TestStandRepository / Software / Arduino / libraries / Arduino-Libraries / CmdMessenger / CSharp / CommandMessengerTests / CommandMessengerTest.cs
// *** CommandMessengerTest ***

// This project runs unit tests on several parts on the mayor parts of the CmdMessenger library
// Note that the primary function is not to serve as an example, so the code may be less documented 
// and clean than the example projects. 

using System;
using System.IO.Ports;
using CommandMessenger;
using CommandMessenger.Serialport;
using CommandMessenger.TransportLayer;

namespace CommandMessengerTests
    public class CommandMessengerTest
        private SetupConnection _setupConnection;
        private Acknowledge _acknowledge;
        private ClearTextData _clearTextData;
        private BinaryTextData _binaryTextData;
        private TransferSpeed _transferSpeed;
        private MultipleArguments _multipleArguments;

        public CommandMessengerTest()
            // Set up board & transport mode
            var teensy31 = new systemSettings()
                Description = @"Teensy 3.1",
                MinReceiveSpeed     = 2000000,         // Bits per second    
                MinSendSpeed        = 1250000,         // Bits per second                                       
                MinDirectSendSpeed  = 47500,           // Bits per second                     
                BoardType           = BoardType.Bit32, // 32 architecture, needed from binary value conversion
                sendBufferMaxLength = 512,             // Maximum send buffer size
                Transport = new SerialTransport
                        CurrentSerialSettings = new SerialSettings()
                                PortName = "COM15",    // Can be different!
                                BaudRate = 115200,     // Bits per second
                                DataBits = 8,          // Data bits
                                Parity = Parity.None,  // Bit parity
                                DtrEnable = false,     // Some boards need to send this to enabled                                    
            var arduinoNano = new systemSettings()
                Description = @"Arduino Nano /w AT mega328",
                MinReceiveSpeed     = 84000,              // Bits per second 
                MinSendSpeed        = 90000,              // Bits per second                                      
                MinDirectSendSpeed  = 52000,              // Bits per second                
                BoardType           = BoardType.Bit16,    // 32 architecture, needed from binary value conversion
                sendBufferMaxLength = 60,                 // Maximum send buffer size
                Transport = new SerialTransport
                    CurrentSerialSettings = new SerialSettings()
                        PortName = "COM6",                // Can be different!
                        BaudRate = 115200,                // Bits per second
                        DataBits = 8,                     // Data bits
                        Parity = Parity.None,             // Bit parity
                        DtrEnable = false,                // Some boards need to send this to enabled                                    


            // Set up Command enumerators
            var command = DefineCommands();

            // Initialize tests
            InitializeTests(teensy31, command);

            // Open log file for testing 
            // Run tests


        private static Enumerator DefineCommands()
            var command = new Enumerator();
            // Set up default commands
                    "CommError", // Command reports serial port comm error (only works for some comm errors)
                    "kComment", // Command to sent comment in argument
            return command;

        private void InitializeTests(systemSettings systemSettings, Enumerator command)
            _setupConnection   = new SetupConnection(systemSettings, command);
            _acknowledge       = new Acknowledge(systemSettings, command);
            _clearTextData     = new ClearTextData(systemSettings, command);
            _binaryTextData    = new BinaryTextData(systemSettings, command);
            _multipleArguments = new MultipleArguments(systemSettings, command);
            _transferSpeed     = new TransferSpeed(systemSettings, command);


        private void RunTests()
            // Test opening and closing connection
            // Test acknowledgment both on PC side and embedded side

            // Test all plain text formats

            // Test all binary formats
            // Test sending multiple arguments

            // Test large series for completeness (2-way)
            // todo
            // Test speed

            // Test load
            // todo
            // Test Strategies
            // todo
            // Summary of tests

            // Exit application

        public void exit()
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop...");
