle("Be10","Be10",10.0135338,kTRUE,5.004e+9,0,"Isotope",1000040100); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000040070) ): print "TO BE CHECKED the data insert for Be7" pdg.AddParticle("Be7","Be7",11.021658,kTRUE,13.81,0,"Isotope",1000040070); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000230470) ): print "ERROR: didn't find what is it particle with code 1000230470, random number inserted!" pdg.AddParticle("None2","None2",0.1,kFALSE,0,0,"Isotope",1000230470); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000080170) ): print "ERROR: didn't find what is it particle with code 1000080170, random number inserted!" pdg.AddParticle("None3","None3",0.1,kFALSE,0,0,"Isotope",1000080170); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000240500) ): print "ERROR: didn't find what is it particle with code 1000240500, random number inserted!" pdg.AddParticle("None4","None4",0.1,kFALSE,0,0,"Isotope",1000240500); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000210450) ): print "ERROR: didn't find what is it particle with code 1000210450, random number inserted (Sc45Nucleus)!" pdg.AddParticle("Sc45Nucleus","Sc45Nucleus",0.1,kFALSE,0,0,"Isotope",1000210450); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000040090) ): print "TO BE CHECKED the data insert for Be9" pdg.AddParticle("Be9","Be9",9.0121822,kFALSE,0,0,"Isotope",1000040090); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000080160) ): print "TO BE CHECKED the data insert for O16" pdg.AddParticle("O16","O16",15.99491461956,kFALSE,0,0,"Isotope",1000080160); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000220460) ): print "TO BE CHECKED the data insert for Ar40" pdg.AddParticle("Ar40","Ar40",39.9623831225,kFALSE,0,0,"Isotope",1000220460); if not(pdg.GetParticle(1000050110) ): print "TO BE CHECKED the data insert for B11" pdg.AddParticle("B11","B11",11.0093054,kFALSE,0,0,"Isotope",1000050110); KsID = 310 KLID = 130 NID = 2112 # E = neutrino energy # ON flag to switch on or off the weights def calcWeight(intElName, E, params, entries, ON=True): if not ON: return 1 materialPars = {'Fe':{'A':55.847, #g/mol 'rho': 7874 * 1.e+3/1.e+6,#g/cm3 }, 'Al':{'A':26.98, #g/mol 'rho': 2700 * 1.e+3/1.e+6 #g/cm3 }} perc = {'OPERA':0.33, 'window1':0.015, 'window2':0.015, 'volume1':0.32, 'volume2':0.32} NA = 6.022e+23 material = params[intElName]['material'] # from PDG CC_crossSec = 1.2 for nu, and 0.35 for anti-nu, then we guess-estimate that the NN are 0.5 of CC -> 3/2. crossSec = 3./2*(1.2+0.35)*1.e-38*fabs(E) flux = 5.e+16 L = params[intElName]['lenght'] rho = materialPars[material]['rho'] n_element = perc[intElName]*entries if intElName=="OPERA": print crossSec print L print rho print E print "Weight: ", crossSec * NA * rho * flux * L/ n_element assert(False) return crossSec * NA * rho * L * flux / n_element def addVect(t,name,vectType): vect = vector(vectType)() t.Branch( name, vect ) return t, vect def addVar(t,name,varType): var = array(varType,[-999]) t.Branch(name,var,name+"/"+varType.upper()) return t, var def putToZero(var): #var.clear() #var.push_back(0) var[0] = 0 def getPartName(partId): return pdg.GetParticle(partId).GetName() ## pointVects is a list of pointVect [x,y,z]. The pointVect are the vector ## to be added to the tree containing the position of the hit in the detector ## system under consideration. They are put for the case of 100% efficiency. def wasFired(partKidsId, detPoints, detPos, checkOn, pointVects=None): def lookingForHits(detPoints,flag,flag_eff,nstat,nstat_eff,partKidTrackID, t_ID): for hit in detPoints: if (hit.GetTrackID()==t_ID) or (partKidTrackID is None): #print