TestStandRepository / Software / Tools / FindStrip.C
@Federica Lionetto Federica Lionetto on 24 Jul 2015 5 KB Changes to allow measurement of ATLAS sensor
// Author: Federica Lionetto
// Created on: 21/07/2014

FindStrip reads the file called <inputFilename> and returns the following information:
- Beetle channel corresponding to the strip hit by the laser;
- direction for finding the cluster of four adjacent strips (not Beetle channels!).
It also plots the hit map (pedestal subtracted ADC counts averaged over events as a function of the Beetle channel, for all Beetle channels and for Beetle channels connected to silicon.

// Header guard.

#include "Lib.C"
#include "lhcbStyle.C"
#include "Style.C"
#include "Par.C"

void FindStrip(string inputFilename, string outputFilename, TString path_to_figures, int *strip, string *direction);

void FindStrip(string inputFilename, string outputFilename, TString path_to_figures, int *strip, string *direction) {
  cout << "**************************************************" << endl;
  cout << "Finding the Beetle channel corresponding to the strip hit by the laser..." << endl;
  cout << "**************************************************" << endl;

  cout << "Input file: " << inputFilename << endl;
  cout << "Output file: " << outputFilename << endl;

  int found;

  // Check that the input filename provided corresponds to a ROOT file.
  found = inputFilename.find(".root");
  if (found==string::npos)  {
    cout << "Error! The filename provided is not associated to a ROOT file." << endl;

 // Check that the output filename provided corresponds to a ROOT file.
  found = outputFilename.find(".root");
  if (found==string::npos)  {
    cout << "Error! The filename provided is not associated to a ROOT file." << endl;

  // Check that the input filename provided corresponds to an existing ROOT file.
  if (!(boost::filesystem::exists(inputFilename.c_str()))) {
    cout << "Error! The filename provided is not associated to an existing ROOT file." << endl;

  cout << "Open input ROOT file " << inputFilename << endl;
  TFile *input = TFile::Open(TString(inputFilename));

  TTree *EventInfo = (TTree *)input->Get("EventInfo");
  int EventsEventInfo = EventInfo->GetEntries();

  std::vector<double> *ADCProcessed = 0;
  TBranch *b_ADCProcessed = 0;

  cout << "Open output ROOT file " << outputFilename << endl;
  TFile *output = TFile::Open(TString(outputFilename),"RECREATE");

  // Canvases.
  TCanvas *cmap = new TCanvas("cmap","",400,300);
  TCanvas *cmapConnected = new TCanvas("cmapConnected","",400,300);

  // Histograms.

  TH1F *hmap = new TH1F("hmap","",N,0,N);
  TH1F *hmapConnected = new TH1F("hmapConnected","",N/NSkip,0,N);

  InitHist(hmap,"Hit map - all Beetle channels","Beetle channel","");
  InitHist(hmapConnected,"Hit map - Beetle channels connected to Si","Beetle channel","");

  // Fill histograms.

  for (int iEvent=0;iEvent<EventsEventInfo;iEvent++)
    for(int iChannel=0;iChannel<N;++iChannel)
      if (iChannel%NSkip==0)


  if ((sensorID == "Hans410") || (sensorID == "Hans320"))
    *strip = hmap->GetMaximumBin()-1;
    int max = hmap->GetMaximum();
    cout << "Beetle channel with the maximum ADC count: " << *strip << endl;
    cout << "Maximum ADC count: " << max << endl;
  else if (sensorID == "ATLAS")
    *strip = hmap->GetMinimumBin()-1;
    int max = hmap->GetMinimum();
    cout << "Beetle channel with the minimum ADC count: " << *strip << endl;
    cout << "Minimum ADC count: " << max << endl;
  int stripLeft = *strip-NSkip;
  int left = hmap->GetBinContent(stripLeft+1); // The +1 is necessary to take the number scheme of the histogram into account.
  int stripRight = *strip+NSkip;
  int right = hmap->GetBinContent(stripRight+1); // The +1 is necessary to take the number scheme of the histogram into account.
  cout << "Adjacent Beetle channel on the left: " << stripLeft << ", " << left << endl;
  cout << "Adjacent Beetle channel on the right: " << stripRight << ", " << right << endl;
  if ((sensorID == "Hans410") || (sensorID == "Hans320"))
    if (left <= right)
      *direction = "right";
      *direction = "left";
  else if (sensorID == "ATLAS")
    if (left >= right)
      *direction = "right";
      *direction = "left";
  cout << "More signal on the " << *direction << endl;

  // Style.

  // Draw histograms, stats, legends, ... and write output pdf files.


  //  Write output ROOT files.


  // Close input and output files.

