TestStandRepository / Software / Arduino / libraries / Arduino-Libraries / CmdMessenger / Examples / TemperatureControl / TemperatureControl.ino

// *** TemperatureControl ***

// This example expands the previous ArduinoController example. The PC will now send a start command to the controller,
// the controller will now start measuring the temperature and controlling the heater. The controller will also start 
// sending temperature and heater steer data which the PC will plot in a chart. With a slider we can set the goal 
// temperature, which will make the PID library on the controller adjust the setting of the heater.

// To use this example without having a thermocouple or heating element, it comes with a simulated boiler
// In order to use the simulator, disable the #define REAL_HEATER

//#define REAL_HEATER;
#include <Adafruit_MAX31855.h>
#include <HeaterSim.h>

#include <CmdMessenger.h>  
#include <PID_v1.h>
#include <DoEvery.h>   

// Attach a new CmdMessenger object to the default Serial port
CmdMessenger cmdMessenger = CmdMessenger(Serial);

const int heaterPwmInterval        = 300; // PWM cycle duration 
const int measureInterval          = 100;  // Interval between measurements

DoEvery tempTimer(measureInterval);
DoEvery pidTimer(heaterPwmInterval);

// PID settings
double pidP                        = 1500;
double pidI                        = 25;
double pidD                        = 0;

// Thermocouple pins
int thermoDO                       = 3;
int thermoCS                       = 4;
int thermoCLK                      = 5;

// Solid State switch pin
const int switchPin                = 4;

bool acquireData                   = false; // Logging start/stop flag
bool controlHeater 	               = false; // Heater start/stop flag

long startAcqMillis                = 0;

double CurrentTemperature          = 20;    // Measured temperature
double goalTemperature             = 20;    // Goal temperature

bool heaterOn                      = false; // Initial binary heater state 
double heaterSteerValue            = 0;     // Initial normalized heater value

// Initialize thermocouple library
Adafruit_MAX31855 thermocouple(thermoCLK, thermoCS, thermoDO);  
HeaterSim heaterSim(20);   // Heater is placed in ambient temperature of 20 degrees Celsius

// Initialize PID library
PID pid(&CurrentTemperature, &heaterSteerValue, &goalTemperature,pidP,pidI,pidD,DIRECT);

// This is the list of recognized commands. These can be commands that can either be sent or received. 
// In order to receive, attach a callback function to these events
  // Commands
  kRequestId           , // Command to request application ID
  kSendId              , // Command to send application ID
  kAcknowledge         , // Command to acknowledge a received command
  kError               , // Command to message that an error has occurred
  kStartLogging        , // Command to request logging start              
  kStopLogging         , // Command to request logging stop               
  kPlotDataPoint       , // Command to request data-point plotting  
  kSetGoalTemperature  , // Command to set the goal temperature 
  KSetStartTime        , // Command to set the new start time for the logger   

// Commands we send from the PC and want to receive on the Arduino.
// We must define a callback function in our Arduino program for each entry in the list below.
void attachCommandCallbacks()
  // Attach callback methods
  cmdMessenger.attach(kRequestId, OnRequestId);
  cmdMessenger.attach(kStartLogging, OnStartLogging);
  cmdMessenger.attach(kStopLogging, OnStopLogging);
  cmdMessenger.attach(kSetGoalTemperature, OnSetGoalTemperature);
  cmdMessenger.attach(KSetStartTime, OnSetStartTime);

// ------------------  C A L L B A C K S -----------------------

// Called when a received command has no attached function
void OnUnknownCommand()
  cmdMessenger.sendCmd(kError,"Command without attached callback");

void OnRequestId()

// Callback function that responds that Arduino is ready (has booted up)
void OnArduinoReady()
  cmdMessenger.sendCmd(kAcknowledge,"Arduino ready");

// Start data acquisition
void OnStartLogging()
  // Start data acquisition
  acquireData = true;
  cmdMessenger.sendCmd(kAcknowledge,"Start Logging");