RPChit.GetTrackID(), t_ID # check if it is in one of the considered active layer for pos in detPos: if pos[0]<=hit.GetZ()<=pos[1]: #print pos, hit.GetZ() if pointVects is not None: pointVects[0].push_back(hit.GetX()) pointVects[1].push_back(hit.GetY()) pointVects[2].push_back(hit.GetZ()) flag = True nstat+=1 eff_val = gRandom.Uniform(0.,1.) if eff_val<0.9: flag_eff = flag_eff or True nstat_eff+=1 else: flag_eff = flag_eff or False return flag, flag_eff, nstat, nstat_eff def lookingForTrackID(partKidsId,detPoints): partKidTrackID = [] for p_ID in partKidsId: for hit in detPoints: if p_ID==hit.PdgCode() and not (hit.GetTrackID() in partKidTrackID): # I take the trackID to follow it partKidTrackID.append(hit.GetTrackID()) ### to be conservative I take only the first trackID of the first set of hits corrisponding to the particleID (nu_daughter) break return partKidTrackID # Now in partKidTrackID I should have the trackID connected to my charged particles flag_eff = False flag = False nstat = 0 nstat_eff = 0 # I should find the first hit connected to the particles from the interaction if not (partKidsId is None): partKidTrackID = lookingForTrackID(partKidsId,detPoints) for t_ID in partKidTrackID: flag,flag_eff,nstat,nstat_eff = lookingForHits(detPoints,flag,flag_eff,nstat,nstat_eff,partKidTrackID, t_ID) else: ## in case we want to look at the presence of any hit, no matter what particle left it flag,flag_eff,nstat,nstat_eff = lookingForHits(detPoints,flag,flag_eff,nstat,nstat_eff,None, None) if flag==False and checkOn: print "To be study event %s"%entry #PrintEventPart(particles,pdg) #PrintRPChits(detPoints,pdg) #print #print #assert(False) return flag, flag_eff, nstat, nstat_eff # RPC[0] = int(rpcFlag) # RPC_eff[0] = int(RPCflag_eff) # nRPCstations[0] = int(nRPCstat) # nRPCstations_eff[0] = int(nRPCstat_eff) f = TFile(fileName) t = f.Get("cbmsim") entries = t.GetEntries() #t2.Draw("startZ_nu","startZ_nu>-2500.8 && startZ_nu<-2400.8") from lookAtGeo import * myNodes_name = ["volLayer_%s"%i for i in xrange(0,12)] myNodes_name += ["lidT1lisci_1","lidT1I_1","lidT1O_1"] myNodes_name += ["volScintLayer_%s"%i for i in xrange(0,11)] myNodes_name += ["lidT6lisci_1","lidT6I_1","lidT6O_1"] myNodes_name += ["volDriftLayer%s_1"%i for i in xrange(1,6)] myNodes_name += ["Tr%s_%s"%(i,i) for i in xrange(1,5)] myNodes_name += ["Veto_5"] myGeoEl = findPositionGeoElement(fileNameGeo, myNodes_name) lastPassiveEl = [myGeoEl["volLayer_0"]['z']-myGeoEl["volLayer_0"]['dimZ'],myGeoEl["volLayer_0"]['z']+myGeoEl["volLayer_0"]['dimZ']] geo = loadGeometry(fileNameGeo) ship_geo = geo['ShipGeo'] entranceWindows = [ [myGeoEl["lidT1O_1"]['z']-myGeoEl["lidT1O_1"]['dimZ'],myGeoEl["lidT1O_1"]['z']+myGeoEl["lidT1O_1"]['dimZ']], [myGeoEl["lidT1I_1"]['z']-myGeoEl["lidT1I_1"]['dimZ'],myGeoEl["lidT1I_1"]['z']+myGeoEl["lidT1I_1"]['dimZ']] ] volume = [myGeoEl["lidT1O_1"]['z']-myGeoEl["lidT6O_1"]['dimZ'],myGeoEl["lidT6O_1"]['z']-myGeoEl["lidT6O_1"]['dimZ']]#[myGeoEl["lidT1lisci_1"]['z']+myGeoEl["lidT1lisci_1"]['dimZ'],4100] scintTankW = [myGeoEl["lidT1lisci_1"]['z']-myGeoEl["lidT1lisci_1"]['dimZ'],myGeoEl["lidT1lisci_1"]['z']+myGeoEl["lidT1lisci_1"]['dimZ']] scintTankV = [myGeoEl["lidT1lisci_1"]['z']-myGeoEl["lidT1lisci_1"]['dimZ'],myGeoEl["lidT1lisci_1"]['z']+myGeoEl["lidT1lisci_1"]['dimZ']] OPERA = [myGeoEl["volLayer_11"]['z']-myGeoEl["volLayer_11"]['dimZ'],myGeoEl["volLayer_0"]['z']+myGeoEl["volLayer_0"]['dimZ']] OPERA_wrong = [-2705.3,-2625.3] Tracking = [myGeoEl["Tr1_1"]['z']-myGeoEl["Tr1_1"]['dimZ'],myGeoEl["Tr4_4"]['z']+myGeoEl["Tr4_4"]['dimZ']] print "Geometry Parameters:" print "last passive (interactionElement == 0): ",lastPassiveEl