// // landauFit.C // Obtaining the MPV from a fit of the ADC counts distribution // // Created by Christian Elsasser on 31.05.13. // University of Zurich, elsasser@cern.ch // Copyright only for commercial use // // Compile with: // g++ -o landauFit landauFit.C `root-config --glibs --cflags` -lRooFit -lRooFitCore -lEG // // General include #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits> #include <string> #include <time.h> // ROOT include #include "../../include/incBasicROOT.h" #include "../../include/incDrawROOT.h" #include "../../include/incHistROOT.h" #include "../../include/incIOROOT.h" #include "../../include/incRooFit.h" #include "../../include/basicROOTTools.h" #include "../../include/basicRooFitTools.h" #include "../../include/lhcbstyle.C" #include "deplTool.h" // -d detector (TT/IT) // -l layer (TTaX,TTaU,TTbV,TTbX, T[1-3]{X1,U,V,X2}) // -s read-out sector number // -f fill number // -c Calibration step (Odin step) [0-65] // -r consider only hit in a distance closer than r mm from the beam axis // -v number of summed up strips // -ns Do not save the value in the root file // -ss Perform a temporary save int landauFit(int argc, char* argv[]); int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ Printf("Starting..."); // if i want to use this, set $LHCBSTYLE to either 0 or 1 TStyle* style = lhcbStyle(); int argc_copy = argc; TApplication* theApp = new TApplication("Analysis", &argc, argv); argc = theApp->Argc(); argv = theApp->Argv(); bool runBatch = false; for (int i = 1; i<argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i],"-b")==0) { runBatch = true; gROOT->SetBatch(); Printf("Set BATCH mode..."); } } int exit = landauFit(argc,argv); Printf("End"); if (!runBatch) { theApp->Run(!runBatch); } return exit; } // Executable method int landauFit(int argc, char* argv[]){ TVectorD v_res(5); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.20); gStyle->SetTitleOffset(1.5,"Y"); gStyle->SetTitleOffset(1.0,"X"); // To point it to the right directory: // export DISK=/disk/data1/hep/elena const char* diskVar = std::getenv ("DISK"); Printf("%s",diskVar); int fill = 2083; TString det("TT"); TString lay("TTaU"); int sector = 2634; int caliStep = 0; int val = 3; bool notSave = false; bool temSave = false; double radius = -10.0; double radmin = 0.0; double radmax = 2000.0; for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i],"-d")==0 && i+1<argc) { det = argv[++i]; }else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-l")==0 && i+1<argc) { lay = argv[++i]; }else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-s")==0 && i+1<argc) { sector = std::atoi(argv[++i]); }else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-f")==0 && i+1<argc) { fill = std::atoi(argv[++i]); }else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-v")==0 && i+1<argc) { val = std::atoi(argv[++i]); }else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-c")==0 && i+1<argc) { caliStep = std::atoi(argv[++i]); }else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-r")==0 && i+1<argc) { radius = std::atof(argv[++i]); }else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-ns")==0) { notSave = true; }else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-ss")==0) { temSave = true; } } int voltStep = caliStep/6; int timeStep = caliStep%6; double time = STTool::GetTime(caliStep, fill); double volt = 0.0; if (det.EqualTo("TT")) { volt = STTool::GetTTVoltage(caliStep); }else{ volt = STTool::GetITVoltage(caliStep); } // Name of the vector where it is stored TString vn_result(Form("v_%d_val%d",caliStep,val)); // Directory name and file names for the plots TString dn_graph(Form("%s/data/ST/graphics/%s/%s/%d/%d", diskVar,det.Data(),lay.Data(),sector,fill)); TString fn_graph_s(Form("%s/signal_%d_val%d", dn_graph.Data(),caliStep,val)); TString fn_graph_n(Form("%s/noise_%d_val%d", dn_graph.Data(),caliStep,val)); TString fn_graph_a(Form("%s/alt_%d_val%d", dn_graph.Data(),caliStep,val)); // Director name and file name for the data TString dn_output(Form("%s/data/ST/Aging",diskVar)); TString