// Stop data acquisition
void OnStopLogging()
  acquireData    = false;
  cmdMessenger.sendCmd(kAcknowledge,"Stop Logging");

// Callback function that sets the goal temperature
void OnSetGoalTemperature()
  // Read led state argument, interpret string as float
  float newTemperature = cmdMessenger.readBinArg<float>();
  // Make sure that the argument is valid before we change
  // the goal temperature
  if (cmdMessenger.isArgOk()) {
    goalTemperature = newTemperature;
    // Enable heater control (was disabled at initialization)
    controlHeater = true;  
    // Send acknowledgment back to PC
  } else {
    // Error in received goal temperature! Send error back to PC
    cmdMessenger.sendCmd(kError,"Error in received new goal temperature");

// Callback function that sets the start time
void OnSetStartTime()
	// Read led state argument, interpret string as float
	float startTime = cmdMessenger.readBinArg<float>();
	// Make sure that the argument is valid before we change
	if (cmdMessenger.isArgOk()) {
		unsigned long milis =  millis();
		// translate time in seconds to time in milliseconds wrt to internal clock;
		startAcqMillis = (unsigned long)((float)startTime*1000.0f);
		if (startAcqMillis >  milis) { startAcqMillis = milis; }
		startAcqMillis = milis- startAcqMillis;

// ------------------ M A I N  ----------------------

// Setup function
void setup() 
  // Listen on serial connection for messages from the pc
  // 115200 is typically the maximum speed for serial over USB
  // Serial.begin(115200);
  // Many bluetooth breakout boards run on 9600 at default speed
  // The Serial setting below should match this
  // Do not print newLine at end of command, 
  // in order to reduce data being sent
  //initialize  timers

  //initialize the PID variables

  // Read the current temperature
  #ifdef REAL_HEATER
	CurrentTemperature= thermocouple.readCelsius();
	CurrentTemperature = heaterSim.GetTemp();

  //prepare PID port for writing
  pinMode(switchPin, OUTPUT);  

  //turn the PID on and set to automatic

  // Set pid sample time to the measure interval

  // Attach my application's user-defined callback methods

  // Send the status to the PC that says the Arduino has booted
  cmdMessenger.sendCmd(kAcknowledge,"Arduino has started!");

// Loop function
void loop() 
  // Process incoming serial data, and perform callbacks
  // Every 100 ms, update the temperature
  if(tempTimer.check()) measure();
  // Update the PID timer. 
  // Check if are controlling the heater 
  if (controlHeater) {
      //compute new PID parameters  
      //Control the heater using Pulse Width Modulation

// Measure temperature in boiler 
void measure() {
  if (acquireData) {
     // Calculate time
     float seconds     = (float) (millis()-startAcqMillis) /1000.0 ;
     // Measure temperature 
     #ifdef REAL_HEATER
		CurrentTemperature= thermocouple.readCelsius(); // measure with thermocouple
		CurrentTemperature = heaterSim.GetTemp();       // measure temperature in simulated boiler
     // Send data to PC    
     cmdMessenger.sendCmdBinArg((float)seconds);                           // Time    
     cmdMessenger.sendCmdBinArg((float)CurrentTemperature);                // Measured temperature
     cmdMessenger.sendCmdBinArg((float)goalTemperature);                   // Goal temperature
     cmdMessenger.sendCmdBinArg((float)((double)heaterSteerValue/(double)heaterPwmInterval)); // normalized heater steer value
     cmdMessenger.sendCmdBinArg((bool)heaterOn);                        // On / off state during PWM cycle

void SetHeaterState(bool heaterOn)
	// Turn heater, connected to relay at pin switchPin

// Set binary heater state
void heaterPWM()
  // Switch heater on or off, based on moment in the PWM cycle
  heaterOn = pidTimer.before(heaterSteerValue);
  #ifdef REAL_HEATER
	SetHeaterState(heaterOn);			  // Turn on heater of boiler 
	heaterSim.SetHeaterState(heaterOn); // Turn on heater of simulated boiler