print "entrance windows (interactionElement == 1): ", entranceWindows print "volume (interactionElement ==2): ", volume print "scintTankW: ", scintTankW print "scintTankV: ", scintTankV print "OPERA-system: ",OPERA print "OPERA_wrong: ", OPERA_wrong print "Tracking: ", Tracking #lastPassive = [myGeoEl["volLayer2_11"]['z'],myGeoEl["volLayer2_0"]['z']] print "I should think of a correct way to distinguish volume from entrance window around the z of the two windows" #assert(False) ## I don't want to consider the RPC after the last passive element (removed in some later version of the geo) so index just up to 11 RPCstationsPos = [[myGeoEl["volScintLayer_%s"%i]['z']-myGeoEl["volScintLayer_%s"%i]['dimZ'],myGeoEl["volScintLayer_%s"%i]['z']+myGeoEl["volScintLayer_%s"%i]['dimZ']] for i in xrange(0,11)] HPTstationsPos = [[myGeoEl["volDriftLayer%s_1"%i]['z']-myGeoEl["volDriftLayer%s_1"%i]['dimZ'],myGeoEl["volDriftLayer%s_1"%i]['z']+myGeoEl["volDriftLayer%s_1"%i]['dimZ']] for i in xrange(1,6)] n_RPC = len(RPCstationsPos) RPCstationsPos += HPTstationsPos trackStationsPos = [[myGeoEl["Tr%s_%s"%(i,i)]['z']-myGeoEl["Tr%s_%s"%(i,i)]['dimZ'],myGeoEl["Tr%s_%s"%(i,i)]['z']+myGeoEl["Tr%s_%s"%(i,i)]['dimZ']] for i in xrange(1,5)] strawVetoPos = [[myGeoEl["Veto_5"]['z']-myGeoEl["Veto_5"]['dimZ'],myGeoEl["Veto_5"]['z']+myGeoEl["Veto_5"]['dimZ']]] scintWPos = [scintTankW] params = {'OPERA': {'material':'Fe', 'lenght':OPERA[1]-OPERA[0]-n_RPC*myGeoEl["volScintLayer_0"]['dimZ']*2.,},## I want to calculate only the passive part, remember that the dimZ is the half-width. 'window1': {'material':'Fe', 'lenght':entranceWindows[0][1]-entranceWindows[0][0]}, 'window2': {'material':'Al', 'lenght':entranceWindows[1][1]-entranceWindows[1][0],}, 'volume1': {'material':'Fe', 'lenght':volume[1]-volume[0],}, 'volume2': {'material':'Al', 'lenght':volume[1]-volume[0]}} ### Ntuple elements: nf = TFile(outputFileName,"RECREATE") nt = TTree("t","t") nt, event = addVar(nt, 'event','i') nt, nNu = addVar(nt, 'nNu', 'i') nt, isPrimary = addVar(nt, 'isPrimary','i') nt, startZ_nu = addVar(nt, 'startZ_nu', 'f') nt, startY_nu = addVar(nt, 'startY_nu', 'f') nt, startX_nu = addVar(nt, 'startX_nu', 'f') nt, nuE = addVar(nt, 'nuE', 'f') nt, nuP = addVar(nt, 'nuP', 'f') ## 0: last passive material opera-mu-system ## 1: two windows around liquid scintillator ## 2: along vaccum tank ## 3: along all OPERA ## 4: between the two entrance windows ## 999: wrong OPERA place ## needed until we have the new production ## -1: anything else, but what???? #it should never been present nt, interactionElement = addVar(nt, 'interactionElement','i') ### From Neutrino nt, nPart_fromNu = addVar(nt, 'nPart_fromNu', 'i') nt, idPart_fromNu = addVect(nt, 'idPart_fromNu', 'int') nt, idStrPart_fromNu = addVect(nt, 'idStrPart_fromNu', 'string') nt, nChargedPart_fromNu = addVar(nt, 'nChargedPart_fromNu', 'i') nt, idChargedPart_fromNu = addVect(nt, 'idChargedPart_fromNu', 'int') nt, idStrChargedPart_fromNu = addVect(nt, 'idStrChargedPart_fromNu', 'string') nt, nNeutrPart_fromNu = addVar(nt, 'nNeutrPart_fromNu', 'i') nt, idNeutrPart_fromNu = addVect(nt, 'idNeutrPart_fromNu', 'int') nt, idStrNeutrPart_fromNu = addVect(nt, 'idStrNeutrPart_fromNu', 'string') ### With Ks nt, nNeutrPart_withKs = addVar(nt,'nNeutrPart_withKs', 'i') nt, idNeutrPart_withKs = addVect(nt, 'idNeutrPart_withKs', 'int') nt, idStrNeutrPart_withKs = addVect(nt, 'idStrNeutrPart_withKs', 'string') nt, nChargedPart_withKs = addVar(nt, 'nChargedPart_withKs', 'i') nt, idChargedPart_withKs = addVect(nt, 'idChargedPart_withKs', 'int') nt, idStrChargedPart_withKs = addVect(nt, 'idStrChargedPart_withKs', 