fn_output(Form("%s/CCEScan.root",dn_output.Data())); Printf("%s", fn_output.Data()); TString fn_dummy(Form("%s/check",dn_output.Data())); // Name if it is not directly written into the main file if (temSave) { fn_output= TString(Form("%s/temp_%s_%s_%d_%d_r%d_step%d.root", dn_output.Data(),det.Data(),lay.Data(), sector,fill,(int)radius, (int)caliStep)); } // Set the radius to an irrelevant value if (radius<0.0) { radius = 2000.0; } else { vn_result +=Form("_r%d",(int)radius); fn_graph_s +=Form("_r%d",(int)radius); // Elena - implement circular crowns if (radius == 45) { radmax = 45.0; } else if (radius == 75) { radmin = 45.0; radmax = 75.0; } else if (radius == 175) { // This setting is the only one for the IT radmin = 0.0; radmax = 175.0; } else if (radius == 40) { // Placeholder for "rest of the sector" // r < 40 mm has too little statistics anyways! radmin = 75.0; if (strcmp(det.Data(),"IT")==0) { // The only radius for the IT is 175 mm radmin = 175.0; } radmax = 2000.0; } } fn_graph_s += ".pdf"; fn_graph_n += ".pdf"; Printf("========================================="); Info("landauFit","Analyse: "); Printf(" Sector: %d",sector); Printf(" Radius: %4.2f mm",radius); Printf(" Rad min: %4.2f mm",radmin); Printf(" Rad max: %4.2f mm",radmax); Printf(" Fill: %d",fill); Printf(" Detector: %s",det.Data()); Printf(" Layer: %s",lay.Data()); Printf(" Voltage: %4.2f V",volt); Printf(" Time: %4.2f ns",time); // Obtain directory, file and tree names for the ADC counts TString dn_data(Form("%s/data/ST/Aging_Tuples/%s/%s" ,diskVar,det.Data(),lay.Data())); TString fn_data(Form("%s/%d.root", dn_data.Data(),fill)); TString tn_sig(Form("STADCTrackMonitor/HitInfo/%s", lay.Data())); TString tn_bkg(Form("STADCTrackMonitor/NoiseInfo/%s", lay.Data())); TFile* f_data = TFile::Open(fn_data.Data()); if (!f_data) { Error("landauFit","Data file does not exist!"); Printf("=========================================\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } TTree* t_sig = (TTree*)f_data->Get(tn_sig.Data()); if (!t_sig) { Error("landauFit","Signal tree not found!"); Printf("=========================================\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } TTree* t_bkg = (TTree*)f_data->Get(tn_bkg.Data()); if (!t_bkg) { Error("landauFit","Background tree not found!"); Printf("=========================================\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } TH1F* h_sig = new TH1F("h_sig","Signal histo", 208,-32.0,176.0); TH1F* h_bkg = new TH1F("h_bkg","Background histo", 208,-32.0,176.0); // Select calibration and read-out sector TCut cu_bkg(Form("(odinStep==%d) && (sector==%d)", caliStep,sector)); // Select only first run in fill if you consider calibration step 0 if (caliStep==0) { cu_bkg = cu_bkg && TCut(Form("(runNumber==%d)",STTool::zeroRunMap[fill])); } // Select tracks based on their chi^2 and ghost prob //TCut cu_sel = STTool::cu_track_TT; //if (strcmp(det.Data(),"TT")==0) { // cu_sel = STTool::cu_track_IT; //} TCut cu_sel = STTool::get_track_selection(det, fill); // Get full selection for signal tracks/hits including radius TCut cu_sig = cu_bkg && cu_sel && TCut(Form("(TMath::Sqrt(xHit*xHit+yHit*yHit)>%f && (TMath::Sqrt(xHit*xHit+yHit*yHit)<%f)", radmin, radmax)); // Fill Histograms t_sig->Draw(Form("val%d>>h_sig",val),cu_sig,"goff"); t_bkg->Draw(Form("val%d>>h_bkg",val),cu_bkg,"goff"); delete t_sig; delete t_bkg; // Skip histogram if there are too few entries in the histograms if (h_sig->GetEntries()<10 || h_bkg->GetEntries()<10) { Error("landauFit","Too few entries in histograms. Skip this step!"