Data files
--- db
* fluence.root: simulated fluence (FLUKA) for the different read-out sectors and beam energies as well as radii from the beam pipe. TVectorD as storage elements
- v_sector_* -> sector number
- v_flux%d_{v,e}_* -> simulated fluence for beam energy %d (v) and its uncertainty (e)
* lumi.root: information about the integrated luminosity as a function of time
- begin of fill, fill number and integrated luminosity for 7 and 8 TeV
* ratio.root: ratio per sector between the ADC value corresponding to the effective depletion voltage and the maximal ADC value (plateau)
* systVolt.root: fill to store information about systematic uncertainties on the measured depletion voltage --> not yet read
* vdepl.root: depletion voltage for each read-out sector after production
* IT_db.txt: Table with information about the different read-out sectors (number, ladder number, voltage channel+, detector, plane, box/region, depletion voltage after production) + the voltage channels for IT are not filled since the dimension of the voltage channel is clear from the information about the box
* TT_db.txt: same for TT as IT_db.txt
--- fluka
* fluka.root: histogram showing the FLUKA map with 1cm x 1cm resolution for TT and 5cm x 5cm resolution for IT for differen beam energies
* *.txt: Output files from the FLUKA simulation, first two columns represent the coordinate of the bottom left corner, and the third column the number of 1-MeV neutrons in this 1cm^2 per collision. Remark: the 14-TeV files are very old and basically obsolete (only used for the outer regions in TT with a scaling to match the more precise simulation for the center region)
--- leakageCurrent
* {it,tt}current.pkl: Pickle files for the leakage current data for IT and TT
--- lumi
* root files downloaded from the LHCb operations site
--- temperature
* temperature.root: Temperature trend for the different sensors in IT and TT
- v_*_temp: TVectorD containing the temperature values
- v_*_time: TVectorD containing the corresponding time in unixtime
- *.txt: Raw output from PVSS with alternating columns representing the time/date and the corresponding temperature