'string') nt, nPart_withKs = addVar(nt, 'nPart_withKs', 'i') nt, idPart_withKs = addVect(nt, 'idPart_withKs', 'int') nt, idStrPart_withKs = addVect(nt, 'idStrPart_withKs', 'string') ### With KL nt, nNeutrPart_withKL = addVar(nt, 'nNeutrPart_withKL', 'i') nt, idNeutrPart_withKL = addVect(nt,'idNeutrPart_withKL', 'int') nt, idStrNeutrPart_withKL = addVect(nt,'idStrNeutrPart_withKL', 'string') nt, nChargedPart_withKL = addVar(nt,'nChargedPart_withKL', 'i') nt, idChargedPart_withKL = addVect(nt,'idChargedPart_withKL', 'int') nt, idStrChargedPart_withKL = addVect(nt,'idStrChargedPart_withKL', 'string') nt, nPart_withKL = addVar(nt, 'nPart_withKL', 'i') nt, idPart_withKL = addVect(nt, 'idPart_withKL', 'int') nt, idStrPart_withKL = addVect(nt, 'idStrPart_withKL', 'string') ### With N nt, nNeutrPart_withN = addVar(nt,'nNeutrPart_withN', 'i') nt, idNeutrPart_withN = addVect(nt,'idNeutrPart_withN', 'int') nt, idStrNeutrPart_withN = addVect(nt,'idStrNeutrPart_withN', 'string') nt, nChargedPart_withN = addVar(nt, 'nChargedPart_withN', 'i') nt, idChargedPart_withN = addVect(nt,'idChargedPart_withN', 'int') nt, idStrChargedPart_withN = addVect(nt,'idStrChargedPart_withN', 'string') nt, nPart_withN = addVar(nt, 'nPart_withN', 'i') nt, idPart_withN = addVect(nt, 'idPart_withN', 'int') nt, idStrPart_withN = addVect(nt, 'idStrPart_withN', 'string') #is there a Ks? nt, hasKs = addVar(nt, 'hasKs', 'i') nt, hasKL = addVar(nt, 'hasKL', 'i' ) nt, hasN = addVar(nt, 'hasN', 'i') nt, rpcPoint_x = addVect(nt, 'rpcPoint_x', 'float') nt, rpcPoint_y = addVect(nt, 'rpcPoint_y', 'float') nt, rpcPoint_z = addVect(nt, 'rpcPoint_z', 'float') nt, strawPoint_x = addVect(nt, 'strawPoint_x', 'float') nt, strawPoint_y = addVect(nt, 'strawPoint_y', 'float') nt, strawPoint_z = addVect(nt, 'strawPoint_z', 'float') nt, strawVetoPoint_x = addVect(nt, 'strawVetoPoint_x', 'float') nt, strawVetoPoint_y = addVect(nt, 'strawVetoPoint_y', 'float') nt, strawVetoPoint_z = addVect(nt, 'strawVetoPoint_z', 'float') nt, scintWPoint_x = addVect(nt, 'scintWPoint_x', 'float') nt, scintWPoint_y = addVect(nt, 'scintWPoint_y', 'float') nt, scintWPoint_z = addVect(nt, 'scintWPoint_z', 'float') ''' # was the liquid scintillator window fired? nt, scintW = addVar(nt,'scintW', 'i' ) # accounting for an eff. of each station of 90% nt, scintW_eff = addVar(nt,'scintW_eff', 'i' ) # was the liquid scintillator wall (around the volume) fired? nt, scintV = addVar(nt,'scintV', 'i' ) # accounting for an eff. of each station of 90% nt, scintV_eff = addVar(nt,'scintV_eff', 'i' ) ''' nt, maxPcharged = addVar(nt, 'maxPcharged', 'f') nt, maxPneutr = addVar(nt, 'maxPneutr', 'f') ### RPC ### # was at least an RPC fired by something coming from the nu interaction? nt, RPC = addVar(nt,'RPC', 'i' ) # accounting for an eff. of each station of 90% nt, RPC_eff = addVar(nt,'RPC_eff', 'i' ) nt, nRPCstations = addVar(nt, 'nRPCstations', 'i') nt, nRPCstations_eff = addVar(nt, 'nRPCstations_eff', 'i') ## In case something (no matter if it comes from the nu-interaction kids) fired the RPC nt, nRPCstationsAny = addVar(nt, 'nRPCstationsAny', 'i') nt, RPCany = addVar(nt,'RPCany', 'i' ) nt, nRPCstationsAny_eff = addVar(nt, 'nRPCstationsAny_eff', 'i') nt, RPCany_eff = addVar(nt,'RPCany_eff', 'i' ) ############ ### scintW ### # was at least an scintW fired by something coming from the nu interaction? nt, scintW = addVar(nt,'scintW', 'i' ) # accounting for an eff. of each station of 90% nt, scintW_eff = addVar(nt,'scintW_eff', 'i' ) nt, nScintWstations = addVar(nt, 'nScintWstations', 'i') nt, nScintWstations_eff = addVar(nt, 'nScintWstations_eff', 'i') ## In case something (no matter if it comes from the nu-interaction kids) fired the scintW nt, nScintWstationsAny = addVar(nt, 'nScintWstationsAny', 'i') nt, scintWany = addVar(nt,'scintWany', 'i' ) nt, nScintWstationsAny_eff = addVar(nt, 'nScintWstationsAny_eff', 'i') nt, scintWany_eff = addVar(nt,'scintWany_eff', 'i' ) ############### ### strawVeto ### # was at least an strawVeto fired by something coming from the nu interaction? nt, strawVeto = addVar(nt,'strawVeto', 'i' ) # accounting for an eff. of each station of 90% nt, strawVeto_eff = addVar(nt,'strawVeto_eff', 'i' ) nt, nStrawVetoStations = addVar(nt, 'nStrawVetoStations', 'i') nt, nStrawVetoStations_eff = addVar(nt, 'nStrawVetoStations_eff', 'i') ## In case something (no matter if it comes from the nu-interaction kids) fired the strawVeto nt, nStrawVetoStationsAny = addVar(nt, 'nStrawVetoStationsAny', 'i') nt, strawVetoAny = addVar(nt,'strawVetoAny', 'i' ) nt, nStrawVetoStationsAny_eff = addVar(nt, 'nStrawVetoStationsAny_eff', 'i') nt, strawVetoAny_eff = addVar(nt,'strawVetoAny_eff', 'i' ) ############### ### TrackSyst ### ## only the case of anything fired it is considered, obviously nt, TrackSyst = addVar(nt, "TrackSyst", 'i') nt, TrackSyst_eff = addVar(nt, "TrackSyst_eff", 'i') nt, nTrackStations = addVar(nt, 'nTrackStations','i') nt, nTrackStations_eff = addVar(nt, 'nTrackStations_eff','i') ################## # did the neutrino interact in the last passive element of the "opera-mu-system"? nt, lastPassive = addVar(nt, 'lastPassive', 'i' ) nt, nuKid_z = addVect(nt, "nuKid_z", "float") #[1754,]: # [8418,]:# for entry in xrange(entries): #entry = 5429 if not (entry%1000): print "%s / %s"%(entry,entries) #if debug: #if (entry%1000): # continue #res = {} t.GetEntry(entry) event[0] = entry particles = t.MCTrack rpc = t.ShipRpcPoint scint = t.vetoPoint strawPoints = t.strawtubesPoint vetoScint = t.vetoPoint #print "checking rpc: entry %s"%entry #PrintRPChits(rpc,pdg) ## initialization putToZero(nNu) putToZero(nPart_fromNu) putToZero(nChargedPart_fromNu) putToZero(nNeutrPart_fromNu) putToZero(nNeutrPart_withKs) putToZero(nChargedPart_withKs) putToZero(nPart_withKs) putToZero(nNeutrPart_withKL) putToZero(nChargedPart_withKL) putToZero(nPart_withKL) putToZero(nNeutrPart_withN) putToZero(nChargedPart_withN) putToZero(nPart_withN) putToZero(hasKs) putToZero(hasKL) putToZero(hasN) idPart_fromNu.clear() idChargedPart_fromNu.clear() idNeutrPart_fromNu.clear() idStrPart_fromNu.clear() idStrChargedPart_fromNu.clear() idStrNeutrPart_fromNu.clear() idNeutrPart_withKs.clear() idChargedPart_withKs.clear() idPart_withKs.clear() idStrNeutrPart_withKs.clear() idStrChargedPart_withKs.clear() idStrPart_withKs.clear() idNeutrPart_withKL.clear() idChargedPart_withKL.clear() idPart_withKL.clear() idStrNeutrPart_withKL.clear() idStrChargedPart_withKL.clear() idStrPart_withKL.clear() idNeutrPart_withN.clear() idChargedPart_withN.clear() idPart_withN.clear() idStrNeutrPart_withN.clear() idStrChargedPart_withN.clear() idStrPart_withN.clear() nuKid_z.clear() strawVetoPoint_x.clear() strawVetoPoint_y.clear() strawVetoPoint_z.clear() strawPoint_x.clear() strawPoint_y.clear() strawPoint_z.clear() rpcPoint_x.clear() rpcPoint_y.clear() rpcPoint_z.clear() scintWPoint_x.clear() scintWPoint_y.clear() scintWPoint_z.clear() primaryDone=False isPrimary[0] = int(False) for (ip,part) in enumerate(particles): ## exit if we have reached the empty part of the array if not (type(part)==type(ShipMCTrack())): break if not pdg.GetParticle(part.GetPdgCode()): #%print "--> to be added before continuing:", part.GetPdgCode() #sys.exit(0) pdg.AddParticle("%s"%part.GetPdgCode(),"%s"%part.GetPdgCode(),0.1,kFALSE,0,0,"Isotope",part.GetPdgCode()); print "ERROR: you should insert proper values for: %s"%part.GetPdgCode() pdgPart = pdg.GetParticle(part.GetPdgCode()) pdgPart.GetName() ## Looking for a neutrino: it should have the correct pdg code and it should not have a mother if (("nu" in pdgPart.GetName())):# and part.GetMotherId()==-1): ## Starting the counter of how many particles were produced by the interaction of this specific nu #fromThisNu.push_back(0) nNu[0]+=1 if part.GetMotherId()==-1: assert(primaryDone==False) primaryDone=True isPrimary[0] = int(True) assert(len(idStrPart_fromNu)==0) assert(len(idStrNeutrPart_fromNu)==0) else: continue startZ_nu[0] = part.GetStartZ() startY_nu[0] = part.GetStartY() startX_nu[0] = part.GetStartX() nuE[0] = part.GetEnergy() nuP[0] = part.GetP() # Re-initialization for each interacting neutrino ## ---> <--- ## ## Looking for particles produced by the neutrino interaction interacted = False partKidsId = [] maxPcharged[0] = 0 maxPneutr[0] = 0 for ip2 in xrange(0,len(particles)): part2 = particles[ip2] ## exit if we have reached the empty part of the array if not (type(part2)==type(ShipMCTrack())): break if part2.GetMotherId()==ip: interacted = True part2Id = part2.GetPdgCode() partKidsId.append(part2Id) tmpP = part2.GetP() #print "pID",part2Id, pdg.GetParticle(part2Id).GetName() nPart_fromNu[0]+=1 idPart_fromNu.push_back(part2Id) idStrPart_fromNu.push_back(getPartName(part2Id)) ## Counting how many particles produced by the nu-interaction are charged or neutral if int(fabs(pdg.GetParticle(part2Id).Charge()))==int(0): nNeutrPart_fromNu[0]+=1 idNeutrPart_fromNu.push_back(part2Id) idStrNeutrPart_fromNu.push_back(getPartName(part2Id)) if fabs(maxPcharged[0])<fabs(tmpP): maxPcharged[0]=tmpP else: nChargedPart_fromNu[0]+=1 idChargedPart_fromNu.push_back(part2Id) idStrChargedPart_fromNu.push_back(getPartName(part2Id)) if fabs(maxPneutr[0])<fabs(tmpP): maxPneutr[0]=tmpP ## How many are produced by the interaction in the last passive element of the "opera-mu system"? part2Z = part2.GetStartZ() nuKid_z.push_back(part2Z) somewhere = False if part2Z>lastPassiveEl[0] and part2Z<lastPassiveEl[1]: somewhere = True interactionElement[0] = 0 intElName = 'OPERA' #RpcPassiveFlag = True lastPassive[0] = int(True) ## To know if it was in the full OPERA-system (excluded last passive) if part2Z>OPERA[0] and part2Z<OPERA[1] and somewhere==False: somewhere = True interactionElement[0] = 3 intElName = 'OPERA' ## To account for things that are both in the correct and wrong OPERA place #if part2Z>OPERA_wrong[0] and part2Z<OPERA_wrong[1]: # interactionElement.push_back(999) ## To account for things that are only in the wrong OPERA place if part2Z>OPERA_wrong[0] and part2Z<OPERA_wrong[1] and somewhere==False: somewhere = True interactionElement[0] = 999 intElName = 'OPERA' ## To know if it was between the two windows if part2Z>entranceWindows[0][1] and part2Z<entranceWindows[1][0]: somewhere = True interactionElement[0] = 4 #scintElement = False for (iew,ew) in enumerate(entranceWindows): if part2Z>=ew[0] and part2Z<=ew[1]: somewhere = True interactionElement[0] = 1 #scintElement = True if iew==0: intElName = 'window1' else: intElName = 'window2' #scintFlag = False '''if scintElement: for scintEl in scint: if scintTankW[0]<scintEl.GetZ()<scintTankW[1]: scintFlag=True if scintFlag: scintW[0] = int(True) eff_flag = gRandom.Uniform(0.,1.) if eff_flag<0.9: scintW_eff[0] = int(True) else: scintW_eff[0] = int(False) else: scintW[0] = int(False) ''' #scintElement = False if part2Z>volume[0] and part2Z<volume[1] and somewhere==False: ## extra check needed for the windows, and for be sure that x and y are as