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // ADC value RooRealVar* adc = new RooRealVar("adc","Signal height", h_sig->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), h_sig->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(), "ADC value"); // RooFit histograms RooDataHist* hr_bkg = new RooDataHist("hr_bkg","Histogram of raw noise", *adc,RooFit::Import(*h_bkg)); RooDataHist* hr_sig = new RooDataHist("hr_sig","Histogram of raw signal", *adc,RooFit::Import(*h_sig)); // PDF for noise RooRealVar* nMu = new RooRealVar("nMu","Mean of raw noise distribution",0.0,-10.0,10.0,""); RooRealVar* nSig1 = new RooRealVar("nSig1","Sigma 1 of raw noise distribution",3.0,0.5,6.0,""); RooRealVar* nSig2 = new RooRealVar("nSig2","Sigma 2 of raw noise distribution",5.0,0.5,25.0,""); RooRealVar* nFrac = new RooRealVar("nFrac","Fractition of Gaussian 1 to total noise distribution",0.5,0.0,1.0); RooGaussian* nG1 = new RooGaussian("nG1","Gaussian 1 of raw noise distribution",*adc,*nMu,*nSig1); RooGaussian* nG2 = new RooGaussian("nG2","Gaussian 2 of raw noise distribution",*adc,*nMu,*nSig2); RooAddPdf* nPDF = new RooAddPdf("nPDF","Total distribution of raw noise", RooArgList(*nG1,*nG2), RooArgList(*nFrac)); // Fit and plot noise sample RooFitResult* nRes = nPDF->fitTo(*hr_bkg,RooFit::Save()); RooPlot* nFrame = adc->frame(RooFit::Title(Form("Noise distribution for %4.0f V and %4.1f ns",volt,time))); hr_bkg->plotOn(nFrame,RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2),RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2)); nPDF->plotOn(nFrame,RooFit::LineColor(kBlue)); // average noise value v_res(2) = nSig1->getVal()*nFrac->getVal()+nSig2->getVal()*(1.0-nFrac->getVal()); // uncertainty on average noise v_res(3) = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(nSig1->getError()*nFrac->getVal(),2.0)+ TMath::Power(nSig2->getError()*(1.0-nFrac->getVal()),2.0)+ TMath::Power((nSig1->getVal()-nSig2->getVal())*nFrac->getError(),2.0)); // PDF for signal // Constrain parameters fixed in the noise fit //nMu->setConstant(kTRUE); //nSig1->setConstant(kTRUE); //nSig2->setConstant(kTRUE); nFrac->setConstant(kTRUE); RooGaussian* sG1 = new RooGaussian("sG1","Gaussian 1",*adc,*nMu,*nSig1); RooGaussian* sG2 = new RooGaussian("sG2","Gaussian 2",*adc,*nMu,*nSig2); RooAddPdf* sG = new RooAddPdf("sG","Gaussian smearing", RooArgList(*sG1,*sG2), RooArgList(*nFrac)); RooAddPdf* nG = new RooAddPdf("nG","Distribution of raw noise", RooArgList(*nG1,*nG2), RooArgList(*nFrac)); RooRealVar* mpv = new RooRealVar("mpv","Most probable ADC value", TMath::Max(10.0,h_sig->GetBinCenter(h_sig->GetMaximumBin())) ,1.0,60.0,""); RooRealVar* spread = new RooRealVar("spread","Sigma of Landau distribution" ,3.0,0.1,10.0,""); RooRealVar* ampv = new RooRealVar("ampv","Most probable ADC value", TMath::Max(10.0,h_sig->GetBinCenter(h_sig->GetMaximumBin())) ,1.0,60.0,""); RooRealVar* aspread = new RooRealVar("aspread","Sigma of Landau distribution" ,3.0,0.1,10.0,""); // Variables for the Landau coming from photo conversion RooFormulaVar* scaledMpv = new RooFormulaVar("scaledMpv","2*mpv",RooArgList(*mpv)); RooFormulaVar* scaledSpread = new RooFormulaVar("scaledSpread","2*spread",RooArgList(*spread)); RooLandau* landauDist = new RooLandau("landauDist","Landau distribution of ADC values",*adc,*mpv,*spread); RooLandau* landauDistScaled = new RooLandau("landauDistScaled","Landau distribution of conversion",*adc,*scaledMpv,*scaledSpread); RooLandau* altlandauDist = new RooLandau("altlandauDist","AlternativeLandau distribution of ADC values",*adc,*ampv,*aspread); RooRealVar* cFrac = new RooRealVar("cFrac","Fraction of photo conversion",0.025); // Set fraction from photon conversion to zero if (det.EqualTo("IT")) { cFrac->setVal(0.0); } RooRealVar* sFrac = new RooRealVar("sFrac","Fraction of signal hits",0.8,0.0,1.0); RooRealVar* aFrac = new RooRealVar("aFrac","Fraction of signal hits",0.8,0.0,1.0); adc->setBins(10000,"cache") ; RooFFTConvPdf* landauConv = new RooFFTConvPdf("landauConv","Landau (x) gauss",*adc,*landauDist,*sG); RooFFTConvPdf* landauConvPhoto = new RooFFTConvPdf("landauConvPhoto","Landau Conv (x) gauss",*adc,*landauDistScaled,*sG); RooAddPdf* sTot = new RooAddPdf("sTot","Total signal distribution",*landauConvPhoto,*landauConv,*cFrac); RooAddPdf* sPDF = new RooAddPdf("sPDF","Total distribution",*sTot,*nG,*sFrac); // Alternative distribution only done from a single Landau RooFFTConvPdf* altlandauConv = new RooFFTConvPdf("altlandauConv","Landau Conv (x) gauss",*adc,*altlandauDist,*sG); RooAddPdf* aPDF = new RooAddPdf("aPDF","Alternative total