STAging / STAging / cmt / requirements
# Created    : 2013-05-31
# Maintainer : Christian elsasser
package           STAging
version           v1r0

# Structure, i.e. directories to process. 
branches          cmt doc src options python macros data bin
# Used packages. Specify the version, * at the end specifies 'any revision'
#    Put as many lines as needed, with all packages, without the '#'
# use   Package      v1r*    Hat
use   GSL               v*    LCG_Interfaces
use   GaudiAlg        	v*
use   GaudiUtils        v*
use   RecEvent		v*	Event
use   MCEvent		v*	Event
use   TrackEvent       	v*	Event
use   PatKernel         v*      Tf
use   TrackFitEvent     v*	Tr
use   TrackInterfaces 	v*	Tr
use   TrackKernel	v*	Tr
use   STKernel          v*      ST
use   STTELL1Event      v*      ST
use   PartProp          v*      Kernel
use   CaloDet           v*      Det
use   PhysEvent         v*      Event
use   MCEvent           v*      Event

# Component library building rule
library          STAging    ../src/*.cpp -import=AIDA
# define component library link options
apply_pattern	install_python_modules 
apply_pattern	component_library library=STAging

alias write_st_xml_cond $STVETRAANALYSISROOT/python/