expected interactionElement[0] = 2 #scintElement = True somewhere = True intElName = 'volume1' '''if scintElement: for scintEl in scint: if scintTankV[0]<scintEl.GetZ()<scintTankV[1]: scintFlag=True if scintFlag: scintV[0] = int(True) eff_flag = gRandom.Uniform(0.,1.) if eff_flag<0.9: scintV_eff[0] = int(True) else: scintV_eff[0] = int(False) else: scintV[0] = int(False) ''' if somewhere==False: interactionElement[0] = -1 ## Knowing how many particles comes with the KL if fabs(part2Id) == KLID: hasKL[0] = int(True) for (ip3,part3) in enumerate(particles): if not (type(part)==type(ShipMCTrack())): break ## same mother has the KL and is not the KL itself if part3.GetMotherId()==ip and part3 is not part2: nPart_withKL[0] += 1 part3Id = part3.GetPdgCode() idPart_withKL.push_back(part3Id) idStrPart_withKL.push_back(getPartName(part3Id)) if (int(pdg.GetParticle(part3Id).Charge())==int(0)): nNeutrPart_withKL[0]+=1 idNeutrPart_withKL.push_back(part3Id) idStrNeutrPart_withKL.push_back(getPartName(part3Id)) else: nChargedPart_withKL[0]+=1 idChargedPart_withKL.push_back(part3Id) idStrChargedPart_withKL.push_back(getPartName(part3Id)) ## Knowing how many particles comes with the Ks elif fabs(part2Id) == KsID: hasKs[0] = int(True) for (ip3,part3) in enumerate(particles): if not (type(part)==type(ShipMCTrack())): break ## same mother has the Ks and is not the Ks itself if part3.GetMotherId()==ip and part3 is not part2: nPart_withKs[0] += 1 part3Id = part3.GetPdgCode() idPart_withKs.push_back(part3Id) idStrPart_withKs.push_back(getPartName(part3Id)) if (int(pdg.GetParticle(part3Id).Charge())==int(0)): nNeutrPart_withKs[0]+=1 idNeutrPart_withKs.push_back(part3Id) idStrNeutrPart_withKs.push_back(getPartName(part3Id)) else: nChargedPart_withKs[0]+=1 idChargedPart_withKs.push_back(part3Id) idStrChargedPart_withKs.push_back(getPartName(part3Id)) ## Knowing how many particles comes with the N elif fabs(part2Id) == NID: hasN[0] = int(True) for (ip3,part3) in enumerate(particles): if not (type(part)==type(ShipMCTrack())): break ## same mother has the N and is not the N itself if part3.GetMotherId()==ip and part3 is not part2: nPart_withN[0] += 1 part3Id = part3.GetPdgCode() idPart_withN.push_back(part3Id) idStrPart_withN.push_back(getPartName(part3Id)) if (int(pdg.GetParticle(part3Id).Charge())==int(0)): nNeutrPart_withN[0]+=1 idNeutrPart_withN.push_back(part3Id) idStrNeutrPart_withN.push_back(getPartName(part3Id)) else: nChargedPart_withN[0]+=1 idChargedPart_withN.push_back(part3Id) idStrChargedPart_withN.push_back(getPartName(part3Id)) #### #assert(interacted) ## In case it was in the OPERA system (wrong && correct place) ''' if somewhere and interactionElement[-1] in [0,3,999]: RPC[0], RPC_eff[0], nRPCstations[0], nRPCstations_eff[0] = wasFired(partKidsId, rpc, RPCstationsPos, checkOn=False) RPCany[0], RPCany_eff[0], nRPCstationsAny[0], nRPCstationsAny_eff[0] = wasFired(None, rpc, RPCstationsPos, checkOn=False, pointVects=[rpcPoint_x, rpcPoint_y, rpcPoint_z]) if somewhere and interactionElement[-1] in [1,]: scintW[0], scintW_eff[0], nScintWstations[0], nScintWstations_eff[0] = wasFired(partKidsId, vetoScint, scintWPos, checkOn=False) scintWany[0], scintWany_eff[0], nScintWstationsAny[0], nScintWstationsAny_eff[0] = wasFired(None, vetoScint, scintWPos, checkOn=False, pointVects=[scintWPoint_x, scintWPoint_y, scintWPoint_z])''' #if entry==744: # PrintEventPart(particles,pdg) #assert(False) ## Looking at hits in the tracking stations TrackSyst[0],TrackSyst_eff[0],nTrackStations[0],nTrackStations_eff[0] = wasFired(None, strawPoints, trackStationsPos, checkOn=False, pointVects=[strawPoint_x, strawPoint_y, strawPoint_z] ) strawVeto[0],strawVeto_eff[0],nStrawVetoStations[0],nStrawVetoStations_eff[0] = wasFired(partKidsId, strawPoints, strawVetoPos, checkOn=False ) strawVetoAny[0],strawVetoAny_eff[0],nStrawVetoStationsAny[0],nStrawVetoStationsAny_eff[0] = wasFired(None, strawPoints, strawVetoPos, checkOn=False, pointVects=[strawVetoPoint_x, strawVetoPoint_y, strawVetoPoint_z]) scintW[0], scintW_eff[0], nScintWstations[0], nScintWstations_eff[0] = wasFired(partKidsId, vetoScint, scintWPos, checkOn=False) scintWany[0], scintWany_eff[0], nScintWstationsAny[0], nScintWstationsAny_eff[0] = wasFired(None, vetoScint, scintWPos, checkOn=False, pointVects=[scintWPoint_x, scintWPoint_y, scintWPoint_z]) RPC[0], RPC_eff[0], nRPCstations[0], nRPCstations_eff[0] = wasFired(partKidsId, rpc, RPCstationsPos, checkOn=False) RPCany[0], RPCany_eff[0], nRPCstationsAny[0], nRPCstationsAny_eff[0] = wasFired(None, rpc, RPCstationsPos, checkOn=False, pointVects=[rpcPoint_x, rpcPoint_y, rpcPoint_z]) assert(len(idStrPart_fromNu)==len(idPart_fromNu)) assert(len(idStrChargedPart_fromNu)==len(idChargedPart_fromNu)) assert(len(idStrNeutrPart_fromNu)==len(idNeutrPart_fromNu)) assert(len(idStrPart_fromNu)==nChargedPart_fromNu[0]+nNeutrPart_fromNu[0]) assert(len(idStrChargedPart_fromNu)==nChargedPart_fromNu[0]) assert(len(idStrNeutrPart_fromNu)==nNeutrPart_fromNu[0]) if not primaryDone: print "It looks like there is not primary nu interacting" PrintEventPart(particles,pdg) assert(False) nt.SetWeight(calcWeight(intElName, nuE[0], params, entries, ON)) #PrintEventPart(particles,pdg) #assert(False) nt.Fill() nt.Write() nf.Save() nf.Close() print "Wrote file %s"%outputFileName '''f2 = TFile("prova.root") t2 = f2.Get("t") t2.Print() t2.Draw("nuE", "nNu==1 && isPrimary==1") #t2.Draw("startZ_nu", "nNu==1 && isPrimary==1 && startZ_nu>=-2501.8 && startZ_nu<=-2478.8") ''' '''### Looking for the first RPC station that can be fired (i.e. after the interaction point) leftRPC = None#tmp_firstRPCStation = None rightRPC = None for (indexRPC,RPCs) in enumerate(RPCstationsPos): if part2Z<RPCs[1]: #tmp_firstRPCStation = indexRPC leftRPC = indexRPC-1 rightRPC = indexRPC break #if tmp_firstRPCStation is None: if leftRPC is None: print "ERROR: need to debug event %s"%entry print "part2z = ",part2Z print "RPCstationPos = ",RPCstationsPos sys.exit(0) #if tmp_firstRPCStation is not 0: # print "Did you change and you are not looking anymore at the last passive element? If not it should be a bug in the code, if yes remove this part (used only as a safety check)" #sys.exit(0) print "###", leftRPC, rightRPC, RPCstationsPos[leftRPC], RPCstationsPos[rightRPC], part2Z # I used a list in case we would like to include more than the two RPC layers around the passive element where we had the interaction potentiallyFiredRPCindex = [leftRPC,rightRPC] ## checking if I have one of the two active stations around the interaction point with hits RPCflag = False RPCflag_eff = False for RPCpt in rpc: print RPCpt.GetZ(), pdg.GetParticle(RPCpt.PdgCode()).GetName(), RPCpt.GetTrackID() assert(False) for RPCpt in rpc: for potRPCindex in potentiallyFiredRPCindex: print RPCpt.GetZ(), RPCstationsPos[potRPCindex] if RPCpt.GetZ()<RPCstationsPos[potRPCindex][1] and RPCpt.GetZ()>RPCstationsPos[potRPCindex][0]: RPCflag = True ## For each station after the interaction point I simulate a 90% efficiency of the detector ## only if one station is still fired I put a positive flag eff_flag = gRandom.Uniform(0.,1.) if eff_flag<0.9: RPCflag_eff = True print RPCflag, RPCflag_eff for (pid,part) in enumerate(particles): print pid, pdg.GetParticle(part.GetName(), part.GetMotherId() assert(False) '''