distribution",*altlandauConv,*nG,*aFrac); // Fit the distribution RooFitResult* sRes = sPDF->fitTo(*hr_sig,RooFit::Save()); Info("landauFit","Baseline result:"); Printf(" mpv = %8.4f+/-%8.4f",mpv->getVal(),mpv->getError()); Printf(" spread = %8.4f+/-%8.4f",spread->getVal(),spread->getError()); Printf(" conv Frac = %8.4f+/-%8.4f",cFrac->getVal(),cFrac->getError()); Printf(" noise Frac = %8.4f+/-%8.4f",1.0 - sFrac->getVal(),sFrac->getError()); // mpv value: 1st place in result vector v_res(0) = mpv->getVal(); // mpv uncertainty: 2nd place in result vector v_res(1) = mpv->getError(); RooPlot* sFrame = adc->frame(RooFit::Title(Form("Signal distribution for %4.0f V and %4.1f ns",volt,time))); hr_sig->plotOn(sFrame,RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2),RooFit::DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2)); sPDF->plotOn(sFrame,RooFit::LineColor(kBlue)); sPDF->plotOn(sFrame,RooFit::Components(*nG),RooFit::LineColor(kBlue),RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed)); sPDF->plotOn(sFrame,RooFit::Components(*landauConv),RooFit::LineColor(kRed),RooFit::LineStyle(9)); sPDF->plotOn(sFrame,RooFit::Components(*landauConvPhoto),RooFit::LineColor(kRed),RooFit::LineStyle(kDashed)); Info("landauFit","Results: "); Printf(" MPV: %5.2f+/-%5.2f ADC counts",v_res(0),v_res(1)); Printf(" Noise: %5.2f+/-%5.2f ADC counts",v_res(2),v_res(3)); if (nRes->status()==0) { Info("landauFit","Signal fit status: %d",nRes->status()); }else{ Warning("landauFit","Signal fit status: %d",nRes->status()); } if (sRes->status()==0) { Info("landauFit","Noise fit status: %d",sRes->status()); }else{ Warning("landauFit","Noise fit status: %d",sRes->status()); } // Plot the results TCanvas* c_sig = new TCanvas("c_sig","Signal Canvas",800,600); c_sig->SetLeftMargin(0.20); SwapParenthesis(sFrame); ReplaceSubstring(sFrame,"Events","Hits"); ReplaceSubstring(sFrame,"1 ",""); sFrame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); sFrame->Draw(); TCanvas* c_bkg = new TCanvas("c_bkg","Background Canvas",800,600); c_bkg->SetLeftMargin(0.20); nFrame->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(-32.0,32.0); SwapParenthesis(nFrame); ReplaceSubstring(nFrame,"Events","Hits"); ReplaceSubstring(nFrame,"1 ",""); nFrame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); nFrame->Draw(); // Save data and plots TFile* f_output; while (!gSystem->Exec(Form("ls %s &> /dev/null",fn_dummy.Data()))) { Info("landauFit","Waiting until file is closed"); gSystem->Sleep(1000); } gSystem->Exec(Form("touch %s &> /dev/null",fn_dummy.Data())); f_output = new TFile(fn_output.Data(),"UPDATE"); TString dn_result = TString::Format("%s/%s/%d/%d", det.Data(), lay.Data(), sector, fill); // Get right directory bool isThere = f_output->GetListOfKeys()->Contains(det.Data()); if (!isThere) { f_output->mkdir(det.Data()); } isThere = f_output->GetListOfKeys()->Contains(Form("%s/%s", det.Data(), lay.Data())); if (!isThere) { f_output->mkdir(Form("%s/%s", det.Data(), lay.Data())); } isThere = f_output->GetListOfKeys()->Contains(Form("%s/%s/%d", det.Data(), lay.Data(), sector)); if (!isThere) { f_output->mkdir(Form("%s/%s/%d", det.Data(), lay.Data(), sector)); } isThere = f_output->GetListOfKeys()->Contains(Form("%s/%s/%d/%d", det.Data(), lay.Data(), sector, fill)); if (!isThere) { f_output->mkdir(Form("%s/%s/%d/%d", det.Data(), lay.Data(), sector, fill)); } f_output->cd(Form("%s/%s/%d/%d", det.Data(), lay.Data(), sector, fill)); if(!notSave){ gDirectory->Delete(Form("%s;*", vn_result.Data())); v_res.Write(Form("%s", vn_result.Data())); Info("landauFit","Result written to %s",fn_output.Data()); } f_output->Close(); gSystem->Exec(Form("rm -f %s &> /dev/null",fn_dummy.Data())); if (!notSave) { // Save picture gSystem->Exec(Form("mkdir -p %s",dn_graph.Data())); gSystem->Exec(Form("rm %s &> /dev/null",fn_graph_s.Data())); gSystem->Exec(Form("rm %s &> /dev/null",fn_graph_n.Data())); c_sig->SaveAs(fn_graph_s.Data()); c_bkg->SaveAs(fn_graph_n.Data()); } Printf("=========================================\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }