added option answers=5
egrave committed on 28 Dec 2015
attempt to produce most updated signal selection tables
egrave committed on 28 Dec 2015
new pimu file with tighter cuts on the tracks
egrave committed on 3 Aug 2015
first change in order of cuts
elena committed on 3 Aug 2015
fixed calorimeter and stuff in order to prepare presentation for the fifth collab. meeting
egrave committed on 16 Jul 2015
modified to work on lxs, added fakedp analysis
egrave committed on 1 Jul 2015
got software from nathalie and changed EcalPoint to EcalPointLite there, too
Elena@SHiP_VM committed on 23 Jun 2015
moved TP software to backup folder
Elena@SHiP_VM committed on 23 Jun 2015
EcalPoint -> EcalPointLite
Elena@SHiP_VM committed on 23 Jun 2015
removed weights from the ip plots
Elena@SHiP_VM committed on 23 Jun 2015
list of cuts for the table asked by the referees
Ubuntu committed on 23 Jun 2015
responses to the referees about the TP
Ubuntu committed on 15 Jun 2015
Version of the sw that was run for the TP
Ubuntu committed on 29 May 2015
status just after the tp
Ubuntu committed on 28 May 2015
cuts with draw. offline selection tuned
Ubuntu committed on 23 Mar 2015
software run on yandex
Ubuntu committed on 22 Mar 2015
Ubuntu committed on 18 Mar 2015
Katerina's refit procedures to account for magnetic field in vertex reconstruction
Ubuntu committed on 17 Mar 2015
refactor elena's analysys on a by-event basis
Ubuntu committed on 17 Mar 2015
debugged energy deposit in LiSc segments
Ubuntu committed on 17 Mar 2015
fixed configurable LiSc threshold
Ubuntu committed on 17 Mar 2015
added configurable LiSc energy deposit threshold
Ubuntu committed on 17 Mar 2015
removed printouts
Ubuntu committed on 17 Mar 2015
segmentation a la Martin now working (ignored hits not in the liquid scintillator)
Ubuntu committed on 16 Mar 2015
LiSc segmentation a la Martin
Ubuntu committed on 16 Mar 2015
analysys software merged with Barbara's (ntuple_nuVeto_small)
Ubuntu committed on 16 Mar 2015
signal and BG reco efficiency
Ubuntu committed on 2 Mar 2015
Added latest elena_ShipAna.py (from Naples)
Ubuntu committed on 16 Feb 2015
Added modifications made in Naples
Ubuntu committed on 16 Feb 2015
Acceptance studies with RECO and neutrino weights
Ubuntu committed on 6 Feb 2015