TestStandRepository / Software / AutomatedMeasurements /

Author: Federica Lionetto
Date: January 5th, 2015

Automated measurement for focusing. After the measurement, the position of the laser along x and z is reset.

- <firstx>, the first x position;
- <lastx>, the last x position;
- <stepx>, the step size along x;
- <firstz>, the first z position;
- <lastz>, the last z position;
- <stepz>, the step size along z.

How to run it:
python --fx <firstx> --lx <lastx> --sx <stepx> --fz <firstz> --lz <lastz> --sz <stepz> --date <yyyymmdd>

For example:
python --fx 0 --lx 50 --sx 2 --fz -400 --lz -380 --sz 20 --date 20150105

Arduino device ID:
DEVICE ID 2341:0042 on Bus 001 Address 045, Communications Device (in hexadecimal)


import argparse
import subprocess
import os

import usb.core
import usb.util

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Define the parameters of the automated measurement for focusing.')

parser.add_argument('--fx',type=int,help='first x position')
parser.add_argument('--lx',type=int,help='last x position')
parser.add_argument('--sx',type=int,help='step size along x')

parser.add_argument('--fz',type=int,help='first z position')
parser.add_argument('--lz',type=int,help='last z position')
parser.add_argument('--sz',type=int,help='step size along z')

parser.add_argument('--date',type=int,help='date according to the yyyymmdd format')

args = parser.parse_args()

# Parameters and configuration.
firstx = args.fx
lastx = args.lx
stepx =

firstz = args.fz
lastz = args.lz
stepz =

yyyymmdd =

nevents = 10000

folder = '/home/hep/flionett/TestStand/Data'
filename = ''
config = '/home/hep/flionett/TestStand/Repository/TestStandRepository/Software/AutomatedMeasurements/FocusingConfig'

print 'First x position: %i steps' % firstx
print 'Last x position: %i steps' % lastx
print 'Step size along x: %i steps' % stepx

print 'First z position: %i steps' % firstz
print 'Last z position: %i steps' % lastz
print 'Step size along z: %i steps' % stepz

print 'Number of events per DAQ: %i' % nevents

# Number of scanned x positions.
stepsx = (lastx-firstx)/stepx+1
print 'Number of scanned x positions: %i' % stepsx
# Number of scanned z positions.
stepsz = (lastz-firstz)/stepz+1
print 'Number of scanned z positions: %i' % stepsz

# Find Arduino.
dev = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x2341)
if dev is None :
    raise ValueError("Device not found.")

# Perform the measurement.
for posz in range(firstz,lastz+stepz,stepz) :
    for posx in range(firstx,lastx+stepx,stepx) :
        print 'Position along x: %i steps' % posx
        print 'Position along z: %i steps' % posz
        filename = folder+"/Hans410/Test/"+str(yyyymmdd)+"-216-"+str(posx)+"x-"+str(posz)+"z-las.ali"
        printcommand = "echo alibava-gui --no-gui --nevts="+str(nevents)+" --out="+filename+" --laser "+config
        command = "alibava-gui --no-gui --nevts="+str(nevents)+" --out="+filename+" --laser "+config
        print '***',shell=True),shell=True)
        # Move the stepper motor along x.
        # Send +10 (forward step of 5 microns) stepx times.
    # Reset the position of the stepper motor along x, to make it ready for the DAQs at the following z position.
    # Send +20 (backward step of 5 microns) stepx*len(range(firstx,lastx+stepx,stepx)) times.
    # Move the stepper motor along z.
    # Send +01 (backward step of 5 microns) stepz times.
# Reset the position of the stepper motor along z, to make it ready for the following measurement.
# Send +02 (forward step of 5 microns) stepz*len(range(firstz,lastz+stepz,stepz)) times.

print '***'

print 'End of the measurement!'